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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

11-24-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Hugo Perfect movie IMO. Given his love and knowledge in all aspects of film, Scorsese is the only option for this film. I was a little weary of the child actors (always makes me a little nervous) but they did a great job, one scene in particular moved me.

The speech when Hugo and Isabelle are talking about their place in life, and how there are no extra parts in a machine.

I left the theater feeling uplifted, warm and toasty. All fans of film must see Hugo!
good to know.
11-25-2011 , 02:02 AM
Bag Boy. with a national lampoon label on it, 2007

Expected nothing from this movie going in (ffs its a mindless comedy about bag boys). But it was surprisingly good. Cute little comedy with some funny situations, not a classic by any means, but one of those comedies that you can take some stuff away from it, without fear of many other people knowing where you get your stuff from.
The lead in the film, Paul Cambell was 38 years old- portraying a 22ish dude. blew me away because he actually looks super young. some people dont age lol
11-25-2011 , 02:22 AM
Captain America predictable and bad, but, for me, not predictably bad, bc the trailers were awesome
I expected more, something as good as x-men. 2/5
Drive Suspenseful/plot-driven. Some things turned me off abt the main characters, like difficulty identifying w them + lack of understanding their motivation, but overall this was a creatively shot and lit, well thought out, super cool movie. Bad ass 80's soundrack ftw! 4/5
11-25-2011 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by ABCrushing
Watched Memories of Murder recently. Very much enjoyed it, if you're into crime/detective movies I would check it out. Its a korean film.

this film is tremendous. I've found it to be a very indelible film. Though I've only watched it twice, it's still very vivid for me. The contrast between big city/rural and modern/old school would almost seem cliche, but it works so well because of the confusion from all parties. It also plays to an era gone by with a near sense of innocence that gets smashed by a serial killer.

recently I rewatched Rescue Dawn. It's been a good while since I've watched it and felt it needed to be viewed again to see how it held up. This is still a great marriage of herzog+vietnam. There is the obvious focus on the fighting, but it more captures the feeling of survival against all odds. The film is shot beautifully and herzog really tries to bring us into the suffering the dieter and went through while being a POW in Laotian Prison camp.

This wasn't just your normal american vietnam film. This took place earlier than most films deal with, but it isn't so much about the fighting and the scourge of war as it is about the will to live.

11-25-2011 , 04:28 AM
New twilight movie.

Took the misses to see this, having only see About 10 minutes or so of any of the others myself.

So the film starts and for what must be an hour it's all weddings, love, staring into each others eyes etc etc.
Basically the same scene set in a different place again and again, yawn.

The group of female 50 something's behind me have finally stopped gassing about who is their personal favourite of the 2 main male characters, yet they are old enough to have produced these boys themselves.

So we finally get down to the nitty gritty, wolfs communicating in wolf form (lol), some demon child being born and a small scuffle between the zzzzzz.

My bad I fell asleep writing this, just as I did in the film.

What's up with this vampire guy anyway? He's married too her, yet he'll go out of his way to make sure she gets to see some other guy that wants her, as much as possible.

Not really sure how this gets on screen. All but the wolfs, give me a camcorder and a house on a hill and I could provide you with the same movie.

Will I be going to see the next one? No.
Will she? Yes. Just not with me.

Save your money and watch something else.
11-25-2011 , 05:00 AM
Saw Hugo again tonight, AMAZING. Picked up on a lot of new things the second time around and loved it even more the second time.

It's not necessary to see in 3D but it's quite tolerable in 3D. There are 2 shots which worked really well in 3D, but they would be just as good in 2D.

This weekend's line-up: The Descendants, The Muppets, We Bought A Zoo (sneak preview), and hopefully The Skin I Live In
11-25-2011 , 09:09 AM
The Debt and The Lincoln Lawyer.

Loved both.
11-25-2011 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Hugo Perfect movie IMO. Given his love and knowledge in all aspects of film, Scorsese is the only option for this film. I was a little weary of the child actors (always makes me a little nervous) but they did a great job, one scene in particular moved me.

