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2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3

09-02-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Allen there were actually many EPT Barcelona players who played this tourney, often using multiple entries.(One player entered 7 times and did not make Day 2)

I'm more curious why so many players chose the Winstar tourney over this??
Do you have a guesstimate as to how many from Barcelona actually played shr?

The winstar event is an annual Labor Day tournament with a built in softer player base and half the cost. I rattled off the first ten names I remembered from last years shr that I saw at winstar, but there were at least 100 players.

They're both great events and should be held exactly one weekend apart so players can play both.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 03:15 PM
Guessing is pretty hard but there was like 20 people I knew on my flight from BCN>MIA. Having said that I would have thought winstar had a bigger player pool overlap than barcelona.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
This is just embarrassing. I played with your brother last weekend at foxwoods. Hes such a class act and has respect for the game and other players.

Too bad it doesn't run in the family.
as Gostatego pointed out, Muk is probably one of the nicer people in poker at the tables (he's obv an elitist douchebag behind closed doors, but nobody besides myself and like 8 people know this). There's probably a reason why he's like this to you (stated in his post).

Originally Posted by THAY3R
Allen there were actually many EPT Barcelona players who played this tourney, often using multiple entries.(One player entered 7 times and did not make Day 2)

I'm more curious why so many players chose the Winstar tourney over this??
was a large # of people who weren't at this event that were last year that def aren't part of the "winstar crowd". The HS euro/Canadian grinders that didn't show up affected this tourney as much as the people who went to Winstar.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
This is just embarrassing. I played with your brother last weekend at foxwoods. Hes such a class act and has respect for the game and other players.

Too bad it doesn't run in the family.
LOL, what in gods name do you know about class? You've texted both my brother and david tuthill (who knows who else) since this threads inception to try and talk behind my back to get people to either change my attitude towards you or convince me to lighten up (as recently as this morning, BTW). Have you tried to reach out to me directly once like a man to hash this out on a personal level? Of course not. You simply only care about public perception of yourself, not what people who ACTUALLY know you, think. Its beyond pathetic.

You used to talk to down to me and others you deemed below you incessantly back when I used to post here more often just bc they may or not have had results. You only advocate for things that benefit you or your playing style personally. This is all so painfully obvious knowing and observing your behavior for the past 5-6 years. Go ahead and find ppl who actually know me to agree with you that I'm classless, don't respect the game and/or players etc. Those accusations are laughable. Bc I don't respect you at all, I don't respect the game and its players??? The ego on you is embarrassing. You don't represent the game, Allen. You represent everything wrong with it. Wanting to be pseudo famous, constantly tweeting at shannon elizabeth and other random women like the stone cold creep you are. Standing up for borevetz and what he did. Always pestering casino and poker officials to change things in your personal favor.

It's time your true reputation came to light and people saw you for the exact sycophant, fake POS you really are.

2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 05:54 PM
I'd like to suggest a few changes to some other things if possible, not tournament related, that would be great imo.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by NeVerMuK
LOL, what in gods name do you know about class? You've texted both my brother and david tuthill (who knows who else) since this threads inception to try and talk behind my back to get people to either change my attitude towards you or convince me to lighten up (as recently as this morning, BTW). Have you tried to reach out to me directly once like a man to hash this out on a personal level? Of course not. You simply only care about public perception of yourself, not what people who ACTUALLY know you, think. Its beyond pathetic.

You used to talk to down to me and others you deemed below you incessantly back when I used to post here more often just bc they may or not have had results. You only advocate for things that benefit you or your playing style personally. This is all so painfully obvious knowing and observing your behavior for the past 5-6 years. Go ahead and find ppl who actually know me to agree with you that I'm classless, don't respect the game and/or players etc. Those accusations are laughable. Bc I don't respect you at all, I don't respect the game and its players??? The ego on you is embarrassing. You don't represent the game, Allen. You represent everything wrong with it. Wanting to be pseudo famous, constantly tweeting at shannon elizabeth and other random women like the stone cold creep you are. Standing up for borevetz and what he did. Always pestering casino and poker officials to change things in your personal favor.

It's time your true reputation came to light and people saw you for the exact sycophant, fake POS you really are.

I dont have your contact info. After your first outburst I reached out to your brother to try and get this situation under control.

