WSOP NL Deuce to Seven lowball $1500 June 16th
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,075
Just looked at the structure sheet - and it has END ADD ON PERIOD after level 4 but doesn't mention an add-on anywhere else on the sheet? Is this an add-on event? If so, does anyone have specific info on this?
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 77
my guess is that you start with 1500 in chips and 2 tokens that are worth 1500 chips a piece. tokens can be redeemed at any time and is automatically taken at end of add on
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 2,593
I don't have specific knowledge about this event, but there have been a few errors in structure sheets where someone was editing/updated for this year's info but neglected to delete items like this.
If this is just an orphan artifact but there are no add-ons described anywhere else in the structure or event description, there's a good chance it's just an mistake. Chances of this go up if there were add-ons for this event last year.