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Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators

02-07-2017 , 11:31 PM
A big ol' Texas roach crawled across the floor of the Brazos County Courthouse during our civil wedding ceremony in 1987, true story. My then bride, now ex, got a case of the giggles.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-08-2017 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
You know, there's a White Castle in Vegas missed it!
Lol, I saw that. Damnitalltohell!!! Next time when we are wandering around wondering where to go, that can be the answer, "White Castle"!!!!
I also didn't get to Freddy's Steakburgers either which is one of my favorite places on earth to eat at. If you have not been to Freddy's, do yourself a favor and give it a try. Wonderful burgers, fries and the Frozen Custard is Fantastic!
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-08-2017 , 03:09 PM
Culver's is good too.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-09-2017 , 05:02 PM
So I gambled and lost.

About a year ago I made the switch from peanut butter to almond butter and am very happy with that choice. But last week I decided to try something new again. Sunflower seed butter. Bleeeech!!!!!! I like sunflower seeds but one taste of the butter and I had to throw it away.

Ya live ya learn.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-09-2017 , 05:13 PM
We just went through a 54 degree termperature swing in Great Falls. It went from 5 degrees below zero last night to 49 degrees above at noon today.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-09-2017 , 06:34 PM
Folks around me are starting to ask me how many cubits their arks should be.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-09-2017 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Folks around me are starting to ask me how many cubits their arks should be.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-09-2017 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
It's not 42? I thought for sure you were going to say 42.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-09-2017 , 11:41 PM
I love peanut butter. I haven't eaten much this month because my wife is making almond butter (which is also great).
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 12:16 AM
dont fall for the vegemite thing.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by freestreetcommando
We just went through a 54 degree termperature swing in Great Falls. It went from 5 degrees below zero last night to 49 degrees above at noon today.
About the same here, but in the wrong direction.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 12:49 AM
Last night while waiting for my daughter and granddaughter, I was sitting alone in a restaurant, head down, wearing a black fedora and black leather jacket. My daughter sees me and says, "I'm sure a few people just breathed a sigh of relief when we walked in. You look like the opening scene of a Tarrantino film. You know, the guy who stands up and starts shooting."

More and more, I'm convinced I raised that one right.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
It's not 42? I thought for sure you were going to say 42.
Yeah, it's 42. Of course it's 42. Either that or jaundice.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 01:40 AM
More and more, I'm convinced I raised that one right.
That's precious John. I'm jealous. And yes, you raised her right. Kudos.

* by the way, I have a great leather jacket myself that I purchase years ago when in I was in Taipei. It is Italian made. Very cool, and it radiates an aura of silent badness, so it keeps the plebs at bay and gives instant respect from the easily swayed. Works wonders. I plan on wearing it a lot when I visit New York. Understated coolness is the way to go. Of course I need to get a fedora. Either that or a homburg.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Culver's is good too.
Culvers was my #1 favorite before Freddy's and honestly they might just be neck and neck. Culvers is really good. Actually Culvers has excellent Cheese Curds so they might have to be in front.

Originally Posted by freestreetcommando
We just went through a 54 degree termperature swing in Great Falls. It went from 5 degrees below zero last night to 49 degrees above at noon today.
Same here in SE MT. I will take the swing that way any day.

Originally Posted by John Cole
Last night while waiting for my daughter and granddaughter, I was sitting alone in a restaurant, head down, wearing a black fedora and black leather jacket. My daughter sees me and says, "I'm sure a few people just breathed a sigh of relief when we walked in. You look like the opening scene of a Tarrantino film. You know, the guy who stands up and starts shooting."

More and more, I'm convinced I raised that one right.
Awesome! There would be very little doubt in my mind about the way you would have raised your daughter.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 12:49 PM
40 in roman numerals is XL. Coincidence?
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-10-2017 , 03:20 PM
Great story John.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-11-2017 , 03:43 AM
raised her right? anyone knowing what goes on in a tarrintino movie has been raised wrong. castrate the old guy so he cant continue on.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-11-2017 , 03:44 AM
its starting to warm up a little maybe i maker upper a spring thread soon huh.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-11-2017 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by John Cole
My mom died Sunday evening at age 90. She had Alzheimer's for a number of years, but she still knew me and my two brothers. A couple weeks ago, she asked if I were thinking of returning to my wife. When I told her she had died a number of years ago, she asked if I considered getting married again. I asked her what she thought.

"Well, it couldn't hurt," she said.

I've been thinking about your post about your mother. Poignant and beautiful!

And your mom's answer wins.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-11-2017 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
raised her right? anyone knowing what goes on in a tarrintino movie has been raised wrong. castrate the old guy so he cant continue on.
That's a bit extreme. Especially since I have no plans to continue on.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-11-2017 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by R*R

I've been thinking about your post about your mother. Poignant and beautiful!

And your mom's answer wins.
Thanks, R*R. The prospect sort of scares me, but perhaps she knew better.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-12-2017 , 04:25 AM
plans or ability. two very different things my friend.

years back i remember calling you a nerd and you got quite offended and lashed out at me with extreme fire and ice. now as you approach 11,000 posts i feel vindicated....

happy 12,000th when it comes.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-12-2017 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
tough beat, i dont get any dough off used copies. i knew i should of used that mission impossible solution so they self destruct.
Alright RZ, you'll be pleased to know bought the Amazon Kindle version to boot. Chop/chop.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
02-12-2017 , 03:05 PM
Nerds are cool. I wish everyone were a nerd.
Winter LC Thread: Started by Ray Zee Without the Express Written Permission of the Moderators Quote
