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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

07-14-2013 , 05:03 PM
Leaving Las Vegas

Great love story. And Nicolas Cage can really act, who knew..
07-14-2013 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Riverdinho
Leaving Las Vegas

Great love story. And Nicolas Cage can really act, who knew..

The reason people are so surprised of his dive into **** is cause he used to be very good!
07-15-2013 , 12:13 PM
and he lives in Las Vegas

07-15-2013 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by KRANTZ
oh man thanks Dom! what nice things to say, so glad you enjoyed the movie. it's such a wild feeling to have worked on something for so long, basically alone in the woods with ryan, and then to have it well received... truly appreciate the support. would have been great to meet you at the 2p2 party -- next time!
Really excited to see your film, especially with Dom's acclaim. Congratulations.
07-15-2013 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
[B]As someone who has been stymied while trying to finance a film, I'm both incredibly impressed and just a little jealous that Ryan and Jay have succeeded so brilliantly. This film is two things for us here in the Lounge: it's a great, entertaining film about the subject that first drew us to this site to begin with. But it's also special for us because it's made by on of our own! And trust me, it's a relief to say that I'm not just being polite because of that. The film is actually watchable.

See it. Support Ryan and Jay. I have nothing to do with the movie or its success so I'm not blowing smoke.
Thanks, Dom. That means a lot. As Jay and I have said in the past: we'll probably never have an easier time raising money for a film than we did with BRF.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Bet, Raise, Fold: The Story of Online Poker

I'm obviously predisposed to like this film. Nonetheless, it significantly exceeded my expectations. In hindsight, my expectations were pretty miscalculated given the people behind the film, however, I must admit I kind of expected a love story to how great poker is and was and how it can solve the world ills. Instead, it's a thoughtful and brutally honest look inside a lifestyle that gets little exposure.

Grade: A-
Holy ****! An "A-" from Clovis? My life is complete. Thanks for watching and taking the time to write such a thoughtful review.
07-15-2013 , 03:30 PM
Saw The Bling Ring last night. Wow, how can someone so talented make something so uninteresting? I'd already heard mediocre things about it, so I wasn't too excited to see it, but it was the only movie playing at the right time, so I gave it a go. I figured: at least it will look good. It did not. I was actually pretty shocked by how bad the photography looked, and there was nothing inspired about the direction behind any sequences. There is a story (of sorts) but it contains no dramatic conflict and no suspense whatsoever. The stakes are pretty low (even if/when they get caught, it's not like they're going to jail for life or something). I never got to know any of the characters, so I really could have cared less about what happened to them. There was literally no point to keep watching to the end. To Die For and Spring Breakers are far superior movies that handle similar content/themes. I really feel like Coppola must have been on a serious Gus Van Sant kick when she made this. She even blatantly ripped off the same "interview with the accused" flash-forward technique used in To Die For. Stylistically, it felt like she was trying to imitate Van Sant's later works ("Elephant", "Paranoid Park") where he takes less experienced actors/non-actors and uses their "bad acting" (for lack of a better word) to create this strange impressionistic-naturalism (best way to describe it) that gives his worlds this really odd atmosphere. The mistake in The Bling Ring IMO is Coppola mixes unknown, inexperienced actors (the two leads) with well-known, highly experienced ones like Leslie Mann Emma Waston -- who seemed to think this was a broad satirical comedy. The resulting tone is unbalanced. Spring Breakers totally owns The Bling Ring in all other style categories -- the photography, production design, music etc were all way cooler. It's strange because fashion photographer Sophia Coppola usually has such a handle on all things hip and cutting edge. The Bling Ring felt dated by a couple of years. It almost felt like a wannabe version of a Sophia Coppola film...

