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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Talk About Movies: Part 4

02-17-2020 , 01:17 AM
I saw 1917 tonight. It's a fun watch, but gets more and more ridiculous as it reaches the end. My recommendation would be to give it a pass and watch the original it was based on:

Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-17-2020 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by John Cole
Just watched back to back Louis Malle's Vanya on 42nd Street and My Dinner With Andre, two beautiful films starring Wally Shawn and Andre Gregory.

I've seen both a few times since I first saw them in theaters in 1981 and 1994, and they remain among my favorites of all time, especially My Dinner With Andre. I thought of a dinner with a friend a few weeks ago, and like in the movie, we noticed after hours of conversation that everyone else had left, and only the bar remained open. While my friend certainly isn't Andre, I am definitely Wally, grounded in the everyday, one who believes in science and disdains signs and omens, any talk of the supernatural, and, instead, insists upon mere coincidence to explain what some take as signs. I felt this way when I first saw it 40 years ago with a friend who is very much like Andre.

But what is so appealing about the film is despite the differences between Wally and Andre, their conversation transforms the day for Wally who rides home in a taxi, noting his memories of places in NYC. It seems even the city itself had been transformed by their dinner, their conversation, as if NYC has taken on a luster. And as the film ends, we realize that conversation will continue when Wally says he will tell his girlfriend Debbie all about his dinner with Andre.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-17-2020 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
I saw 1917 tonight. It's a fun watch, but gets more and more ridiculous as it reaches the end. My recommendation would be to give it a pass and watch the original it was based on:

Weird connection. Run Lola Run is a far better film and it’s gimmick is a hundred times more interesting.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-17-2020 , 02:59 PM
My dinner with Andre will remain a community episode reference. Watching the actual movie might ruin a legendary episode for me ��
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02-17-2020 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by John Cole
Just watched back to back Louis Malle's Vanya on 42nd Street and My Dinner With Andre, two beautiful films starring Wally Shawn and Andre Gregory.

I've seen both a few times since I first saw them in theaters in 1981 and 1994, and they remain among my favorites of all time, especially My Dinner With Andre. I thought of a dinner with a friend a few weeks ago, and like in the movie, we noticed after hours of conversation that everyone else had left, and only the bar remained open. While my friend certainly isn't Andre, I am definitely Wally, grounded in the everyday, one who believes in science and disdains signs and omens, any talk of the supernatural, and, instead, insists upon mere coincidence to explain what some take as signs. I felt this way when I first saw it 40 years ago with a friend who is very much like Andre.

But what is so appealing about the film is despite the differences between Wally and Andre, their conversation transforms the day for Wally who rides home in a taxi, noting his memories of places in NYC. It seems even the city itself had been transformed by their dinner, their conversation, as if NYC has taken on a luster. And as the film ends, we realize that conversation will continue when Wally says he will tell his girlfriend Debbie all about his dinner with Andre.
Nice, Brooke Smith in Vanya is still one of my favorite performances ever.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-17-2020 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Nice, Brooke Smith in Vanya is still one of my favorite performances ever.
I agree. She's wonderful and touching. Coincidentally, Lyn Cohen who played Mamam in Vanya died yesterday.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-17-2020 , 09:32 PM
Parasite A Shakespearean tragedy about class and wealth that focuses on a wealthy family and a poor family in Korea. Amazing cinematography, script and acting. This one definitely deserved the best picture award.

5 out of 5
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-17-2020 , 11:24 PM

Couple new releases... both new masters.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-18-2020 , 01:31 PM
Imagine my utter surprise when Amazon delivered another brand new release early this morning...

Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-18-2020 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Imagine my utter surprise when Amazon delivered another brand new release early this morning...

Wow. I liked Gerry but it would be way down my rewatchable list.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-18-2020 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Wow. I liked Gerry but it would be way down my rewatchable list.
For me... personally, it's spiritual. It's good for two or three times a year when I am in the mood.

