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Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project **

07-09-2010 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
The times I have successfully quit...
You have never successfully quit, imo.

But you can do it!! GOGOGOGOGOOOOOO!!!
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by JustCuz
You have never successfully quit, imo.
Well, I have quite for years at a time before, so I call that quitting. But, I know what you mean

But you can do it!! GOGOGOGOGOOOOOO!!!
Thanks, so far so good. Tonight will be a big test. Bar, drinking, cards.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 02:49 PM
you quit every time you put out a cigarette... its the choosing to start again that gets people.

semantics ftw.

Fish... its all in your head, and its more than just the cravings. the real trick isnt willpower. The trick is deprogramming your brain into thinking that the cigarette actually does something for you. After that you'll probably get a pang out of the blue every now and again but its gone in minutes....hell even if you slip a few times and indulge its not a big deal. As long as you keep trying you'll reach your goal....which is essentially to completely eliminate your daily cravings for smoking....even if you have to throw an "almost" right before that "completely" you've still accomplished something pretty special.

I beat myself up from time to time when I have the random smoke or *gasp* two, but then i think "I used to smoke around 800 cigarettes a month, slipping a couple when im drinking or fishing doesnt cheapen what ive accomplished"....usually i'll smoke a few more and then donate the pack to the old guy that shares my fishing hole.

just my 0.02.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Oh I know I can go to Vegas and be all right. My friends are cheap though, too cheap. And flights aren't all that cheap compared to past years.

It's more a matter of friends who say they want to go, but then won't commit, so they never go.

I was more or less by myself when I went and met Fish/Dom/YTF, so I guess I can go again.
eh, going with friends that nitty is usually a waste anyways; you don't want to go to vegas with super super nitty friends. just spoils your time.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 04:49 PM
The subject came up in the LC thread, so here is the Official Whiteboard Project Soundtrack, chosen for their potential to sing along / rock out in the car or Vegas ties. Done on the fly, so I'm sure the order could be improved.

Hey, The Pixies

Hey! Been dying to MEET you!

I haven't seen this video before. I think it's hilarious.

Me & Mr. Jones, Amy Winehouse

What kind of ****ery is this?

Cuz I Can, Pink

So I cash my check and place my bets, and hope I always win.

All These Things That I've Done, The Killers

I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier.

Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana

Here we are now, entertain us!

Burning Down the House, Talking Heads

Strange but not a stranger.

Are you Gonna Be My Girl?, Jet

Now you don't need no money with a face like that, do ya.

Woodstock, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

Got to get back to the land, and set my soul free.

Gold Lion, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs

gonna tell me where the light is

Boris the Spider, The Who

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly...

Immigrant Song, Led Zeppelin

Fight the horde, sing and cry. Valhalla I am coming.

Ace of Spades, Motorhead

That's the way I like it baby. I don't want to live forever. And don't forget the Joker!

Sure, it's cliche, but how could you not include it on a Vegas CD?

I Think I'm Paranoid, Garbage

You can look, but you can't touch.

Bang, Yeah Yeah, Yeahs

As a **** son, you sucked.

You Shook Me All Night Long, AC/DC

Made a meal out of me, and came back for more.

Bone Machine, Pixies

I was talking to Preachy Preach about Kissy Kiss

U + Ur Hand, Pink

Midnight. I'm drunk. I don't give a ****.

Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls

The best thing you've ever done for me, is to help me take my life less seriously. It's only life after all!

I Feel Love, Blue Man Group with Venus Hum

Add the Dead Weather CD's, (we have tickets for the end of July), and some White Stripes to complete our music for the trip.

BTW, this White Stripes song is the answer to pretty much every OOT thread.

Be Like the Squirrel
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 05:51 PM
Don't know all of them, but the ones I know are very solid.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
hahahahahaha...Borodog, that's is epic. tell your wife I said hi and if she needs a little variety to spice things up....well, you know.
dom this is inappropriate.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by entertainme
The subject came up in the LC thread, so here is the Official Whiteboard Project Soundtrack...
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
Well, I have quite for years at a time before, so I call that quitting. But, I know what you mean
Fish, it's ok to be a loser, but not a quitter.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
usually i'll smoke a few more and then donate the pack to the old guy that shares my fishing hole.
Buttsecks itt?
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by sayid_the_saviour
dom this is inappropriate.
who are you???

And Borodog and I have a long history of me telling him he has a hot wife.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-09-2010 , 08:56 PM
En, The Pixies are the greatest band ever
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-10-2010 , 03:29 AM
I should have gone to the shindig looking at the pics - I'd be the alpha male for sure.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-10-2010 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
who are you???

And Borodog and I have a long history of me telling him he has a hot wife.
This is because I have a long history of having a hot wife.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-11-2010 , 04:32 PM
We need a Trainwreck whiteboard imo.

I envision a guy holding it, a woman throttling him, and onlookers pointing and laughing.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-13-2010 , 02:49 PM
Very enjoyable thread, but appears to be going downhill since the last pictures were posted.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-13-2010 , 02:55 PM
not so roving anymore either.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
07-13-2010 , 04:18 PM
Someone in Vegas please pick up the whiteboard here:

If whydowe_fall and bunner aren't going to claim it, we have to have some grind houses that could carry on the tradition.

Of course, other whiteboards are welcome to join in the fun.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
11-22-2011 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by entertainme
From the perpetrators of the Whiteboard Project:

We had a great time doing it and loved meeting all the awesome folks who participated.

There's MOAR!

The rest of the pics are on emmemere's camera.

We're leaving tomorrow. Who wants the whiteboard?

Vegas, baby!
My whiteboard cohort and bff fell down the stairs this morning. Thankfully she didn't break anything or hit her head. She's very badly bruised and in a lot of pain. They kept her overnight in the hospital for observation.

I officially HATE stairs.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
11-22-2011 , 11:23 AM
Lol thanks for bumping this. Awesome thread.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
11-22-2011 , 05:48 PM
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
11-22-2011 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
I can't even describe how much I this. Thanks, NhlNut.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
11-23-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by entertainme
My whiteboard cohort and bff fell down the stairs this morning. Thankfully she didn't break anything or hit her head. She's very badly bruised and in a lot of pain. They kept her overnight in the hospital for observation.

I officially HATE stairs.
After getting Tri-Focals I now also officially hate stairs. Makes going down them an adventure. I have a pretty long steep set that comes off the back deck on the house that will probably kill me some day. It is either that or I also am convinced that a Pine Cone is going to be the cause of my death.

Hope your bff is doing OK and recovers to join you in many more adventures!!
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
02-03-2012 , 01:55 PM
My bff has recovered from her fall down the stairs. TY everyone.

Also, bumpitty-bump.
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
02-03-2012 , 03:21 PM
Good bump, imo
Roving Thread: ** The 2010 Vegas Whiteboard Project ** Quote
