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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

02-25-2012 , 01:59 AM
If by "supposed to be" you mean "shot in" then the answer is yes.
02-25-2012 , 02:18 AM
Lol...what did u think, someone stole the color from your copy?
02-25-2012 , 02:27 AM
haha no i'm just always hesitant when watching a movie from....different means to make sure it's the right one
02-25-2012 , 06:35 AM
So yeah I watched Pi

It was in black and white. And it was pretty interesting. I think it would have been cooler to keep doing down that path with the number but then we get in Da Vinci Code territory and lose the meaning of the movie.
02-25-2012 , 07:07 AM
Pulp Fiction never gets tired. I've seen it like 5 times this month and god knows overall (possibly 400+) and its as fresh as the first time.
02-25-2012 , 08:19 AM
Regarding the questions about a particular mask in a particular recent film:

My take on that right from the moment I saw it was that Driver doesn't ever get involved to this degree, and has decided to do so in this case for the sake of the woman and her child. Thus, he requires a sort of alter-ego.
02-25-2012 , 09:20 AM
Finally got round to watching Shotgun Stories, loved it.

Cinematography was beautiful, score superb,acting was excellent. Great movie.
02-25-2012 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
Regarding the questions about a particular mask in a particular recent film:

My take on that right from the moment I saw it was that Driver doesn't ever get involved to this degree, and has decided to do so in this case for the sake of the woman and her child. Thus, he requires a sort of alter-ego.
As in a split personality? I recall the director saying he wanted to adapt the novel because he liked the story of a man with split personalities.

I suppose what you are saying makes sense, but it seems like a token gesture since he still wore the iconic jacket. Such a significant totem seems like it would stand in the way of adopting an alter-ego. It would have made more sense to me if he rarely wore the jacket, so that now the mask allows him to assume an alter-ego, and the jacket completes his immersion into a character he rarely plays.
02-25-2012 , 10:42 AM
^^rewatched pulp fiction 3 days ago, and i agree even if you know all the lines, this movie still delivers!

Originally Posted by tabbaker
So yeah I watched Pi

It was in black and white. And it was pretty interesting. I think it would have been cooler to keep doing down that path with the number but then we get in Da Vinci Code territory and lose the meaning of the movie.
this movie is a masterpiece imo. Plot is perfect!
02-25-2012 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Pulp Fiction never gets tired. I've seen it like 5 times this month and god knows overall (possibly 400+) and its as fresh as the first time.
"What ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in What? ... SAY WHAT AGAIN."

"I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat. He's got a weight problem."
02-25-2012 , 11:00 AM
50/50: A much heavier film compared to how it was marketed. IMO Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a fantastic job portraying the physical and emotional progression of a young person diagnosed with a possibly fatal disease. Seth Rogen was pretty much himself in this film, although provided the necessary comic relief. My love for Anna Kendrick only increased after this performance. The only character who I didn't love in this film was Bryce Dallas Howard - she was tasked with portraying an unlikeable character, and while that wasn't too difficult for anyone to pull off, I still feel there was something missing with that part.

Would definitely recommend, although the hypochondriac in me resulted in me checking every body part/ache & pain for several hours after watching.
02-25-2012 , 12:55 PM
The Artist (2011)

I finally caught up with this and I have to say it holds up to the hype. The inevitable backlash has been claiming it's too slight. It is slight. So what? It's not trying to be a holocaust film. It succeeds perfectly in what it is trying to be, a funny, touching love story and ode to the dawn of cinema. It's not the best film of the year but it is pretty great.

Grade: B+
02-25-2012 , 01:00 PM
it is not funny and touching at all
02-25-2012 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
it is not funny and touching at all
what's it like to have no soul?
02-25-2012 , 05:25 PM
wouldn't know
02-25-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
As in a split personality? I recall the director saying he wanted to adapt the novel because he liked the story of a man with split personalities.