Gerry is the movie 'the Martian' should have been... well, except that Damon dies in the end.

the HD transfer is fantastic by the way... they should have gone straight to UHD 4k with it because of all the textural elements, but beggars can't be choosers.

It's hard to believe that both Clockers and Gerry have never been released on Bluray until now.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-18-2020 , 11:34 PM
I've never seen Gerry, but I will need to rectify that soon. Spent a couple days alone in Death Valley last summer and thought it beautifully serene.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-19-2020 , 12:08 AM
never heard of gerry, will check it out

really wanting to watch Anaconda again for some reason though
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-19-2020 , 05:35 AM
i was always skeptical of how Dominic “Stans” Blade Runner. Always made me think of Logan’s Run which was fine but w/e.

Caught it on Netflix.

Boy was I not even close.

It’s 2001, Taxi Driver quality stuff.

Moved a tad slow imo, but wow! How ahead of his time was Ridley?

Would love to see it on the big screen.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-19-2020 , 12:12 PM
Lol duh

On the big screen it’s amazing. Watch 2049 now!
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02-19-2020 , 01:26 PM
Her Smell. Whoah. What an immensely powerful performance from Ms. Moss. I felt very uncomfortable at times. This is a film that feels extremely real.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-19-2020 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Lol duh

On the big screen it’s amazing. Watch 2049 now!
For sure.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-20-2020 , 02:59 AM
If anyone wants to go see the upcoming movie The Invisible Man, DO NOT watch the online trailer! It gives away way too much of the film. I got a pass for a free preview showing next week, but now wondering if it is worth my going to it after the trailer ruined it for me. All the comments on youtube are about how it gave away too much.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-20-2020 , 03:26 AM
maybe it's a misdirection and it's not giving away as much as you think
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-20-2020 , 10:40 AM
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. When it showed the cops being killed, I assume that means we all now know she isn't crazy. I'm guessing either the dog saves the day, or she ends up knifing him. But we knew that before we ever heard of the movie... so maybe the plot twists aren't the point.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-20-2020 , 11:18 AM

I never get tired of this movie.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-20-2020 , 12:46 PM
Peanut Butter Solution

Canadian Fu: Check!

Haunted House Fu: Check!

Wino Fu: I gave him some money--all that I had!

Pubes Fu: Don’t ask...

Trigger Warning: Celine Dion


Harum Scarum: Medical diagnosis!

This is a classroom: Not a barber shop!

Hello Little Girl: Want to come for a ride?

Child trafficking/slave labor: 500 a day or we don’t eat!

Hansel & Gretel Fu: check!

Daddy Issues: Don’t get his pants dirty, it’s his only pair!

Cute Dog: debatable.

“There is no excuse for this film!” --- Woman introducing it at Alamo Drafthouse.

AFAIK the only movie ever made in Canada. If you’ve never seen it, you may want to check it out or you may not. From the right point of view, one of the most horrific movies ever made.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-21-2020 , 10:22 AM
Godzilla - King of the Monsters (2019) Much like a zombie movie, it's hard for me to not like any Godzilla movie. Loved it.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-21-2020 , 11:20 AM

Elaine! Check.

Buddy Bobby! Check.

Euro-Trash Girl: check.

Ski lifts: check.

Brushing teeth in different sinks: This is no movie, this is Cinema!

I ran: To get help!

‘Shrooms: You texted?

Tight muscles, it’s recommended: I could **** you through a wall!

Skiing is stupid: Yup!

What we have here is Force Majeure turned into a Seinfeld episode by exchanging all the shudders for cringes.

I don’t get the remaking of foreign films. I don’t have a problem with retellings such as The Magnificent Seven or A Fistfull of Dollars, but reshoots of movies like La Femme Nikita or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo just baffle me. They lose all spark. If they want to avoid subtitles, why don’t they just dub them?

Anyway, this flick is about the people you go to the movies to forget about. You may or may not want to check it out.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
02-21-2020 , 03:33 PM
I like both actors, but Force Majeure is just so damn brilliant, the trailer for the new one makes me cringe. Will not be seeing it.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
