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LAPT Season 5 Uruguay LAPT Season 5 Uruguay

04-09-2012 , 01:12 PM
Hi All,

Please see this week's schedule. The Highroller satellites have been removed for now. We have made the Sunday qualifier 3 packages and 3 seat guarantees. Best of luck to you all.

Monday @19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)

Tuesday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)

Wednesday @ 19:00 ET - $215 (ONE PACKAGE guaranteed)

Thursday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)

Friday @ 19:00 ET - $109 (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)

Saturday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)

Sunday @ 16:00 ET - $215 (THREE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)

Sunday @ 18:00 ET - $215 (THREE PACKAGE guaranteed)

Sunday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE PACKAGE guaranteed)

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-11-2012 , 08:11 PM
Playing $215 tonight, payouts are as followed for the $8,800 prizepool.
1st- 5k package
2-9 $430
10th $360

44 people entered

I think that is ridiculous, can the payouts please be modified such that all money that doesn't add up to a seat goes to 2nd place. (or at least be spread out in a more logical distribution... surely no poker players have been involved in the decision to have a payout distribution like that)
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-11-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by bodogari2ndaccount
Playing $215 tonight, payouts are as followed for the $8,800 prizepool.
1st- 5k package
2-9 $430
10th $360

44 people entered

I think that is ridiculous, can the payouts please be modified such that all money that doesn't add up to a seat goes to 2nd place. (or at least be spread out in a more logical distribution... surely no poker players have been involved in the decision to have a payout distribution like that)

if you dont want to make it all go to 2nd (would be best still imo) then atleast go min chunks of 1075 (5bi)

something should be fixed cause it really is absurd atm
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-12-2012 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by simpledude16

if you dont want to make it all go to 2nd (would be best still imo) then atleast go min chunks of 1075 (5bi)

something should be fixed cause it really is absurd atm
Couldn't agree more.

I'm playing a couple $215s on Sunday and hope that the payouts get fixed.
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-12-2012 , 05:14 AM
I agree that the money should be concentrated on the top

However, there's a broader thing going on here: making the payouts even spreads the money, which leads (in theory) to more people playing the sattelites.
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-12-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Marcos Sketch
I agree that the money should be concentrated on the top

However, there's a broader thing going on here: making the payouts even spreads the money, which leads (in theory) to more people playing the sattelites.
Hi All,

Marcos hit the nail on the head. The idea is that it allows you another shot at another satellite. Thanks for all your feedback.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-12-2012 , 03:02 PM
I understand the need for distributing payouts, but please can it be changed to a more reasonable distribution. Instead of 2 buyins at a time, can you make it 5-10 buyins a time? The money will still be spread out, and we will get a more favorable distribution.
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-12-2012 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by bodogari2ndaccount
I understand the need for distributing payouts, but please can it be changed to a more reasonable distribution. Instead of 2 buyins at a time, can you make it 5-10 buyins a time? The money will still be spread out, and we will get a more favorable distribution.
Hi bodogari,

Thanks for your suggestion. We will review this and give it some further consideration.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-12-2012 , 11:47 PM
I guess it's not an issue when there's like $400 extra money on a $5k seat. Any way you spread it won't make a big difference, so I'd rather spread it in lots of low chunks.

But it gets worse when there's, say, $4k in extra money on a $5k seat. Then I personally think it's better that less people get a bigger chunk. (ie: 4 people getting $1k each)
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-13-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Marcos Sketch
I guess it's not an issue when there's like $400 extra money on a $5k seat. Any way you spread it won't make a big difference, so I'd rather spread it in lots of low chunks.

But it gets worse when there's, say, $4k in extra money on a $5k seat. Then I personally think it's better that less people get a bigger chunk. (ie: 4 people getting $1k each)
Hi Marcos,

Thanks for the comments. We will review and see what can be done.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-16-2012 , 05:00 PM
Hi all,

We will be running the same online satellite schedule this week as we did last week. Please see below:

Monday @19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)
Tuesday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)
Wednesday @ 19:00 ET - $215 (ONE PACKAGE guaranteed)
Thursday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)
Friday @ 19:00 ET - $109 (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)
Saturday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)
Sunday @ 16:00 ET - $215 (THREE SEAT ONLY guaranteed)
Sunday @ 18:00 ET - $215 (THREE PACKAGE guaranteed)
Sunday @ 19:00 ET - $22+R 3xT (ONE PACKAGE guaranteed)

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by LAPT Thomas
Hi Marcos,

Thanks for the comments. We will review and see what can be done.

Hi Marcos, guys,

This is terrific feedback, as I have wondered about that distribution for some time. I like the idea of a grade depending on the amount to be distributed based on a comparisson to the value of the package. What are your suggestions for this?

