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23 - Don't know what direction to take in life 23 - Don't know what direction to take in life

03-27-2008 , 04:02 PM
Hi all, I'm soon to be 24 and have been going to college for 6 years. I have no degree, just about 80 credits at a university. I pretty much have all my prerequisites taken care of but have really not taken many classes toward one specific subject. I've jumped around a lot as you might have guessed. I've majored in communications and psychology. I found that both communications and psychology are both bs degrees and I probably wouldn't even be able to get a job (or a job thats worthwhile) with those degrees.

So, last year I decided I'd go to school to get certified as a Pharmacy Technician. It takes less than a year and I figured it might be a nice change of pace. I just finishing that up now. I don't mind the work but I'm just finding out that the pay can start as low as $8.50/hr. Obviously this has really disappointed me and I don't know where I should go from here. I don't want to go to school forever. I want to be able to move out of my parents house and get a job. I feel like I'm wandering around at school with no goal and not knowing what I want to do or where I want to end up.

I've always felt like I've had no direction in school and although my parents have been very supportive as far as paying for my schooling, they don't know any more than I do as far as what to go to school for. I want to take advantage of the fact that I can get my schooling paid for but I have no idea or goal of what I want to do. I am pretty much open to any ideas right now. My goal is to be able to move out of my parents house and support myself and start my life. The longer I have to live with my parents it seems I am becoming more and more depressed. I don't have any major problems with my parents but I want to be able to start my own life and have my own privacy. I want to either find a college program/trade school/anything that interests me to get schooling for, or get some other type of job that doesn't require a degree/college.

As far as my abilities, I am pretty bad at math, but most other subjects I do well in. My difficulty in math seems to have been a stumbling block for me as I went through college. I enjoy computers, although not in a programming sense. I like to think that I have a good eye for design, although I'm a horrible drawer. So yeah, I'm pretty much open to anything at this point. Any suggestions as to majors, jobs etc that pay decent I would greatly appreciate. I'm sure there are things out there that pay well and are in demand that I'm not aware of. /rant
03-27-2008 , 05:56 PM
I've always felt like I've had no direction in school and although my parents have been very supportive as far as paying for my schooling, they don't know any more than I do as far as what to go to school for.

well maybe when you stop relying on mommy and daddy for answers, financial support, etc. then you will become a man and figure some things out.
03-27-2008 , 05:59 PM
I found that both communications and psychology are both bs degrees and I probably wouldn't even be able to get a job (or a job thats worthwhile) with those degrees.

So, last year I decided I'd go to school to get certified as a Pharmacy Technician....I don't mind the work but I'm just finding out that the pay can start as low as $8.50/hr.

How bout you do some ****ing research next time you point your make a life decision?
03-27-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
well maybe when you stop relying on mommy and daddy for answers, financial support, etc. then you will become a man and figure some things out.
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
How bout you do some ****ing research next time you point your make a life decision?
do you really think these are helpful responses? please stop posting in this thread

OP it really comes down to asking yourself what you like to do, what things you do that make you happiest

you havent given me much to go on, but based on enjoying computers and having an eye for design, give web design a try. the programming is not very difficult, and is easy to catch on quickly.

if you could tell me more of your interests id like to try and give you more ideas
03-27-2008 , 06:40 PM
Noah was just being blunt and I have to agree with him. OP needs a reality check and it's about time he stood on his own 2 feet and made some decisions for himself.

I agree that web-design sounds about right, be sure to check the average salary etc LDO, just incase you make the same mistake again.

GL with it.
03-27-2008 , 06:50 PM

Dude comes whining that he doesn't know what to do with his life at age 23, which puts him in company with like 90% of the people who post on this site. then he tells us that he likes some things, but sucks at them.

he even ends his post with "/rant" because thats exactly what it is. a rant. BBV4L is over there. what does he expect to happen with that post? Oh hey, you should look into program X and become a Y, would be perfect for you! He didn't even provide enough info for people to even take a stab at it. He tells us that he is "pretty bad at math" but does well in other subjects. That pretty much describes ****ing everyone.

Dude is in his 6th year of college and doesn't know what he wants to do. Maybe if he listed the specific courses he liked, the activities he was involved in, or maybe presented us with job potential fields for comment, then we could help.

