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****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** ****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread****

11-17-2012 , 12:38 PM
Keep in mind that I'm only choosing from my filmography, so some things can get a little tricky. Catch Me If You Can was my first choice in the Walken category...oh well, I have others.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
Keep in mind that I'm only choosing from my filmography, so some things can get a little tricky. Catch Me If You Can was my first choice in the Walken category...oh well, I have others.
You are allowed to step outside of the films you've worked on, Nunnehi.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 01:41 PM
It's fun for me to do it this way, because it's like a brain teaser. Not only do I have to see if I have movies to fit the category, but I also have to remember that I actually worked on the movies and I like to see if I can remember anything about

In a future draft, I might choose the worst movies in my filmography for whatever the categories are, just for fun.

By the way, I am 8 pages in on The Searchers thing you linked to, and will try to finish it at some point today.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 02:14 PM
Round 6 Category 4: A film that inspired a TV show that did not last longer than 4 seasons:

Lawrence of Arabia (1962) inspired the series Lawrence Alarab (2011), all 37 episodes available for viewing here:
To quote the copy: "An exciting, moving and intriguing re-telling of the classic Lawerence of Arabia story. What makes this series so compelling is that it is told from an Arab perspective, which makes it very rare in the wide lexicon of shows about the controversial T.E. Lawrence."
(Ain't the internet grand?!)

The greatest movie of all time is now a TV show! Enjoy!!

Round 1: Citizen Kane (film-ception)
Round 2: Casablanca (actor sings!)
Round 3: Annie Hall (i'm walken here)
Round 4: The Gold Rush (heel eats shoe)
Round 5: 2001: A Space Odyssey (nekkid starchild)
Round 6: Lawrence of Arabia (tv series)
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 02:17 PM
Wait a minute...just because they the movie and TV show are both about Lawrence, doesn't mean the movie inspired the show. Especially 50 years after the fact.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Wait a minute...just because they the movie and TV show are both about Lawrence, doesn't mean the movie inspired the show. Especially 50 years after the fact.
The movie is the 'classic telling' that needs to be re-told.
If the movie doesn't exist, do you think the TV series would? I doubt it. The movie (movies: along with Mr Peabody and his boy Sherman where most of us get our history) has 'inspired' these folks to tell the tale differently.

Also, my other choice (which you would readily agree to) is 42 years after the fact. Time schmime.....
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
Round 5
Short Lived TV Series

Blazing Saddles

I considered this as well, but I didn't think the pilot had ever actually aired. It did. Damn.

Greatest comedy ever, I think.

This was also on my short list for "singing actors", but I was thinking of Madelaine Kahn.

She's tired, you know.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by kudzudemon
She's tired, you know.
Lili Von Shtupp: Hello, cowboy. What's your name?
Tex: Tex, ma'am!
Lili Von Shtupp: "Texmam"? Tell me, Texmam, are you in show business?
Tex: Well, no...
Lilly von Schtupp: Then why don't you get your fwiggin' feet off the stage?
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by hikeeba
Lili Von Shtupp: Hello, cowboy. What's your name?
Tex: Tex, ma'am!
Lili Von Shtupp: "Texmam"? Tell me, Texmam, are you in show business?
Tex: Well, no...
Lilly von Schtupp: Then why don't you get your fwiggin' feet off the stage?
That woman was a genius. And fifteen is still my limit on schnitzengrueben.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 04:56 PM
Since I think hikeeba is going to win his battle, and, even if he doesn't, I'm not picking in that category. So, with my 6th round pick, in the category Movie in which an actor, who is not normally known for singing, sings a song or a part of a song, I choose:

There were two Capote movies that came out roughly around the same time, the one that got nominated for all of the Oscars, and then this one. I never saw the other one, but I actually enjoyed this one quite a bit. I thought Toby Jones was great as Capote, even though his impersonation of Capote's voice probably isn't much better than Hoffman's. Jones, however, is uncanny in his appearance as a close match to what Capote looked like size wise, and even somewhat face wise. Both Jones and Hoffman are putting on voices that attempt to resemble Capote, though I think Hoffman's voice seems much more forced than Jones's, while I think Jones is a bit too lazy and high with his voice. Hoffman doesn't really have the right range to hit the performance without sounding falsetto, but Jones actually has nearly perfect range to hit the tone of Capote's voice, and doesn't get there. So, if we're going on actual impersonations of the man's voice, I think Hoffman wins, solely because he couldn't get there accurately. If we're going based on appearance and mannerisms, Jones easily wins (plus Hoffman is way too tall to play Capote, who was likely only about 5'3"). Since I didn't get to see the whole Capote movie, all I can do is judge based on the trailer, but Hoffman did win the Oscar for his performance, and Jones wasn't even nominated. I loved his performance, but he certainly doesn't get the voice quite right.

