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NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11

03-13-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Casinoplr
On Sunday there is a 9am $30 1 in 10 advance to Step 1. Usually about 30-50 runners.

1pm $230 Step 1. 1 in 10 advance to Step 2. 30-40 runners.

7pm $1,050 Step 2. 1 in 5 advance to Main Event.
Cool. Can I use of my points on my players card toward registration? I saw something to that effect on the website but didn't know if that went for satellites as well.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by fcmonk
Cool. Can I use of my points on my players card toward registration? I saw something to that effect on the website but didn't know if that went for satellites as well.
Yes you can......if you play $230 Step MUST HAVE 460 points on your card. No partials.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Casinoplr
On Sunday there is a 9am $30 1 in 10 advance to Step 1. Usually about 30-50 runners.

1pm $230 Step 1. 1 in 5 advance to Step 2. 30-40 runners.

7pm $1,050 Step 2. 1 in 5 advance to Main Event.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 01:41 PM
Rilan/Bruce- Can you post the blind structures for your Prelims? Sorry if this was already addressed...I just couldn't find any links on the MS site or here on 2+2...thanks
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 04:18 PM
question on the $550 event #1. On the NAPT site, it says "NL - Freezeout - Deepstack - Day 1".... what does "freezeout" mean?
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 04:19 PM
Also, what turnout is expected for this first event? 300+? being a sat/sun event, i would expect it to be >300 no?
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 04:37 PM
like 800+
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Vicious Vinny
Rilan/Bruce- Can you post the blind structures for your Prelims? Sorry if this was already addressed...I just couldn't find any links on the MS site or here on 2+2...thanks
Structures can be found on the Mohegan Sun website, go to the poker page and open the tournament events schedule. All the Chip Stack/Levels are linked to the structure sheets. Good Luck
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by DDPH
question on the $550 event #1. On the NAPT site, it says "NL - Freezeout - Deepstack - Day 1".... what does "freezeout" mean?
Its a Neil thing...Hey Neil hope your enjoying your vaca...I guess in Europe they refer to No Limit Hold'em events as freezeout. Any events listed as freezeout is simply a NLH.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 04:54 PM
The links in the PDF take you to a page saying the page has been moved or doesn't exist.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
The links in the PDF take you to a page saying the page has been moved or doesn't exist.
I'm sorry your are correct...I only opened the first link which does work. This link just went up last night. I will have it fixed by Monday afternoon. Again sorry.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 05:12 PM
March 27th - Saturday
SAT 3/27 12:00PM 1 No Limit Hold’em “Deep Stack” DAY 1 $550 + $50 15,000/40 Min
SAT 3/27 5:00PM 2 NLH - Step 1 Super Satellite to Step 2 NAPT Main Event Super $210 + $20 6,000/20 Min

March 28th - Sunday
SUN 3/28 10:00AM 3 No Limit Hold’em “Shootout” - Flight “A” $170 + $30 3,000/15 Min
SUN 3/28 1:00PM 3 No Limit Hold’em “Shootout” - Flight “B” $170 + $30 3,000/15 Min
SUN 3/28 4:00PM 3 NLH - Shootout - Finals (Winners Flight “A”/“B” Only) 8,000/30 Min
SUN 3/28 5:00PM 4 NLH - Step 2 Super Satellite to NAPT Main Event $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

March 29th - Monday
MON 3/29 12:00PM 5 No Limit Hold’em $360 + $40 10,000/30 Min
MON 3/29 5:00PM 6 200 + 100 + 40 - NLH - Bounty Event $300 + $40 8,000/30 Min
MON 3/29 7:00PM 7 NLH - Step 1 Super Satellite to Step 2 NAPT Main Event Super $210 + $20 6,000/20 Min

March 30th - Tuesday
TUE 3/30 12:00PM 8 No Limit Hold’em “Re-Entry” (Unlimited Thru Level 3) $270 + $30 10,000/30 Min
TUE 3/30 5:00PM 9 Omaha 8 or Better $270 + $30 8,000/30 Min
TUE 3/30 7:00PM 10 NLH - Step 1 Super Satellite to Step 2 NAPT Main Event Super $210 + $20 6,000/20 Min