This guy's poor parents are paying all this money so that he can be wishy-washy, but I can't feel all bad for them because they are just enabling him to keep up with this lifestyle of being a career student. Time to get a job in the real world, move out, and figure **** out on your own.
03-27-2008 , 07:45 PM
Dude 6 years of college??????????????? Really? That's just pathetic and, I'm sorry to say, a pretty reliable indicator of stupidity, laziness, or both.
03-27-2008 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Dude 6 years of college??????????????? Really? That's just pathetic and, I'm sorry to say, a pretty reliable indicator of stupidity, laziness, or both.
not really.

i'm about to graduate after 7.5 years of ugrad studies. the first 3.5 years were as a violin performance major. i dropped out because i realized that i didn't want to do it anymore...20 years of playing the violin were enough.

the past four years have been as a finance major. i'm about to graduate with honors and an econ minor. i am neither stupid nor has just taken me a while to figure out what to do with my life.

i guess i should add that it took me another four years to get my finance degree b/c no credits transferred...violin and business were just too different for any of my previous classes to be applicable.
03-27-2008 , 08:54 PM
you need to go to college to play the violin?
03-27-2008 , 09:00 PM
how can you possibly criticize someone for not knowing what they want to do? just because you found out what you wanted does not make it that easy for everyone else

im all for talking sht to people when it doesnt make a difference, but you have absolutely nothing to gain by being a douche, if you dont wanna help him then you dont need to post in this thread. if you wanna give criticism, then at least do it constructively
03-27-2008 , 09:00 PM
you don't have to but there are music performance programs all over the place. For instance, at the Juilliard.
03-27-2008 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by SMIGLET
how can you possibly criticize someone for not knowing what they want to do? just because you found out what you wanted does not make it that easy for everyone else

im all for talking sht to people when it doesnt make a difference, but you have absolutely nothing to gain by being a douche, if you dont wanna help him then you dont need to post in this thread. if you wanna give criticism, then at least do it constructively
No? I think I'll do whatever I want.

Of course people are entitled to not know what they want to do with their life, but things like "they don't know any more than I do as far as what to go to school for" just completely make the OP sound like he is dependent on others to make decisions for him and coming here is just another step in that reliance on others. Well, I'm saying no. I'm saying that he should decide for himself.

In the alternative, if we are going to help guide him, he needs to provide a hell of a lot more information than generalities that apply to 90% of people his age.

Also, who enters a field of study without even considering wtf they want to do with it? This guy basically said "psychology is cool" and then after pursuing that realized it didn't provide the jobs he wanted. Instead of learning from that misstep, he did the same thing TWO more times, pursuing fields of study without any sort of endgame in mind. His parents paying for everything just makes the problems worse, because there aren't any consequences for his slacking. He just keeps wandering around from this major to that, without any real determination to figure **** out.
03-27-2008 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by SMIGLET
how can you possibly criticize someone for not knowing what they want to do? just because you found out what you wanted does not make it that easy for everyone else

im all for talking sht to people when it doesnt make a difference, but you have absolutely nothing to gain by being a douche, if you dont wanna help him then you dont need to post in this thread. if you wanna give criticism, then at least do it constructively
Actually I think Noah's post were perfect. Given the tone of the OP it sounds like this guy needs an entire mentallity change. Noah's posts were harsh but at least they might light a fire under OP's ass to take some accountability for the direction his life is taking.
03-27-2008 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
No? I think I'll do whatever I want.

Of course people are entitled to not know what they want to do with their life, but things like "they don't know any more than I do as far as what to go to school for" just completely make the OP sound like he is dependent on others to make decisions for him and coming here is just another step in that reliance on others. Well, I'm saying no. I'm saying that he should decide for himself.

In the alternative, if we are going to help guide him, he needs to provide a hell of a lot more information than generalities that apply to 90% of people his age.

Also, who enters a field of study without even considering wtf they want to do with it? This guy basically said "psychology is cool" and then after pursuing that realized it didn't provide the jobs he wanted. Instead of learning from that misstep, he did the same thing TWO more times, pursuing fields of study without any sort of endgame in mind. His parents paying for everything just makes the problems worse, because there aren't any consequences for his slacking. He just keeps wandering around from this major to that, without any real determination to figure **** out.
now that is constructive criticism
03-27-2008 , 09:15 PM
and we all know that OP is gonna check back in on this thread, skim through it, think "hmm. web design sounds good, maybe i'll try that."
03-27-2008 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
Also, who enters a field of study without even considering wtf they want to do with it?
how else are you going to find something you like if no major interests you that much?

