Originally Posted by Tilt-N-Spew
couldn't be more wrong. on a good stereo/record player vinyl sounds better than a CD/mp3 any day. may not be the most convenient to listen to, but as far as sound quality goes there's nothing close.
Used to believe this but its become pretty clear its down to poor recording quality on CDs rather than any inherent disadvantage (the reverse is true in fact and a its vinyl that has the sonic limitations).
Still have an LP12 (Linn sondek) for all my old records, most cannot be replaced because there simply are no high quality digital versions (not because there couldn't have been). Where I have a decent CD (Roger waters - amused to death for example) it sounds great even on a relatively cheap CD transport.
I'm aware some would burn me at the stake for this view.
[The other problem with cds is they are of course indestructable which translates to when they get scratched they have to be thrown away]