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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

09-12-2011 , 06:29 AM
everyone go watch SENNA (2010). If you don't know who or what Senna is, don't worry, the best way to watch this film is with ignorance. WATCH THIS FILM. It's the best documentary I've ever seen, and I've seen hundreds
09-12-2011 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Caught Contagion last night. Pretty much Traffic but about a viral disease instead of drugs. Temporarily made a germaphobe out of me coming out of the theatre but meh. Really only saw it because buddy didn't feel like seeing Warrior. 2.5/4 3/5
Ya I saw it this weekend also, wasnt terrible but seemed to be lacking any dramatic narrative. I dunno what it was but it never felt like the disease was as threatening as it should have been even though lots of people were dying around the main characters. I guess since all the death happened off screen through news reports. Outbreak is still better. They didnt dumb down any of the jargon though which was kind of cool, the movie treated us all as adults.
09-12-2011 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Caught Contagion last night.
are you feeling any better today?
09-12-2011 , 09:04 AM
She, a Chinese

A teenage girl from small town China leaves her peasant family behind to head first to the big city and then on to London.

It's a slow moving tail of a girl who is desperate for something more for herself then an arranged marriage to a small time government employee in a hick town in China.
Li Mei rejects her mothers choice of the safe government bureaucrat and sets off to make a new life for herself in the big city. Once the opportunity arises she heads to London but she never makes the life she dreams about a reality in any of these places.
I found I didn't really care about Li Mei. In fact the death of Mr Hunt's cat was the most moving thing that happened. Li Mei says almost nothing. She spends most of the time looking slightly sad but mostly impassive. Shes desperate for love but keeps making bad choices in men. If I was being charitable id call her stoic though equally I could call her dull and infuriating.
09-12-2011 , 09:43 AM
Saw Jonah Hex last night, because it was coming on a movie channel.

John Malkovich. Josh Brolin. Super-hero gunslinger. Has to be decent, right?


WRONG. As wrong as I've been in a long time. They owe me $7.50 back, and I didn't even pay for the movie.
09-12-2011 , 12:40 PM
Hart's War starring Bruce Willis and Colin Farrell. 3/10, IMO. Pretty to look at, good scenery and cinematography but the story isn't very compelling. Willis just uses his trademark smirk whenever he's on camera as if he think it will make him an enigmatic character and Farrell's character is very dull.
09-12-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Isitdur?
Hart's War starring Bruce Willis and Colin Farrell. 3/10, IMO. Pretty to look at, good scenery and cinematography but the story isn't very compelling. Willis just uses his trademark smirk whenever he's on camera as if he think it will make him an enigmatic character and Farrell's character is very dull.
I remember seeing this pos in the theater and thinking man this movie is a pos why am I watching this in a theater
09-12-2011 , 02:58 PM
Megamind -- cartoon, Brad Pitt, Will Ferrel

I liked it. CGI where it belongs: in children's films.
09-12-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
are you feeling any better today?
db is here all night folks. Try the prime rib.
09-12-2011 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bo Goldman
Agree 100%. This movie was hilarious. Highly recommended.

Yeah watched this last night.

Black comedy at it's best.
09-12-2011 , 08:54 PM
Last Man Standing - I love Yojimbo, but Last Man Standing is a real guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's a bad movie, but I can't help it, just so entertaining to watch Bruce shoot two rival gangs.

In a similar vein, though also a better movie, Shoot 'Em Up is an incredibly fun movie.
09-12-2011 , 09:27 PM
I'm a glutton for the disturbing, so I'm really digging this New French Extremity trend. It's a more visceral body horror sub genre (think Cronenberg, only more graphic and with much, much less intelligence). Of films that would be classified in this category, I've seen:

Martyrs - Girls are tortured by a mysterious cult in order to convert them into "martyrs," or conduits of communication to the afterlife. Overall, enjoyed it and the premise. The execution didn't achieve all I thought it could have. The torture the final girl is exposed to consists almost entirely of physical beatings with bare hands, not that this wouldn't be horribly traumatic and painful, but I was expecting something more..imaginative, let's say? The haunting scenes of the original escapee are pretty suspenseful, and when the final girl is
skinned alive and truly "martyred" in the sense that the film uses the word
it hit a certain stride.

Inside - A pregnant woman is first harassed, then attacked by a mysterious woman who appears to want her unborn child. More graphic and tortuous than Martyrs, but without the supernatural element. Effective in both building tension and delivering the painful payoff.

High Tension - Definitely the weakest of the three as it's a pretty standard slasher, though simply more graphic than most American slasher films. It also incorporates the
multiple personality twist of which I'm growing so agonizingly weary.

