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NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes.

01-08-2008 , 03:20 AM

According to this page, the Grand Casino Mille Lacs Onamia, Minnesota; it is true. Events #1 thru #5 are described as "NLHE." Which I believed, though I could be mistaken, to be illegal in Minnesota. I had thought Minnesota was a limit only state.
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-08-2008 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by BigFritzK2s

According to this page, the Grand Casino Mille Lacs Onamia, Minnesota; it is true. Events #1 thru #5 are described as "NLHE." Which I believed, though I could be mistaken, to be illegal in Minnesota. I had thought Minnesota was a limit only state.
Ring Game No Limit is illegal w/a cap on Limit Games also (30/60 max)

NL Tournaments are not......

Canterbury has many NL MTT events throughout the year
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 12:46 AM
It's accurate, and based on the TV shows I've seen of the HPT, it's not the first time the Heartland Poker Tour will be hosting a TOURNAMENT there at that Casino either.

Just like Colorado, in Many states where N/L case games are NOT allowed, you can have N/L as long as it is in a tournament setting.

BTW, the HPT runs a really great event. The one they ran here last October in Blackhawk, Colorado was really wonderful (and very popular as well).

If you live in an area where the HPT is coming, I HIGHLY recommend you look into attending the HPT event.
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 01:11 AM
is it true that everyone had to satellite into the HPT in Blackhawk because the entry was over a certain limit specified by Colorado law?

I've been to blackhawk several times and really love the place... just really dislike colorado gaming laws. Do you feel the same way and do you see anything changing in the next few years (5-10 years)??
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by CincyLady
It's accurate, and based on the TV shows I've seen of the HPT, it's not the first time the Heartland Poker Tour will be hosting a TOURNAMENT there at that Casino either.

Just like Colorado, in Many states where N/L case games are NOT allowed, you can have N/L as long as it is in a tournament setting.

BTW, the HPT runs a really great event. The one they ran here last October in Blackhawk, Colorado was really wonderful (and very popular as well).

If you live in an area where the HPT is coming, I HIGHLY recommend you look into attending the HPT event.
Originally Posted by aschnit8
is it true that everyone had to satellite into the HPT in Blackhawk because the entry was over a certain limit specified by Colorado law?

I've been to blackhawk several times and really love the place... just really dislike colorado gaming laws. Do you feel the same way and do you see anything changing in the next few years (5-10 years)??
I dont know how you guys even go to the casinos there and play poker...thats some nutty game they play in CO

Maybe for entertainment.....
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by WEC
Ring Game No Limit is illegal w/a cap on Limit Games also (30/60 max)

NL Tournaments are not......

Canterbury has many NL MTT events throughout the year

Grand Casino Hinkley also has three NL tourneys a week last I checked.
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by WEC
Ring Game No Limit is illegal w/a cap on Limit Games also (30/60 max)

NL Tournaments are not......

Canterbury has many NL MTT events throughout the year
I'm thinking of trying the New Big Stax Tourney on Sat January 19th.
You start with 8K in chips and the structure looks pretty good.
Any CP regulars play in this last weekend?
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by WEC
I dont know how you guys even go to the casinos there and play poker...thats some nutty game they play in CO

Maybe for entertainment.....

Yeah it is, and very frustrating for someone who's not used to it.

Then again, there ARE some here who claim to make a living at it, and I have heard of people who specialize in low limit Hold 'em that are very good at it.

I moved here almost 2 years ago, and I hate it because of that.

However, that said, the tourney poker here quite populer, because that's the only place you can play N/L poker.

Even then though, the max they can charge for a tourney is $500 bucks, and they have a quirky rule that up to the 1st 3 hands (depending on how much the buy in is), will be limit, and then after that it changes to N/L.

This is to insure that no one person loses on the 1st (or 2nd, or 3rd hand) hand, and is knocked out and loses their entire bet on that 1st hand (and thus causing the casino to break colorado gaming laws).

The tourney crowd is quite spoiled here, because most of the casinos refuse to run $500 single buy in events here, even if it is a special event held once a month or something.

Everything here is normally silly rebuys, or low limit sats into the bigger events they do run.

As a result, the play is really dangerous the first hour or so, because there are so many kamakazi players, and players who play like it's still 2/5 or 5/5 Limit poker.

Looking forward to going to CB Iowa (across from Omaha, NE) in the next few weeks and playing at the Horseshoe, where I can play some REAL poker for a change.

I'm also looking foward to April when the HPT will be back here again. I really like them, and IMO, they put on a great event!
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-09-2008 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by aschnit8
is it true that everyone had to satellite into the HPT in Blackhawk because the entry was over a certain limit specified by Colorado law?

I've been to blackhawk several times and really love the place... just really dislike colorado gaming laws. Do you feel the same way and do you see anything changing in the next few years (5-10 years)??
There were rumors that on Jan 1st of this year when the smoking ban in Casino's took effect, that they were going to raise the max bet to $100 ... but it was just that a rumor.

Sadly, I really don't see an increase happening anytime soon.

I moved here from Ohio almost 2 years ago, and the locals here tell me that the max bet hasn't changed since the Casinos were first allowed almost 16 years go.

No one seems really interested or motivated either, in getting a petition drive started to get the issue on the ballet either.

A presidental year would be perfect for such an issue as well, since most ppl tend to turn out to vote in year that a prez is being elected.

Hell, at this point, I'd be happy if they even just changed the law to mirror SD, where the max bet is $100, or even better, Florida's laws when it comes to poker.

As for when the HPT was here, yes, the max amount allowed for a tourney buyin is a mere $500 bucks. So, they had to do some creative thinking to get the buyins for the ME.

What they did was run sit and goes where could then pay as little as $40 for sit and goes, where you'd then advance to the $340 qualifiers.

They then ran daily and sometimes twice daily $340 qualifiers to the ME (and you could buy directly in if you wanted to the the $340 qualifiers), where 20 percent of the field qualified for the ME. If you were in that 20 percent, you'd advance to one of the Day one events (there were 2 of them held).

They even had it where if you won 5 seats to the qualifier, you could use those (5 seats) to 'buy' your way directly to the ME (I'm told that the next time they'll do the same thing, but it will require 10 seats won in the sit and goes to do this).

Further hampering the event (outside of the stupid colorado gaming laws), was the fact that the Golden Gates Casino's poker room, only has 14 tables.

Both Day ones (there were 2 of them) were sold out, and all tables were 11 handed in both sessions they ran.

I've heard that this (next) time, the HPT is going to run a 4 day ME, where they'll have 2 day ones (each with 2 sessions), and then 2 day twos.

Edit: BTW, I also was told by the Management at the Casino, that the Golden Gates and the HPT have signed a 10 year contract. So after April, they will be back again the end of September as well as next year and so on.
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-12-2008 , 04:55 PM
WOW! After living just outside of Memphis TN and going to Tunica for the last 13 years I never realized these querky gaming laws existed. I guess something is better than nothing if you live there though.

I sent an email to Fred Bevill hoping to hear the HPT will come to Tunica. According to him they are interested and in talks with several of the casinos but nothing concrete has come to light.
NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
01-12-2008 , 06:02 PM
heres a link to the site type in

its a great structure different form the regular NL tourney but still fun.

I forgot to mention final 6 on tv table for as low as 330 bucks. Gotta give it a shot.

NLHE in Minnesota? HPT says yes. Quote
