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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

04-17-2011 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
It's unwatchable. I'd rather be raped by the guy who played Detective Revi in that movie.
I think they both punched Roman Polanski in the face at the very last, but I may have imagined that.
04-17-2011 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
How come nobody told me I Love You Phillip Morris was one of the funniest movies pretty much ever? Jim Carrey's best performance ainec. Might be the best movie of 2010 too. In the top 3 at least. 10/10
No idea how I had never heard of this movie until your post. Just watched it and really enjoyed it, 8/10 for me. Thanks for the rec!
04-17-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by John Cole
What do you mean "God myth"?
What was meant by the original post to which I responded, the Frankenstein myth?

I guess I meant the same thing.

Let's not kid each other. Blade Runner, more than anything else, is about confronting God. It is about accepting (or not) our moronic limitations (whatever they might be), and about deciding whether or not there is a point to "blaming" anyone for these limitations.

I think we all already knew this, right?
04-17-2011 , 09:53 PM
I see it being more about what it means to be human, but yours is valid, too.
04-18-2011 , 01:11 AM
Why can't Blade Runner be a movie about being human in a one-demensional world? Wouldn't the stark contrast between super-advanced 1980s effects and the bland characters....

I just hated the ending. I guess the voice-overs really dropped the movie a few notches for me.

Wherever it won in cool factor, it lost in story.

InRe: "What did I expect?"

Considering it is hailed as a great movie, especially from poster itf that I respect, I was hoping for something more compelling.

Not that I hated the movie, but I found I was indifferent to it.
04-18-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
Why can't Blade Runner be a movie about being human in a one-demensional world? Wouldn't the stark contrast between super-advanced 1980s effects and the bland characters....

I just hated the ending. I guess the voice-overs really dropped the movie a few notches for me.

Wherever it won in cool factor, it lost in story.

InRe: "What did I expect?"

Considering it is hailed as a great movie, especially from poster itf that I respect, I was hoping for something more compelling.

Not that I hated the movie, but I found I was indifferent to it.
You watched the theatrical need to see the final cut. No voice-over!
04-18-2011 , 10:21 AM
I love you Phillip Morris was great. It had a lot of very funny moments.
04-19-2011 , 11:02 AM
Watched the fighter last night, it was a mixed bag. The family dynamics were interesting and Christian Bale was awesome but everything else was pretty predictable. 7/10

The two major fights were him taking hits for 6 rounds then ZOMG he pulls it out. Not sure if thats what happened in real life but it was pretty predictable.

As for Blade Runner, I think its one of those movies that you are either going to love for the atmosphere or hate for the plot (or lack thereof). Its not like its a deep and profound movie that makes you think about life and being human. To what degree it does has been done better in other movies. I think it was probably more groundbreaking when it came out, before the cyberpunk genre had been driven into the ground, and large parts of it dont hold up so well to a modern viewing.
04-19-2011 , 11:21 AM
The King's Speech

Very competently made and quite good-looking, but it was, for me, also rather dull.

George Washington

A big disappointment tbh. This one also looked good, though, and it did have some great scenes.
04-19-2011 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
Watched the fighter last night, it was a mixed bag. The family dynamics were interesting and Christian Bale was awesome but everything else was pretty predictable. 7/10

The two major fights were him taking hits for 6 rounds then ZOMG he pulls it out. Not sure if thats what happened in real life but it was pretty predictable.

As for Blade Runner, I think its one of those movies that you are either going to love for the atmosphere or hate for the plot (or lack thereof). Its not like its a deep and profound movie that makes you think about life and being human. To what degree it does has been done better in other movies. I think it was probably more groundbreaking when it came out, before the cyberpunk genre had been driven into the ground, and large parts of it dont hold up so well to a modern viewing.
Lack of plot?? Doesn't make you think? Doesn't hold up? You obviously don't know what you are talking about and/or are 20 years old.

Now, go trash Citizen Kane and Casablanca because it's not in color.
04-19-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Lack of plot?? Doesn't make you think? Doesn't hold up? You obviously don't know what you are talking about and/or are 20 years old.

Now, go trash Citizen Kane and Casablanca because it's not in color.
I bought the 5-disc collectors edition thingy when i was 20 (i'm 22 now)
04-19-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
I bought the 5-disc collectors edition thingy when i was 20 (i'm 22 now)
lol...I'm not saying all 20 years old wouldn't know a good movie. You're obviously a film lover....someone who understands the difference between art and commerce and wouldn't put Titanic on the level of Blade Runner. But can also enjoy Independence Day or Armegeddon for what it is.
04-19-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Lack of plot?? Doesn't make you think? Doesn't hold up? You obviously don't know what you are talking about and/or are 20 years old.

Now, go trash Citizen Kane and Casablanca because it's not in color.
I love Blade Runner, but the plot is pretty thin.
Some industrial robots escape and get all emo about their impending death, decker falls in love with a robot, the end. Obviously thats a terrible characterization but I think when people hate on Blade Runner it is most certainly because very little of significance happens in the movie.