Just as a word of caution, I think that we all agree that we need as many players in the sattelites as possible, therefore, spreading the most money out seems better value for all IMO, although I also understand the value on higher at the top. I also understand that there is a breed on player that plays satellites for EV alone, and that is ok too. So please bear all of this in mind when/if you make a recommendation.

So having said that, I would really like to see what kind of distribution you have in your head, considering that our packages are about 5K in average.

As for several events at the same time and being allowed to unregister if the run overlapped, I think that there is unquestionable validity there Sect, however, we need to review the dimension of the issue before making a policy change. We will take this inward and discuss further and get back.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-12-2012 , 12:49 AM
Any shuttles available to-from Montevideo? Will be flying on the 22nd!
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-14-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Fizhh
Any shuttles available to-from Montevideo? Will be flying on the 22nd!
Hi Fizhh,

I am sorry there are no shuttles available from Montevideo. You will have to hire a car, take a taxi or look into taking a bus. If you would like to hire a car, please visit this website for more information and/or help:

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:01 PM
I was actually thinking in hiring a car. My plane will be arriving at 1:30 AM though after a 24 hour flight. How is the drive from Montevideo-Punta?
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-14-2012 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Fizhh
I was actually thinking in hiring a car. My plane will be arriving at 1:30 AM though after a 24 hour flight. How is the drive from Montevideo-Punta?
Hi Fizhh,

It's mostly highway but it's quite long, about an hour and a half if you know the roads. So give yourself two hours. I don't suggest you drive it unless you get lots of sleep on your flight.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-15-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by Fizhh
I was actually thinking in hiring a car. My plane will be arriving at 1:30 AM though after a 24 hour flight. How is the drive from Montevideo-Punta?
Hi Fizhh,
I recommend that you check with the guys of Lapt Travel if they have other shuttles already booked for that day and time or around the same time. They may have and perhaps you can share. It is likely, as usually most players arrive about same day, more or around same times. If they don't perhaps they have people who asked about it and they can put together a small gorup. No harm on asking right?

If you want, write an email to and ask him. You can write in English and you can tell him I directed you there.

Looking forward to see you in a short while, safe travelling,
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-15-2012 , 04:22 AM
I appreciate your responses. I sent an email to Marcelo and hopefully they can sort something out. I think I'm going to need a car anyway, just deciding on whether I should rent it in Punta or Montevideo? Any suggestions?
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-15-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Fizhh
I appreciate your responses. I sent an email to Marcelo and hopefully they can sort something out. I think I'm going to need a car anyway, just deciding on whether I should rent it in Punta or Montevideo? Any suggestions?
Hi Fizhh,

If you need a car then it would make more sense to rent one in Montevideo as that is where you will be flying in and out of.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-18-2012 , 06:51 PM
how is the weather now in Punta?
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-19-2012 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by g3r4rd0x
how is the weather now in Punta?
Hi g3r4rd0x,

It's a bit chilly at night. Something like 70 in the day and 50 in the evenings. Some light showers as well. Definitely pack a sweater and maybe a jacket.

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-21-2012 , 02:39 AM
Leaving in a few hours and have a few q's.

1. I noticed the currency charged for lots of things (hotels, casino, car rental) are in USD? Should I bring most of my money in that currency or use an ATM over there?
2. What is the exchange rate for USD? I am seeing anywhere from 20 to 27 UYP which is a considerable difference. I'm assuming you can pay entries with either currency?
3. Will there be a welcome 'party' for LAPT players?

See you soon!
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-21-2012 , 01:29 PM
Hey Chronic

I'm from here so let me help you.

1. If you're going to be mostly at the hotel, USD are fine. If you plan dinner/lunch outisde and other external expenses, you might want to have some Uy$.

2. Dont let them charge 27 per 1 USD. It's 20 per 1 USD.
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-21-2012 , 03:12 PM
Thanks RPH.
LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
05-22-2012 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by chronic02
Leaving in a few hours and have a few q's.

1. I noticed the currency charged for lots of things (hotels, casino, car rental) are in USD? Should I bring most of my money in that currency or use an ATM over there?
2. What is the exchange rate for USD? I am seeing anywhere from 20 to 27 UYP which is a considerable difference. I'm assuming you can pay entries with either currency?
3. Will there be a welcome 'party' for LAPT players?

See you soon!
I hope that you have a safe trip, I just landed and are on the transfer to the hotel. It is 1 am and raining cats and dogs, but all for Poker right?

Exchange is 20 to 1, I recommend that you change at the airport some. At the event, we can help you find local players if you are in need, just look for some one at the welcome desk of PokerStars.
There is a welcome party on Wednesday at 21:00 at the M$antra Beach Club. All info available at arrival.

Looking forward to meet you,

LAPT Season 5 Uruguay Quote
