United Poker Series opens a new season. The first stop is the UPS Sharm, where we have not been for 4 years.
In May 2009 the poker talents of Russia and the near abroad-set off on their first oversea tour by the Red Sea. And in December 2010 Russian department of PokerStars create one of the last stages of RPS series in Sinai Grand Casino.
The history moves in spirals and again we go to Egypt! As previously together with the amateur poker players of Italy, which after a long separation come back to them favourite resort. After a long winter here is nothing like going to the sun, the sea and the poker.
Clear your mind of doubts and go with us to the UPS Sharm!
You have ten amazing days in front of you in an beautiful location and great company! And let it be like five years ago, when the neighbours at the table after a week of impetuous “rush-asked” each other with a smile on the faces, "Tell me, have you seen the sea here?»
The first season of the UPS is left behind. Three events - in Tbilisi (May), Burgas (July) and Azov City (November) - flew as one day, having left the players a lot of impressions and having raised the bar oft the series. In Georgia, the UPS only tried a new away model, nevertheless brought together more than 200 participants. Bulgaria strengthened the international face of a series. The final lap which became the first official tournament in Russia since 2010 broke all records of attendance and we hope became a harbinger of the poker boom…
The UPS enters the second season with new hopes and new plans!
In the summer representatives from more than 20 countries - Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, and even from far Norway gather on the series in Burgas. In Sharm this achievement must be beaten. Already now the players from Bulgaria, France, Spain, Poland have confirmed their participation.They will come with our partners from Crystal Crown Casino. There will arrive the big group of Italians, many of which competed against us five years ago. Lebanese with Cypriots will pull up roots. They will be led by Dmitry Lesnoy, who have paved the way to the Sinai a long time ago.
In ten days of the Egyptian stage of the UPS, you have an opportunity to try all types of poker. Except two main events – Pharaoh’s Poker Cup Main Event and UPS Main Event - such tournaments as Deep Stacks, Knockouts, Bounty and even hyper-turbo will take place. You will be able to play on long and short tables, to check yourself in all kinds of Poker - Hold’em, Omaha, Chinese…
The guaranteed prize pool of the UPS SHARM - €250,000!
During the UPS SHARM one- and two-table turbo freezeout will go every day, as well as many satellites at any tournament series. As usual there will be unplanned tournaments in the schedule of the UPS. During the series not less than ten cache tables will be open - any game of your choice, blinds from €1/€2 and above.
In Sinai Grand Casino - the largest certainly the most popular casino of the southern Sinai you won’t be bored. It is not only roulette, blackjack , slots and poker club "Pharaohs", but also different nightclubs, several cinemas, Spa centres, swimming pools with fresh or salt water. It is the real entertaining paradise in which you can stay all day and night long.
Casino is located settles down in Sonesta Beach Resort Hotel, in the heart of Naama Bay Embankment surrounded by beautiful and manicured park. Archways, Arab domes and the whole architecture implemented in the same style. It is worth adding, the road from the main airport of Sharm el-Sheikh to the gates of the hotel takes no more 10 minutes.
Sea and air temperature in Egypt in February, is almost invariable for many years now: +25 on land and +23 at water. So even tan for the ten days series is practically guaranteed to you. And if you prefer to spend time at a poker table, - it is guaranteed to your relatives. After all, going to the UPS Sharm alone is a real crime that your wives, girlfriends and children will not forgive!
For fans of sports lifestyle Sonesta Beach Resort offers fitness club, sweat bath, sauna, jacuzzi, massage. On the beach there are plenty of sports grounds - for tennis, golf, football, volleyball... If you want, you can even go water skiing.
Or you can contend in a soccer tournament for prizes from the UPS organizers.
All tournaments of the UPS Sharm series are unified - they will take place in a format of a freezeout with possibility of a re-entry. Important: at re-entry rake is not charged from the players.
Stars Bounty
Warm-up tournament and music to the ears of mere mortals who can not only knock each other, but also get an extra bonus for sending to rest one of the UPS stars. Names of the bounty boys will be announced just before the start of the tournament. The only event in which you can not go twice.
Pharaoh’s Cup Main Event
The most expensive and representative tournament of еру series which will battle for € 150,000.As players requested the duration of levels has been increased, as well as the depth of the stack - as a result you have four days of intensive struggle ahead of you (for 75 minutes in the first two days, and 90 - in the final two) with a smooth structure and the complete final table.
