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Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players.

11-17-2011 , 12:39 AM
Congrats AAismyfriend and Tookyourcookie on your scores. I don't expect any compensation for this thread. I just hope in the future, every single shy internet kid isn't forced to deal with the harrassment I had to deal with. I hope you both realize that your equity would severely have been effected had I not spoken up on the bubble.

As to the haters,

Originally Posted by collincapone
How can anyone take you seriously when you act the way you act. Get some therapy and take some self help courses. When you act superior then everyone (even if you are) yell, cry, talk down etc. It's always going to end badly for you. When you are being a prick nobody is going to want to side with you or deal with your concerns. Just like in sports when you argue with, tell off, or embarrass a ref it's just going to get worse for you.
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Guess the bolded was a lie since thats all you've done afterwoods?

Yes it seems like the TD should have stopped discussions when you objected, but jesus can you overreact more? Or be less gratefull, for ****s sake every post is a whinging me me me one. Considering you're a self proclaimed brainiac I have at points in the thread thought you must be on the windup here.

Step away from the keyboard, chill out for a minute and re-read that post. Get some perspective. No need to constantly throw in a brag about how you were brainiest in the room, how you're the poker beast. Or to constantly whinge about omg they took poker away, they didn't just do it to you did they?
Every day people are fired/made redundant and you don't see those people going over the top emo and thinking they're in the worst position in the world.
How taking away online poker can make your life close to a shambles has to be another overreaction, you're a crushing machine if you've been playing for 8years you've built enough money up to be fine for now, or if you've spewed it you've got enough contacts that you can move to mexico and play online if you want to.
Stop blaming the world for everything, your whining is boring.
And don't take this as a insulting/suicide inducing post thats the last thing I'd want, just open your eyes and realise how blessed you are.
Originally Posted by parkert
while the general meaning of your first post is true, you seriously need to get it together like holy ****. stop whinging so hard about the gov't taking your job away. move get back to the grind and carry on if it really is your job. people are forced to relocate in their jobs constantly, why should this be any different?
Originally Posted by AMEC0404
OP you are right, but you shouldnt have lost your cool so quickly. You might have gotten better results if you were calmer.
Originally Posted by MrFizzbin
If they take a separate collection for the bubble boy, and don't take it from the prize pool then that's fine. Its like saying people can't have a last longer at your table, while playing. If you don't have to participate just make note of who's in who's out and adjust accordingly.

Don't get bent out of shape, relax a little and enjoy.
Originally Posted by The Detonator
Because you've figured out a game that most people cant doesnt mean you're smarter than them. John the plumber is capable of doing things that you cant comprehend in regards to plumbing and most likely construction, but he isnt going to walk around a bunch of pipes claiming how much smarter he is than you.

John the plumbers existance benefits the society, including yourself as a whole. While we will never know for sure, you may not have the qualities for what it takes to be a 'scummy' plumber.

Sorry if I've offended other poker players here but this is the most frustrating thing about poker players in general. The belief that theyre a higher being than the people around them because they deal in high volumes of money and have a different view on the world than the average Joe.

You are not better than John the plumber.

fwiw the whole situation is really wrong and you are absolutely correct in your arguments, but you handled yourself terribly.
Originally Posted by Buffalo Jones
I think you should stop playing poker and find another way to make a living.

Or at least go on a spiritual retreat or something. Gain some perspective, man.

You are all idiots! I will do what I do best. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. This thread will serve a purpose. The next bubble/sattelite fiasco can have this thread to look back on. As always, I will be 2p2/mttc's dark knight.

<3 Charder

Originally Posted by charder30
keep fightin' the good fight munk
I will

I leave you with this

Good night and gl everyone. Wouldn't be the same even without the haters so its all good...I'll be the hero mttc deserves.
The idiots can not win.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-21-2011 , 08:30 PM
[QUOTE=The Bear Jew;29823339] I really want to kill myself.

Originally Posted by The Bear Jew
I wish the government didn't take away my job and leave my life close to shambles. I wish the TD did his job right. I wish a lot of things. I hope these worthless TDs can come spit on my grave if I kill myself on my birthday in 2weeks if I have the guts to. Life ****ing sucks.

i don't know much about you man but this is seriously disturbing and really wish anyone close to you would help you get help. i don't claim to know what kind of situation you're in but ffs evaluate and re-evaluate your decisions.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-21-2011 , 09:03 PM
The last time I refused to pay the bubble boy I had 10 players berate me to some extent or another.

When the bubble burst I said "now let's take off £500 from 1st to give to the guy who has just been busted. Does everyone agree?".

Only 3 of the 10 agreed to my suggestion

And they called me greedy and selfish just 15 minutes earlier!
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-22-2011 , 02:56 AM
I thought you said you'd never post on 2p2 again?

Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-24-2011 , 06:34 PM
I was most definitely the smartest person in that room, and that wasn't saying much.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-24-2011 , 08:20 PM
Lol there's nothing that points to sm not being the smartest guy in any kind of Ct/nj poker tournaments, and there's nothing wrong w being condescendant in this spot in his shoes.

