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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Talk About Movies: Part 4

01-20-2024 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkKnight
Yes, I would voluntarily rewatch a movie I absolutely hated 30 years ago that is a beloved classic. 30 years ago, I was 11 and my taste was horrible. I’m willing to admit I got it wrong on pretty much any movie I saw at that age. I even rewatch movies I didn’t love at age 40 if they are critically acclaimed to see if they grow on me the second time.

But sure, if you know you are predisposed to hating action or adventure blockbusters and have a relatively closed-mind then no need to bother.
I'm sad to say that I was a full grown adult when JP came out, and as a man in my 20s I was pretty much the target audience for those kinds of film. If anything my tastes have changed since then to make me even less likely to enjoy that kind of movie, and watching it on a 16 inch laptop screen isn't going to improve on watching it on the biggest screen in the city.

I honestly had no idea it was considered a "beloved classic" until starting to read this forum several years ago.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-20-2024 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Agree with this, it's not that I thought Teller was likeable but I didn't necessarily think he was a prick. I should rewatch.
Yeah same here. I loved the movie the first time I saw it and would like to see it again. I also left feeling like he was just a really driven kid, and not necessarily a prick.

The Boy and the Heron was good. Not Studio Ghibli's best, but I enjoyed it. Went in knowing nothing since apparently that's how they originally released it.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-20-2024 , 06:53 PM
Benji the movie about the dog was awesome.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-20-2024 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Then you must have not been paying attention to this forum, because I've said several times here that the only movies I've ever walked out of early were Jurassic Park and another one everyone seems to live, Mission Impossible.

I may have even seen it before almost anyone else did, because I know that I saw it at the Uptown Theater in DC, and wikipedia says the world premiere was there! I didn't just wait in the lobby though, I walked around for a bit outside, it was a nice neighborhood. I might have gone to get the car, because I usually had to park several blocks away when I went there, no parking lot old movie theater with one huge screen.

After MI, I very rarely saw another blockbuster action movie in the theater. I did watch the first LOTR film and The Bourne Identity because I liked both books a lot and I really like Ian McKellan and Matt Damon. I didn't walk out early from either of those, but I was probably close to doing it, as I really disliked them both.

No more of those kinds of movies for me, they're just not my thing.

I'm not a huge fan of the action genre but good lord the bourne identity is one of the greatest films ever made I just don't see how it's possible to not like that movie.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 12:08 AM
Well I certainly want to hear some of chillrob’s all time favorites.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 12:59 AM
i had also read the bourne books long before they were made into film

it was a frustrating experience to see the film because the entire thing about the novels was that he was careful and prepared - he'd show up hours ahead of the meeting and figure out where they'd set up etc and come up with schemes to get around it

so it was a bit of a shock to see the spy with amnesia and a library card turned into a typical spy action film but with an amnesia twist

the film itself is fine - but if you had read the books previously, then you were expecting a completely different kind of film

i imagine this is largely why starship troopers, which is an awesome film, got such bad reviews when it came out because so many people had read the book and were expecting that
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 01:10 AM
Watched Dogtooth tonight. It may be the strangest film about family since The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A father and mother have kept their children locked in the family compound from birth (I guess) and they are now, two sisters and a brother, in their 20s. It's a weird film. The father has trained the family to bark like dogs to scare off cats because cats are man-eaters that will rip your flesh off. Oh, yeah, it's that kind of film.

I mean it's worth watching just to find out what a keyboard is because the relationship between words and their meaning is completely separate from reality.

Lanthimos is a fascinating filmmaker.

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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 01:47 AM
I also read the Bourne books long ago, but the movies are so much or a superior product in terms of story-telling and style that's it not close.

I tried rereading the first Bourne book and I was disappointed. Ludlum was a clunky writer.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 01:57 AM

Not sure if I liked it, but I was entertained throughout.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i had also read the bourne books long before they were made into film

it was a frustrating experience to see the film because the entire thing about the novels was that he was careful and prepared - he'd show up hours ahead of the meeting and figure out where they'd set up etc and come up with schemes to get around it

so it was a bit of a shock to see the spy with amnesia and a library card turned into a typical spy action film but with an amnesia twist

the film itself is fine - but if you had read the books previously, then you were expecting a completely different kind of film

i imagine this is largely why starship troopers, which is an awesome film, got such bad reviews when it came out because so many people had read the book and were expecting that
This is definitely part of it, and similar to the reason I didn't care for the Lord Of The Rings movies. I don't remember the Bourne series as well as LOTR because I only read them once, but I remember the first one especially being more of a psychological mystery story of him trying to deal with his amnesia. LOTR I enjoyed as a narrative about diverse characters with interesting varied personality flaws trying to solve a problem while doing a lot of arguing and trying to get along, and on each reread I noticed more about the lore of the world.

The films made of both books were mostly about people fighting, which I don't care that much for to begin with, but also I found the fight scenes in both even more offputting than they are in most movies. Bourne because of the "shaky cam" thing which I never like - it makes me have a very hard time understanding the action, and even occasionally makes me dizzy. LOTR because of the heavy use of (not that great) CGI in the fight scenes, where the characters often didn't show natural looking movement.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by John Cole
Watched Dogtooth tonight. It may be the strangest film about family since The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A father and mother have kept their children locked in the family compound from birth (I guess) and they are now, two sisters and a brother, in their 20s. It's a weird film. The father has trained the family to bark like dogs to scare off cats because cats are man-eaters that will rip your flesh off. Oh, yeah, it's that kind of film.

