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The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!!

04-22-2016 , 01:21 PM
It would also up the turnouts imo.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-22-2016 , 02:19 PM
@WSOP would there be a fee if using a credit card?

Yes, not by us or for us, but to processor.
If it's 3%, that's $30 on a $1000. For me it would be worth it for one event because my bank charges $30 for a wire. Registering completely online is a lot less hair off my ass than going to the bank to arrange a wire. But for multiple events or higher amounts it would be cheaper using a wire.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-22-2016 , 02:51 PM
I would pay a fee no problem.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-22-2016 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by gna
How long were the lines on the morning of the colossus last year? Is there a different line for people buying in there versus buying in online first and just getting a seat?
The main registration line actually wasn't very long for flight A, the only flight I was there for. But the flight was sold out hours before it started so that may have contributed to the shorter line. Also there were more pre-regs and a lot more hype last year as it was the first time they ran it.

And there is a separate area for those who pre-reg'd online.

If I play flight A, I will buy-in the night before to be safe.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-25-2016 , 06:59 PM
Any word on pre reg yet?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-25-2016 , 09:20 PM
Also does anyone know how many people have already registered at the main cage?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 01:48 PM
Was thinking of regging the night before (thursday june 2nd). You think it will sell out or i'll be able to get a seat? Lines are not an issue I have plenty of free time when I arrive in Vegas.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:46 PM
"Online" pre-regged today. PITA, and that coming from a guy who used to do Grateful Dead Mail Order back in the day. So many steps, so many rules.

Didn't see anything about using a credit card, opted for the cashier's check, same as last year. Mailing it out tonight.

Took a few tries to get BravoPokerLive to accept me as a user. I'm thinking their site isn't used to so much traffic. I expect once word gets out this afternoon/evening, the "user experience" on their website will go to complete ****. YMMV.

Is it June yet?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 06:45 PM
Bravopokerlive flat out doesn't work for me at all. It used to but not any more.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:09 PM
Here is the link to online registration:

Last edited by riverph7; 04-26-2016 at 07:20 PM.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Was thinking of regging the night before (thursday june 2nd). You think it will sell out or i'll be able to get a seat? Lines are not an issue I have plenty of free time when I arrive in Vegas.
I was able to register at 7:00 the night before flight A last year. It was a very short wait.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:29 PM
It took it about 10 times to accept my player ID, but eventually i got bravo to work.

My problem: Where is the credit card sign up???
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-26-2016 , 11:32 PM
I finally got my Total Rewards Player ID to work, but I'm waiting to see a credit card option. Twitter WSOP account says it's not ready yet and that they will announce when it is working. Hopefully I didn't make an error by funding the BravoCard with sufficient funds to cover the Colossus buyin.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
If it's 3%, that's $30 on a $1000. For me it would be worth it for one event because my bank charges $30 for a wire. Registering completely online is a lot less hair off my ass than going to the bank to arrange a wire. But for multiple events or higher amounts it would be cheaper using a wire.
Ok it looks like we pay the 2.95% charge on the credit card when registering online through the Bravo website (when they get the online credit card part working). Paying the extra $45 for a $1500 entry fee event is not that bad. If you need a refund and you can't be at the Rio, you have to request a credit card refund via email prior to start of the event where they start a "paper work process". And of course, only the entry fee portion will be refunded.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 04:49 AM
Ugh, if I have to use Bravo, I'm out and will register a different way. The Bravo site was always flaky for me and has been unusable by me for the last month. I keep getting a weird error when I log in.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 09:01 AM
So what about seat assignments?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 09:07 AM
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 09:19 AM
Tried to make account but would not go through. Any others with this issue?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 09:32 AM
That site is junky.still won't accept my password reset. And does anyone know if the June 4 flights are sold out .? The filter had 0 tourneys at the rio that day
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 10:16 AM
Ok finally got bravo to go through. A tip , when making password use 2 symbols . It worked for me . Took 2 tries for player number. But it took it. Now when is the cc payment gunna b available?anyone know?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 10:45 AM
Why would you need a bravo card ? Just to save fees?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 10:51 AM
edit button my friend......

is it possible to register the flights a day in advance or can they actually sell out. or for example can i pay for all 3 4pm flights on the 1st when i arrive?
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by gardenz
Ok it looks like we pay the 2.95% charge on the credit card when registering online through the Bravo website (when they get the online credit card part working). Paying the extra $45 for a $1500 entry fee event is not that bad. If you need a refund and you can't be at the Rio, you have to request a credit card refund via email prior to start of the event where they start a "paper work process". And of course, only the entry fee portion will be refunded.
Unless you're trying to play a $1,500 around the time of the Colossus you shouldn't have to wait in long and can save that $45 by registering in person. But it's all relative to time/cost balance, which differs for everybody.

I was thinking of doing the cashier's check option for Colossus since it's $10 from Wells Fargo, but I think it's worth it for me to fork over the $16.38 fee for the $565 entry to do it by credit card as I can just shuffle my Bovada money on to my Visa and then off to the WSOP.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 10:56 AM
Somebody got a valium for caspro?

Bravo isn't a card, it's the system WSOP uses for registration...and is also the software used to keep track of cash tables and tournaments almost universally throughout Vegas. You definitely need to get the Bravo Poker app for your phone, by the way.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
04-27-2016 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
edit button my friend......

is it possible to register the flights a day in advance or can they actually sell out. or for example can i pay for all 3 4pm flights on the 1st when i arrive?
I believe you can only register for ONE flight at a time. So you would only be able to register for the next day's 4pm flight after you bust. If you happen to make it through to day 2, you CANNOT register for another flight. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The Colossus II- WSOP 2016 !!  -7 Million Guarantee ! 5 Buy in!! Quote
