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Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers]

01-13-2016 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
I rarely post in the lounge but I just had to post somewhere. Rotten tomatoes really ****ed up the rating on this show. It got a 93% rating. LOLOLOL. Please.

Kylo Ren was a massive badass when he appeared in the first scene. He is the ONLY force sensitive villain or jedi to EVER stop a laser shot in mid-air. Somehow he barely defeats a stormtrooper with a lightsabre? Are you f***ing serious? He could have ripped Finn's throat out with his force powers but nope, Finn even manages to land a shot on him. He manages to pick Rey up and throw her into the trees in the same scene but nah.. she can defeat him in a lightsabre battle because LOLz. The justification for this sudden weakness is that he's hurt even though he just threw Rey like a ragdoll. Why couldn't he stop Chewie's bullet even though he roared before he fired? The pilot guy shot him from behind silently and it was stopped.

Kylo was very chilling with his mask on but he turned into a *** every time his mask was off. WTF is this ****.

So much this. So on point it is worth reading this post over twice. Def should have stopped Chewies lazer for consistency, Finn doesn't last 1 second, and Rey does not ****ing ever beat Kylo (yet).

Shes never worked a lightsabre before! There's natural talent sure but none of the previous Star Wars comes ****ing close:

-Obi Wan in Ep 1 beats Darth Maul after decades of training under Yoda and Qui Gon. This was after both Obi and Qui Gon struggled vs Darth Maul on 2 vs 1 advantage
-Episode II - Obi Wan + Anakin not powerful enough to beat Count Dooku despite decades of training/experience and Anakhin has most natural talent in galaxy. Only Yoda can hold his own vs Count Dooku, and Yoda has the most force & sabre experience of anybody in Star Wars
-Episode III - the more naturally talented but less experienced Anakhin loses to master, Obi Wan
-Episode IV - Incredibly naturally talented Luke actually receives training with force and light sabre but gets owned by Vader so easily its not even funny. Rekt with no sweat and allowed to live bc he is his son
-only until extensive years of training is Luke finally a match for Vader in VI

In all previous episodes it has taken YEARS of experience training to beat any of the Siths but Rey just owns the main Sith of the galaxy on first usage of sabre? Horrible. Kylo ren emo twilight boy with mask off biggest buzz kill

Last edited by Lilu7; 01-13-2016 at 09:10 PM.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-13-2016 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Lilu7
So much this. So on point it is worth reading this post over twice. Def should have stopped Chewies lazer for consistency, Finn doesn't last 1 second, and Rey does not ****ing ever beat Kylo (yet).

Shes never worked a lightsabre before! There's natural talent sure but none of the previous Star Wars comes ****ing close:

-Obi Wan in Ep 1 beats Darth Maul after decades of training under Yoda and Qui Gon. This was after both Obi and Qui Gon struggled vs Darth Maul on 2 vs 1 advantage
-Episode II - Obi Wan + Anakin not powerful enough to beat Count Dooku despite decades of training/experience and Anakhin has most natural talent in galaxy. Only Yoda can hold his own vs Count Dooku, and Yoda has the most force & sabre experience of anybody in Star Wars
-Episode III - the more naturally talented but less experienced Anakhin loses to master, Obi Wan
-Episode IV - Incredibly naturally talented Luke actually receives training with force and light sabre but gets owned by Vader so easily its not even funny. Rekt with no sweat and allowed to live bc he is his son
-only until extensive years of training is Luke finally a match for Vader in VI

In all previous episodes it has taken YEARS of experience training to beat any of the Siths but Rey just owns the main Sith of the galaxy on first usage of sabre? Horrible. Kylo ren emo twilight boy with mask off biggest buzz kill
The books portray Obi Wan as being one of the best masters of the light saber but he is not a great pilot. Anakin is portrayed as having great and balanced power across many disciplines.

Awakens light saber battles were a complete joke compared to Lucas versions.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-14-2016 , 01:28 PM

Rey is not Force Sensitive at all. Finn is. He force pushed the saber towards Rey in desperation before he was KOd. "Awakens" refers to him, and we won't find out till Episode 8, ala the Episode IV twist. I've posted some minor evidence to this theory (that Finn is Force Sensitive) in a previous post.

Sure, it wouldn't solve the movie's problem of having Rey go toe to toe with Kylo, but meh
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-14-2016 , 01:32 PM
Terrible theory.

Rey uses Jedi mind trick on stormtrooper, has lightsaber calling to her, and holds her own against Kylo Ren.

