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Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT)

08-07-2007 , 01:42 AM
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-07-2007 , 02:31 AM
Guys, its less about greed than about making the players happy. If we have seating for 810(10 handed) and have 300 people that have booked rooms, paid airfare, and came to our event willing to pay 300 or 500 bucks to play, I think the lesser of 2 evils is to play 11 handed for 30 minutes to an hour. I understand all the arguments against it, and I sympathize. I also feel strongly that we should do our best to accomodate every player who is willing to pay the entry fee. If anyone has any suggestions that would allow me to accomodate these players (given our space and time constraints) I will be more than willing to listen.

Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-07-2007 , 02:34 AM
FWIW I personally feel that 10 handed and nine handed should be illegal. Poker was originally designed to be a game that was a maximum 6 handed or seven handed game. Look at the past WSOP schedules and see who introduced 6 handed play, that became a staple of many major events nowdays......

Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-07-2007 , 02:38 AM
You will be able to register that Sunday morning when you arrive. If you register befor 9 AM you will definitely get a seat, after that, you may or may not be an alternate...Poker players as a rule will try to get there at the last minute. 2/3 of the field will register in the 3 hours before the event.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-07-2007 , 03:08 AM
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-07-2007 , 05:43 AM
Johnny, I agree with BlueMan, plus if ppl know that the seats are indeed limited, they would be more willing to sign up for them further in advance.

Allow for players who are flying in (actually all players who want to do so), to pre-register, and in states where it's allowed (Indiana is one of them that I know of), allow them to purchase their seats in advance via Credit card over the phone. In states where this isn't allowed by the local gaming commission, allow for pre-registration over the phone, where people can send a cashiers check, or can wire the money to the cage to buy their seats in advance.

This will also allow your team as well, to get a feel on how many people are actually interested in your event, much further in advance than you currently do, and allow for better planning (aka more dealers and tables) on your end.

Plus, it might hamstring the WSOP people when they announce their schedule at the last minute (like they did this time), because I know as a player, if I've already paid for my buyin in advance, I've got money invested, so I'm going to attend your event over theirs, because I've already paid.

Doing 11 handed just sucks wind, an isn't fair to those who made their choice to play in your event, based on at the very worst, playing at a 10 handed table.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-09-2007 , 05:24 PM
11 handed poker is insane. I was going to make the trip...but not anymore.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-09-2007 , 06:58 PM
anyone know which sites if any are running sats to this?
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-11-2007 , 01:22 PM
anyone know which sites if any are running sats to this?
My friend told me Full Tilt Poker is but I don't have an account there and can't verify.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-14-2007 , 01:26 PM
For anyone that is going to be there and play in the Friday Aug. 31st event and the Saturday Sept. 1 event., I will accept prop bets on finishing order, or any other kind of prop. We can make it for as much or little as you want or we could make it for shots at the club later as I will be making it rain on the dance floor. Let me know. The Beau is gonna be off the chain for that entire weekend.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-17-2007 , 05:53 PM
I have a room for Friday night the 31st with double queen beds, I am going to be down Wed-Fri but my buddy who is coming has to leave Friday so I got a spot for someone for one night. If you want a shot at it just send me a PM to work something out, checkout time is 11A Saturday and I can meet up with you to let you in to the room at a reasonable time Friday morning, like once I have slept off my hangover!
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-18-2007 , 04:19 AM
Does anyone know (who has experience (IE: lives in the area) in these kinds of things) if there is a Danger from Hurricane Dean hitting the area during this event (or just prior)?

Right now they are predicting Dean to be a Cat 5 Hurricane (link 1 and link 2 and link 3 ) by the time it hits the Gulf. Does anyone who is in the area know how long normally it takes for a storm (like this one) to get there and pass over the area?
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-18-2007 , 09:20 AM
As someone who has lived in the area all his life, there's always that danger. Hurricane forecasting is even more than poker a game of imperfect information. As of right now, though, the projected path looks like it's going to give a pass and Biloxi will probably see some rain, but not Katrina part II. Another relatively positive thing is that it's moving pretty fast, so it's harder for it to build speed. With it's current table image, it should make landfall by Thursday of next week. If it changes gears, though, and slows down, all bets are off.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-20-2007 , 10:05 AM
Go to link 2 in your post and look at the 5-day cone. It looks like it will be well south of the gulf coast. The National Hurricane Center looks at the surrounding weather (high Ps, low Ps, etc) to predict where it will go and they usually do a pretty good job (actually, usually excellent). The farther out they project...the more error (that's why it's a 5-day cone).

