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10-18-2013 , 05:33 AM
ahh, Kill The Irishman #4
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10-18-2013 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by dex 1
I take u at your word that you did it correctly & it was just a coincidence.
I didn't cheat.

Did you?
Originally Posted by dex 1
Yes with CHL....I always thought he said Carl too
You must have looked it up or you would have said Carl instead of CARR.
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10-22-2013 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by His Boy Elroy
ahh, Kill The Irishman #4
Bingo - I thought the guy who played Danny Greene (Ray Stevenson) did a good job....he had the toughness, thats for sure....I liked the movie. Had Walken, Kilmer, & D'Onofrio in that too.

And it stuck close to the true story I think. You see a clip of Brian Ross I think when he was very young as a reporter on the street with a cameraman giving some news about this.

As an aside, I read that when D'Onofrio gained 70 pounds for Full Metal Jacket, he beat DeNiro's 60 for Raging Bull.

Also, a movie I haven't seen yet, but want to, is the Machinist with Christian Bale. The Producers said he dropped from 173 to 110 to make that movie & he wanted to go to 100, but they wouldn't let him out of fear. His 63 lb. loss for that movie I read was a record for any actor in a movie role.

What do people think of The Machinist who saw it?

I saw a clip from it & it was spooky how thin he was. And then he had to put it back on to make Batman Begins.

Originally Posted by steamraise
I didn't cheat.

Did you?

You must have looked it up or you would have said Carl instead of CARR.
Yes, I did. I don't think I said I didn't when trying to figure out a clue for it that wasn't too easy.
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10-22-2013 , 04:25 AM
Since nobody has got #5 yet from the 2nd set....let me make sure somebody does with more clues. I've already mentioned that one of the characters name is Max. Some sick f_ _ k tries to sexually assault his buddy on a prison farm they are both in for a while.....& ends up smashing his buddies face in.

The next time Max sees the guy who beat the crap out of his friend.....he lifts him over a fence by some hay in the prison farm & takes out some vengeance on him. The director shoots this scene from a very high camera & it starts close up with Max punching this guy in the face.....& as the camera pans higher & higher u can't see orbital bones breaking, teeth coming out, etc., but u know its happening.

One thing that annoys me about most movies is there will be a street fight where one or both guys are very strong & are punching each other in the face & landing brutal kicks & punches to the head etc.

And then a bit later when we see them again, one of them will have on a little band-aid & a tiny bit of swelling in the lip where in reality, the guy would be spending some time in the ER or end up in the morgue.

Another clue - Max's big idea for him & his pal is to go to some city and start a car wash business (I think it's Pittsburgh). OK - somebody has to get it now.

QUOTE=steamraise;40436592]CARR - the floorwalker. From Cool Hand Luke?
And I always thought he was saying Carl the floorwalker.[/QUOTE]

I forgot to throw in a little taste of Carr the Floorwalker. I know whoever has seen that movie several times knows Carr's speech to the Newmeat pretty well. He only had the 1 speech.....telling them all of the things that would bring them a "night in the box".

I'll put it in blue so u can only look at as much as u would like.....from none to all. Boy has time flown by since we 1st heard this in 1967......46 years.....almost 1/2 a century.

I'll bet somebody to have fun or impress his friends memorized Carr's speech from start to finish. Maybe just trying to see if he could do it or in the process of taking some memory course.

CARR, the floorwalker, a 240 pound behemoth, is indoctrinating
the Newmeat while they change into camp clothing: gray twill
trousers, shirt and jacket, all numbered, which has been
piled on the table. Carr squeegees up and down, a restless
man, and CAMERA in following him SHOWS us the room. At the
same time, the Wicker Man is moving about the barracks,
tapping the floors and bunk posts with a broom handle for
signs of tampering. Carr pays no attention to him, addressing
the Newmeat.

Them clothes has got laundry numbers
on 'em. You remember your number and
always wear the ones that has your
number. Any man forgets his number
spends a night in the box.
(passing out spoons)
This yere spoon you keep with you
and any man loses his spoon spends a
night in the box. There is no playing
grabass or fighting in the building.
You got a grudge against another man
you can fight him Saturday afternoon.
Any man playing grabass or fighting
in the building spends a night in
the box. First bell is at five minutes
of eight when you will get in your
bunk and last bell is at eight...

O.S. now are heard the SOUNDS of trucks arriving and the
Wicker Man goes back to the wicker.

Any man not in his bunk at eight
will spend a night in the box. There
is no smoking in prone position in
bed. To smoke you must have both
legs over the side of your bunk.
Anyone caught smoking in prone
position will spend a night in the
box. You get two sheets. Every
Saturday you put the clean sheet on
the top, the top sheet on the bottom
and the bottom sheet you turn in to
the Laundry Boy. Any man who turns
in the wrong sheet spends a night in
the box. No one will sit on the bunks
with dirty pants on. Any man sitting
on a bunk with dirty pants will spend
a night in the box. Any man who don't
bring back his empty pop bottles
spends a night in the box.

O.S. now are the SOUNDS of men counting off, filling the air
with the apprehension of impending arrival.

Any man loudtalking spends a night
in the box. You got questions you
come to me.
(attentive now)
I'm Carr, the floorwalker. I'm
responsible for order in here and
any man that don't keep order...

Luke mouths the next line with him. At the same time, we
HEAR the clanking of the Wicker Man's doors opening and the
thudding of many steps.

...spends a night in the box.
(to Luke, sincerely)
I hope you ain't gonna be a hardcase.

