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Ask NeilJ about EPT tournament details thread Ask NeilJ about EPT tournament details thread

11-12-2011 , 08:55 PM
The rake for 25-25 PLO in Loutraki is 3% with a 125 Euro cap.
11-29-2011 , 07:29 AM
Hi All,

Was on vacation for a bit I'm back now and will be going through the forums all day today.


Pokerstars Live Events Specialist
11-29-2011 , 09:56 AM
Hi All,

I know I'm late on some of these answers, apologies. Next time I go on vacvation, I'm going to put it on here just so everyone knows.

Matt - 601 - I saw you thread, so I know you have seen it.

Keep - 608 - Skrill is operating in Prague the way they were in London with full services.

Gags - 614 - Skrill is the new name for Moneybookers.

Timex - 615 - The second half will be announced no later than the PCA. We have already announced Copenhagen. I can say that there are 3 more EPT's plus the Grand Final. The Grand Final is not in Madrid this year. The guys in Loutraki also got me to admit that it should be warmer there, so they have taken that to mean they can eliminate Northern Europe from where the GF is :-)

Tufat - 616 - That is something we have looked at. I know I chatted with a bunch of players at EPT Loutraki about having a 1K in between the typical 50 min clock and the turbo 15 min clock. I'll definitely look into it for the schedules of the final four EPT's.

Ase - 617 - Prague yes, Loutraki no. Skrill yes in Prague.

Ase - 618 - The goal of them dropping the clock to 30 minutes was that they wanted it over in a single day. The 50 min and 10K, with all the levels, takes a solid two days to finish, even with 40-50 players. They were talking about something that would go a strong 10-12 hours, but be finished in a single day. At least that is how I interpreted it. Tufat, please correct me if I'm wrong?

Keep - 620 - Confirmed.

Brad - 622 - Apologies, was on holiday. I've checked to see when they are being turned off for each EPT going forward.

Chicago - 623 - Did you get this fixed? I can't do much with starting days, but EPT@ should be able to help you.

Sorry about the questions I missed while I was away everyone. Back now and ready to charge through to the PCA!

See you all in Prague next week!

Pokerstars Live Events Specialist
11-29-2011 , 10:43 AM
Grand final in Malta would be nice!
11-29-2011 , 11:01 AM
Grand Final in Dublin directly after Irish Open would be ideal. Also EPT Vienna right next to WPT Vienna. I really hope the turnout for Prague shows Pokerstars and WPT that they both benefit form scheduling their events in conjunction with another instead of trying to compete and hemorrhaging both fields. Also please don't schedule the Grand Final durign SCoOP again. Also, move SCoOP back to early April or even late March instead of mid-May when players would before a break right before the long grind of WSOP.
11-29-2011 , 11:39 AM
I saw Berlin listed in some EPT London literature as mid April.

With Vienna around the time of the WPT that leaves one more.

11-30-2011 , 08:52 AM
Hi All,

Bergeroo - 629 - Interesting idea. I still want to go to a tourney in Malta! I hear great things about the place.

Highland - 630 - Believe it or not, there is no intent to drop events on top of each other. We have a hard enough time trying to schedule against ourselves You should see my 2012 calendar with ESTRELLAS, PPS, RPS, FPS, BPS, GPC, ANZPT, APPT, PSM, LAPT, BPT, EUREKA, UKIPT, IPT, EPT, PCA, plus assorted special events. There are no empty spots on the PokerStars calendar anywhere. It does keep my job exciting though

Bergeroo - 631 - I'll say that one of your three suggestions is correct. I will also say that one of your three is wrong. The other one is either right or wrong


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
11-30-2011 , 10:05 AM
Do you know when they're going to release the FPS schedule?
11-30-2011 , 10:22 AM
Hi FD,

I don't. We announced UKIPT3 and Estrellas III, but haven't announced FPS yet and I don't have a date yet.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
11-30-2011 , 10:35 AM

Broken record o'clock, but have you got any idea as to when the rest of the UKIPT schedule is to be released?

Not that I'm greedy or anything
11-30-2011 , 10:41 AM
ANZPT release date?
11-30-2011 , 01:03 PM
Hi guys,

Flip side of the record Matt...I don't know, but I'll check


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
11-30-2011 , 06:27 PM
Will there be an Online Leaderboard for the Estrellas tour much like the UKIPT one?
12-01-2011 , 05:28 AM
Looks like the regional tours are quite popular - well done Stars
12-01-2011 , 08:25 AM
Hi All,

Sect - 638 - I know it is under discussion, but I personally doubt you will see it for Estrellas III, much more likely for Estrellas IV.

Matt - 639 - Thanks!!! We're rather proud of them Now I just need to find a way to go to all of them at least once. So far I have been to a UKIPT, EPT, NAPT, PCA, GPC and IPT so I am definitely slacking


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
12-01-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Crocker
Looks like the regional tours are quite popular - well done Stars
There def. has been a huge pick up for these. 6 months ago when I started these there were constant overlays on the sats and the supersats feeding the sats. But it seems that more people are now doing what I've been doing which makes them not nearly as soft as they used to be but such as life.
12-01-2011 , 03:09 PM
i think most of them are hoping that liv boeree or someone will come up to them and say hi, how are you doing? i know that's the only reason i go to ukipts.
12-01-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
i think most of them are hoping that liv boeree or someone will come up to them and say hi, how are you doing? i know that's the only reason i go to ukipts.
Let's face it, most people are actually hoping to be the next Kevin McPhee
12-01-2011 , 10:19 PM
I don't what GPT is or PCM! Google no help.

12-03-2011 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by FDSaussure
Do you know when they're going to release the FPS schedule?
Announced today here in FPS SunFest.
Site will be updated soon.

12-05-2011 , 07:52 AM
Hi Berg,

It isn't GPT and PCM, it's GPC and PSM

GPC = Greek Poker Cup's
PSM = PokerStars Macau, the PokerStars run LIVE poker room in Macau.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
12-05-2011 , 10:03 AM
any idea when the rest of the ept deauville schedule will be out?
12-05-2011 , 01:15 PM
Hi Karl,

Signing it off this week. If not by Friday, then Monday.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
12-05-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by HotKarlMC
any idea when the rest of the ept deauville schedule will be out?
ffs, I thought I sent you into retirement. Come to Australia!!!!
12-07-2011 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by NeilJ
Hi Karl,

Signing it off this week. If not by Friday, then Monday.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
Plenty of PLO, PLO8 and mixed games events I am hoping.

P.S. If you are who I think you are Neil then I am the guy who had quite a long chat with you on the final day of EPT San Remo and we were talking about on line sats to live PLO events and some of the difficulties relating to organising them and getting good live PLO field sizes. Thank you for that chat and for giving me your time on that day.

I think that PLO is a more popular game in France than in any other European country (Ireland aside perhaps) so the PLO (and PLO8) field sizes should be pretty good in Deauville.

I'm looking forward to it a lot.
