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11-02-2023 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I'm enjoying Bodies, too... Only two episodes in, but it's damn good
Hard to believe that Greta Scacchi is only 63. I remember her from The Coca-Cola Kid that I saw because it was directed by Dusan Makavejev. She looks quite different.

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11-03-2023 , 12:18 AM
God she was beautiful
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11-03-2023 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Huh. I bailed on that show after 2 episodes I think, and I almost never quit a miniseries once I've started.
Keep going. It starts slowly.

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11-03-2023 , 02:18 PM
I thought it started great lol
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11-03-2023 , 08:13 PM
Drops Of God is so good I don't want it to end. Too bad there aren't more shows delivering on this level. I'll have to check out Bodies next.
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11-06-2023 , 09:34 AM
I was really excited about The Old Man after ep 1, but I'm giving up on it halfway thru ep 4. Nothing is ringing true for me, not the old Afghan scenes, not the new spy bureaucrats, not Bridges and Judge Amy on the run. I quit, gg. I still love Jeff Bridges though! And Lithgow too to a lesser extent.

Seems like Homeland seasons 1-3 did a much better job with this type of material, might rewatch that.
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11-06-2023 , 10:23 AM
Watched first EP of Blue Eyed Samurai. The action scenes are very well animated and violent. I'll be watching the rest.
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11-06-2023 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I was really excited about The Old Man after ep 1, but I'm giving up on it halfway thru ep 4. Nothing is ringing true for me, not the old Afghan scenes, not the new spy bureaucrats, not Bridges and Judge Amy on the run. I quit, gg. I still love Jeff Bridges though! And Lithgow too to a lesser extent.

Seems like Homeland seasons 1-3 did a much better job with this type of material, might rewatch that.
You should check out The Bureau if you're looking in the spy genre. That really is elite television.
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-06-2023 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
You should check out The Bureau if you're looking in the spy genre. That really is elite television.
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11-06-2023 , 07:23 PM
i refuse to watch any spy drama unless i know it's going to be around for a while

i still have not recovered from most of a full season of rubicon where nothing happened but it was super compelling, well acted and written and then just gone because it was cancelled
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-07-2023 , 09:30 AM
The Bureau is 5 seasons.
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11-07-2023 , 10:51 AM
The new seasons of Jack Reacher and The Boys are coming soon...

Until then...

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11-07-2023 , 11:05 AM
I didn't realize how disconnected from the Oscars I was until last night. Watched CODA on Apple and it was really great. Many belly laugh moments for me. Looked it up won 3 Oscars, including Best Picture, and I'd never heard of it. I guess yay me for avoiding the media as completely as I'd intended.
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11-07-2023 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
We've been on a documentary binge and have recently watched documentaries on three different musicians.

Zappa I never was a big Frank Zappa fan but I like this documentary. He's definitely a musical genius but it's really interesting to compare him with someone like Paul McCartney. Where Paul seem to just be having fun playing around, Zappa is super serious about everything. He really worked hard at creating music, almost to the point that it didn't seem like he really enjoyed himself.

Searching for Sugar Man I remember seeing this many years ago and thinking it was great. On the re-watch, I remembered almost nothing but continued to think it was indeed great. This has to be one of the top 5 documentaries I've ever seen. Although they didn't really dive too deeply into how his music was made, it seemed somewhat different than either of the other 2 above. Like it came from his soul. Absolutely magical lyrics. And a really touching film. If you haven't seen this, you definitely should.

New found respect good sir.
Two things that are part of my personal favorites...
TV: what have you been watching? Quote
11-07-2023 , 10:10 PM
Series finale of Attack on Titan

Thought it was excellent. I'd give the entire series a 9.5/10
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11-08-2023 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Series finale of Attack on Titan

Thought it was excellent. I'd give the entire series a 9.5/10
AOT is amazing!
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11-11-2023 , 11:51 AM
Bureau is GOAT level spy series.
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11-11-2023 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
Bureau is GOAT level spy series.

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11-15-2023 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
The new Amazon show on this Twin Flames cult/scam is fantastic, and not too long either. I just mindlessly clicked on it and was immediately drawn in, and that never happens to me.

edit: If that's the great Tony Miles there playing chess, let me brag about the time I met him in an elevator at a Las Vegas tournament and he was super-nice to me out of the blue; he even initiated the conversation!
I just started watching this. These shows about cults make me sad. I feel like calling the people who are drawn in by these cult leaders complete idiots, and at the same time, I feel bad for them.

The promise these cults make to these people is to make evident what they believe they have on the inside. In other words, the victims seem to say I know this is true because I feel it. Just make what I feel inside real.

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11-16-2023 , 10:30 PM
Waiting for practice sessions for formula 1... watching some classics

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11-17-2023 , 01:30 AM
hated that show

but this is one of the finest moments in televsion history
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11-17-2023 , 01:32 AM
the apple gets me every time
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11-17-2023 , 05:02 PM
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11-19-2023 , 09:21 AM
I just finished Mare of Easttown, liked it a lot. Not perfect but overall it was very well done. First tv show in months I've genuinely liked, which is a little sad. What happened to that new golden era of tv anyway, sure didn't last too long!
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11-21-2023 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by John Cole
The promise these cults make to these people is to make evident what they believe they have on the inside. In other words, the victims seem to say I know this is true because I feel it. Just make what I feel inside real.

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Yeah, I often yell at the victims too while feeling bad for them.

100% on the above. It's like when a girl who can't find a guy to settle down with says, 'But I have so much love to give!'

But how do you know that to be true, lady? Maybe you don't and that's been your whole problem all along. So yeah, cult leaders trade on those feelings.
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