LOL....I've never spent any time figuring out how to put smilies (or icons I guess they are called too if it's a little picture that is a thumbs down or a right arrow, but I'm not sure which specific word is supposed to go with which).

Just so happens I must have clicked on something by mistake because a page came up with smilies to choose from and the word that goes along with each I clicked on one & now have some moviegoers eating popcorn & listening to, what a boring sentence to read if anybody did.
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10-22-2013 , 02:59 PM
Vincent D'Onofrio can be seen in a movie called Adventures in Babysitting, where he plays a mechanic. He's ripped. This and FMJ came out in 1987. I'm not sure which was filmed first. I would imagine AiB was filmed first, then he gained the weight for FMJ but the shoot for FMJ was probably many months longer than that for AiB, so the order may be reversed.

Didn't John Goodman have to lose weight to play Babe Ruth? Not sure he matched 63 pounds of Bale, though. Sly Stallone gained a lot of weight for some bad cop movie he did about 10-15 years ago.
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10-23-2013 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
Vincent D'Onofrio can be seen in a movie called Adventures in Babysitting, where he plays a mechanic. He's ripped. This and FMJ came out in 1987. I'm not sure which was filmed first. I would imagine AiB was filmed first, then he gained the weight for FMJ but the shoot for FMJ was probably many months longer than that for AiB, so the order may be reversed.

Didn't John Goodman have to lose weight to play Babe Ruth? Not sure he matched 63 pounds of Bale, though. Sly Stallone gained a lot of weight for some bad cop movie he did about 10-15 years ago.
I like Goodman a lot (he had a funny line in Argo)....but never did see the movie where he plays Ruth. Did u like it. 10 being best, what would u give it on a 1-10?

I think that to figure the most impressive weight gains & losses for actors....u have to take their normal weight into account.

Say a guy walks around at 175 & loses 65 to play a part.....isn't that more impressive than a guy who usually is about 250 & loses 80. Same thing going the other direction too probably.

Although a lot of other factors could come into play in losing & gaining weight I'm sure.

Another impressive thing about Bale losing all that weight for The Machinist was that he had to go the other way and get ripped for his next movie which was Batman Begins (I haven't seen that one either).

OK - Since nobody has guessed that 5th movie yet, which surprises me.....the two stars are Al Pacino & Gene Hackman.
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10-23-2013 , 11:26 AM
I never saw The Babe. I actually just saw a few parts of it (less than 5 minutes total) recently and it looked kinda bad. The imdb page seems to call it "insulting".

Yeah % wise is a way better way to measure weight loss/gain. I'm not sure why people should celebrate going from 173 to 110 though. That can't be healthy. It's almost akin to someone become a smack addict for a role. I'm Bale's height and went from a fit 161 in college down to 147 after a 2-week bout with mono. I don't think I could lose anymore weight and when I came back to school my friends said I looked like a walking skeleton.
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10-23-2013 , 12:35 PM
AiB and FMJ were released 1 week apart. Production of FMJ took close to 2 years or longer. VD put the weight on in 7 months and took it off in 9 months. I'd guess that he filmed FMJ first (where the 1st half of the movie was filmed before the 2nd half) and later filmed his small role in AiB, which probably only took a day - especially since his AiB character was supposed to be different in the original script, it was likely a late filming.
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10-23-2013 , 02:54 PM
Yeah I remember hearing about FMJ being a long shoot so I figured AiB was later (though he looked younger). But that's damn impressive he shed all that Private Pyle weight and basically played Thor just 9 months later. He must have busted his ass.
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10-24-2013 , 02:56 AM
I saw a few pic's of him in the movie & he really looks like a holocaust victim. I also read that at times he was just too weak to shoot a scene.

This video talks about his weight loss & how it did endanger his health. Which would bring up the question of whether an actor should be this commited to a character.

IMHO - what somebody sane wants to do that doesn't infringe on is up to them.

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11-01-2013 , 08:28 PM
1) HHH
2) Leonard Cohen
3) FCC
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11-02-2013 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
1) HHH
2) Leonard Cohen
3) FCC
OK - I'll try a wild guess for #1 & #2.

1) When Paul Newman did Hud, Hombre, & The Hustler.

2) Wish u would have said George Cohen. Hmm......Natural Born Killers?
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11-02-2013 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by dex 1
OK - I'll try a wild guess for #1 & #2.

1) When Paul Newman did Hud, Hombre, & The Hustler.

2) Wish u would have said George Cohen. Hmm......Natural Born Killers?
All three clues refer to the same film.
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11-04-2013 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
All three clues refer to the same film.
I see. Then how about......Pump Up the Volume
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11-04-2013 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by dex 1
I see. Then how about......Pump Up the Volume
This has to be it.
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11-04-2013 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
1) HHH
2) Leonard Cohen
3) FCC
Originally Posted by Clovis8
All three clues refer to the same film.
OK Clovis - I'll try one like u did.....3 clues for the same film. I think this may be a pretty tough one (but u never know here), so if I don't see anybody getting close to this one, I'll add more clues.

I just realized that nobody ever got the 5th movie from the 2nd set of 5 movies I gave clues for. And I even ended up naming the two stars of the movie.......Al Pacino & Gene Hackman after the other clues. Somebody should have gotten that for sure by now.

But maybe not enough folks are into this thread.

Anyway: 5 gold stars for anybody that gets this one without more clues!

3)overcooked fish
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11-04-2013 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by dex 1
I see. Then how about......Pump Up the Volume
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