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WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011

01-14-2011 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by ktw1021
Best Bar is right in the middle of the new Casino High Limit area, I think its called the High Limit Lounge. Good place to watch the NFL playoffs this weekend.

I too have made the walk to Sports City, its a really cool locals sports bar place. Walking is negative EV= mud, snow, ice etc.

I will be back for ME.

GL to all up there
Nice meeting you and thanks for answering my questions. See you at the main.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-14-2011 , 09:13 PM
bigtex, i saw you twice on the shuttle to the microtel!
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-14-2011 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
bigtex, i saw you twice on the shuttle to the microtel!
Guess I saw you too just didn't know who you were. Hope I was nice to you and if I was cussing a certain dealer don't tell him oh go ahead he knows I was anyway.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-14-2011 , 09:41 PM
When I started this thread I said the WSOPC had about the best tourney structures around as far as giving the player plenty of time to play poker. I want to thank everyone that has played and especially the ones who told me they only came to Choctaw because of my recommendation. I hope you have not been disappointed. We still have a lot of poker to play so if you are on the fence get off it and get here and play. DFW area has never seen events this player friendly and won't until Choctaw puts on another event and you can bet I'll be driving from Tunica for it. I get a great tourney structure, one of the best TDs around, a large field and get to see family in Ft Worth. Now if I can just get my cards to hold up and quit making stupid mistakes.

Last edited by bigtex21; 01-14-2011 at 09:46 PM.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by bigtex21
When I started this thread I said the WSOPC had about the best tourney structures around as far as giving the player plenty of time to play poker. I want to thank everyone that has played and especially the ones who told me they only came to Choctaw because of my recommendation. I hope you have not been disappointed. We still have a lot of poker to play so if you are on the fence get off it and get here and play. DFW area has never seen events this player friendly and won't until Choctaw puts on another event and you can bet I'll be driving from Tunica for it. I get a great tourney structure, one of the best TDs around, a large field and get to see family in Ft Worth. Now if I can just get my cards to hold up and quit making stupid mistakes.
Big Tex is right, this has been a great series and with any series that has drawn the crowds this one has drawn there will be a few things that maybe didn't go great but so far this has exceeded expectations. So if you're wondering if you should play, get to Choctaw and get in a game. You will not be disappointed.

Good luck to everyone!
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-14-2011 , 11:45 PM
last night you were kinda bummed, today you were friendly.

and you're right, you and jimmy are the reason my friend and i chose this over beau rivage. i'll probably be back next year although only for the first or last weekend.

one complaint about microtel is that its right next to train tracks, they rattle the room when they go by and seem to do so almost hourly with their horns on full blast
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
last night you were kinda bummed, today you were friendly.

and you're right, you and jimmy are the reason my friend and i chose this over beau rivage. i'll probably be back next year although only for the first or last weekend.

one complaint about microtel is that its right next to train tracks, they rattle the room when they go by and seem to do so almost hourly with their horns on full blast
Sorry about last night but I'm sure you have been there to. Don't make that probably come back with these structures, fields and Microtel's weekly rate it can't be beat. Johnny runs a great event but it just can't match Choctaw. I put the AC/heat unit on fan only and this seemed to maintain the room temp but made enough steady noise to cover the train noise and let me sleep soundly.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
last night you were kinda bummed, today you were friendly.

and you're right, you and jimmy are the reason my friend and i chose this over beau rivage. i'll probably be back next year although only for the first or last weekend.

one complaint about microtel is that its right next to train tracks, they rattle the room when they go by and seem to do so almost hourly with their horns on full blast
I have been saying this the entire time. It seems like every hour that whistle just rattles me right out of bed. I now call the Microtel the train station.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Stein
I have been saying this the entire time. It seems like every hour that whistle just rattles me right out of bed. I now call the Microtel the train station.
I can give you some of my Vicadin and you will sleep like a baby of course you might miss the noon tourney but that would give me one less good player to get past.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:18 AM
Big Tex,
What's your opinion?

Which satellite tourney is better?

The super satellite with rebuys ($70 + $5 deal appreciation + $50 rebuy + double add on $100 = $225) (30 seats guaranteed)

Or the $235 mega satellites?

I have two $50 vouchers for the super sat and I was wondering if Jimmy would let me apply them to the $235 mega instead.

Any thoughts?

