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Planet of the Aprils! (NC Thread) Planet of the Aprils! (NC Thread)

04-26-2010 , 12:18 PM

Things I learned about picking up women during the 3-4 years that I realized "women are easy" This was between the 27 years of paralyzing shyness and my 17 year long term relationship)
  1. If you don't will never happen. I dated 12-15 women during this period and the only two I remember turning down my initial advance...became friends.
  2. Girls are people and have as many fears and odd ideas as you. Some will hate the beard and some will be attracted by it. Some with think that they make you nervous enough to stutter is cute and others will think it makes you the Elephant Man. You likey have some odd ideas of what is attractive/scary to....
  3. Asking out a girl you have never talked to has a >80% chance of failure for man-whores.... for regular guys >95%... so find a way to talk to her first. Become a person to her, not a face. Ask the time, a queston about class, where did she get that cool xxxx?, etc .....break the wall of silence..... if they will causally talk to you, the odds of them dating you are 100% higher...and if not, more friends is good.
  4. Big gestures such as flowers are more likely to scare than please unless you already know the girl. Anything that might be considered stalker behaviour is bad.
  5. ......self confidence is attractive. Try to keep to situations to where you are more comfortable. If you hate having others watching you...avoid the "a bunch of us are going to the ----" dates. Or if you are better one on one, try the coffee date.
04-26-2010 , 12:37 PM
^^agreed....and i'll add a little myself..

Landon..arent you in school? Ive seen you on're not a bad looking dude. You shouldnt be having girl problems like this. School is like the biggest opportunity to pick up women there is and you really should take this opportunity to get comfortable around them....its only going to get harder after school is over.

Get out of the mindframe of convincing a girl to like you and instead just let it happen naturally. Next time just talk to the girl like you would with any of your guy friends. Dont try to convince/impress her, instead decide if shes impressed YOU enough to be interested in HER.

If you talk to girls IRL like you do with everyone here I dont see why you'd have a problem with them. You seem like a cool guy with a really good sense of humor. Women love that. Sure you get the quick heartbeat, sweaty hands but dude ....thats one the best parts of it.
04-26-2010 , 12:48 PM
I took to heart two things that helped me get over self-consciousness problems asking women out:

1. I finally learned the old maxim that 'if you want to find a pearl, you gotta shuck a lot of oysters' - and realized that it applies both ways. So if you get turned down, it's not necessarily a big deal. She just wasn't finding her pearl in you.

2. Asking someone out is a validation for her. I learned enough talking with (and eavesdropping on lol) women to understand that their POV toward you is not unlike that of celebrities toward tabloids. They may complain about the attention, but once the attention is gone they know they have a problem. So ask away, give her some ego boost.

She may say no, but she'll be glad she was asked.
04-26-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
I don't think it's really all that awkward if you have even a remote sense of context to your asking her to do something.

Would you still feel awkward if you exchanged pleasantries every other day, katy?
Originally Posted by katyseagull
This is the order that I like things. Not saying all girls are like this, obviously.

Step 1: casual banter
Step 2: compliment something about her (don't lay it on too thick, obviously)
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a couple months
Step 4: Bring her a cookie or a twizzler or something...maybe a brownie
Step 5: Ask her if she wants to go to Starbucks with you
Feeling awkward isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean, nobody grooves on it overmuch, but if a guy only asks a girl out (or just for coffee/whatever) when there's no chance of it being awkward, nobody's going to be getting together. The trick is handling it in good humor and well overall despite the inherent awkwardness, not banishing the awkwardness, IMO.
04-26-2010 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Who is successfully married here? Can we get some advice from some winners for a change?
Getting yourself married and asking people out = different skill sets IMO.
04-26-2010 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Merek, I'm divorced, after 20 years of marriage. I meant that smirking comment as self-deprecating, but it came across as mean. I didn't mean it that way. But really, enough with this Landonfan drama queen ****. Ask the girl out or don't. Man up, or live with the consequences.

It's not that ****ing complicated, and he's smart enough to know that.
Originally Posted by katyseagull
a little harsh.
Tough love. LF is a serial offender in the wimp sweepstakes. Whatever that means.
04-26-2010 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Landonfan
Perfect example of why I don't even bother with girls. Like sometimes I get my hopes up that maybe girls judge guys on like, you know, their character and stuff, but then I remember that it's a lot more important that you compliment them and bring them candy, but only in the correct order cause if you do it out of order then obv you're a creepy weirdo. And so on and so forth with all your other rules and procedures.

I mean I'm sorry I'm so awkward but if you stuttered too bad to say your own name and were physically incapable of getting a tan you'd prob be awkward too. And it takes me days of psyching myself up just to ask a girl out for coffee so maybe, like just ****ing maybe, you'll understand when I'm not able to spend months jumping through hoops for you when it's taking all the nerves I have just to tell you I think you're, like, a swell gal and all, and that just because I don't bring you a mother****ing cookie on the exact date that you're silently expecting it, the delivery of which cookie you're planning to judge my potential as a future partner on, that if I fail to bring you this spectacular ****ing cookie that that might not mean that I'm incapable of bringing you happiness, and that anyway maybe there's more important **** to be judging men on than whether or not they bring you goddamn cookies in the first place.