For a while, I thought only Japan and Korea were capable of producing these visceral thrillers, but France has begun to compete nicely. Definitely not for the squeamish.
09-12-2011 , 10:20 PM
Ok I am probably preaching to the choir here but:

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

One of the most cringeworthy, miss the mark, doesn't have a ****ing clue what it is doing films I have ever seen. My god what a mess. An unadultarated mess. Made worse by the fact I watched it with someone who was seeing it for the 2nd time, who loved it and was 100% sure I would too since I am a pretty big nerd and into games. How wrong she was. Don't watch this, your eyes and brain would thank me if they could.
09-12-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Ok I am probably preaching to the choir here but:

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

One of the most cringeworthy, miss the mark, doesn't have a ****ing clue what it is doing films I have ever seen. My god what a mess. An unadultarated mess. Made worse by the fact I watched it with someone who was seeing it for the 2nd time, who loved it and was 100% sure I would too since I am a pretty big nerd and into games. How wrong she was. Don't watch this, your eyes and brain would thank me if they could.
Indeed it was terrible. Cera is the worst "actor" to ever become famous.
09-12-2011 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Indeed it was terrible. Cera is the worst "actor" to ever become famous.
you're clearly forgetting his other work, year one and youth in revolt
09-12-2011 , 10:33 PM
Meh, I didn't hate Scott Pilgrim.
09-13-2011 , 12:19 AM
Watched Sanjuro (1962) B&W, Akira Kurosawa, for the first time.

This is a companion film to Yojimbo with the same main character. The film is very good but in my opinion does not have the same sustaining quality of Yojimbo and comes off as more uneven. Sanjuro is still a very worthwhile movie, with some excellent cinematography and fight sequences, and comedic scenes and nuances within the secondary characters.

I purchased the Criterion edition which has additional information and comentary that enhances appreciation of the film.

09-13-2011 , 01:44 AM
I watched Big City, a cheesy 1948 movie with Danny Thomas, Robert Preston, George Murphy, and kid star Margaret O'Brien. It was good-spirited but also dated and laughable. These 3 guys, a cantor, a Protestant reverend, and an Irish cop raise this precocious little girl they find abandoned, with help from Danny Thomas's Jewish mother.

This Margaret O'Brien kid, who I'd heard of, is a hambone's hambone. I either wanted to hug her or strangle her in every scene she was in. The religion is presented very clumsily, with Jewish Danny Thomas (a devout Catholic irl) getting the short end of the stick. And the ending is so ridiculous. Several key issues aren't resolved, but all these people end up singing God Bless America, led by the fat Jewish grandmother. I'm not kidding.

But hell, I enjoyed watching it. I see George Murphy later became a US Senator from California.
09-13-2011 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Ineedaride2
Saw Jonah Hex last night, because it was coming on a movie channel.

John Malkovich. Josh Brolin. Super-hero gunslinger. Has to be decent, right?


WRONG. As wrong as I've been in a long time. They owe me $7.50 back, and I didn't even pay for the movie.
Yeah, I watched it under the same circumstances and I had the exact same reaction (both before seeing it and after). I'm actually a bit ashamed I didn't stop mid way and watched the whole thing through.

OTOH with Your Heighness I was more strong and managed to stop watching after 15 minutes. There are good "stupid movies" which I can enjoy and bad ones. This one is of the bad category.
09-13-2011 , 03:08 AM
Senna was awesome.

The whole electronics fiasco was pretty tilting
09-13-2011 , 08:02 PM
Django - awesome theme song. Awesome opening scene. Django is introduced dragging a coffin with a giant as gun in it. Django is a wildly entertaining and pretty violent spaghetti western from Sergio Corbucci starring Franco Nero. 8/10

Rome, Open City - got around to rewatching this movie. Upon a second viewing I definitely appreciate it more and understand where Rossellini was going with it. A brutal and haunting masterpiece of neorealism. 10/10

Seconds - John Frankenheimer's psychological thriller about a middle aged man who signs up with an agency that fakes his death and turns him into Rock Hudson (minus the AIDS, I presume). He escapes the tedium of his wife and job to become a swinging bachelor and painter. Of course he learns that all he really wants is a meaningful relationship with someone, not fame or money or hoes. I was awestruck by the cinematography in this movie. Its use of angles and black and white is incredible. 9/10
09-13-2011 , 09:13 PM
Seconds is great, such a strange movie.
09-13-2011 , 10:18 PM
Contagion is pretty sloppy with the characters, seems a lot of strands went undeveloped like Cotillard's entire role for instance. Would've been better focusing on one character or being a bit longer although none of them were all that interesting. Very mediocre, but worth watching eventually I suppose... if you have nothing else to do. High praise, I know. 6/10
09-13-2011 , 10:20 PM
I sort of enjoyed was interesting in a "so this is what could actually happen" kinda way
09-13-2011 , 10:36 PM

From you, 6/10 is high praise indeed. Not sure if I'm willing to sacrifice the time to see it in theaters, but I must admit it looks interesting.