Which tourney is easier to make it through for a main event seat?
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by bigtex21
Sorry about last night but I'm sure you have been there to. Don't make that probably come back with these structures, fields and Microtel's weekly rate it can't be beat. Johnny runs a great event but it just can't match Choctaw. I put the AC/heat unit on fan only and this seemed to maintain the room temp but made enough steady noise to cover the train noise and let me sleep soundly.
oh no problem, we figured that was what up. if this place were closer to dallas or any other major city, i probably wouldn't have minded, but there is nothing to do around here, which sucks when you're here for 10 days in a row.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
oh no problem, we figured that was what up. if this place were closer to dallas or any other major city, i probably wouldn't have minded, but there is nothing to do around here, which sucks when you're here for 10 days in a row.
I'll make a deal with you come back next year and during some off days if you need transportation you can ride to DFW with me, I'll drop you off at a motel there and you can either rent a car or cab around to party then you can ride back to Choctaw with me. I go there to visit family.

Last edited by bigtex21; 01-15-2011 at 01:59 AM.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:49 AM
14 left inda $200r....
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by 1-secret-1
Big Tex,
What's your opinion?

Which satellite tourney is better?

The super satellite with rebuys ($70 + $5 deal appreciation + $50 rebuy + double add on $100 = $225) (30 seats guaranteed)

Or the $235 mega satellites?

I have two $50 vouchers for the super sat and I was wondering if Jimmy would let me apply them to the $235 mega instead.

Any thoughts
Which tourney is easier to make it through for a main event seat?
I'm not big Tex, but the megas are going to be the most EV IMO, I think the rebuy is really gonna cater to the bigger brs and the horses lookin to win seats to sell, I am gonna do the fri night mega and if those vouchers are not interchangeable then I will buy them off of you, I think the biggest EV would be rolling 3 of the 180s and hopefully scoring one- post what you hear, cause I could stand to gain some more info on the matter as well-
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by 1-secret-1
Big Tex,
What's your opinion?

Which satellite tourney is better?

The super satellite with rebuys ($70 + $5 deal appreciation + $50 rebuy + double add on $100 = $225) (30 seats guaranteed)

Or the $235 mega satellites?

I have two $50 vouchers for the super sat and I was wondering if Jimmy would let me apply them to the $235 mega instead

Which tourney is easier to make it through for a main event seat?
IMO If I were you I would play in the $235 as it has 30 minute levels instead of 20 and this more than makes up for the difference of 1 k less starting chips. But why not play both if you a seat in the $235 and one in the $70 you would be paid cash for the $70 win since you have already won a seat. But if you sell a voucher I am in the market for 2.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 02:54 AM
Oh forgot to say that the vouchers can not be transferred to another tourney.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 03:38 AM
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 04:25 AM
Heading down today for 500 nl, 300 horse etc. Room status update please?
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Heading down today for 500 nl, 300 horse etc. Room status update please?
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 05:09 AM
Microtel is out based on the noise reports
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Microtel is out based on the noise reports
Allen I'm staying at microtel and the noise is not that bad or I would have moved to the casino hotel. I've got an extra bed if you can't find one.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by bigtex21
IMO If I were you I would play in the $235 as it has 30 minute levels instead of 20 and this more than makes up for the difference of 1 k less starting chips. But why not play both if you a seat in the $235 and one in the $70 you would be paid cash for the $70 win since you have already won a seat. But if you sell a voucher I am in the market for 2.
I have a slightly different take on this. If you wait until about 5 minutes left to buy into level 4, the rebuy period, and then do the add on in the super, you can avoid all the early rebuy nonsense and head into level 5 with 35 bigs. You spend the same amount in the mega and start the tourney with 60 bigs, but if you don't grow your stack in level 1, you are at 30 bigs at level 2. I would take my chances with 35 bigs heading into level 5 with the rebuy and add on period being over and a lot of the clutter already out of your way.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:08 PM
big bunch of fail yesterday, but today is a new day. playing the 555, come say hi, i need a haircut, have a goatee and wearing jeans annd a gray/black striped button down shirt. good luck all 2p2 in the 555 and to indariva in the FT of the 200r
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by indariva
What does 1st get in the rebuy? How many people ended up registering?
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
01-15-2011 , 01:51 PM
How late can we reg today? 2 of us on our way.
WSOP Circuit Event @ Choctaw Casino - January 6-25, 2011 Quote