Sorry if I don't know how to spell that engrish not my first
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-24-2011 , 08:55 PM
I know how you feel I've been in similar situations on livament bubbles where all the players harass me for turning down paying the bubble but most of the time the floor has been good for me and has like threaten giving a player a penalty if they brought up anything about paying the bubble.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-25-2011 , 06:48 AM
Ya this happens all too often
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-26-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Tartufo
It was pointed out to me that it was in fact Tiny Tim, and not Oliver Twist, who asked Scrooge for some more food and who was denied that food.
Still wrong. Seriously, you guys need to read the classics more often.

Oliver Twist is the kid who asks for more gruel. At that point in the story, he's living in a workhouse run by Mr. Bumble. He and the other boys in the workhouse draw lots, Oliver loses, so he's the one who has to approach Bumble to say "Please, sir, I want some more."

Tiny Tim is, indeed, in "A Christmas Carol" with Scrooge, but he never asks Scrooge for anything.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-27-2011 , 04:14 AM
Everyone should shut the **** up about munk's issues. Munk came to post about how when he said he didnt want to pay the bubble, they made fun /berated /harassed him. Then you come and you do the same **** to him. Seriously just shut the **** up, this thread is about how TD's dont understand this simple fact, that paying the bubble boy is collusion if anyone objects and the discussion should stop once anyone objects.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-27-2011 , 06:09 AM
serious question. Don't you guys think this site should be banned?
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
11-27-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Isidiop
serious question. Don't you guys think this site should be banned?
lol, why, and on what grounds?
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
12-15-2011 , 03:22 AM
I love you munk.

Please don't kill yourself

Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-20-2012 , 04:48 PM
I just stumbled on this thread. Op is right as soon as one person refuses bubble boy discussion is mute.

Op said he won several hundred thousands of dollars onlline and paid taxes on it somewhere in his thread. Can't be that smart if wasn't able to invest winnings. Somewhere in thread said was almost broke.

Op is banned , no surprise there. How is op doing as this thread is a year old. I stumbled on it as I was looking for foxwoods vs mohegan poker room comparisons.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-20-2012 , 10:57 PM
op is an legend
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-21-2012 , 03:26 AM
It's very ironic for me to see this thread for the first time today, as I had a very similar experience yesterday in the exact same room.

Tourney was their monthly $330, 30k gtd and after about ten hrs, 17 were left, 15 pay.

Everyone began to propose paying the bubble, and I immediately announced 'No, decline', to which I was told I was being 'rude' by the only female at the table (which is really just another way of calling someone an *******). I defended myself, explaining I thought the scenario had to be unanimous and I was trying to end the discussion as quickly as possible. People keep going on, however, speaking of how this is a 'courtesy' etc etc. It really is amateur hour all day every day in this casino.

With 16 left it gets brought up again, and I have the same response. One of the more abrasive gentlemen in play then shouts at me, 'Ok, so WE WON'T PAY YOU'. I tell him I'm done with the conversation and wish to proceed with the poker tournament. Mine is the only objection, and everyone in the room other than me deems it fair for each player to pitch in on a bubble payout, and if the one exception is the bubble boy he does not get paid. One player from my table then collects 20 dollars from every player but me, and I sit there with my head in my hands.

Hand for hand play continues, and several short stacks double and triple up. I pick up QJo in the HJ and shove ~170k over 12k bb. The small blind covers, calls with ace king and wins the hand. One player announces with glee, 'Everybody gets their money back!' and I silently exit the room.

The tournament ended up chopping 9 handed.

It really is an unnerving scenario. Something that is definitely not limited to this poker room, but Mohegan Sun very much deserves to be outed for their many egregious flaws, of this and other natures.

Of course, I sympathize a ton with OP. While there may be an imbalance in his reaction relative to a 'big picture' context, it's really tough to pass judgement without knowing the degree of idiocy among the breed of individuals he encountered.

Hope you're doin ok, stealthmunk, and I hope we get a chance to talk or meet someday.


Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-21-2012 , 01:49 PM
lol i deal with that situation every week at my local casino dan...they just collect from everyone but me and pay out accordingly...

except last week they did a "double bubble" and the dolts accidentally paid the 13th place finisher(10 pay so they were supposed to pay 11+12th and by the time they figured out what they did that guy was already sitting at a 3/6/12 game with his newfound bubble money and they had to split the remainded of the bubble between 11th and 12th places.

Amateur hour indeed
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-21-2012 , 06:12 PM
No floor should ever allow that type of deal to happen with "collect from everyone but me". That kills you trying to run over the bubble, how can tourney staff ever let that slide? It makes it even worse since now you're the only one that's on the actual bubble and everyone else is ITM...
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-22-2012 , 04:47 PM
Mohegan Sun tournament director participates in these forums still I believe. I'm very surprised to see he has never made an appearance in this thread
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
08-22-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by TookURCookie
Mohegan Sun tournament director participates in these forums still I believe. I'm very surprised to see he has never made an appearance in this thread
Actually he no longer works there.
Inept Mohegan Sun Floor Doesn't Understand Collusion, Rude to Players. Quote