I mean it's worth watching just to find out what a keyboard is because the relationship between words and their meaning is completely separate from reality.

Lanthimos is a fascinating filmmaker.
I don't understand what you're saying here.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkKnight
Well I certainly want to hear some of chillrob’s all time favorites.
Not sure if I can say what my absolute favorites are, but these 30 are all movies I have watched at least twice (most more than twice) and would likely still immensely enjoy watching again and again while never losing interest in them. One is even on your list! Here they are, in (maybe roughly) chronological order.
I couldn't really come up with anything for the last 25 years. While I certainly have enjoyed plenty of movies since then, I don't know that there are any I have watched more than once as I don't really just sit around watching movies with other people like I did when I was younger. Looks like there is a single action/adventure movie on the list, the only movie I remember seeing twice in the theater in its original run (which in those days was over a year). Have at it!

Duck Soup
The Wizard Of Oz
Some Like It Hot
The Music Man
Dr. Strangelove
The Graduate
Blazing Saddles
Taxi Driver
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
The Shining
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Blade Runner
This Is Spinal Tap
Back To The Future
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
Little Shop Of Horrors
Raising Arizona
The Silence Of The Lambs
Reservoir Dogs
Groundhog Day
Being John Malkovich
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 07:10 AM
Hey don't feel bad about your choices in film, mine are all over the place, and just because yours are different doesn't mean they are wrong, for you.

Godfather sucks, Wes Anderson is a hack and Kurosawa blows.

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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 08:05 AM
That was a solid list. I think you could somewhat classify Raiders, Batman and BTTF all as action / adventure.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 08:19 AM
Chill rob have you seen A New Leaf (1971) with Walter Matthau and Elaine May? I think it is up your alley given the comedies on your list, most of which i love as well.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkKnight
That was a solid list. I think you could somewhat classify Raiders, Batman and BTTF all as action / adventure.
Yeah I guess so, though I think of Batman as more just a superhero movie and BTTF as a comedy. The one I was referring to was Raiders. Now I think I actually saw it 3 times in the theater. I saw it very soon after it came out at a first run theater, then again at a second run discount theater, and then a third time after it had been at the discount theater for a full year and they advertised that fact.

It's amazing that sometimes movies used to play for that long in a theater, even though that was a rarity. Nowadays I sometimes just hear about a movie when it's almost done with its few week run and don't get a chance to see it before it's no longer available. And of course now every multiplex in town will be showing the same 10 movies, while in the 1980s a fairly popular movie would often be in only one cinema in a decent sized city (Louisville, KY, where I grew up).
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Yeah I guess so, though I think of Batman as more just a superhero movie and BTTF as a comedy. The one I was referring to was Raiders. Now I think I actually saw it 3 times in the theater. I saw it very soon after it came out at a first run theater, then again at a second run discount theater, and then a third time after it had been at the discount theater for a full year and they advertised that fact.

It's amazing that sometimes movies used to play for that long in a theater, even though that was a rarity. Nowadays I sometimes just hear about a movie when it's almost done with its few week run and don't get a chance to see it before it's no longer available. And of course now every multiplex in town will be showing the same 10 movies, while in the 1980s a fairly popular movie would often be in only one cinema in a decent sized city (Louisville, KY, where I grew up).
I saw Raiders several times as a kid because it ran over a year in the local theater. That was the first film i ever saw do that.

Obtw, all the Burton Batmans sucked too

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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by brianr
Chill rob have you seen A New Leaf (1971) with Walter Matthau and Elaine May? I think it is up your alley given the comedies on your list, most of which i love as well.
No, I had never even heard of that, but I will check it out. I do like Matthau, particularly in Bad News Bears , Sunshine Boys, and The Odd Couple.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I don't understand what you're saying here.
The parents call things by different names. For example, a floor might be called an excursion (they do use the word 'excursion' to mean something else at the beginning of the film).

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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 04:01 PM
speaking of raiders of the lost ark, my sister in law had never seen any of those films so i forced her to watch raiders

it doesn't hold up - modern action films are just so much superior that it's no longer the stunning breakthrough film it once was - even stuff like the opening scene now feel fomulaic, cheap, & staged
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No, I had never even heard of that, but I will check it out. I do like Matthau, particularly in Bad News Bears , Sunshine Boys, and The Odd Couple.
Check out The Fortune Cookie with Matthau and Lemmon. Matthau won best supporting actor oscar and gave an absolutely hilarious performance.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 04:40 PM
Charley Varrick was a pretty good Matthau movie, IIRC.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 04:44 PM
Chillrob has a solid list. Can't think of any that I don't like a little. The Music Man seems an outlier, though.

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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 04:47 PM
Seriously any Matthau fans who haven’t seen a New Leaf should watch it tonight.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
01-21-2024 , 05:45 PM
I think Raiders holds up as well as any fav from my childhood, but complete childhood obsession w Indiana Jones probably plays into that
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
