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Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys?

01-16-2008 , 01:28 PM
I'm hoping to take a trip to Vegas in February and noticed that the Venetian is running a deep stack series.

What kind of fields do these draw? Does it attract more pros than avg because of the length? Larger fields than average?

How much different is it from their regular tournaments? It looks like their standard noon tourney gets you 4500 chips for $170 total, with 30 minute levels, and blinds starting at 25/50 (90BB). For the Deep Stack NLHE, its either 6000 chips for $340 or 10000 chips for $550, depending on the day. Is the structure the same? It doesn't seem that much different for the $340 (120BB if same structure).

I also noticed that these are 2-day tourneys. Is this because of a larger field or longer structure?

Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 01:51 PM
Lasy year they had really strong turnout. It was not unusual for them to have all the tables filled (I forget how many something like 45 as they set up extra tables outside the room) with waiting lists for alternates.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 02:29 PM
It looks like I was going off the wrong info. The standard noon tourney Sun-Fri is $150 for 7500 in chips. The evening tourney is $170 for 4500 in chips. So I don't see how the $340 for 6000 chips is a good deal for the "Deep Stack Extravaganza". I get less chips for more $, but with a much bigger field. I don't get it.

If I decide to play this, how early do you have to register for the noon start times? Does anyone know when they started the alternate list last year?

Thanks for the info.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 02:33 PM
Different question: Do they still run 1/2NL during the DS series, or do they just spread the higher games?
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 02:38 PM
if i remember right u could register for the next days event after 6pm the prior day. i could be wrong, i made the mistake of showing up the day of the tourny i wanted to play an hour before the start and there were already 40 alternates and a nice size line of more alternates to be. if you know your playing on saturday i would recommend stopping in friday night and getting your seat paid for. the week i was there the events had maxed every day. of course this was wsop last summer when every poker player in the world was out there. venetian is a great room to play in!
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 02:43 PM
They spread whatever they can, last year though they had to wait until the tourney starte dto breakdown because all the tables were often in use for the tourney.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 02:58 PM
last year If I remeber right they used the daily structure they just had 40min blinds for the 300 bi and like 50 min or 1 hr levels for the 500+ bi not sure if it is the same it is a great stucture toward the end the stacks get really short because they have a high ante structure. the fields were in the 400-600 range if I rember right I belive the one I plaed in 500 bi on a fri during the wsop was just under 600 people
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 03:06 PM
Thanks to all for the great information.

I'll be there midweek, so probably less of a problem to register day of for the Wed tourney, but I'll keep it in mind if I decide I really want to play. With that size of a field, it would be a nice payday to reach the final table. Might be fun to give it a try.

I wanted to play some 1/2 NL at the Venetian, since it sounds like a great room, but I'll have to time it around the tourneys, so they have some tables available.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Lasy year they had really strong turnout. It was not unusual for them to have all the tables filled (I forget how many something like 45 as they set up extra tables outside the room) with waiting lists for alternates.
Last year it was held during the Series, so fields will probably be smaller this time.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Last year it was held during the Series, so fields will probably be smaller this time.
No last year they held two events, the first was in February and March and coincided with the WYNN Classic. The second was during the series.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
No last year they held two events, the first was in February and March and coincided with the WYNN Classic. The second was during the series.
Speaking of the Wynn Classic... I just got my Wynn Classic info in the mail last week. Feb 26th - Mid March. They should have a good turnout as well. I had a bunch of buddies play the V DS last year and liked the structure and all of the events had good turnout.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:28 PM
They will be holding another DS series the first week of the WSOP again this year. This is an email a friend got from the V.


The Deep Stack Starts May 29th and runs through July 16th. We have not
been approved for the room block as of now but I do not see any reason
why we would not have special rates for this time period. Also if the
person you are sharing the room with is registered to the room then you
could combine the hours.

