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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

10-21-2012 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I don't understand the question
If I had called it "porn-ish" looking I'm sure you would have snap known.
10-21-2012 , 03:32 AM
I thought he meant the story. I was confused.
10-21-2012 , 07:53 AM
The Girl

Made by HBO and is about Tippi Hedren and Alfred Hitchcock and the making of The Birds and Marnie as well as the relationship between them.

Wow! Very well done and exceptionally well acted by Sienna Miller as Hedren and Toby Jones as Hitchcock. Also very disturbing and uncomfortable. There is a fine line between the creepiness and perversion of Hitchcock and his genius in how he brings out the most he possibly can in Hedron. But he definitely comes off as more creepy pervert than genius but his creepy perversion adds to his genius.

Lounge movie buffs should really enjoy this movie I think. I know I did. I also really want to rewatch both the Birds and Marnie now.
10-21-2012 , 08:13 AM
Mulholland Drive I really need some help with this movie. Am I the only one that can't connect the dots w/ the relationships and timelines? Will it help for me to watch it a second time? I really want to say I like it but I hate not knowing precisely wtf is going on?
10-21-2012 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by kevstreet
Mulholland Drive I really need some help with this movie. Am I the only one that can't connect the dots w/ the relationships and timelines? Will it help for me to watch it a second time? I really want to say I like it but I hate not knowing precisely wtf is going on? would help you to rewatch it a few dozen times. Think of it like this: everything before Rita disappears is a dream. Everything after, is the reality. that might help some.
10-21-2012 , 09:08 AM
WTF Dominic! Spoilers FFS
10-21-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic would help you to rewatch it a few dozen times. Think of it like this: everything before Rita disappears is a dream. Everything after, is the reality. that might help some.
Thanks, Dom... that makes a ton of sense and clears up so much. Now I definitely need to re-watch.
10-21-2012 , 12:40 PM
I'm not sure if anyone cares but on the inside cover of the DVD for Mulholland Drive there are "David Lynch's 10 Clues to Unlocking This Thriller"

1.) Pay particular attention in the beginning of the film; at least two clues are revealed before the credits

2.) Notice appearances of the red lampshade

3.) Can you hear the title of the film that Adam Kesher is auditioning actress for? Is it mentioned again?

4.) An accident is a terrible event... notice the location of the accident.

5.) Who gives a key, and why?

6.) Notice the robe, the ashtray, the coffee cup.

7.) What is felt, realized and gathered at the club Silencio?

8.) Did talent alone help Camillo?

9.) Note the occurrences surrounding the man behind Winkies.

10.) Where is Aunt Ruth?
10-21-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic would help you to rewatch it a few dozen times. Think of it like this: everything before Rita disappears is a fantasy masturbation session. Everything after, is the reality. that might help some.
10-21-2012 , 02:48 PM
Killer Joe is hilarious

we should assume Dottie pulls the trigger right?
10-21-2012 , 04:00 PM
Whoa careful now with spoilers.

Anyone else stoked for Cloud Atlas this week? Twyker and the Wachowskis? Sign me up
10-21-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Whoa careful now with spoilers.

Anyone else stoked for Cloud Atlas this week? Twyker and the Wachowskis? Sign me up
Very excited. Looks epic. Anyone here who is going to see the movie already read the book?
10-21-2012 , 06:19 PM
caught a double feature of Paranormal Activity 4 and Sinister last night. pretty ho-hum October scare flicks but good for a few jumps.
10-21-2012 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Whoa careful now with spoilers.

Anyone else stoked for Cloud Atlas this week? Twyker and the Wachowskis? Sign me up
yep however, it'll be in cinemas in November here :/
10-21-2012 , 08:40 PM
Just saw Looper. Was thoroughly entertained, but
Why did the loopers have to kill their own future selves? Seems much cleaner to give those jobs to some other looper with no incentive to let them run. If they need to pay them, just slap the gold on whoever their last kill is and they'll know their loop is closed.

Oh well, it's probably best no to think too hard about time travel movies. Great performance by JGL, who is becoming one of my favorite actors.
10-21-2012 , 11:16 PM
Re looper

director explained it as closing your own loop is the cleanest way to do it. If someone else kills you the loop doesn't ever really close it just keeps going from one looper to another. This way each loop is ended completely and there are no loose ends or connections.
10-22-2012 , 12:35 AM
Saw The Mist 6.5/10

Definitely worth a watch, but poor tentacles. I'm not sure what to make of the ending either- it was a bit of a stretch but at least it required reflection and was more original than the chum horror finales usually give us. I also cheered a woman's death, which is somewhat unusual. Mrs Carmody is a fun character to be with in stressful situations.

Far worse than Melanie in Jackie Brown.
10-23-2012 , 01:08 AM
Just watched "Searching For Sugar Man," I'm a God damn mess. It's a must see and a lock for Best Documentary nominee. It's been an amazing year for Documentaries. Really rough call between this and "Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry."
10-23-2012 , 09:07 AM
David Lynch is the only man alive who gets a pass on the "It was all a dream" criticism.

He just does it so damned well.
10-23-2012 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by WillieWin?
Saw The Mist 6.5/10

Definitely worth a watch, but poor tentacles. I'm not sure what to make of the ending either- it was a bit of a stretch but at least it required reflection and was more original than the chum horror finales usually give us. I also cheered a woman's death, which is somewhat unusual. Mrs Carmody is a fun character to be with in stressful situations.

Far worse than Melanie in Jackie Brown.
Watched this not too long ago as well, wasn't expecting much but thought it was surprisingly solid, and I definitely cheered her demise as well.

The disturbing ending bumped it up a notch in my book.
10-24-2012 , 01:56 AM
just saw argo dont really know what to think. cast was stellar, but i think the story itself doesn't really lend itself to an exciting movie

the scene in the bazaar was alright, but the fact that they only had to be there one day and how short the actual scene was made the tension feel really short lived. by the time they get to the airport the suspense felt really force fed

much more interested in what happened to the 40 or so guys the iranians actually ended up capturing


Sinister 7/10 hated Insiduous (sp?), but this had some really great visuals, suspense, but all led up to a nonexistent climax

Seven Psychopaths 8/10 Christopher Walken is a boss, amazing cast. was thoroughly entertained the whole way through
10-24-2012 , 05:10 PM
The Man With the Golden Gun

Never been a big Bond fan but man this movie was amazing. Every 10 minutes they would add something else so insane only to raise it to the next level 10 minutes later. Crazy, hilarious, awesome.
10-24-2012 , 05:11 PM
Nick Nack FTW

I just ordered the newly released You Only Live Twice on Bluray... best buy exclusive. that's my favorite Bond Movie.

Last edited by MSchu18; 10-24-2012 at 05:29 PM.
10-24-2012 , 06:01 PM
Watching some old horror movies with my gf this week. She's such a classic movie noob

So far we've watched Halloween and Don't Look Now. Tonight will either be Night of the Living Dead, Suspiria, or Rosemary's Baby. She's seen The Shining already and I don't think she could handle The Thing.

What else should I show her?
10-24-2012 , 06:24 PM
The Exorcist