I suppose what you are saying makes sense, but it seems like a token gesture since he still wore the iconic jacket. Such a significant totem seems like it would stand in the way of adopting an alter-ego. It would have made more sense to me if he rarely wore the jacket, so that now the mask allows him to assume an alter-ego, and the jacket completes his immersion into a character he rarely plays.
Nah, I'd say he has such a flat affect that he needs to sort of assume a token "new persona" in order to do what is out of his character. Surely this would explain the director's intention, I think. I like the device (if I am right).
02-25-2012 , 06:03 PM

Oooooooooh yes. It definitely makes sense that he would only need a token gesture.
02-25-2012 , 06:37 PM
I got my Danish release of The Good Shepherd... SUPERB! a great release long out of print, the main weakness of the movie being Jolie and her inability to muster the horsepower to keep up with a great cast. I consider this one if not the great performance my Matt Damon.

the levels and meta gaming going in the movie/storyline are indicative or a master... not that De Niro has ever turned out a masterpiece from behind the lens before.

simply awesome.
02-25-2012 , 07:50 PM
Did the Brad Pitt critically-acclaimed-recent-movies double-feature:

Tree of Life - Figured I was either going to love or hate this, but I wound up somewhere in the middle. I give it a lot of points for originality and style, but ultimately I didn't think there was enough substance to fill in the rest. 3/5

Moneyball - I like it when a film introduces me to an interesting subject I don't know much about, and particularly when it also adds some compelling drama. This film did both. Not being a huge baseball fan, I was only marginally aware of the statistical analysis revolution that's been taking over the sport. My only (minor) complaint is that I wish there had been even more geeky stat stuff in the film. 4.5/5
02-25-2012 , 07:57 PM
I watched both All the President's Men and The Andromeda Strain recently on TCM. Both very good, AtPM especially great. I'll bet I've seen it 10 times and could easily watch it 10 more. It's a powerful locomotive of a story line, the young reporters taking down the mighty Richard Nixon. And it really happened.
02-25-2012 , 09:29 PM
Take Shelter

A huge joke.

Apocalyptic storm is coming as predicted by ill man. Ok but... ahh never mind...

Grade: warm beer but thirsty


O M G what a boring a boring boring movie. Where is the adventure and excitement that a child in me expected? I feel privileged of having a chance to watch The Goonies when I was like 10 years old.

5 just because I didn't give it a 4.

The Next Three Days

Lot of twists and turns, unpredictable, great great entertainment/ride.

It seems like newer movies of this genre are rarely good. This came like a needed refreshment.

02-25-2012 , 10:48 PM
I watched Jack and Jill. Being an Adam Sandler fan is probably the only reason to watch this film. It did have a few good moments; but the female Adam Sandler is too much and the plot is tired cliche. Al Pacino gets second billing in this and he has some funny moments. 3/10 for me. Here's the Pacino commercial at the end of the film:

errrdit: took video out of post. I guess that video is a spoiler, so I'll just post a link to it,

Last edited by ajmargarine; 02-25-2012 at 11:02 PM.
02-26-2012 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by Lurker # 1
Take Shelter

A huge joke.

Apocalyptic storm is coming as predicted by ill man. Ok but... ahh never mind...

Grade: warm beer but thirsty
Just watched it last night.

I thought it was a little disappointing, but overall was very good for me for one reason:

It was a very even-handed and realistic treatment of mental illness. Curtis was a very sympathetic character because he knew he was having a psychotic break, but he could not stop himself. I know a fair amount about mental illness (believe it or not), and this was a very realistic portrayal (even if almost nobody has their first break as late as their thirties). I thought the fact that he turned out to be right at the end was actually a cop out, and lessened the impact of the film.
02-26-2012 , 12:19 PM
Tree of Life

I didn't know much about this movie going into it and embarrassingly I was close to turning it off after 15 minutes. However, I stuck with it and I'm happy I did. Needless to say the imagery was tremendous and the film was certainly thought-provoking.

That said, I don't believe it was perfect. There were some holes that bothered me. I wish that the 3rd brother's character would have been built up a little more but I get that the movie had a deeper meaning and probably the main plot was secondary.

I wish I was a little smarter for this movie, so if anyone has a link to a thorough review, almost Cliff Notes-like, I would appreciate it. I'm sure there are some things I missed.
02-26-2012 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
Just watched it last night.

I thought it was a little disappointing, but overall was very good for me for one reason:

It was a very even-handed and realistic treatment of mental illness. Curtis was a very sympathetic character because he knew he was having a psychotic break, but he could not stop himself. I know a fair amount about mental illness (believe it or not), and this was a very realistic portrayal (even if almost nobody has their first break as late as their thirties). I thought the fact that he turned out to be right at the end was actually a cop out, and lessened the impact of the film.
I immensely disliked the ending as well. Almost totally ruined a movie I really enjoyed. However, I read a few posts in this thread about it and someone said that the ending was probably a dream. So, I'm going with that interpretation.