Finn gets beaten by stormtrooper in hand to hand, gets beaten badly by Kylo Ren.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-14-2016 , 02:52 PM
Seeing it with someone who wasn't a Star Wars fan and looking from a different angle, once they realized Snoke was a hologram, they thought he wasn't real or alive at all (they compared to Jor-El in Superman) and for a second I went "Aha, this is how it could be Plagues or even the Empror. A dark side ghost." I had never considered that possibility nor read it anywhere. Then I realized he did tell Hux to bring Ren to him, which feels like it kills that theory.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-14-2016 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
Then I realized he did tell Hux to bring Ren to him, which feels like it kills that theory.
Yeah, clearly a hologram
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-14-2016 , 03:27 PM
Oh yea forgot Rey used jedi mind powers.

K well still valid tinfoil that both of them are force sensitive and Finn won't realize it until ep8
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-14-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
Seeing it with someone who wasn't a Star Wars fan and looking from a different angle, once they realized Snoke was a hologram, they thought he wasn't real or alive at all (they compared to Jor-El in Superman) and for a second I went "Aha, this is how it could be Plagues or even the Empror. A dark side ghost." I had never considered that possibility nor read it anywhere.
Yeah, I had been wondering if he was a dark force ghost, and why no one else had mooted that theory. Figured I had missed something, but considering the plot holes in 7 this:

Originally Posted by OneOut
Then I realized he did tell Hux to bring Ren to him, which feels like it kills that theory.
will just be worked around/palmed off if they want it to happen.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-18-2016 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Lilu7
So much this. So on point it is worth reading this post over twice. Def should have stopped Chewies lazer for consistency, Finn doesn't last 1 second, and Rey does not ****ing ever beat Kylo (yet).
I'm okay with Ren losing the fight just because he's taken a lazer blast to the gut --they didn't do a great job of selling how badly injured he was, but that's gotta throw him off his game.

Chewie's blast was kind of a sniper shot out of nowhere, plus he just killed his dad, so he was probably hella distracted and couldn't react in time.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-19-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Cranberry Tea
Developing a character like that only to kill him off in episode 1 would be such an epic troll.
Darth Maul says hi
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-19-2016 , 05:24 PM
Quicksilver says hi
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-19-2016 , 05:35 PM
I just found a few weeks ago that in the canon, Darth Maul survived Episode 1. The weird thing is the some of the highest rated episodes of Clone Wars on IMDB are episodes involving Darth Maul after Episode 1. I haven't watched the episodes yet, so I didn't read the wiki entry carefully, but it seems ridiculous that he would survive.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-19-2016 , 06:47 PM
In George's defense. Maul was only cut in half and fell down a seemingly endless shaft. It's not like he was set on fire and blown up too. Perfectly reasonable for him to survive.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-19-2016 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Enrique
so I didn't read the wiki entry carefully, but it seems ridiculous that he would survive.
Only because you assume he is human.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-20-2016 , 10:36 AM
Not that he is human, but that he is humanoid.

But good points, maybe his alien race can easily survive being cut in half.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-21-2016 , 07:58 PM
lol anyone who didn't know Maul survived. Pretty common knowledge for casual SW fans imo. Clone Wars was a thing.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-21-2016 , 10:34 PM
I too assumed getting cut in half and falling into a seemingly endless hole was going to result in death.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
lol anyone who didn't know Maul survived. Pretty common knowledge for casual SW fans imo. Clone Wars was a thing.
I'm pretty sure it's actually lol anyone who did know.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 01:27 AM
So if being sliced in half and falling down that thing didn't kill him... what did/can kill him?
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
So if being sliced in half and falling down that thing didn't kill him... what did/can kill him?
Cut in thirds.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 03:03 AM
Cut against the grain
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 05:29 AM
Does anyone know any details about the sound design for the film, particularly Kylo’s voice? I love how muffled/overdriven it sounds, yet every syllable is crystal clear. Unreal mixing.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 01:36 PM
Episode VIII was just pushed back 6 months to December 2017. The rumor is the studio wants a rewrite because there's not enough Finn and Rey. Never a good sign when studios get pushy with scripts. I'm now worried.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 01:53 PM
Apparently, there are more young characters being introduced. As if the character list wasn't bloated enough already.

Just guessing, but they are probably bloating the cast in the main films so they have lots of directions to go in with spin-offs.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
01-22-2016 , 02:04 PM
And lots of action figures to sell
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [containment with spoilers] Quote