Thank you,

Timothy Mix
Tournament Director | Poker
Phone: 702.414-7652| Cell: 702.498-6179

Prelim info about Venetian's deepstack during the WSOP:
Thu 5/29/2008 Employee $330
Fri 5/30/2008 No-Limit 540
Sat 5/31/2008 No-Limit 540
Sun 6/1/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 6/2/2008 No-Limit 540
Tue 6/3/2008 No-Limit 330
Wed 6/4/2008 No-Limit 330
Thu 6/5/2008 Omaha 8/B 540
Fri 6/6/2008 No-Limit 540
Sat 6/7/2008 No-Limit 540
Sun 6/8/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 6/9/2008 No-Limit 540
Tue 6/10/2008 No-Limit 540
Wed 6/11/2008 No-Limit 330
Thu 6/12/2008 No-Limit 330
Fri 6/13/2008 No-Limit 540
Sat 6/14/2008 H.O.R.S.E 540
Sun 6/15/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 6/16/2008 No-Limit 540
Tue 6/17/2008
Wed 6/18/2008 No-Limit 540
Thu 6/19/2008 No-Limit 330
Fri 6/20/2008 No-Limit 540
Sat 6/21/2008 No-Limit 540
Sun 6/22/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 6/23/2008 No-Limit 540
Tue 6/24/2008 No-Limit 330
Wed 6/25/2008 No-Limit 330
Thu 6/26/2008 No-Limit 540
Fri 6/27/2008 No-Limit 540
Sat 6/28/2008 No-Limit
Sun 6/29/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 6/30/2008 No-Limit 1060
Tue 7/1/2008 No-Limit 1060
Wed 7/2/2008 No-Limit 1060
Thu 7/3/2008 No-Limit 1060
Fri 7/4/2008 No-Limit 1060
Sat 7/5/2008 No-Limit 1060
Sun 7/6/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 7/7/2008 No-Limit 1060
Tue 7/8/2008 No-Limit 1060
Wed 7/9/2008 No-Limit 1060
Thu 7/10/2008 No-Limit 1060
Fri 7/11/2008 No-Limit 1060
Sat 7/12/2008 No-Limit 1060
Sun 7/13/2008 No-Limit 1060
Mon 7/14/2008 No-Limit 1060
Tue 7/15/2008 No-Limit 1060
Wed 7/16/2008 No-Limit 1060
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
No last year they held two events, the first was in February and March and coincided with the WYNN Classic. The second was during the series.
So has anyone inquired or heard anything as to if they are planning on having this during the 08 WSOP??
After hearing about how successful this was last year I would think it would be a no brainer!
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by PorkchopDJG
So has anyone inquired or heard anything as to if they are planning on having this during the 08 WSOP??
After hearing about how successful this was last year I would think it would be a no brainer!
don't mean to be a ass but see post above u
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 05:28 PM
Very sad to see they are going to $1000 buy-ins during the last part of the deep stack in July and the Omaha and mix are now $500.
The $300 and $500 was such a great price for all.
I guess changing something that was so great makes sense
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by bigeasy59
don't mean to be a ass but see post above u
Nice observation sir.
We posted at the same time.

I also wanted to know if these tourneys are 1 or 2 day events.
I think I heard that they play down to the final table (8-10 players?) and then you come back the next day to play out the final table.
Is that true and if so what time the next day does the final table start?
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 06:44 PM
They play until 2AM or the final table whatever comes first. From what I saw in June that usually means the final 2-4 tables. I am hoping to improve on my two 12th places finishes in June (thinly veiled brag lol).
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 08:27 PM
Surprised that this got moved from the B&M forum. It was getting good discussion there. Also, the FAQ says that the Tourney Circuit forum is for tourneys with at least 1 event with >$5000 buyin, while the Venetian Deepstack maxes out at $2600. Oh well.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-16-2008 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by kindling
Surprised that this got moved from the B&M forum. It was getting good discussion there. Also, the FAQ says that the Tourney Circuit forum is for tourneys with at least 1 event with >$5000 buyin, while the Venetian Deepstack maxes out at $2600. Oh well.
I've been pretty relaxed about posts for smaller buy in events.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-18-2008 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by kindling
It looks like I was going off the wrong info. The standard noon tourney Sun-Fri is $150 for 7500 in chips. The evening tourney is $170 for 4500 in chips. So I don't see how the $340 for 6000 chips is a good deal for the "Deep Stack Extravaganza". I get less chips for more $, but with a much bigger field. I don't get it.

If I decide to play this, how early do you have to register for the noon start times? Does anyone know when they started the alternate list last year?

Thanks for the info.
I played the daily noon tourny today & was told that the DS Event brings in about 400-600 people. I'm sure some of the regular players can confirm (or deny) from past events.

The typical daily noon tourny usually has 80-160 people. So this means that the pay-outs are going to be really nice.

I know they are hiring a lot of new dealers to work the event.