FWIW im pretty similar to the OP but im only 20 and a sophomore at a CC, and my classes have been 100% general
03-27-2008 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
and we all know that OP is gonna check back in on this thread, skim through it, think "hmm. web design sounds good, maybe i'll try that." seriously should just stop posting in this thread
03-28-2008 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Dude 6 years of college??????????????? Really? That's just pathetic and, I'm sorry to say, a pretty reliable indicator of stupidity, laziness, or both.
ur way off here bro, its gonna take me 7 years. 3 years in engineering followed by a semester by semester structured 5 year program that I am finishing in 4.
03-28-2008 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by ghostface
ur way off here bro, its gonna take me 7 years. 3 years in engineering followed by a semester by semester structured 5 year program that I am finishing in 4.
That's called graduate school.
03-28-2008 , 02:48 AM
i wonder if op will even see my first post
03-28-2008 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
well maybe when you stop relying on mommy and daddy for answers, financial support, etc. then you will become a man and figure some things out.

If this were your cash you were wasting and had the responsibilities a 23 year old should have, you would gain the maturity to figure these things out on your own.

Additionally, given your situation, saying Psychology or Communications are "bs" makes you an idiot. If you aren't interested in them, that's fine, but you would have been way better off finishing either of those degrees, or ANY degree, and trying to do some graduate work after undergrad than your current situation. At the very least you'd be able to start off somewhere making enough to support yourself and stop draining on your parents, and it would open doors to other opportunities that aren't available to you currently.

I could be wrong though, getting trained for a year in order to make fifty cents more than a 16 year old at burger king sounds pretty sweet too.
03-28-2008 , 03:32 AM
sad to say op is no longer with us. RIP

he has read this whole thread and now feels even more ****ty. doubt it positively affected him. oh well.
03-28-2008 , 04:24 AM
Thanks to those who gave some positive input. I should have known I'd get torn apart. I'll admit I am lazy, and it was my fault that I didn't research the pharmacy job more. That wasn't the point of my post, I was mainly just looking for some suggestions on jobs or what other people my age are doing. I guess it was more of a rant than anything. If mods want to delete or lock it feel free to do so.
03-28-2008 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Corpsebean
Additionally, given your situation, saying Psychology or Communications are "bs" makes you an idiot. If you aren't interested in them, that's fine, but you would have been way better off finishing either of those degrees, or ANY degree, and trying to do some graduate work after undergrad than your current situation.
I shouldn't have said it like that, I apologize. Poor choice of words, but let me just explain why I said that. I knew somebody who got a Communications degree from the same university I went to who moved to two states trying to find jobs and came up empty. I also was told by two university counselors that I wouldn't be able to get a job with a Psyc major that pays much more than 20k a year.
03-28-2008 , 05:11 AM
Also, Noah, although your first post came across as just ripping on me, I understand what you have to say. My parents paying for college does affect my attitude and/or work ethic at times. I realize that and I want to make the money they are paying worthwhile. I don't want them to pay for me to just go around in circles. I am a good student and get decent grades, I just don't want to blindly go into a major without knowing why I'm going into it. This is why I've been back and forth so much. I pretty much just graduated high school and my parents and HS counselor just put me into college with communications as my major. I think it matched a career study quiz that I had completed in HS and my counselor told me thats what I should do. I've never been one of those people who wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, firefighter, etc since I was little. So, since I didn't know what to do I just took communications as my major. I definitely wasn't prepared for college upon graduating high school. It wasn't until around 3 years later that I realized that the communications major wasn't for me.

The pharmacy job came about because I was in the hospital twice in a 2 month span with kidney stones. I thought I might like working in the health field and found the pharmacy technician training program at a community college. The pay was advertised a little higher than I am now hearing it really is. Yeah, it was my fault I didn't look into it more, but it was mainly because I was excited about it and didn't know what else I would do if I didn't take the program.
