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View Poll Results: Scrubs or The Office
The Office
1aguilas, 21times20, AJW, applejuicekid, Assani Fisher, Barcalounger, bemydemon, Biesterfield, Bigfoot, bighomage, bnrocks, bonlins, Cancuk, Carolina Boys, CheckRaise, ChromePony, Claunchy, CrossUOva7ty6er, DDH, diebitter, Dominic, dtemp, dw2006, En Passant, Enrique, Equal, Fabian, Filenky Corkleone, Franchise 60, fredd-bird, General Tsao, Ginge, grizy, Hattifnatt, Hustler, IAGTTAYM, inferno, Irish Lefty, istewart, ItalianFX, ItIsYouuu, Khaos4k, Kimbell175113, lennytheduck, LittleJames, LooseCaller, MattyMayor, MEb, Michael Clayton, modestmoose, mrbaseball, NeedsMoreNuts, NoahSD, nyc999, OMGuraBOT, OutKicked, phatjeffrey, phx, pryor15, punkass, Qwijibo, rbenuck4, rebuyboy, rianb, Rickety Cricket, RyanR, slickpoppa, Stagger_Lee, Stelios, TehVader, Terrabon98, Thanir, The 13th 4postle, The Drizzle, TomE., Tony Skaloni, uauaEEE, ULR777, Wires