March 31st - Wednesday
WED 3/31 12:00PM 11 No Limit Hold’em “Re-Entry” (Limit “1” Re-Entry) $360 + $40 10,000/30 Min
WED 3/31 5:00PM 12 Seven Card Stud (HI Only) $270 + $30 8,000/30 Min
WED 3/31 7:00PM 13 NLH - Step 1 Super Satellite to Step 2 NAPT Main Event Super $210 + $20 6,000/20 Min

April 1st - Thursday
THUR 4/1 12:00PM 14 260 + 200 + 40 - NLH - Bounty Event $460 + $40 10,000/30 Min
THUR 4/1 5:00PM 15 Pot Limit Omaha HI $270 + $30 8,000/30 Min
THUR 4/1 7:00PM 16 NLH - Step 2 Super Satellite to NAPT Main Event $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

April 2nd - Friday
FRI 4/2 12:00PM 17 No Limit Hold’em “Deep Stack” DAY 1 $920 + $80 20,000/50 Min
FRI 4/2 5:00PM 18 H.O.S.E. $270 + $30 8,000/30 Min
FRI 4/2 7:00PM 19 NLH - Step 2 Super Satellite to NAPT Main Event $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

April 3rd - Saturday
SAT 4/3 12:00PM 20 NLH - “Survivor” 1 in 10 wins $3,000 $300 + $40 10,000/30 Min
SAT 4/3 4:00PM 21 NLH - Step 1 Super Satellite to Step 2 NAPT Main Event Super $210 + $20 6,000/20 Min
SAT 4/3 7:00PM 22 NLH - Step 2 Super Satellite to NAPT Main Event $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

Easter Single Table Satellites in the Poker Room

April 5th - Monday
MON 4/5 12:00PM 23 No Limit Hold’em “Re-Load” $300 + $40 14,000/30 Min
7,000 Starting Stack, 7,000 Re-Load when Busted OR Add On at the end of Level 3
MON 4/5 5:00PM 24 100 + 100 + 30 NL - Bounty Turbo Event $200 + $30 5,000/15 Min
MON 4/5 7:00PM 25 NLH - Step 2 Super Satellite to NAPT Main Event $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

April 6th - Tuesday
TUE 4/6 12:00PM 26 $400 + $200 + $50 PokerStars Bounty Hunter $600 + 50 10,000/30 Min
TUE 4/6 3:00PM 27 NLH - Super Satellite to Main Event $500 + $30 10,000/30 Min
TUE 4/6 7:00PM 28 NLH - Step 2 Super Satellite to NAPT Main Event $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

April 7th - Wednesday
WED 4/7 12:00PM 29 Main Event Day 1 $4,700 + $300 30,000/60 min
WED 4/7 6:00PM 30 No Limit Hold’em - Turbo $200 + $30 5,000/15 min

April 8th - Thursday
THUR 4/8 12:00PM 29 Main Event Day 2 $4,700 + $300 75 Minute Blinds
THUR 4/8 4:00PM 31 No Limit Hold’em - Day 1 $2,000 + $150 15,000/60 Min
THUR 4/8 6:00PM 32 No Limit Hold’em - Turbo $200 + $30 5,000/15 Min

April 9th - Friday
FRI 4/9 12:00PM 29 Main Event Day 3 - play down to 24 players $4,700 + $300 75 Minute Blinds
FRI 4/9 2:00PM 33 No Limit Hold’em - “$200,000” Guarantee - Day 1 $1,000 + $100 12,000/50 Min

April 10th - Saturday
SAT 4/10 11:00AM 34 No Limit Hold’em - “Ladies Only” $300 + $30 10,000/30 Min
SAT 4/10 12:00PM 29 Main Event Day 4 - play down to 8 players $4,700 + $300 75 Minute Blinds
SAT 4/10 6:00PM 35 NLH - Re-Entry - Super Satellite to $10,000 Bounty Shootout (Event #36) $1,000 + $50 10,000/30 Min

