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Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives

10-29-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
The Patrick Stewart - Alfre Woodard scenes alone set First Contact above the rest
Love FC, but the scene with PS and AW at the climax ("Blow up the damn ship!!") where he quotes Moby Dick and she responds "Actually...I never read it" could legitimately be followed by porn music. It's such an odd way to read that line.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-29-2016 , 04:25 PM
I liked the the Klingons on TOS
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-30-2016 , 05:01 PM
I saw Star Trek Beyond again the other day. It's decent Star Trek but a mediocre movie otherwise. Contrast that to the original Star Trek which was bad Star Trek but a good movie and Into Darkness which was both bad Star Trek and a bad movie.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-30-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
I saw Star Trek Beyond again the other day. It's decent Star Trek but a mediocre movie otherwise. Contrast that to the original Star Trek which was bad Star Trek but a good movie and Into Darkness which was both bad Star Trek and a bad movie.
Wow, that's is a remarkably correct review.

Really glad Abrams didn't get the chance to continue pumping out ****ty sci-fi movies, at least with Star Trek
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-14-2016 , 06:58 PM
ST TNG S4E08: Future Imperfect

Eh, the initial premise felt a little overused, reminiscent of the episode from earlier in the series with Crusher being put in a similar, disorientating situation ('Remember Me'), and this ruined the episode a little. The use of Minuet as the means for Riker to spot the flaw was cool, but then the second bait and switch just felt like a less good retread of the first part.

Not bad, but not great. (Also not helped by the use of a child actor they'd already used in a previous episode).

Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-14-2016 , 07:03 PM
This was the only episode that child actor did. I know who you're thinking of, the kid whose mother died on Worf's away mission. Different actor.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-14-2016 , 07:15 PM
Man, I could have sworn that was the same kid.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-14-2016 , 07:18 PM
Yeah, I even remember the kid was called Jeremy, looked it up, you're right, different actor. Looks quite similar though, that's why I got confused.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-14-2016 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
ST TNG S4E08: Future Imperfect

Eh, the initial premise felt a little overused, reminiscent of the episode from earlier in the series with Crusher being put in a similar, disorientating situation ('Remember Me'), and this ruined the episode a little. The use of Minuet as the means for Riker to spot the flaw was cool, but then the second bait and switch just felt like a less good retread of the first part.

Not bad, but not great. (Also not helped by the use of a child actor they'd already used in a previous episode).

That's the best part of the episode by far. Like the mind reading deal looked deep into Riker's soul and the woman he had the deepest connection to imaginary holodeck sex toy. hahahahaha gjge Riker, kill yourself.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-14-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
ST TNG S4E08: Future Imperfect

Eh, the initial premise felt a little overused, reminiscent of the episode from earlier in the series with Crusher being put in a similar, disorientating situation ('Remember Me'), and this ruined the episode a little. The use of Minuet as the means for Riker to spot the flaw was cool, but then the second bait and switch just felt like a less good retread of the first part.

Not bad, but not great. (Also not helped by the use of a child actor they'd already used in a previous episode).

Harsh rating- thought the episode was excellent with a glimpse of Riker being Captain and how he handled the future.

It was maybe very unrealistic that Picard and Troi were placed as ambassadors on the Romulan ship lol
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-31-2016 , 07:24 AM
Okay, I'm in, seen them all, including now DS9.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
12-31-2016 , 04:56 PM
I enjoyed this episode, although it does borrow a bit too heavily from Remember Me and others --this is the third recent episode when a crew member unexpectedly becomes a father figure. Riker mouthing off at Picard is easily worth the price of admission.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-01-2017 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
That's the best part of the episode by far. Like the mind reading deal looked deep into Riker's soul and the woman he had the deepest connection to imaginary holodeck sex toy. hahahahaha gjge Riker, kill yourself.
The Binars in that episode with Minuet were hilarious. But, that was season 1 episode 15.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-10-2017 , 07:33 PM
ST TNG S4E09: Final Mission

Decent episode where Will Wheaton does a decent job - marooned on a planet with an ailing Picard and tugboat maniac captain with poor impulse management. The tosh about the Enterprise towing a radiation-brimming space garbage truck was just about okay, but the meat was between Wheaton and Stewart - barring a few cheesy moments, it was surprisingly good.

Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-10-2017 , 09:48 PM
I would add at least 2 points for saying goodbye to Wesley as a series regular. Only 3 more appearances! Yay! (4 if you count his absurd non-speaking cameo in ST10).
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
I would add at least 2 points for saying goodbye to Wesley as a series regular. Only 3 more appearances! Yay! (4 if you count his absurd non-speaking cameo in ST10).
Off the top of my head, 2 of them (Parallels, The First Duty) are very good, and the other one has got Ashley Judd in (Wesley obviously saves the Enterprise).
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 11:05 AM
Oops I forgot about Parallels (I like that episode as well). You forgot the S7 episode with the Native Americans on a Cardassian planet.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 03:20 PM
Just think it's hilarious that Wheaton ASKED to be written off the show because he was not happy with how his character developed in seasons 3 and 4. Like, yeah, you're only saving the ship once a season instead of every third episode, I can see where that sucks. Hilarious that Wheaton didn't appreciate he won the lottery and his life was all downhill from there. He could have ridden the gravy train for three more seasons but nope. lol.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:25 PM
Here's the absolute truth why I left Star Trek. I left Star Trek because it was seriously interfering with my career in feature films. I was in a situation where I was constantly having to pass on really good movie roles because I was on the series. I had a film career before Star Trek. People knew me before Star Trek. As a matter of fact, at Comic Con, a lot of people came up to me and said, "I started watching Star Trek because you were on it and I was fan of yours from Stand By Me and I stopped watching it after you left." I had a lot of people say that to me.

After something like this had happened a lot of times, this was finally the last straw: I had been cast by Milos Foreman to be in Valmont. I had gone through lots and lots of callbacks, I had met Milos personally a number of times and he was really supporting me and telling me, "I want you in my movie." I was going to go to Paris and I was going to be in this movie and stuff and what happened was we were going to shoot it during the hiatus and the shooting schedule for Valmont would have carried me over about a week into the regular season schedule into Star Trek. I would have had to sit out the first episode of the year, right. That's not a big deal, it's not like I'm the ****in' Captain, you know. At that point, I was the guy who pushed buttons and said, "Yes, sir!" So, I said to the people on Star Trek, "I need to be written out of this particular episode, because I'm going to do this movie and my film career's going to take off." This is after Gene Roddenberry had died. Had Gene been alive, it would have been no problem at all, because Gene was that kind of guy. Gene would have said, "Great! Go ahead, you do what you need to do," because he was that kind of person. After Gene died, a very different type of person took over and they said, "We can't write you out because the first episode of the season is all about you. It focuses entirely on your character and it's your story..." So, he said to me, "The story is entirely about you, we can't write you out." I said, "Well, this really sucks, but I'm under contract to you guys and if that's your call and if that's what you say I have to do, I have to do." I had to pass on the movie.

A couple of days before the season was ready to premiere, they wrote me out of the episode entirely. What they were doing was they were sending me a message. The message was, "We own you. Don't you ever try to do anything without us." That was the last straw for me. I called my agents and said, "They don't own me. It's time for me to leave this show, it's time for me to be gone." That's what really pushed me over the edge. It's not worth it anymore. That's why I left.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:37 PM
Uh, he was in S3E1 and S4E1 so I don't even know what he's talking about.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:40 PM
First episode aired is often not the first episode filmed.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:55 PM
Yup, S3E2 was actually first production of S3 and I don't remember him in that episode, but he isn't listed as credit only, which means he filmed scenes but were cut. Haha.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-12-2017 , 01:23 PM
Why does that make you laugh, SenorKeed? Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-12-2017 , 02:57 PM
Wil Wheaton leaving TNG because it was crushing his promising career in feature films? I mean take a look at his imdb page sometime. The humor of that strategy should become apparent...
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
01-12-2017 , 03:46 PM
Seems like results-oriented thinking. He was a big star going into Star Trek and reasonably acted on the assumption that he would be in the future. If his version of events is accurate, he deserves respect for standing up for himself, imo.
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