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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

08-10-2011 , 07:05 PM
Apes was great! And the coda that runs through the credits was quite satisfying.


Didn't see your post before I posted. Too bad.


The courts are closed by now, so Mrs. Busto gets a pass
08-10-2011 , 07:11 PM
What's green, slimy, and smells like bacon?

Hesher: A bat-**** crazy mofo develops a relationship with a kid in mourning.
08-10-2011 , 07:17 PM
watched Rules of Attraction. liked the book more, but at least this BEE interpretation got the book's point
08-10-2011 , 07:42 PM
Saw Rise of Planet of the Apes, I don't understand the love for it in this thread.

It was a total Snooze-fest. When the trailer has a monkey jumping into a helicopter and hints at a this massive battle between man vs. monkey. I am disappointed when I sit in the movies and all I get is some apes swinging through a subdivision and some brief chimp chaos. Total ripoff.

I don't give two ****s that some monkey, gets raised as a person by Franco and feels alienated because he can't fit into the human or the monkey worlds. And that is how the rebellion starts? The emotions of the monkey did not impact me, I couldn't care less.

I wanted apes vs. people war, I got a character study about a monkey. Lame.
08-10-2011 , 07:45 PM
Your namesake would agree
08-10-2011 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bo Goldman
I don't give two ****s that some monkey, gets raised as a person by Franco and feels alienated because he can't fit into the human or the monkey worlds. And that is how the rebellion starts? The emotions of the monkey did not impact me, I couldn't care less.
Incapable of empathy, interesting. Must make it hard to enjoy most movies.

I wanted apes vs. people war, I got a character study about a monkey. Lame.
How, exactly, would apes conduct or have any prayer at winning any kind of war against people? The best they could hope for was escape. It they stayed to battle, they would have been slaughtered. If the movie had attempted to have them win a battle against a military force, I would have walked out of the theatre.
08-10-2011 , 08:27 PM
Black Bread - One thing that i like more than finding good little known movies, is finding good little known movies that were recently made; there just seems so little of them these days. This is a story about a young boy who finds two corpses of a man and his son in a forest. Suspicion is thrown on his father and he tries to help clear his name. While the story is very interesting, the backdrop of the postwar Spain is what the movie really seems to be about. The boy finds himself in a world of lies, struggle and betrayal. His ideals clash with the grim realities and in the end have a pretty big effect on him. I enjoyed how this movie started out pretty fast, then slowed down a bit, but never really went where you expected it to. In the end I still wasn't sure what exactly happened in a couple of key places, but it didn't hinder my enjoyment much and it was really great to see a movie not spoon feeding you what is going on. A lot of the scenes were very nicely shot, but what really made it work, is how potent a lot of the scenes were. The characters were really well made and interactions between family members were often very heartfelt. The acting by everyone and especially the little boy, was very good. This movie reminded me a bit of René Clément's Forbidden Games in a way it tackled childhood's clash with unpleasant realities. A-
08-10-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
Incapable of empathy, interesting. Must make it hard to enjoy most movies.

How, exactly, would apes conduct or have any prayer at winning any kind of war against people? The best they could hope for was escape. It they stayed to battle, they would have been slaughtered. If the movie had attempted to have them win a battle against a military force, I would have walked out of the theatre.
Well thank god it's realistic...
08-10-2011 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Well thank god it's realistic...
Come on. You know movies well enough that a good movie must be at least internally consistent. I know people can't climb walls, but Spiderman had an explanation for his powers, so his battles were believable within the context of the movie.

The apes were intelligent for apes, but still far behind humans. They had no weapons, no enhanced physical powers, no tactical training, etc. It would have made zero sense for the apes to take on a military contingent or really anything beyond what they did. If the drug for some reason made them invulnerable to bullets and could shoot destructive lasers out of their eyes or something, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much, but at least there would have been a premise for them to fight a large scale battle.
08-10-2011 , 09:34 PM
I would happily accept super monkey powers.
08-10-2011 , 09:58 PM
Just rewatched The Cincinnati Kid. Reminded me again of how incredibly stupid 5 card stud is. Love the characters, though, the attitude and the story. Also, wtf at the dealer calling out people's hands: "busted, no flush, no straight possible." Was that standard in those days? Love how Howard rubs it in at the end too, sayin' the kid will always be second best, right after making a desperation donkey suckout to bust him. Some terrible poker in this movie. Do the same crap as they do in Shade, too, no table stakes, trying to buy pots with money not on the table.

