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What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s?

07-09-2009 , 02:14 PM
obviously, these results will be skewed by who ran good in the big tournaments so a better way would to be to just look at placing and not money won. who has the highest averaging placing in terms of entrants+their place... any data on this? who do you think is #1?
What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? Quote
07-09-2009 , 02:19 PM
What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? Quote
07-09-2009 , 02:27 PM
discussed loads of times

What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? Quote
07-09-2009 , 02:30 PM
It's hard to know, because there's only databases of player's results in tournaments, not tournaments entered.
What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? Quote
07-09-2009 , 05:24 PM
there are alot of problems with lifetime ROIs

a. first there is no accurate record of number of tourneys entered. some of the tv type pros would probably inflate their figure a bit.

b. its doubtful anyone has played a meaningfull sample size. you might know your a long run winner but getting anything close to an accurate ROI not really possible.

c. even moreso than online running well in the big events is going to determine alot of your ROI. Jerry Yang or Peter Eastgate might be number 1 in career ROI because they have not played that many tourneys.
What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? Quote
07-10-2009 , 11:54 AM
Peter Eastgate-35473095%
What are some pros career tournament ROI #'s? Quote