Deep breath.

Yeah, so there.
But he is funny. But he's never learned to run with the awkward thing and just have fun with it, like David Letterman, Howard Stern, or Conan do. Being only human isn't all bad, unless you're around the wrong people. But who wants to be around them anyway?

Landon, instead of concentrating on how they're screening you out, maybe you should look at the other side of the coin. Their bad behavior gives you a chance to screen THEM out. In a way, they're doing you a favor by showing you right away instead of burying it for later, like when you've run out of money or somebody better looking comes along or something. Sometimes when people reject you they're doing you a big favor, and you should remember to be grateful. Othertimes it might be a useful lesson. Other times it's pretty arbitrary and just doesn't matter. At any rate it's far from always a big deal or something to chalk up in your own personal failure column.
04-26-2010 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Getting yourself married and asking people out = different skill sets IMO.
LOL. I got myself married by using breakup skills. When I said forget it, I've had enough, vaya con Dios baby, that's when my wife knew she had to have me.

04-26-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
wow, that's a long time to hold onto that anger, e-me What was it, like nine months or something? And I thought i was a grudge holder

Anyway, if you only forgive people when you've come to feel better about their behavior, you may never forgive anybody for anything.
04-26-2010 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Beatngreet415
Jesus being in Bhutan almost makes me miss the ridiculous game-playing courtship of the U.S.

Here, there are two routes:

1. Ask girl on extremely innocent platonic date, like going shopping together
2. You are now married.


1. Have lots of clandestine sex, until her family finds out, and then
2. You are now married.
Are there any community activities you can go to/participate in so you can actually know a girl for ten minutes before you're married?
04-26-2010 , 01:19 PM
i think one of the biggest things for me when talking to chicks is self confidence...i think my confidence has definitely improved over the last year or so but i still need to work on it.

trip report of part 1 of machu picchu is up for anyone who is interested...not MP yet but just the hike/etc leading up to it.
04-26-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Yeah let's move on.

Today I found out no renewal to my contract at end of May, so back on the job market. Ho hum.
Sucks, man. Keep her chin up.

Last night, my wound on my son's arm looks like it's finally dried up after a bad break in August 2009 and ongoing wound infections/problems ever since. He was so happy.

You know what, I am so happy you wouldn't believe it.
Always strikes me as weird when in this day and age, infections on the outside aren't taken care of within a week.
04-26-2010 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
NhlNut was joking, but he felt bad about the Kings losing. If you don't follow sports, it's hard to understand how hard playoff losses are. It's a whole season down the drain, a whole year. It is tough to take.
I know what you mean. I feel the same way when the season comes to an end on Miley Cyrus's show.
04-26-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by entertainme
I'm of the mind that you shouldn't propose unless you're sure that you simply can't live without her, in which case the logistics of being together are simply that, logistics. I'm not hearing that?
No, we're not at that point, which is exactly why I don't want to force the issue about what comes next. Because right now, it'd be more of a discussion about how much we actually meant to each other than one of mere logistics.
04-26-2010 , 02:06 PM
Elope and worry about logistics later. Not because it's the right thing to do, I just want others to be as reckless as I was!
04-26-2010 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Getting yourself married and asking people out = different skill sets IMO.

Also - Being successful in a relationship/marriage and asking people out = different skill sets IMO

My GF of 17 years turned down my 1st advances and had no interest beyond friends til she knew me for a year or so. Even then she would not admit the attraction to herself until a old gf arrived on the scene and made her finally see the godlike awesomeness of me.
04-26-2010 , 02:52 PM
When it's a romance, you talk about love
When it's love, you talk about relationships
When it's a relationship, you talk about your weight
04-26-2010 , 03:29 PM
My apologies for fanning the flames. I regret doing so.
04-26-2010 , 03:57 PM
I regret overreacting last night.
04-26-2010 , 05:52 PM
I have a sore on my lip.
04-26-2010 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Tough love. LF is a serial offender in the wimp sweepstakes. Whatever that means.
I think I know what you mean by this, I'm not attacking it. Still I just want to say LF is sensitive and brave enough to let it show. Not a wimp, and defiantly gutsier than me. Don't change for us LF, not for a women and not just to blend in.
04-26-2010 , 06:25 PM
I like reading really old 2p2 threads and finding a post I'd completely forgotten about, and then laughing at how sharp and clever I am.
04-26-2010 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
I know what you mean. I feel the same way when the season comes to an end on Miley Cyrus's show.
"Yes! But no she's not, she's not. She's only famous when she's Hannah Montana. When she's wearing the wig."
04-26-2010 , 07:47 PM
I have a group of cactii growing in my front yard, and the biggest cactus is now more than twice as big as it was a month ago, no fooling.
04-26-2010 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I like reading really old 2p2 threads and finding a post I'd completely forgotten about, and then laughing at how sharp and clever I am.

I tend to have the opposite reaction.