April 11th - Sunday
SUN 4/11 12:00PM 29 Main Event Day 5 - Final Table - ESPN2 $4,700 + $300 75 Minute Blinds
SUN 4/11 12:00PM 36 NL - Bounty Shootout - Day 1 $10,000 + $300 TBA
SUN 4/11 12:00PM 37 No Limit Hold’em $500 + $50 10,000/30 Min
SUN 4/11 4:00PM 38 NL - Super Satellite - NAPT #4 $500 + $30 10,000/30 Min

April 12th - Monday
MON 4/12 12:00PM 36 NL - Bounty Shootout - Day 2 - ESPN2 $10,000 + $300 TBA
MON 4/12 Mohegan Sun Daily Tournaments 10:00am, 12:00pm & 7:30pm

April 13th - Tuesday
TUE 4/13 12:00PM 36 NL - Bounty Shootout - Day 3 - ESPN2 $10,000 + $300 TBA
TUE 4/13 Mohegan Sun Daily Tournaments 10:00am, 12:00pm & 7:30pm
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-13-2010 , 07:20 PM
Hi All,

Apologies for the not getting this post in on Friday, my internet situation here in Egypt is not ideal...

We have changed the NAPT MS Bounty Shootout to be a 25K Event with an 81 player cap.


I know a lot of you have expressed concern that we would be locking people out of this event. That is not the case. It is still an open event, just with an 81 player cap. The 81 players guarantees we will have a two day event.

The Invitational Event at the Venetian was to launch this exciting new format, not as a vehicle to get our Team Pros on television. There were 49 players for the event, 14 of whom were Team PS Pros. Sponsored Pros and high stakes regs from all across the world were invited to play in that event.

The tremendous success of the Venetian Event has convinced us that this can be a wonderful addition to the North American Poker Tour as a secondary feature event.

I apologize for everyone that was mislead by our earlier reports of this being a full uncapped 10K Event and take full responsibility for those errors. The original thought was launch a 25K at Venetian, play 10K thru the season and play a 25K at the PCA. Rilan and myself went with what had been decided as the schedule.

With the amazing feedback we got back off of the Venetian BSO, PokerStars decided that the 25K format was the way to go for Season 1 at all of our filmed NAPT stops. Some changes will be made to the tournament structure for the prelims, but the basic structure of the event remains.

You will win a minimum of double your buy in for winning your prelim table. 5K Bounty per player. Winner Take All at the final table and there will be a PokerStars added prize for the player who takes down the most individual bounties!

Mohegan Sun has worked with us to implement this change and all affected websites should be updated this weekend.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-14-2010 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by DDPH
question on the $550 event #1. On the NAPT site, it says "NL - Freezeout - Deepstack - Day 1".... what does "freezeout" mean?
freezeout means no rebuys/no addons
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:42 PM

what EXACTLY is the rationale for keeping the buyin 25k? what is this 'amazing' feedback you are speaking of? I remember hearing from more than one person that the 25k shootout structure was a complete joke...You got 49 players for your last one, of which almost a third were put into the event by think that a 25k in Uncasville CT will get anywhere near what you got in Las Vegas? Do you really expect most of us to believe that this has NOTHING to do w/ having as many PS team Pros w/ your logos all over ESPN2 at the FT? Seriously? I would appreciate any and all candid responses you can provide to any of my questions thx
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-14-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Vicious Vinny

what EXACTLY is the rationale for keeping the buyin 25k? what is this 'amazing' feedback you are speaking of? I remember hearing from more than one person that the 25k shootout structure was a complete joke...You got 49 players for your last one, of which almost a third were put into the event by think that a 25k in Uncasville CT will get anywhere near what you got in Las Vegas? Do you really expect most of us to believe that this has NOTHING to do w/ having as many PS team Pros w/ your logos all over ESPN2 at the FT? Seriously? I would appreciate any and all candid responses you can provide to any of my questions thx
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-14-2010 , 09:58 PM
Any idea how many runners the $1,000 main event satellites have been getting?

Also question for Rilan, I have a ticket for next Sunday's qualifier but it would be better for me to come at a different time. They just made me pick a date when I qualified but said I could change it if need be, just wanted to confirm that I can. Thank You.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-14-2010 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by taz13
Any idea how many runners the $1,000 main event satellites have been getting?