The speech when Hugo and Isabelle are talking about their place in life, and how there are no extra parts in a machine.

I left the theater feeling uplifted, warm and toasty. All fans of film must see Hugo!
Naturally I have mixed feelings about this entire thing.

Of course, I will go see it as soon as we have a babysitter available, so sometime in the next three months or so.
11-25-2011 , 12:05 PM
I saw a movie that was a mixture of Chloe (2009) and Eyes Wide Shut (1999) ..

Sleeping Beauty (2011) stars Australian beauty, Emily Browning, as the almost always partially naked, Lucy.

This movie is pretending to be something it's not.. a great story.. about a girl that gets dragged into a shady underground "escort service" lifestyle.

At first I liked the movie. I like dark, depressing, human "journeys" into the taboo. But then the movie just falls apart about 3/4 of the way through. And the ending.. It's what prompted me to write this.

It was soooo bad.. I need some outside opinions. Has anyone watched this? I'd love to hear thoughts on the ending. Sometimes I can miss the obvious.
11-25-2011 , 12:38 PM
I guess the new Twilight movie is causing seizures..
11-25-2011 , 01:40 PM
I am sorry but your GF wanting to see Twilight is grounds for breaking up imo. Stop going to see these movies then give them a bad review guys. Take your balls out of the purse.
11-25-2011 , 04:59 PM
People who design movie posters are creative

11-25-2011 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by stu+stu
I saw a movie that was a mixture of Chloe (2009) and Eyes Wide Shut (1999) ..

Sleeping Beauty (2011) stars Australian beauty, Emily Browning, as the almost always partially naked, Lucy.

This movie is pretending to be something it's not.. a great story.. about a girl that gets dragged into a shady underground "escort service" lifestyle.

At first I liked the movie. I like dark, depressing, human "journeys" into the taboo. But then the movie just falls apart about 3/4 of the way through. And the ending.. It's what prompted me to write this.

It was soooo bad.. I need some outside opinions. Has anyone watched this? I'd love to hear thoughts on the ending. Sometimes I can miss the obvious.

I've seen it fairly recently. But I only remember nude Browning and one fairly disturbing scene. I didn't hate it, but I can't even remember the ending so I guess it didn't make too much of an impression either.

OK, so I got curious and rewatched the ending but it didn't help me much because I can't remember why it would be good or bad and I won't watch the entire thing again

Just lukewarm on the whole thing, except the obvious redeeming features.
11-25-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by itsasexywaytoCRAI
I've seen it fairly recently. But I only remember nude Browning and one fairly disturbing scene. I didn't hate it, but I can't even remember the ending so I guess it didn't make too much of an impression either.

OK, so I got curious and rewatched the ending but it didn't help me much because I can't remember why it would be good or bad and I won't watch the entire thing again

Just lukewarm on the whole thing, except the obvious redeeming features.

I'll post my question more directly in a sp box..

At the end, after she wakes up and trips the **** out on the old dead guy next to her, the (very) next, final scene is her sleeping next to the old dead guy. Does that mean she totally broke down and it doesn't phase her anymore? OR WTF? Makes no sense and has no impact whatsoever.

Just figured it went over my head or referenced something unknown to me. Maybe it just sucked
11-25-2011 , 07:02 PM
All you guys van see Breaking Dawn with your girlfriends. I saw The Muppets with my family. I win.
11-25-2011 , 08:22 PM
I'm watching Melancholia right now.
11-25-2011 , 08:24 PM
A Nous La Liberte - it's a musical/comedy from Rene Clair circa 1931 about two escaped prisoners. One becomes a successful businessman and the other goes to work in his factory. It's of course, a very overtly political movie. There are clear parallels between prisoners and factory workers, and the two leads end the movie penniless and happy after one of them gave up everything just for freedom. 8/10

Gomorrah - 2008 Italian mafia movie. It doesn't have much of a plot, but rather several unconnected stories that depict a violent and miserable way of life in Naples due to the Camorra. If you can get past the lack of any sort of narrative connecting the stories, it becomes a very interesting movie with a strong message against organized crime. 8/10