Here's a clip of Capote on The Dick Cavett Show, with Groucho Marx, no less:

Here's Jones:

Here's Hoffman from the Capote trailer:

For comparison, here's Jones from the Infamous trailer:

Now, you're probably saying, "Wait a minute, what does that have to do with sangin'?" I wanted to give a little background on the movie first, and then get to the pick. At the beginning of the movie, Capote is seeing a performance of Kitty Dean, who is played by Gwyneth Paltrow. I know that Paltrow is known more for singing today, but I don't think she was very well known for it at the time of this movie. One thing you'll notice in this clip is the credits going by. The movie has a stellar cast, and I think Doug McGrath did a great job on a low budget. I really miss Warner Independent Pictures, and wish it would have made it. Another thing to note is that this is the last film performance of Daniel Craig before he became James Bond, and his performance is quite intense. Him and Jones share an on screen kiss, as well.

Here's the clip of Paltrow singing:

And that was the entirety of her performance. If you haven't seen the movie, I recommend it.

Picks so far:

Round 1-The Shawshank Redemption (shoes)
Round 2-A Nightmare On Elm Street (TV show)
Round 3-The Searchers (Texas)
Round 4-The Apartment (film within a film)
Round 5-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (training montage)
Round 6-Infamous (singer)

kudzude(is on the clock)mon.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 05:31 PM
I will be unavailable most of the day, so you guys can skip me when it's my turn, and keep things humming along
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 05:36 PM

Youze can PM me your next pick if you like. I promise not to snipe you.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 06:52 PM
Write up to come when I get home in an hour or so, but my pick as "Movie with a nude scene I didn't want to see", I choose "Schindler's List".
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 07:00 PM
kudz gets the prize for thinking outside the box in the nude category. Yikes.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 07:21 PM
Round 6

  • A film that has 6 or more words in the title

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Beautiful cinematography, exquisite acting (Casey Affleck doing whatever he wants, serious Brad Pitt), a slow paced story that builds unbearable tension. It took me forever to give this movie a chance, but once I did, I hated myself for waiting so long.

****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
I'm not sure if you're insinuating plagiarism, but I came up with everything I wrote there myself, and wasn't aware anyone else had said something similar.

I think you're missing the erosion of character that went on with the family. They might not have hated at the beginning, but they certainly do by the end, from my recollection. They're the ones holding on to fleeting humanity, Ethan probably doesn't have any left, and it's unlikely he ever had any left by the time he entered the story. His character is almost like a black hole. We get nothing but bits of background (he's been around the "world" but has a very shady past), but no knowledge of what shaped him into being (it could be hate, or it could be the events of the world that shaped him, we'll never know).
the family is merely a support mechanism to the ethan character... the plot complication. and to be honest, they DID hate the indians prior, or at the very least had great fear of them. I dont think it is right to attempt to justify or correlate all of histories nuances with a movies portrayal of a rather simple story... specially when looking back through time and using rose colored arm chair techniques. that only seems to serve a personal purpose, not one that revolves around the movie itself.

I put this movie in the same category as The Unforgiven... William Money IS NOT a hero, and neither is Ethan.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 08:15 PM
Did you read the paper John Cole linked to? You should, even if neither of us agrees with the paper's assessments.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 08:59 PM
From that article, here is something Ford said:

As Ford told Peter Bogdanovich, The Searchers is "the tragedy of a
loner, of a man who could never really be part of a family."
When thinking about the movie in those terms only, doesn't everything that happens in the movie just fit, and the character was painted as a racist to serve the fractured nature of the character, just like his feelings for Martha also serve the fractured nature of his character (an extra wall between him and family)? In a way, the racism gives him a validation of why he is the way he is, when no other reason will do. I'm having a hard time articulating what I mean, so who knows if that makes any sense.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 09:08 PM
In the category of "Film with a nude scene I didn't want to see", I choose


There are plenty of movies that feature man ass, a sight I prefer to avoid. I am not a homophobe, nor do I despise the human body. But I prefer the curves of a woman, even a relatively husky or homely one, to the nude form of a man. So trying to choose between whose "all together" I would like to see the least of all seems a bit futile. Anyone male, other than George Clooney, will be considered grotesque enough.

