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TV: what have you been watching? TV: what have you been watching?

10-26-2015 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by jinx702
Watched all five seasons of The Walking Dead for the second time, what an awesome series. Don't really like the start of season 6 too much, the idea of leading all those walkers 20 miles away is kind of stupid. Still exciting though!
I feel like this is the exact opposite of the majority view in OOTV.
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10-27-2015 , 10:47 AM
I am going through Bojack. I like the show, but I don't love it. The things I like the most are the strong opinions Bojack has. I don't think the show is that funny (although it does have its moments).

(So far, I am three episodes into season 2).
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10-27-2015 , 01:43 PM
I tried supergirl last night. Not bad
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10-27-2015 , 02:49 PM
The Returnd is, uh, returning on Halloween night. Season 2! Sundance.
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10-29-2015 , 04:12 AM
I'm a huge Shannara fan and the TV series is coming out in January, any other Shannara fans in here? Am I getting my hopes set too high, being that it's MTV? Or do people think it can be good? I'm hoping with the huge success of GoT, the bar will be set Favreau is attached and I know he's a big fantasy guy. The trailer looks great
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-09-2015 , 02:33 PM
How To Get Away With Murder. S1.

A bit of a lumbering start to this show, but after a few episodes the back-story gains more traction and the whole show picks up it's pace.
Well thought out and put together, with a few surprises on the way and good production values. Worth a watch if you enjoy crime dramas. 8/10.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-09-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by UthersGhost
How To Get Away With Murder. S1.

A bit of a lumbering start to this show, but after a few episodes the back-story gains more traction and the whole show picks up it's pace.
Well thought out and put together, with a few surprises on the way and good production values. Worth a watch if you enjoy crime dramas. 8/10.
Does any other show have more gay sex scenes?
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-09-2015 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by jinx702
Does any other show have more gay sex scenes?
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-09-2015 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by UthersGhost
Just seems like there has been a lot of gay sex scenes on commercial TV lately, doesn't shock me anymore.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-11-2015 , 04:51 PM
The Curse of Oak Island on History Channel.

The first episode of season 3 aired last night. I remember hearing about the Oak Island mystery some years ago. The show hasn't been a disappointment either.
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11-14-2015 , 02:43 PM

A critical trauma team have to fight to save lives whilst butting
up against hospital beauracracy and personal issues.
Fast paced and well produced, worth checking out.
But be warned, this is not for the squeamish. If you are faint of
heart then better give it a miss. 7/10.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-25-2015 , 08:53 AM
i used to watch Game of Thrones, but while waiting for season 6 i am currently addicted to How to get away with murder.
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11-25-2015 , 09:31 AM
Don't know if it is simply a guilty pleasure or not, but Gotham is definitely growing on me. I mean, most of the characters are plastic and ludicrous (think Bruce Wayne, the Joker), yet they have done an amazing job with the Penguin and a decent one with the Ridler.

Also been following Limitless, but frankly, will quit it pretty soon. Next on the list : Mr. Robot and Carnivale.
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11-26-2015 , 04:33 AM
James Spader is excellent in this crime drama about an international criminal who
gives himself up to the FBI and starts helping them find criminals they didn't even know existed.
Good back story that simmers nicely, promising more in S2. My sis says it just gets better as S2 + S3 take the back story even deeper. Well worth a watch just for Spaders performance imo. 8/10

From Dusk Till Dawn
S1 is just a remake of the original movie with each scene padded out to make a series. They tweaked the ending to accommodate S2. Not a bad show, worth a watch if you enjoyed the original film, but don't expect too much. 6/10.

The rise of cocaine smuggling, Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel, as seen through the eyes of a DEA agent working in Columbia.
Well made, with a solid performance from Wagner Moura as Escobar. Looking forward to S2 of this one. 8/10.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-27-2015 , 05:20 AM
Recently watched True Detective S1. Absolutely amazing performances by Woody and McConaughey (in particular), so well written and some amazing editing and filming. The ending with the monster at the end of the dream is so absolutely perfect cinematically. 10/10

GoT looking forward to next season a lot.

Need to watch Narcos when I got the time, feel like it's pretty good although only watched the first episode

Also contemplating on rewatching Breaking Bad simply because it's so perfectly made, storywise, character development and cinematically
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-27-2015 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Recently watched True Detective S1. Absolutely amazing performances by Woody and McConaughey (in particular), so well written and some amazing editing and filming. The ending with the monster at the end of the dream is so absolutely perfect cinematically. 10/10

GoT looking forward to next season a lot.

