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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

06-15-2010 , 03:03 AM
Try catching The Thick of It (the TV Show)...I haven't seen it myself, but keep meaning to, but it's apparently equally brilliant.

The bit that made me laugh the most was the American Senator who did not like swearing, when Capaldi talked to him.
06-15-2010 , 03:57 AM
Book of Eli


Pretty good but admittedly flawed movie, uses interesting concept wrt religion I haven't seen in a post-apocalypse movie. The Road with Viggo Mortensen was certainly better, but Denzel Washington does a good job playing a quiet nomad with some badazz fight scenes. Interesting ending, I think it is kinda gimmicky but the movie is pretty entertaining to watch. One should probably note that I liked the movies Waterworld and Postman because I tend to like post-apocalypse movies. This movie got pretty mixed reviews leaning towards bad but I would say it's a legitimate watch. Washington doesn't get to flex his acting muscle with the character he's given but I still think he did a great job with what he had.
06-15-2010 , 05:42 AM
Get Him To The Greek: This movie was actually great. I'm glad I went in with low expectations. It mocks pop culture in a hilarious way. There are a lot of quotables and laugh out loud scenes. Enjoyed it as much as Knocked Up and Superbad. 8.5/10
The whole "African Child" bit was EFFING gold. Also when they were on drugs and finding consolation in furry walls. It made it more funny that a lot of the movie was actual accounts of Russell Brand's life. It's ironic he's dating an air-head pop star IRL too. Luckily she's probably too stupid to draw the parallel lines.

Primal Fear: I can't believe people don't mention this movie when they talk about Ed Norton favorites. This is easily my favorite performance of his which is saying a lot. I had obviously heard of the movie before but knew nothing about it, my friend told me not to read anything about it before I watched it and I'm glad I listened. The movie starts off a little too slow for my taste but it turns into a roller coaster ride. 9/10
The point when I realized there really was no Aaron; I was waiting for him to slip up and recall a memory from when he "blacked out". When it finally happened I was like BOOYA!
06-15-2010 , 11:08 AM
Did I just drop into the Twilight Zone, or is that really Jim Carrey in the third Dirty Harry Flick, The Dead Pool?
06-15-2010 , 12:52 PM
Yes, and it's the 5th Dirty Harry flick
06-15-2010 , 01:07 PM
I didn't even realize there was a 5th one.

I think the third one killed off all desire to know more ...
06-15-2010 , 01:15 PM
Aye The Enforcer was very by-the-numbers. Sudden Impact had some interesting themes tho.
06-15-2010 , 03:52 PM
I just thought I would throw this in here in this thread.
This is a link from Sweden's Svenska Dagbladet listing the top ten non-English language films, along with their trailers, as chosen by the British film magazine, Empire.
How Bergman's The Seventh Seal wound up as low as number 8 is a little beyond me?

#1 is The Seven Samurai and #4 is The Bicycle Thief

The rest have English translations.
06-15-2010 , 04:09 PM
pretty random list
06-15-2010 , 04:14 PM
I would only include The Seventh Seal and (maybe) The Seven Samurai on my top ten list.
06-15-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Holy moly. L.A. Confidential was tremendous. What an amazing movie.

I don't know how people read books like this, though. I feel like I'd have a ton of trouble tracking what was going on unless I read the entire novel in one sitting.

I haven't read any Ellroy.

Great great great movie, though. You guys weren't kidding about the actors and performances.
Read Ellroy. He has a very distinct style that you'll love or hate, but if you hate it you'll know right away. LA Confidential is good, but my favorite of his are American Tabloid and its sequel, The Cold Six Thousand. I guess they're best described as historical fiction. Essentially they are Ellroy's conspiracy theories of 1960's politics and culture, focusing on fictional characters who interact with actual historical figures (e.g., JFK and Robert Kennedy).

Ooooh, so glad that you posted; just looked it up and the third book was released last September. I read Cold Six Thousand close to when it came out in 2001 and gave up looking for the next one to come out.
06-15-2010 , 04:30 PM
Almost none of those have English translations, M8ludi
06-15-2010 , 04:34 PM
I meant the title on the trailers. Did you scroll down?
I see The Seven Samurai did have the English title over its trailer.
06-15-2010 , 08:18 PM
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Film about the strength of a man paralyzed completely except for his eye. Chronicles his life, regrets, successes. While paralyzed he writes a book by the same title as the movie, dictating one letter at a time to his assistant.

It was a very beautiful movie
06-15-2010 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
Read Ellroy. He has a very distinct style that you'll love or hate, but if you hate it you'll know right away. LA Confidential is good, but my favorite of his are American Tabloid and its sequel, The Cold Six Thousand. I guess they're best described as historical fiction. Essentially they are Ellroy's conspiracy theories of 1960's politics and culture, focusing on fictional characters who interact with actual historical figures (e.g., JFK and Robert Kennedy).

Ooooh, so glad that you posted; just looked it up and the third book was released last September. I read Cold Six Thousand close to when it came out in 2001 and gave up looking for the next one to come out.
Thanks for these tangential posts about his books. I will have to check them out. I must admit, though, that my respect for him more than faltered when I heard him say in an interview that of course the book/film was great, because he had written it, and no one else could have written it. Whenever people speak of themselves on a level approaching godhood I get the immediate impulse to cut them down. Sell yourself, sure. But your fans should do your bragging for you.
06-15-2010 , 09:49 PM
The black dahlia is very good. All of ellroys stuff is good... if ya like it haha

Yes ellroy is annoying but I believe he is half joking when he does it in interviews or speeches. He thinks its endearing
06-15-2010 , 09:52 PM
He seemed pretty sincere in the interview I saw. If it is tongue in cheek he is a damn fine actor
06-16-2010 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by SnotBoogy
The black dahlia is very good. All of ellroys stuff is good... if ya like it haha

Yes ellroy is annoying but I believe he is half joking when he does it in interviews or speeches. He thinks its endearing
The movie was an unfinished crap.
06-16-2010 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by M8Ludi
The movie was an unfinished crap.
yes, as i am sure you could tell i was talking about the book. i just really like ellroy so while i didn't love the movie i found enough in it to like. but it coulda and shoulda been way better
06-16-2010 , 01:53 AM
I'm surprised to find out Dahlia is by Ellroy, too. I didn't like that movie very much, but L.A. Confidential is amazing.
06-16-2010 , 09:24 AM
Another movie that ellroy helped write but it wasnt from a book was Street Kings (keaunu reeves, forest whitaker)
06-16-2010 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
He seemed pretty sincere in the interview I saw. If it is tongue in cheek he is a damn fine actor
He's an oddball in interviews; I've also heard that he's joking about stuff like that, but it doesn't come across very well.

Black Dahlia the movie is indeed horrendous. Book is very entertaining, however.
06-16-2010 , 01:25 PM
I like it when Ellroy talks about breaking into women's houses to smell their underwear, which he mentions in every interview I've ever seen of his.
06-16-2010 , 02:25 PM
I think I read that at one time when he was doing research into the Dhalia murder, he was almost convince his own father was the killer...
06-16-2010 , 02:27 PM
his mom was murdered. explains a lot.

supposedly he's conservative of the libertarian variety.

wasn't white jazz supposed to be made into a movie? or has/is it?

let me google that for myself and you