I also spoke to him again at foxwoods regarding your issues. He has my contact info and I'm always available. I haven't seen you at a live event since you said I was hopelessly begging for stakes at the wsop.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 06:39 PM

Enough of the community thinking you're their white knight, preaching for the benefit of the people.

Enough of you prancing around pretending to care about anyone but yourself while hiding your true self from the public.

It seems I have to be the dark knight that exposes you for what you really are, Allen.

Simply put, Enough is Enough.

Last edited by NeVerMuK; 09-02-2014 at 06:55 PM.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 07:25 PM
GL to Farrid Jattin and Michael Locke.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 08:35 PM
Congrats to Lord_Strife!

The run good continues at Hard Rock.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 08:35 PM
Cunix representing Columbus, Ohio well....inspire.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I dont have your contact info. After your first outburst I reached out to your brother to try and get this situation under control.

I also spoke to him again at foxwoods regarding your issues. He has my contact info and I'm always available. I haven't seen you at a live event since you said I was hopelessly begging for stakes at the wsop.
2+2 has PMs
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 09:15 PM
Will spectators be allowed to rail the FT tomorrow? If so, will it be in the ballroom or somewhere else?

Also, what time does the FT resume tomorrow?
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-02-2014 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by NeVerMuK

Enough of the community thinking you're their white knight, preaching for the benefit of the people.

Enough of you prancing around pretending to care about anyone but yourself while hiding your true self from the public.

It seems I have to be the dark knight that exposes you for what you really are, Allen.

Simply put, Enough is Enough.
Don't mind me. Something happened to my precious image...
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-03-2014 , 02:46 AM
Is this the only casino in America that taxes all profits for Canadians on scores under 5k profit?
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-03-2014 , 10:18 AM
I have never had such a hard time finding updates on an event. Actually kind of tilted. Whos left? is it over? where are there updates???
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-03-2014 , 10:28 AM
Theyre down to 6. The live stream is on (click on seminole hardrock tab) at 1 or 2 pm. Of the 6 remaining I remember Dan Coleman 'one drop winner' is second in cips.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-03-2014 , 12:35 PM
Very talented final table.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-03-2014 , 01:26 PM
Joe "daPHUNNIEman" Kuether is there. Get 'em, Joe!!
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-03-2014 , 11:35 PM
I've been scouring different sites to find out when the next tournament series will be at the Hard Rock and to my surprise it seems like nothing has been announced yet. In the past, there was usually an "Everglades Poker Open" [small] series towards the end of September. Has that been scrapped?

It seems like the SHRPO would have been a great time to advertise the next upcoming tournament series at the Rock, even if exact details of structures and the like were TBD.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-04-2014 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by bic
I've been scouring different sites to find out when the next tournament series will be at the Hard Rock and to my surprise it seems like nothing has been announced yet. In the past, there was usually an "Everglades Poker Open" [small] series towards the end of September. Has that been scrapped?

It seems like the SHRPO would have been a great time to advertise the next upcoming tournament series at the Rock, even if exact details of structures and the like were TBD.
They advertised the Rock and Roll Poker Open (or whatever it's precisely called) on the big screen several times the whole series... Fri 1a and Sat 1b Thanksgiving Weekend $3500/$2M gtd... I'm sure you can expect a $350/200k+ one or two weekends earlier and maybe a $560/200k+ also, but slightly less likely...
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-04-2014 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Lord_Strife
They advertised the Rock and Roll Poker Open (or whatever it's precisely called) on the big screen several times the whole series... Fri 1a and Sat 1b Thanksgiving Weekend $3500/$2M gtd...
O RLY? Don't know how I missed that but it sounds awesome. You're right, though-- they've been hosting that Rock and Roll Poker Open for a few years now. I suppose the new Coconut Creek Poker Open is taking the place of the Hard Rock's dainty Everglades Poker Open during that late-September/early-October slot.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
09-04-2014 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by bic
O RLY? Don't know how I missed that but it sounds awesome. You're right, though-- they've been hosting that Rock and Roll Poker Open for a few years now. I suppose the new Coconut Creek Poker Open is taking the place of the Hard Rock's dainty Everglades Poker Open during that late-September/early-October slot.
Yeah they're doing a great job using coconut creek to help as a tournament venue. No reason not to use such a nice facility reasonably close by.
2014 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (,000,000 GTD ME) August 14 - Sept. 3 Quote
