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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

03-06-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
try Unstoppable next. It's umm...err...good...if you have a pan and zoom fetish.
**** Tony Scott and his style. The movie is called Unstoppable because the cameras are Unstoppable! lol very few still shots, everything has to be spinning, running or as you said, pan and zoom. I found the movie to be unintentionally hilarious

When the old guy died in the train, the guy at HQ screaming "BAIL OUT!" what is he supposed to do? hit an eject button and get out like Maverick in Top Gun? When the kid in the helicopter tried to board the train I said "oh ****, this isn't going to end well!"

I never expect much from Scott, this one was entertaining tho.
03-06-2011 , 03:14 PM
The thing I like most about Unstoppable was that it was mostly old-fashioned in-camera stunts, not CGI
03-06-2011 , 03:44 PM
Yeah the stunts were decent but when you can correctly predict nearly everything that actually happens on screen from dialogue to explosions to when trucks peel know it's not that good of a movie. Also, the camera work was ridiculous and nauseating.
03-06-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Do you have a page?
I thought that was weird too. I guess it's Canadian-speak?
03-06-2011 , 08:44 PM
In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)

We choose to go to the moon
-JFK Sept 12, 1962

Between 1968 and 1972, 24 men escaped earth atmosphere and are the only people to ever see the whole earth. Twelve of those men stepped foot on another world. This film tells their story, but in doing so it really tells all our stories.

The history of humanity is told in exploration.

Human achievements like these make me understand what religious people are talking about when they speak of transcendence. I felt it, whatever it is, while watching this film. It moved me to tears more than once.

You can have your false idols. I will bask in the glory that is human greatness. We are our own Gods.

Grade: A

Where is our JFK? Sadly, instead of dreaming of the next horizon humanity will reach, our politicians spend their time tallying gotcha moments. It's hard not to think, since 1969, we have taken one giant step backward for mankind.
03-06-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Firpo
I thought that was weird too. I guess it's Canadian-speak?
"I hate the internet. I think it's all private. I like meeting in real places like the penalty box. Do you have a page?"

03-06-2011 , 10:30 PM
saw three movies this weekend:

The Adjustment Bureau - good Philip K. Dick premise but not really much there. Matt Damon and Emily Blunt have good chemistry, but ultimately forgettable. B-

Inside Job - It's something when the most ethical and honest person in your movie is Elliot Spitzer. this just won the Oscar for Best Documentary and it deserved it. Fantastic movie that will make you furious. A+

Rango - what a bizarre movie. So damn fun and just weird...the animation is so ugly it's beautiful. Great parody of classic westerns with a ton of references to other movies, from Star Wars to Apocalypse Now to Once Upon a Time in the West. Fantastic cast, too. A-
03-06-2011 , 10:35 PM
I dont think I have ever come across someone with such similar taste to me Dom. We seem to view nearly every movie almost the exact same way.
03-07-2011 , 02:41 AM
Wolf Creek (2005)

This is basically Hostel Lite, set with tourists in Australia. Movie takes its stime getting to the horror. Fairly forgettable. 6.5/10

Catfish (2010)

Documentary about two artists corresponding and the odd relationship that develops online... and eventually in real life. Enjoyable doc. 7.5/10
03-07-2011 , 02:44 AM
Hey, I just watched Catfish last night. It was interesting but a little thin in content to me. Seemed pretty obvious where it was heading. But I liked that the creators were decent good-spirited people who weren't trying to get even or take cheap shots. That really impressed me a lot.
03-07-2011 , 03:03 AM
Wolf Creek has so much more to offer than the crapfest that is Hostel.
03-07-2011 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
I dont think I have ever come across someone with such similar taste to me Dom. We seem to view nearly every movie almost the exact same way.
03-07-2011 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Wolf Creek has so much more to offer than the crapfest that is Hostel.
Not a big fan of either
03-07-2011 , 04:03 AM
I watched Centurion recently

A splinter group of Roman soldiers fight for their lives behind enemy lines after their legion is decimated in a devastating guerrilla attack.

I enjoyed this
03-07-2011 , 05:57 AM
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 8/10

I feel like I'm not getting something with this movie.
03-07-2011 , 06:09 AM
it is goat
03-07-2011 , 06:19 AM
Gasland is uhhhhh what the ****. I hope this movie is completely inaccurate. Lighting sinks on fire is cool tho. Unfortunately there's gotta be some element of truth here and that's scary. 7/10
03-07-2011 , 08:27 AM

easily the coolest, grittiest, stylish sub-genre of movies ever; great tribute to noir.
03-07-2011 , 08:40 AM
Very cool, nicely edited. Names of every movie in the video lol...(I recognized quite a few)
03-07-2011 , 10:04 AM
Any reviews from you guys on Enter the Void? I don't wana get baked for it then have it be completely horrible.
03-07-2011 , 10:09 AM
the shot of Hayworth @ 1:10 is priceless and of Bennett lighting a cigarette @ 1:44 and of Peggy Cummins in cowboy outfit pointing a gun @ 5:30 are so ****ing cool. Pulps were awesome ):
03-07-2011 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by shriners
Any reviews from you guys on Enter the Void? I don't wana get baked for it then have it be completely horrible.
Look back ITT. It's been a huge topic of debate. I loathed it, others less so.
03-07-2011 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by shriners
Any reviews from you guys on Enter the Void? I don't wana get baked for it then have it be completely horrible.
Consensus is it's a GOAT contender.
03-07-2011 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by shriners
Any reviews from you guys on Enter the Void? I don't wana get baked for it then have it be completely horrible.
You don't want to get baked, you don't want to read the thread...

You can't swing a dead cat in this thread without an Enter The Void post.

03-07-2011 , 11:44 AM
The Town: This is the first Ben Affleck performance I really liked. He's the head of a crew in Charlestown, MA that robs banks, and falls for a woman they take as a temporary hostage. Jeremy Renner also turns in a strong performance, although I'm not sure I saw the Oscar hype that surrounded him. I think Blake Lively was the only weak point in the film, as I feel her role was too typical.

The Kids Are All Right: This was one of my favorite movies of the last year, and the performance I've been hoping to see from Mark Ruffalo since You Can Count on Me. Fantastic script, well acted, and to be honest, I thought Julianne Moore should have received the Oscar nod over Bening.