Cleo from 5 to 7 - this movie more or less takes place in real time while the titular Cleo waits for test results to see if she has cancer. This, of course results in a lot of discussions about existentialism, death, meaning in life, etc. It was pretty interesting. There's one really great bit where Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina make an appearance in a fake silent movie. 8/10

A Place in the Sun - Monty Clift plays a kid who goes to work for his rich uncle and slowly becomes entangled in a love triangle with a rich socialite (Liz Taylor) and a completely bananas working class girl played by Shelley Winters. Clift begins a relationship with Winters but soon falls in love with Taylor. Winters goes crazy with jealousy and says she's pregnant and demands that Clift marry her. Spoilers:

He decides to kill Winters by drowning her in a lake. He takes her to the lake and she accidentally falls in, drowning. Clift is eventually arrested and charged with murdering her and sentenced to death. In a great moral statement at the end, Clift confesses that he deserves to be put to death because while he didn't actually murder her, he didn't actively try to save her because he wanted her dead.

It's a terrific movie with great performances all around, but especially from Shelley Winters. 8.5/10

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - this is the second movie I've seen directed by Sergei Parajanov. The other was The Color of Pomegranates. Both movies are very similar in style, but TCoP didn't do much for me because it had no discernible plot and left me confused. This movie, however, did have more of a plot. It's about a guy who falls in love, his love dies, then he tries to move on but his marriage with his new wife suffers because of his lingering feelings for his past love. It's a beautifully shot movie with lots of unique camera shots and great, vibrant colors. But those colors are also drowned out a lot in scenes where the lead longs for his dead wife. Brilliant movie. 9/10

The Outlaw Josey Wales - great western from Clint Eastwood. It may become one of my favorites from him. A terrific story about a farmer seeking revenge for the murder of his family. 9/10

Red State - soooooo does anyone actually know what Kevin Smith was trying to do with this movie? It starts off looking like it's going to be a comedy..then perhaps a horror...then it turns into an action movie...before becoming a police drama ending with a Coen Brothers-esque satirical scene dripping with cynicism. At no point in the movie can the audience identify a hero or follow any traditional narrative arc (which, actually, I usually don't even have a problem with as long as it can be justified somehow. And I don't think it can in this one unless the moral of the story is that everyone just sucks at everything). **** basically just happens for 90 minutes then the movie ends. Insultingly heavy-handed, even for Kevin Smith. Yet it was still it has that going for it. 6/10
11-25-2011 , 08:39 PM
I went to Smith's screening of Red State in Seattle, you basically summarized what he was going for. Keep the audience on their toes, pull the rug from under you, that sort of thing.
11-25-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by SnotBoogy
I'm watching Melancholia right now.
heh, i liked it as it kept me entertained with great acting and visuals/sound, but yeah in looking at past posts itt i can see the movie was kinda weak in some regards. still, i'm glad i spent 7 bucks to watch it ondemand at home. it wasn't bad.
11-25-2011 , 11:52 PM
Cleo from 5 to 7 and Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors are superb
11-25-2011 , 11:58 PM
Corndog Man...

Simply put, it's just an awesome Simple movie. No serious plot complications, no big surprises... but unqualified comedy torture of the most mundane nature. A your de force by essentially a single actor, Noble Willingham.

I love this movie.

11-26-2011 , 09:12 AM
um. how awesome does this movie look?

Rampart, written by James Ellroy, starring Woody, Ben Foster, Buscemi
11-26-2011 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by SnotBoogy
um. how awesome does this movie look?

Rampart, written by James Ellroy, starring Woody, Ben Foster, Buscemi
Looks so good, I didn't finish it. I hate long trailers nowadays. Gives away too much info I don't need to know. The blinder, the better (if it's going to be good).

Woody Harrelson =)---- ~
11-27-2011 , 03:08 AM
Saw Take Shelter last night awesome movie definetely one of the best of they year.
11-27-2011 , 03:40 AM

I had pretty high expectations for this movie and it didn't disappoint, which is rare for me. Great performances, engaging story and good action. I'm not an MMA fan either, so don't let the subject matter deter you from seeing the movie.