Also question for Rilan, I have a ticket for next Sunday's qualifier but it would be better for me to come at a different time. They just made me pick a date when I qualified but said I could change it if need be, just wanted to confirm that I can. Thank You.
I've changed mine before. The 1050 did not go off tonight. It will next Sunday already 10 signed up.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-15-2010 , 07:35 AM
Hi Vinny,

The rationale is simple. The feedback from all of the players we have spoken to in Vegas who played the BSO was very positive. Yes, there were issues with the Prelim structure and we are addressing those for future events.

Our global 25K Events typically have a field between 70 - 80 players. I think the NAPT MS Event will probably reach 50+ players.

As for loading the Final Table for PS logo purposes, that is just not true.

Here is your candid answer, in order to broadcast our programs internationally, no sponsor, INCLUDING POKERSTARS, is allowed to have more than two logos at any televised Feature Table. Ask any of the players who regularly play on the EPT and they will tell you how religiously we follow that rule. It is even in the T&C of the EPT and the NAPT...

"No more than 2 players on the final table can wear the logos of any single company. If more than 2 players from any single company reach the final table then the players themselves or a company representative must decide which 2 players wear the branded clothing. If no decision is made, then Euro Poker Tour Ltd will high card the players to make a decision. Any player starting the final table with no logos must remain wearing no logos throughout the final."

So while it would be fantastic to have Joe H., Joe C., Chris, Greg, Gavin, Jason, Daniel and Barry all at the FT, we could only brand two of them anyway.

For marketing purposes, there are better ways to advertise ourselves and our Team PS Pros then creating a bogus event, freerolling 50 of our Pros in, adding prizes and paying 441 a ton to film it.

As stated before, the Bounty Shootout was created as an exciting new format for our NAPT Tours. ESPN likes it. The people who played it at the Venetian like it. PokerStars likes it. The 25K Buyin makes it the High Roller staple for all of our NAPT destinations. Just as we have 25K High Rollers for certain EPT Destinations.

I hope that clears up any of your concerns.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-15-2010 , 07:54 AM
Neil, Why is stars so crazy about not letting other sites "brand" people at FTs. An unnamed friend of mind who went very deep in Venetian (but didn't FT) was told he couldn't wear an unnamed sites patch @ the FT b/c he didnt check one of the boxes that said he was a sponsored player, despite wearing the sites patch the ENTIRE tourney. Thats just ridiculous and really comes off poorly for stars. In fact, I understand the not letting people be branded, but what you did to him was super unfair.

edit: by you, i mean a stars rep obviously. You are great at what you do, and are very fair, and I hope the NAPT does very well.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-15-2010 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by charder30
Neil, Why is stars so crazy about not letting other sites "brand" people at FTs. An unnamed friend of mind who went very deep in Venetian (but didn't FT) was told he couldn't wear an unnamed sites patch @ the FT b/c he didnt check one of the boxes that said he was a sponsored player, despite wearing the sites patch the ENTIRE tourney. Thats just ridiculous and really comes off poorly for stars. In fact, I understand the not letting people be branded, but what you did to him was super unfair.

edit: by you, i mean a stars rep obviously. You are great at what you do, and are very fair, and I hope the NAPT does very well.
You should put your friend in contact with the FTP reps you deal with and see if FTP would be willing to bankroll an antitrust lawsuit against the NAPT regarding their patch/sponsorship policy which on its face favors Stars above all other sites (they are the only site that is allowed to start sponsoring an unsponsored player after the tournament starts).
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-15-2010 , 06:27 PM
Verified lawyer ITT

if anyone is looking to get some online $, i need cash for prelim buyins. PM me.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-16-2010 , 12:49 AM

any chance that the 2 emails I sent about how to register at the hotel a day early will get answered in due time?

Here would be good too... probably preferable...Maybe I missed it w/i the thread...
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-16-2010 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Clubroyale

any chance that the 2 emails I sent about how to register at the hotel a day early will get answered in due time?

Here would be good too... probably preferable...Maybe I missed it w/i the thread...
You were better off asking them here as quite a few people could have probably answered them.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
03-16-2010 , 08:53 AM
Uncle Cecilia...tried to respond to your PM and it will not allow me to.
NAPT Mohegan Sun - March 27-April 11 Quote