I still consider it a piece of art and deserved of its AFI top 100 place, it just earns its place as a piece of visual and cinematic work of art and not neccessarily as a brilliant piece of story telling. It holds up in the sense that its still an amazing movie, but it does lose a lot of the wow factor since the cyber punk genre has pretty much been run into the ground at this point. I'm nowhere near 20 but lots of 20 year olds come into Blade Runner already having seen Matrix, Terminator, I,Robot (lol), etc and simply arent as impressed by the idea of sentient machines in film as we once were. 20 year olds dont need a representation of a polluted corporate dystopia when they see images similar to those seen in Blade Runner on a regular basis.

Last edited by ianlippert; 04-19-2011 at 01:32 PM.
04-19-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I love Blade Runner, but the plot is pretty thin. Some industrial robots escape and get all emo about their impending death, decker falls in love with a robot, the end.
Thanks for the spoiler touch bag.
04-19-2011 , 01:32 PM
Sorry. Fixed.
04-19-2011 , 01:32 PM
Not that it helps since you quoted it, lol
04-19-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I love Blade Runner, but the plot is pretty thin.
Some industrial robots escape and get all emo about their impending death, decker falls in love with a robot, the end. Obviously thats a terrible characterization but I think when people hate on Blade Runner it is most certainly because very little of significance happens in the movie.

I still consider it a piece of art and deserved of its AFI top 100 place, it just earns its place as a piece of visual and cinematic work of art and not neccessarily as a brilliant piece of story telling. It holds up in the sense that its still an amazing movie, but it does lose a lot of the wow factor since the cyber punk genre has pretty much been run into the ground at this point. I'm nowhere near 20 but lots of 20 year olds come into Blade Runner already having seen Matrix, Terminator, I,Robot (lol), etc and simply arent as impressed by the idea of sentient machines in film as we once were. 20 year olds dont need a representation of a polluted corporate dystopia when they see images similar to those seen in Blade Runner on a regular basis.
Well, I disagree. It's the same criticism it received when it first came out. Personally, I feel the story is quite complex and has many layers, like an onion. You've got the main plot, sure - what you described - but you also have various thematic storylines also present.
04-19-2011 , 03:24 PM
That's a strange criticism, ian. You could literally condense any movie's plot into 3 sentences and then say it's thin. Plus, a movie having a simple plot doesn't diminish it's quality anyway. It seems like it just didn't live up to the hype for you and now you're just trying to blame the movie for not reaching some sort of expectation you had of it.
04-19-2011 , 03:25 PM
Indeed. There are plenty of films I could sum up in one sentence. Does that mean they are terrible films? Or that they're somehow worse than Blade Runner?
04-19-2011 , 03:33 PM
I was definitely kidding ian ... sorry
04-19-2011 , 08:33 PM
Limitless was pretty nice, kinda reminded me of Inception in the good ways
04-19-2011 , 08:47 PM
SCRE4M (heh) is a mixed bag, it shares more with the other two sequels than the original movie--which I really like. It tries to balance time with the old cast and this new one and never really manages to spend enough time with the new one so none of them are the least bit memorable. That's a major flaw, to say the least. Otherwise, it's pretty solid. The opening, the opening, and the opening made me smile. So there's that. 6/10
04-20-2011 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Well, I disagree. It's the same criticism it received when it first came out. Personally, I feel the story is quite complex and has many layers, like an onion. You've got the main plot, sure - what you described - but you also have various thematic storylines also present.

some folks(not naming anyone) just do not have the ability for alternative thinking/concepts. if it's not black and white and severed up on a silver platter and tied neatly with a ribbon, well then, it doesn't exist.

I don't think BR is Cerebrally challenging, but it does offer up interesting thoughts... that combined with the era where in it was built makes this movie an all time keeper.
04-20-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
That's a strange criticism, ian. You could literally condense any movie's plot into 3 sentences and then say it's thin. Plus, a movie having a simple plot doesn't diminish it's quality anyway. It seems like it just didn't live up to the hype for you and now you're just trying to blame the movie for not reaching some sort of expectation you had of it.
I was half joking. Just to clear something up: I love Blade Runner and think its one of the best movies ever made, aka should be on the AFI top 100. I just dont think its there because of the plot/writing, which is fine, some movies are better at certain aspects of film making than others are. The plot isnt terrible by any means, its just that when you think of the best scripts of all time I dont think Blade Runner places very high. Which is why I think many people underrate it as a film.

Originally Posted by rapidacid
I was definitely kidding ian ... sorry
np, I just started posting here more regularly and I wasnt sure how anal people were about spoilers.
04-20-2011 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Hobo with a Shotgun: pretty bored by this, don't really get the hype.
I loved Hobo, and the writing was more clever than most movies I've seen recently. I loved the over the top delivery of dialogue and the bad guys were bad-ass!

Some guy in my city complained the violence was "too much." I said to him, you went to a movie called Hobo With A Shotgun, what did you expect?! lmao

Hobo would fit nicely in a triple feature with recent Grindhouse throwbacks: Death Proof and Planet Terror or Black Dynamite.