Estimated number of satellites, who will be selected through the internet, in live satellites, as well as directly in Egypt - is 45-60 people. The question whether the tournament will beat the guarantee, it is not actual; as usual, there will be many disputes and a bets around the total number of participants. It is expected that they will be not less than 200 in Pharaoh’s Cup Main Event.
It should be mentioned, than Russian player has never won Main Event Series in Egypt.In Red Sea Poker Cup (2009) the victory remained for Nadezhda Gundorina from Belarus, and in RPS (2010) an impressive German Friedrich Dollenz was the leader. Who will become the first this time?
Mini-UPS Event
The tournament-all around where everything is possible! In each of three starting days, players will have 10,000 chips at the start, and in any of the six 25-minutes levels you can do re-entry. The game can be started in any of the starting days 1A, 1B, 1C or play three times in a row , and then before the 2nd day of your stacks are summarised.
If you prefer night swimming to the poker or you will be busy in the Pharaoh’s Cup Main Event, then you have the opportunity to solve the problem with a stack in one fell swoop - start the game on the 2nd day - right away with 50,000 chips (though it will cost more expensive - €440 instead of €110). You can examine all the peculiarities of playing Mini UPS taking part in series in "Oracle" in Azov City.
Open Face Chinese Pineapple
In the UPS Oracul this tournament has become one of the most exciting;each and all professionals wanted take part in it. It was expected to become«a Gipsy challenge». Sergey Rybachenko didn't arrive on the series, but he was brilliantly replaced by Bulat Bikmetov who left all rivals out of business. The question is whether anyone dare to challenge him?
Participants will have the Olympic system. And, as it became clear in Azov city, Chinese “Pineapple” matches can be played not only by two, but even by three players.
UPS Main Event
Initially the series was to begin with the main event, but then was moved «for dessert». Judging by the chaos in «Oracle», two starting days are enough for the Main. During these days you can operate a stack of 30,000 chips (levels for 45 minutes). On the third day the streams will merge, there will be the last chance to join in fight for €50,000.
Estimated number of satellites is 60-75 people. At least one participant of Main Event is already known. This is the hero of UPS Oracul Nikolay Fall who won his ticket to Egypt in the last tournament of the series and deserved by his play.
The final day will be shown on the television. It won’t be possible to see the cards of the players, but one will be able to observe the development of the plot live on the site.
Ladies Event
As usual we will witness the tournament for beautiful ladies. At this time prizes will be not monetary rewards, but a heap of phones and tablets from Apple. To become the owner of iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus or iPad Mini, it will be necessary to reach, at least, a final table. For the sake of such gadgets tan can wait for a day.
Mix Event NLH+PLO
The participants of «Mix» appeared to be one of the strongest on the previous series. It is unlikely to be different in Egypt. Omaha half with Hold'em - yeah, what could be more exciting? Levels are longer, the structure is deeper. In case game ran over, transfer of the final table is possible. It is possible that there will be a place for a mixed tournament in the schedule (there it will all depend on your desire).
6-max Event
The final tournament of the series for the most resistant. For someone the game on the short tables with a short stack will be similar to a roulette, someone will try to restore the status quo and to knock out €10,000 jackpot in the end of the series. Anyway, the UPS Sinai would be fun to end, and the final table 6-max will gradually turn into the party!
At the UPS Sinai there will be a special area for the Cash Game where not less than ten cache tables will be open for you. Any game of your choice - Hold’em, Omaha and Dealer choice with blinds from €1/2 to €10/€20. There is no upper limit!
The maximum number of players at the tables during the series - 8 persons; available tables heads-up. By agreement with the organizers it is possible to arrange a closed game.
It is possible to get on the UPS Sharm, having broken through the satellites on LotosPoker. For all comers - popular multistage system of qualifying tournaments.
Freeroll (every day at 12.00). Guarantee - 4 tickets in Step 1.
Step 1 - $1,1 (every two hours). Guarantee - 1 ticket in Step 2.
Step 2 - $6,6(at 17.00 an 22.00). Guarantee - 2 tickets in Step 3.
Step 3 - $30(at23.30). Guarantee - 1 ticket to the UPS Qualifier.
UPS Qualifier - $108 (18 and 25 January at 21:00). Guarantee - 10 packages (5 in each tournament) for the participation at the UPS Sharm.
Lotos Poker provides winners of the satellites with $1,100to buy the buy- in the UPS Main Event (€550) plus $400 for travel and accommodation. As usual the formula - one ticket per person.
Last edited by Eugeny74; 01-14-2015 at 02:41 AM.