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don't chop at the rio don't chop at the rio

06-22-2008 , 07:52 PM
Last night I chopped 6 way in the 340 nightly for 9100.. They stopped the tourney but refused to honor the chop and made us each decide what place we were getting. Then each person had to cash out at the cage and split up the money accordingly. The guy that took "second" disappeared on the way to the cage. His "cash" was 12k, so we each got shorted 600. I spoke to the tourn manager and they refused to do anything about it. This guy has a year to cash out the full 12k. His name is Jeffrey Bryan. Suposedly came in 27 in last years ME. If anyone knows him tell him that we're lookin for him. Ideas? Comments?

Last edited by Kevmath; 06-23-2008 at 07:35 PM. Reason: copied pictures from later in the thread, copied to NVG
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-22-2008 , 08:13 PM
This is pretty standard for Tax reasons, at least that's how it's done in Atlantic City.

As far as the guy who robbed you (cuz really, thats what it is), there's not much the Casino can do since technically they have nothing to do with the chop. It's your responsibility to make sure you get whats yours.

Good luck getting your money though.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-22-2008 , 08:53 PM
everyone be on the lookout for this man:

don't chop at the rio Quote
06-22-2008 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by dstab
Last night I chopped 6 way in the 340 nightly for 9100.. They stopped the tourney but refused to honor the chop and made us each decide what place we were getting. Then each person had to cash out at the cage and split up the money accordingly. The guy that took "second" disappeared on the way to the cage. His "cash" was 12k, so we each got shorted 600. I spoke to the tourn manager and they refused to do anything about it. This guy has a year to cash out the full 12k. His name is Jeffrey Bryan. Suposedly came in 27 in last years ME. If anyone knows him tell him that we're lookin for him. Ideas? Comments?
Why was the chop refused?

That $340 second chance has been chopped practically every single night.

F'n moron TD.

BTW, with both this and the story in MTTc about the Caesars MegaStack chop, it seems Harrahs has gone the ****** route of forcing people to claim taxes on the original amount of a certain place's finish even after a chop (i.e. if 2nd was $17k you chop and get $14k Harrahs still puts you on the books for $17k). This is pure bull**** and shouldn't be done in the spirit of the chop. The lazy mother****ers should write up new paperwork to clarify the exact amount everyone's getting in the chop.

The new Harrahs method of f'ing the tourney player in Vegas. It used to be the >$600=paperwork rule, but now its this, which I find even worse.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-22-2008 , 11:41 PM
Do you know how to contact the other 4 choppers and any casino personnel that might be witnesses? If so, maybe you can file in small claims court, although the case probably won't be heard for some time.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 12:00 AM
better picture imo:

don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 12:17 AM
What a dick. Hope you get your money back OP. Hate to say it, but you probaly wont.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 02:28 PM
Well, he would have to pay taxes on the $2900 (say $1000) that he would have to give out to the lower places, while whomever 'took' 6th place got a break on taxes (ie if 6th place was 'officially' $6100, then that player gets a $1000 tax break on the 'additional' $3000).
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 04:55 PM
As fossilman said in another thread, don't make deals with people you don't trust. Against a table of randoms I am probably making them play it out if the TD is opposed to it (as Harrah's seems to be nowadays), unless I feel I am getting such a +ev deal that it is worth the risk.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 07:20 PM
Why would someone who is a known and listed player do something like this?

All the people at his home casino will find out about it (2p2 is the largest poker forum) and it will do nothing for his reputation.

I'd be interested in the pros and cons of skipping out on a deal. How much money do you have to get away with before you would be willing to take the hit to your reputation?
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 07:30 PM
I'm not sure if the rules/etiquette etc is the same in Vegas as to what it is in Aus, but either way, that is ****ing pathetic, I hope you find him sir
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 07:31 PM
^^ I spent a lot of time calculating this one day and determined that it would be worth it for $73.12 or more.

Seriously though, you should move this to NVG, it will get a lot more attention, people are really unbelievable.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 07:34 PM
Give me a moment, and I'll copy it over and put the pictures in the OP...
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-23-2008 , 08:12 PM
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-24-2008 , 01:15 PM
this guy owes you all 600 dollars each? so 3000 of his 12k goes to all of you? Hopefully 2+2 allows his picture to be posted here everyday. Its disturbing this guy would make a gentlemans agreement then leave all of you at the cage hanging. It seems Harrahs could hold his winnings like they did Jamie Golds when he had a dispute in 2006. After all, they made all of you chop, which is another disturbing issue.