Perhaps I've shared too much. Anyway...

I am taking this category in a little different direction, partly to grab a movie that seemed ungrabbable. But also because this category actually made me think a little about it.

Schindler's List is a brilliant example of American film making, and, coming as it did from Stephen Spielberg, who seemed, at the time, compared to his peers, a bit of a talented Pollyanna, if not downright prude, it was brave. He goes all out, no stops, in making this stark film, and shows what needs to be shown.

The nudity, or most of it, anyway, is not titillating, nor is it meant to be so. It is, in fact, horrifying to watch, as human beings are brought down to the level of beasts, and herded naked to their deaths, or crying in fear at what they think is their impending execution, still trying to maintain an element of modesty by covering up their nakedness as best they can, even in death.

Most movies, even when the nudity is germane to the plot, strive to make it as beautiful and titillating as possible, or, at the very least, play it for cheap laughs. Some might try to desensitize or downplay. But few movies use nudity as a stark reminder, and none do it as sobering as Spielberg does here.

Granted, there are sad and uglier things than mere nudity here, and we are forced to watch them, as well. And there are beautiful nudes in the film, like the camp commandant's girlfriend, and Schindler's various conquests. And there are aesthetically repulsive skin shots, too, such as the expanding girth of the camp commandant's bare stomach.

The nudity in the film, all of it, represents something; it is not gratuitous. But the sight of the unclothed prisoners brilliantly and horribly represents the degradation not just of the unclothed, but those who force it. And by making the viewer helplessly witness it, made to somehow participate in the violation, it jarringly reminds of us of our humanity, and makes us less a passive audience than of one anguished soul with the prisoners we are watching.

It is nudity we don't wish to see, but it makes the movies stronger.

So now I have
Full Metal Jacket (training montage)
True Romance (Walken)
Goodfellas (movie in a movie)
Do The Right Thing (shoes)
Clerks (TV show)
Schindler's List (nudity)
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-17-2012 , 11:19 PM
Round 6 Pick 56

Category: A film with a "training" montage - sports or otherwise

Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai (1954)

A poor village under attack by bandits recruits seven unemployed samurai to help them defend themselves.
Arguably Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece, The Seven Samurai is an epic adventure classic with an engrossing story, memorable characters, and stunning action sequences that make it one of the most influential films ever made.
Samurai train farmers.


Draft Selections

Last edited by ||.||.||; 11-17-2012 at 11:48 PM.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-18-2012 , 12:19 AM
Great movies still being picked throughout. Kudzu, I had thought along the same lines as you for the nude pick.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-18-2012 , 02:28 AM
Round 6 Pick- A film with a training sequence

Spartacus (1960) directed by Stanley Kubrick, starring Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons, Peter Ustinov, John Gavin, Charles Laughton, and Tony Curtis.

He-man Spartacus the gladiator tries to give Rome its comeuppance; he fails – but he does put his mark on history. And Stanley Kubrick does his best to put this true to life epic story on the big screen in a bold way. He does a remarkably good job with much help from a wonderful cast.

By the way, historically in the last battle Spartacus himself was killed but his body not found. It is true that thousands of the rebel slaves were crucified along the Appian Way.

Training scene:

Picks so far:

The Wizard of Oz (1939)- Shoes
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) – Long film title
Giant (1956) - Film in Texas
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) – Science Fiction
The Deer Hunter (1978) –Christopher Walken
Spartacus (1960) - training montage

Last edited by Zeno; 11-18-2012 at 02:45 AM.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-18-2012 , 04:48 AM
Nice picks, guys...still not sure how a movie made 42 years prior to a TV show inspired" it, but since I didn't specify or define what I meant, I guess I have to let it stand.

And Gwyneth Paltrow - who has had songs and albums released - is pushing it in that category...hell, she had a number one song in Australia!

But I won't be a dick. Yet.
****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-18-2012 , 11:41 AM
A film that has 6 or more words in the title

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Well executed Hunter S Novel...

+1 for steadman.

****Weird Film Draft #3 Official Thread**** Quote
11-18-2012 , 12:37 PM
ROUND 6: A film that takes place mostly in Texas

Wes Andersons debut is not exactly his greatest movie but it paved the way for a great career.

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