It also looks like the timing will be OK as Dean should be well west of the gulf coast, if not completely dissipated, by Labor Day weekend. But they have been known to do a loopty-loop and other strange things.

I fled Florida to Biloxi a couple years ago on Labor Day weekend when Francis was bearing down on us. It was a choice of having a great weekend of live poker or sitting in my house with no power/TV/AC while Francis stalled just offshore and basically ruined everybody's long weekend.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-20-2007 , 04:43 PM
Looks like I wont be able to make my dates at the Beau do to something coming up. I have three days Wed-Friday reserved at 70/70/90. I couldn't get Sat as that was full when I booked. If you want any of these dates let me know and we can work something out just shoot me a PM. Even if you don't want say Wed we can xfer it to your name and you can just drop Wed from the reservation.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-20-2007 , 04:57 PM
I have a room booked (non-smoking, 2 queen sized beds) at the Beau Rivage with a check-in of Sept 3 (Mon) and a check-out of Sept 8 (Sat). I'm not going to be able to make the trip now and wanted to see if there was interest in the room before I canceled my confirmation number. The room is at the special rate ($70 for Mon, Tue, Wed and Thur; $90 for Fri and Sat).

PM with interest/offers and have a Stars account or the ability to transfer money on Stars.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-21-2007 , 08:44 PM
If anyone else has a change of plans and can't make the trip to Beau Rivage, I'm looking for a room from between Wednesday, August 29 through Monday, September 3rd or any combination of days within that span. PM me if you are looking to get a reservation off your hands.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-22-2007 , 07:12 AM
If anyone has any suggestions that would allow me to accomodate these players (given our space and time constraints) I will be more than willing to listen.

Get more space to play
Have 2 day 1's
Cap the number of entrys
Use alternates, giving preference to those who signed up first

11 handed is just horrendous
If it's only 30 minutes to an hour why can't you suck it up? Or maybe come late?
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-23-2007 , 11:42 PM
Going to Biloxi Aug. 29-Sep 10 to pick up the loose change on cash tables, coming from Tampa. Anyone want to split a room or ride up there should PM. Didnt book a room in advance at Beau like a [censored].

Anyone know the rake schedules at $2/5 NL and higher at Beau?
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-24-2007 , 04:33 AM
Going to Biloxi Aug. 29-Sep 10 to pick up the loose change on cash tables, coming from Tampa. Anyone want to split a room or ride up there should PM. Didnt book a room in advance at Beau like a [censored].

Anyone know the rake schedules at $2/5 NL and higher at Beau?
$6 timed rake every 30 minute dealer shift for all NL games at the Beau.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-24-2007 , 01:44 PM
unlimited buy-ins for $2/5 or only $500? And I have the same question for $5/10, only buyin for $1000?
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-24-2007 , 09:19 PM
unlimited buy-ins for $2/5 or only $500? And I have the same question for $5/10, only buyin for $1000?
All NL games at the Beau are uncapped.
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-25-2007 , 02:25 AM
nice thanks for the info and perhaps I will see you on the tables
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-25-2007 , 03:38 PM
I will arrive Thursday Aug 30th. Six of us pitched in for a 3br 2ba condo overlooking the gulf. I only live 2 hours away so this is always a fun stop
Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
08-25-2007 , 10:27 PM
Hello all,
I am ready to go. All the prep work is done, and we are just waiting to set up the ballroom and get the cards in the air. Everybody here is looking forward to a first class event. I played 18 holes at Fallen Oak, the golf course owned by Beau Rivage, and it was awesome. I shot 76 last week in Tunica, and shot 92 at Fallen oak this week. Very Difficult course. 6600 yds from the second set of tees.

We have on site rooms available from Sept 3rd through the 10th. Come on down to Biloxi and see us. You'll love it.

Gulf Coast Poker Championship (WPT) Quote