Need to watch Narcos when I got the time, feel like it's pretty good although only watched the first episode

Also contemplating on rewatching Breaking Bad simply because it's so perfectly made, storywise, character development and cinematically
Worth watching Better Call Saul first imo.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-27-2015 , 07:24 AM
yeah i watched like 4-5 epiodes then got caught up in exams and never really followed up. I think it started slow but it was getting better by the minute, pretty much like BB
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-28-2015 , 04:48 PM
This current season of Fargo is reaching GOAT levels or awesomness
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-28-2015 , 05:57 PM
Someone else posted in that thread "Fargo... More like FarGOAT" and yep. So far, its on my top10 seasons of TV ever, and there's still more to come!!
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-28-2015 , 07:08 PM
I'm through episode 4 of Daredevil and S5E8 or so of Parks & Recreation and am finding them both thoroughly mediocre. Life's too short to waste on this crap, so I'm giving them each one more episode and then will put both on indefinite hold unless they grab me.

Any Netflix anime recommendations? Related, does anybody have a recommendation of something similar to Aeon Flux?
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-29-2015 , 01:47 AM
River is pretty good on netflix
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-29-2015 , 06:36 AM
farGOAT is an understatement. Both seasons have been absolutely incredible, took me two episodes to get into S2 though.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-29-2015 , 09:34 AM
Looking forward to Fargo season 2. I'm letting them pile up on my DvR so I can marathon it which is my preferred viewing method for a show of this type.
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11-29-2015 , 06:42 PM
Going to finish Six Feet Under before starting Fargo. Starting season 3 tomorrow.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-29-2015 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Everytime
River is pretty good on netflix
Very good I say!

I watched this over the weekend and first of all (serious rambling and ratings ahead you have now been warned) outstanding acting throughout especially from Skarsgaard in the lead but from virtually everyone else also.

It's wonderfully slow placed, moody and dark in its storytelling and in investigating the crime-mystery itself, and that without getting too caught up in typical crime-genre conventions and whodunnit mechanisms which for all I know could have made those story elements more smooth or polished but more than that (and not taking away from that) it's about looking into the emotional depth of these characters and their stories and I should say before I paint some false picture of doom, all gloom and pure grief that it's very often with more than a hint (in Skarsgaard's face and delivery for starters) of great (dark) humor. I laughed out loud many times and overall this series while thankfully striving to achieve actual art and appeal to the adult mind its creative choices and directions big and small are made to work brilliantly I think culminating in the inspired ending to great effect.

So yeah getting topical and in clear danger of needlessly putting them up against each other because most people will like Fargo more (and many would like both) but I actually like River better than Fargo and they're tough to compare of course, very different and I only bring it up because Fargo is what everyone everywhere is talking positive about, and this is very much a taste issue but after the previous episode (ep 7) I reached an unexpected point I guess creeping up on me where currently closing in on 20 hours of Fargo the tv show became too many empty calories.

I'm entertained of course + acknowledge what strongly seems like zero missteps or false notes being played throughout and very possibly a strong Fargo finish will interject away at that felt emptiness and I guess actually make me care about these, admittingly fun figures, but I don't know, nothing seems to truly be at stake (anymore?) with these characters, it's drowned in something else, and too much of what takes place is mostly just well polished bs (Coen inspired bs - it's not a disaster and fun to play with) without any real edge or dare I say Coen-depth.

It's not that I don't think that it has been a perfectly fine show, plenty creative too but it has suddenly left me full of empty and so far at least, I don't think it's 9/10, 10/10 or near any GOAT discussion.

Fargo s.2 so far: 7/10
River: 8/10

Thinking of some others tv series, I guess that River is a little bit the best things from something like Top of the Lake and Happy Valley + some nordic noir thrown in (but done better!). Basically a combination of these without the lesser parts.

Among the writer Abi Morgan's works it was also interesting to see the film Shame there and while the Skarsgaard and Fassbender characters are very much not alike the maturity and depth of the character study and their different stories are excellently done.

Finally now that I'm here and well underway I like rating things so here are other somewhat recent shows that I've watched:

Fargo s1 7.5/10
Show Me a Hero 6/10
True Detective s1: 8.5/10
True Detective s2: 7.5/10
Game of Thrones 6.5/10
Hannibal s1 and 2: 6/10
Halt and Catch Fire s1: 7.5/10
The Americans 7.5/10
Better Call Saul 7.5/10
The Jinx 8/10
Daredevil 5.5/10
Jessica Jones 5 eps in: 4.5/10
Happy Valley 6/10
Top of the Lake 7/10
The Fall s1: 3.5/10
Sherlock 8/10
Mad Men (I stopped after season 4 for some reason): 8.5/10

I should say (if some of those seem very harsh) that I rate tv and movies together so for an example (and in comparison) they're up against the likes of Vertigo 10/10, Rushmore 9.5/10, Fish Tank 9/10, Gone Girl 8.5/10, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia 8/10, Frank 7.5/10, Interstellar 7/10, Edge of Tomorrow 6/10, Stoker 2/10, A Million Ways to die in the West 1/10!

Last edited by Bjørn; 11-29-2015 at 09:24 PM.
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