Here is a link with the dates & buy-in fees:

Looking forward to the event...
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-18-2008 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by tonymead
if i remember right u could register for the next days event after 6pm the prior day. i could be wrong, i made the mistake of showing up the day of the tourny i wanted to play an hour before the start and there were already 40 alternates and a nice size line of more alternates to be. if you know your playing on saturday i would recommend stopping in friday night and getting your seat paid for. the week i was there the events had maxed every day. of course this was wsop last summer when every poker player in the world was out there. venetian is a great room to play in!
Not saying you're wrong, but from their website:

Registration will open at 9:00 a.m. daily and tournaments start at noon. All tournaments will be played until the final table has been reached or until 2:00 a.m.
(whichever comes first). Play will resume at 4:00 p.m. and will continue until a winner has been declared. *Satellite with Rebuys begins at 7:00 p.m.
Starting chips for the $330 No-Limits, $540 PLO, $540 Omaha 8/B and $540 H.O.R.S.E are $4,500. Starting chips for the $540 and $1,060 events are $7,500
and the $2,600 main event will start with $10,000 in chips. An optional $10 staff bonus will add $1,500, $2,500 and $5,000 respectively to the above starting
chip counts. Half of 1% will be withheld from the prize pool of all tournaments for the Best Overall Points Winners. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top four
overall point’s winners. See tournament staff for more details. TDA rules apply to all poker tournaments held at The Venetian. Management reserves the right to
cancel or change tournaments. Three percent of total prize pool is withheld for poker room staff. Winners will be paid in casino chips. Residents of foreign
countries without a U.S. tax treaty will be subject to withholding. Registration begins in the poker room two hours prior to the start of the event.
Must be 21 years or older to attend. The Venetian management reserves all rights.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-18-2008 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Dranoel
I played the daily noon tourny today & was told that the DS Event brings in about 400-600 people. I'm sure some of the regular players can confirm (or deny) from past events.

The typical daily noon tourny usually has 80-160 people. So this means that the pay-outs are going to be really nice.

I know they are hiring a lot of new dealers to work the event.

Here is a link with the dates & buy-in fees:

Looking forward to the event...
So am I off base, or do you actually get less chips (6000) for the $340 NLHE during the DSE than you do during the standard noon tourney for $150 (7500 chips)? Even if they increase the levels from 30 to 40 minutes, does this make up for the smaller stack? It doesn't seem that having 3x as many players actually helps make the start of the tourney any deeper stacked, since I still only have 10 players per table. Maybe I'm just spoiled playing cash games at 100+BB deep.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-18-2008 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by kindling
So am I off base, or do you actually get less chips (6000) for the $340 NLHE during the DSE than you do during the standard noon tourney for $150 (7500 chips)? Even if they increase the levels from 30 to 40 minutes, does this make up for the smaller stack? It doesn't seem that having 3x as many players actually helps make the start of the tourney any deeper stacked, since I still only have 10 players per table. Maybe I'm just spoiled playing cash games at 100+BB deep.
You are correct on most items.

The 3x is probably a little conservative on the attendance. I've been told that past DS have gotten 400-600 people for the lowest buy-in levels. Typically they get 150+ players for their daily Fridays noon tourny's. The rest of the week M-Th they get 80-100.

The extra 10 minutes per level is good. It doesn't seem like much on the surface- but that can make a huge difference to a short stack being able to wait for a better hand- before having to make a move at the pot.

I am somewhat surprised that the chips are less than the daily tournaments, but maybe they've become a victim of their own success. I have played at Caesar's & Orlean's tournys (a lot) and both have indicated that the Venetian is the reason they had to change their structure to become more competitive. I heard a player commenting that the Wynn even modified its structure because of the V. They are doing something right if everyone is following their lead on making the daily tourny's better for the players.

God knows I hate the 15 minute donkey shoot-out levels.

Hope this helps.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-18-2008 , 02:39 PM
Does anyone know if they will they be having their "regular" tourneys during the Deep Stack event? Or will they be suspended while the event is going on?
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
01-18-2008 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Violet
Does anyone know if they will they be having their "regular" tourneys during the Deep Stack event? Or will they be suspended while the event is going on?
I expect that these replace their normal noon tourneys (same start time) for the duration of the DSE, which I was hoping to play while I was there. Not sure about the evening ones.

Now I have to decide if I want to commit to a 2-day tourney. Since I wanted to see a couple of shows during the week I'm there, I don't think it'll work out this time.
Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza tourneys? Quote
