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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

02-10-2012 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by ChaosReigns
Looking forward to seeing Safe House this weekend.
seems to be getting sub-par reviews so far
02-10-2012 , 06:15 PM
Trailer looked horrible. CIA betrayal, action, mismatched buddy caper number 2358
02-10-2012 , 11:44 PM
but it's denzel, coming at you RAW like training day
02-11-2012 , 12:12 AM
In a serious movie slump, everything I've rented lately has been bad to okay-ish. Doesn't seem to be a lot in the pipeline anytime soon from what I can tell either.
02-11-2012 , 04:20 AM
Safe House more like OUT HOUSE AMIRITE?!?!'s as bad as it looks. The Director tried to make a Tony Scott film (I loathe T Scott fyi) and came up way short. Take every cliche, mash it into 90 minutes and shoot it like a Tony Scott film and you have Safe House. I went in thinking "This could be alright." It's not =/

Coriolanus blew me away. Fiennes delivered an incredible performance. All involved were fantastic. Notable performance from Vanessa Redgrave. Going in I wasn't familiar with Shakespeare's Coriolanus. A refreshing film after a month of typical January bull****.
02-11-2012 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
In a serious movie slump, everything I've rented lately has been bad to okay-ish. Doesn't seem to be a lot in the pipeline anytime soon from what I can tell either.
If you're in North America, Take Shelter arrives Feb 14 on Blu-Ray (US Only!) and DVD (Canada and US). You can't go wrong with Take Shelter!
02-11-2012 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Safe House

Coriolanus blew me away. Fiennes delivered an incredible performance. All involved were fantastic. Notable performance from Vanessa Redgrave. Going in I wasn't familiar with Shakespeare's Coriolanus. A refreshing film after a month of typical January bull****.
really want to see this
02-11-2012 , 05:20 AM
If you want to see Coriolanus and you're in Victoria, movie is on me! It's a great film, just read an article about how Coriolanus was a major accomplishment for Fiennes, 10 years in the making.
02-11-2012 , 05:55 AM
Fiennes is awesome, and I see Chastain is in it...wonder if I'll ever see a movie without her
02-11-2012 , 07:03 AM
watched Pi, first aronofsky's movie. So awesome, my aronofsky's favorite by far.

Carlito's way good. One of the best de palma but it needed something more in the plot maybe to be really great. Some very good scenes and acting tho

I talked about A Bittersweet Life earlier itt. Ive rewatched the ending like 5 times since... God i love this movie. Anyone else has seen it itt? If not i strongly recommend it
02-11-2012 , 08:13 AM
I've got a movie trailer channel, saw one for Coriolanus which has me really wanting to see the whole movie, and then I heard Fiennes on NPR. Kudos to him for his approach to the material.
02-11-2012 , 11:00 AM
A little while ago, I watched The Usual Suspects, but some of the scenes were a little different so I wonder if I was watching the theater release, a director's cut, or what. It was on HBO and the biggest difference was they cut out when Keyser stops the flame Keaton started and the confrontation between Keaton and Keyser.

Still an enjoyable movie.
02-11-2012 , 01:59 PM
Sup guys!

I'm planning to rent a movie tonight but I'm undecided between 5 well reviewed films:

The Hurt Locker

127 Hours


No Country For Old Men

The Town

Imput from anybody who has seen any of these would be appreciated
02-11-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by HellNative
Sup guys!

I'm planning to rent a movie tonight but I'm undecided between 5 well reviewed films:

The Hurt Locker

127 Hours


No Country For Old Men

The Town

Imput from anybody who has seen any of these would be appreciated

No country >>>> the hurt locker> the town>>>>127>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>crash
02-11-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
No country >>>> the hurt locker> the town>>>>127>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>crash
Would be correct, except Hurt Locker goes behind The Town and 127 Hours.
02-11-2012 , 02:16 PM
Cool, thx guys! Looks like No Country is the one, I was leaning toward that myself.
02-11-2012 , 02:17 PM
No Country For Old Men AINEC.

Watched The Social Network again last night and I think it's such a great movie, once I start watching I just can't turn it off, was up till almost 2am.
02-11-2012 , 02:17 PM
Finally watched Atlas Shrugged: Part I. My God, what an unbelievably jumbled, insulting mess of cinematic and philosophical incompetence. It's like Ayn Rand, who is already annoyingly heavy handed in her delivery, dumbed down for kindergarteners. There's literally not a single redeeming component to this film. Acting, writing, story, scene selection, filming, all terrible. The level of suspension of disbelief required for this film exceeds that of The Fast and Furious franchise.
02-11-2012 , 02:48 PM
Cronenbergs crash is superb... make sure to invite your mother to the movie
02-11-2012 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by HellNative
Sup guys!

I'm planning to rent a movie tonight but I'm undecided between 5 well reviewed films:

The Hurt Locker

127 Hours


No Country For Old Men

The Town

Imput from anybody who has seen any of these would be appreciated
The Hurt Locker-No Country For Old Men-127 Hours-The Town-Crash
02-11-2012 , 07:11 PM
NCFOM in a landslide.
02-11-2012 , 07:20 PM
Cowboys & Aliens: boring. 4/10

The Kings Speech: nice movie and performances and everything but holy hell did The Social Network/Fincher get ripped off for BP/BD
02-11-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by HellNative
Sup guys!

I'm planning to rent a movie tonight but I'm undecided between 5 well reviewed films:

The Hurt Locker

127 Hours


No Country For Old Men

The Town

Imput from anybody who has seen any of these would be appreciated
Emma Stone

The broad from Big Bang Theory

Condoleeza Rice

Katrina Bowden

Some random bar slag who doesn't have the clap.

You make the call.
02-11-2012 , 08:12 PM
The General (1926) B&W, Silent. Buster Keaton

The Playhouse (1921) B&W short film, Silent. Buster Keaton

Cops (1922) B&W short film, Silent. Buster Keaton

A+, no special effects, and Buster did all it. Comedic genius, no doubt about it.

According to wikipedia:

U.S. film distributor Kino International released the film [The General] on Blu-ray Disc in November 2009. This is the first American release of a silent feature film for the High Definition video medium.

02-11-2012 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Cronenbergs crash is superb... make sure to invite your mother to the movie
By far James Spader's weirdest movie... and that's saying something.