Someone get an E-Mail to Jeffrey Pollack and his staff....
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-24-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Scott Diamond
this guy owes you all 600 dollars each?
Well, that is what one anonymous Internet poster claims.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-24-2008 , 03:28 PM
I have no idea what the guy in question looks like, but a friend of mine [the loud, very drunk Irish guy] was involved in the split and was telling me about the guy grimming everyone..
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-24-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by hyperxdark94
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-24-2008 , 06:58 PM
pretty sure this guy is eating at the sao paulo café right now, in a booth with an older female
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-24-2008 , 09:49 PM
such hidden brags about chopping for 9100 $ and this sux op hope u all get ur money back
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-25-2008 , 12:23 AM
don't look now but guess who's chipleader of the 08 event ?!?!?!?!?!?!?
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-25-2008 , 01:06 AM
From the thread on NVG:

Originally Posted by Get It Fast
Alright, after winning my SNG, ($50) woohoo, I decided to get off my ass and find out what's his story.

So, I walked up and said, "Jeff, you've been causing quite the fuss on the internet."

Jeff then said, "Really. About what?" (I firmly believe he has no clue to what I tell him)

After explaining the story, the thread and the uproar Jeff responds with the following details.

- He was given second place money.
- When he went to the cage to get his money, the lady there informed him that the "first place finisher" took all of the first place money, and not just the ~9K.
- He only wanted to take ~9K, but they wouldn't let him.
- He then decided to take the ~12K, and divide it up between the rest of the players when he saw them.
- He has no idea who those five guys are, or how to get ahold of them.
- The extra ~3k is in his pocket, waiting to be handed out.
- He doesn't know what to do about the guy "who finished first" who took an extra ~10K that he wasn't supposed to. He's worried that guy didn't settle.
- He says the tournament was three nights ago.
- He says they chopped it five ways, not six.

So, there you have it. He's sitting at table 3 seat 7 in the blue section if you want your money. I'm pretty sure he just got confused. He seems really nice and was completely unaware of all of the fuss.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-25-2008 , 01:38 AM
Either he's really confused or full of ---t. We chopped 6 way, not 5. All five of us were there to chop and he was MIA. First place was the drunk irish guy who held to his word and paid the rest of us. He and Bryan were the only ones paid more than the chop. We all agreed to take the hit evenly, which was 600 each. I got bryan's name from the cage so he could have gotten ours. If he wants to make good, someone please have him contact me at my office 305-643-3100 and ask for daren. He can leave me a voicemail. I would look for him myself but I'm at the airport about to fly back to FLA.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-25-2008 , 02:21 AM
by the way, drunk irish guy was very cool.
don't chop at the rio Quote
06-25-2008 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by 52s
BTW, with both this and the story in MTTc about the Caesars MegaStack chop, it seems Harrahs has gone the ****** route of forcing people to claim taxes on the original amount of a certain place's finish even after a chop (i.e. if 2nd was $17k you chop and get $14k Harrahs still puts you on the books for $17k). This is pure bull**** and shouldn't be done in the spirit of the chop. The lazy mother****ers should write up new paperwork to clarify the exact amount everyone's getting in the chop.
From what I understand, Harrah's has an obligation to provide correct W2-G tax statements if they are given a completed Form 5754. However, it is up to the players to complete Form 5754 and provide it to Harrah's. In fact, the IRS instructs that you MUST complete Form 5754 if you receive gambling winnings for someone else.

Form 5754 is used to prepare the W2-G when the person receiving the winnings is not the actual winner or is a member of a group of two or more winners. The IRS's instructions for completing W2-G states that the PAYER is REQUIRED to file Forms W-2G based on Form 5754, either immediately or by Jan 31 following the year of the payment.

Instructions for completing W2-G can be found at Further information regarding Form 5754 is located at

Any ideas on how to get Harrah's to cooperate???

Last edited by AUDITOR NURSE; 06-25-2008 at 08:08 AM. Reason: clarity
don't chop at the rio Quote