Last edited by CompleteDegen; 08-10-2011 at 10:20 PM.
08-10-2011 , 10:22 PM
Old style poker was weird. If a person couldn't match your bet, you automatically won. The rich got richer.
08-10-2011 , 11:22 PM
I just watched The Town with my housemates. Pretty good movie, even though some of the actors put on the most outrageous Boston accent.

Ben Affleck was fantastic in this movie. Rebecca Hall also put up a solid performance, and I think she is cute as hell.
08-10-2011 , 11:41 PM
I watched A Serbian Film today

I kept reading how its one of the most Fed up movies in recent memory, so I was curious. Ive watched many horror and exploitation films so im a bit desensitized now and sometimes I like tosee if stuff can gross me out or whatever. Its usually all hype.

The film is about an ex porn star who used to be the best,but now he is retired and kind of a hasbeen. Hes running out of money to provide for his wife and son, and is approached with a film job, for an amount of money he really cant refuse. Problem is they WONT tell him what the movie is about. It ends up being a snuff film, and he is drugged and forced to "act" in this film.

The film definitely is a video nasty with a lot of fcked up things going on in it. Torture, murder, rape etc etc etc. Remember when Hostel and Saw etc came out and we started hearing the term "torture porn" thrown out a lot more? I always thought that was kind of preposterous and loosely thrown around. Well...that might be the perfect term to describe this movie. I dont want to get too much into the vile things that happen in this film, some of it is even too bad to type.

The film was made in Serbia by a Serbian director (im pretty sure.) I have watched many films from all over the world, I do not think ive really watched any Serbian ones though. I am really unfamiliar with the country as a whole. The film as you may have guessed already also takes place in Serbia. Great title haha. It was well shot, and well acted. Overall well done in contrast to other things I have seem which are low budget.

My final thoughts are that it was indeed a messed up movie, but it really didnt phase me too much. I never had to shut if off. I should note I dont think I have the uncut version, but after doing a lot of reading there was only 3 minutes or so total of cut footage im missing, so this was pretty complete. Maybe ill track down another version. So- the movie is really messed up, but it does get you thinking that its sad this stuff actually does happen. If you are up for it, check this movie out.

I havent wrote movie reviews in awhile, so perhaps my writeup is all over the place. I could have written an essay, but I had to stop typing before it started to turn into that. This is a cool thread and I hope to contribute some more. I watch a wide range of films.

Up next- Martyrs
08-10-2011 , 11:47 PM
Embarrassed to have seen The Change-Up CGI babies, CGI poop, CGI milk, CGI knives...did I mention it wasn't funny? Almost as bad as The Hangover 2 =(
08-10-2011 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Seriously??!! So you would have preferred a wasted scene on a mindless security guard stopping Franco and boom, the entire premise of the film stops right there?
Well, I was wondering how he got out. (Also, I was attempting a bit of humor that intelligent talking apes were no problem but getting past a security guard was a deal breaker).

But it is a little like Snatch. The movie opening is totally unbelievable. I figure a diamond like that would be kept at one of the four bourses. Back in '94 $4.7M in diamonds were stolen (non-violently) from the Antwerpsche Diamantkring from some guys who had gotten a couple of Orthodox dealers to vouch for them (over the course of 18 months). After the heist the dealers felt guilty and fessed up - you'd think they'd be aware of this.
I can't see them not getting patted down more and further, the reason most of the heists are done with cunning (see School of Turin) is once who have the stuff, how are you going to get out of the Diamond District? It's like a fortress.

And while I'm at it, what's the b.s. in The Wizard of Oz - monkeys can't fly! (Joke courtesy Nick DiPaolo)
08-10-2011 , 11:54 PM
That is what got me into the cinema.

Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
How, exactly, would apes conduct or have any prayer at winning any kind of war against people? The best they could hope for was escape. It they stayed to battle, they would have been slaughtered. If the movie had attempted to have them win a battle against a military force, I would have walked out of the theatre.
08-11-2011 , 12:39 AM
If only they could have acquired a dog calvary.

08-11-2011 , 06:13 AM
Win, Win:

I was pretty excited to watch this with Giamatti and the positive reviews/ratings it had, but aside from Giamatti it was just so-so. 6/10

I liked Barney's Version more
08-11-2011 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bo Goldman
That is what got me into the cinema.
I can sort of understand that, but surely you realize it would have made no sense?
08-11-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Klavs
I just watched The Town with my housemates. Pretty good movie, even though some of the actors put on the most outrageous Boston accent.

Ben Affleck was fantastic in this movie. Rebecca Hall also put up a solid performance, and I think she is cute as hell.
Heat If you enjoyed the town you will enjoy Heat. After watching The Town it reminded me about how great Heat was and I planned on going back to it at some point. Picked up the Bluray a couple weeks ago for $10 and watched it this past weekend. If you like to see how criminal careers affect a persons personal life and more importantly how their personal lives shape the decisions they make in their criminal careers then you should do yourself a favour and watch Heat. Micheal Mann is able to juggle several of the protagonists stories without it ever feeling rushed. Where The Town manages to only depict Afflecks relationship with Hall, Heat follows the three main criminals plus the main detective and throws in some tertiary characters just for ****s. Mann makes afflect look like the amateur that he his, even though The Town was very enjoyable.

I will say that the build up to the main heist is amazing but trying to maintain that level of tension after the heist has already occured seems a litte anti-climactic and the second half of the movie wasnt as amazing as the first. As for the acting, Al Pacino is amazing as usual, Robert DeNiro is solid but his character is rather solemn so he doesnt really get to shine, and I always remembered this movie as one where Val Kilmer wasnt terrible, on rewatching I realised thats mainly because all he has to do is stand around and put on a brooding face. But he did that well, so whatever.

08-11-2011 , 12:28 PM
Drunken Angel - Mifune and Kurosawa collaborate for the first time in this noir. It's about a doctor with a drinking problem who is asked to help a criminal with TB (Mifune). The doctor is conflicted and reluctant of course, and Mifune's situation only gets worse throughout the movie. Solid movie, recommend to any film buff. 8/10
08-11-2011 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bill A Bong
The film was made in Serbia by a Serbian director (im pretty sure.)
IIRC the Director said it was suppose to represent what is happening (or happened) to the Serbian people.

Martyrs is alright, if you want check out bloody-disgusting's website and they have a forum on Foreign horror films.
08-11-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bo Goldman
I wanted apes vs. people war, I got a character study about a monkey. Lame.
How do you expect a war between monkeys vs people when there's just a couple of hundred locked in different zoos and laboratories ?

It's not like the original Planet of the Apes movies where thousands and thousands were already serving society as slaves.

I am a big fan of the original movies but I liked the psychological twist in this one. When you link the scenes where John Lithgow wrecked his neighbor's car and when Cesar locked himself back in the cage after the bribe ; it reminded me of American Beauty with the beer spilling on the couch : screw that selfish society, I know something better can be built and I will chose the right path to it.

I don't mind the lack of action when there is a good criticism about modern society in movies.
08-11-2011 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
Just rewatched The Cincinnati Kid. Reminded me again of how incredibly stupid 5 card stud is. Love the characters, though, the attitude and the story. Also, wtf at the dealer calling out people's hands: "busted, no flush, no straight possible." Was that standard in those days? Love how Howard rubs it in at the end too, sayin' the kid will always be second best, right after making a desperation donkey suckout to bust him. Some terrible poker in this movie. Do the same crap as they do in Shade, too, no table stakes, trying to buy pots with money not on the table.
LOL. So, what does the game of 5 Card Stud have to do with any of your complaints?