After this and Somewhere, my expectations for the next Coppola film are incredibly low. I hope she picks a story with some real teeth, and concentrates more on sucking the audience into the narrative, and less on everything else.
07-15-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Firpo
I feel like there is a shelf where a longer, director's cut is stored, with the opening scene being 15 minutes of him driving in a circle.
07-15-2013 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by chipchip
just watched Outland . 1981 movie with sean connery. If you liked him as bond you willl like this one too. I like how in the old movies fights looked more real to life, and it wasnt always 20 bad guys vs one hero with supermoves filmed with by a parkison disease cameraman. Also like how that doctor chick wasnt some super pretty 25 year old. Especially hate this in that in time movie with justin timberlake. If everyone looks super polished and hot it kind of takes you out of it :/ .
07-15-2013 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Firpo
Saw The Bling Ring last night. Wow, how can someone so talented make something so uninteresting? I'd already heard mediocre things about it, so I wasn't too excited to see it, but it was the only movie playing at the right time, so I gave it a go. I figured: at least it will look good. It did not. I was actually pretty shocked by how bad the photography looked, and there was nothing inspired about the direction behind any sequences. There is a story (of sorts) but it contains no dramatic conflict and no suspense whatsoever. The stakes are pretty low (even if/when they get caught, it's not like they're going to jail for life or something). I never got to know any of the characters, so I really could have cared less about what happened to them. There was literally no point to keep watching to the end. To Die For and Spring Breakers are far superior movies that handle similar content/themes. I really feel like Coppola must have been on a serious Gus Van Sant kick when she made this. She even blatantly ripped off the same "interview with the accused" flash-forward technique used in To Die For. Stylistically, it felt like she was trying to imitate Van Sant's later works ("Elephant", "Paranoid Park") where he takes less experienced actors/non-actors and uses their "bad acting" (for lack of a better word) to create this strange impressionistic-naturalism (best way to describe it) that gives his worlds this really odd atmosphere. The mistake in The Bling Ring IMO is Coppola mixes unknown, inexperienced actors (the two leads) with well-known, highly experienced ones like Leslie Mann Emma Waston -- who seemed to think this was a broad satirical comedy. The resulting tone is unbalanced. Spring Breakers totally owns The Bling Ring in all other style categories -- the photography, production design, music etc were all way cooler. It's strange because fashion photographer Sophia Coppola usually has such a handle on all things hip and cutting edge. The Bling Ring felt dated by a couple of years. It almost felt like a wannabe version of a Sophia Coppola film...

After this and Somewhere, my expectations for the next Coppola film are incredibly low. I hope she picks a story with some real teeth, and concentrates more on sucking the audience into the narrative, and less on everything else.
Dang, I was excited to see this, but now I guess I'll just wait till it's streaming somewhere.
07-15-2013 , 11:09 PM
Herzog's lates doc, Happy People, about trappers in Siberia who live off the land, is absolutely fascinating. I wouldn't be surprised if, in fifty years, Herzog will be better know as a documentary filmmaker.
07-16-2013 , 01:26 AM
I had the option of seeing Pacific Rim or Fast and Furious 6. I snap chose F&F. I regret nothing. Can't wait for F&F7.
07-16-2013 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Herzog's lates doc, Happy People, about trappers in Siberia who live off the land, is absolutely fascinating. I wouldn't be surprised if, in fifty years, Herzog will be better know as a documentary filmmaker.
I tried watching a Herzog movie and sort of shrugged, but his documentaries fascinate me endlessly.
07-16-2013 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I had the option of seeing Pacific Rim or Fast and Furious 6. I snap chose F&F. I regret nothing. Can't wait for F&F7.
I don't think you can make a bad choice there.
07-16-2013 , 02:10 AM
I hope you didn't shrug at Aquirre or Fitzcaraldo.
07-16-2013 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I had the option of seeing Pacific Rim or Fast and Furious 6. I snap chose F&F. I regret nothing. Can't wait for F&F7.
Which has better drifting?
07-16-2013 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Which has better drifting?
Very well played.

Re: Pacific Rim, I thought it was just okay. Like Clovis said, you already know every plot point even if you haven't seen it. I'm not expecting some avante garde blockbuster monster movie (although I expected something a little bit different from Del Toro), but it would be nice if there were a few surprises. A few gripes:

- The climax was exactly the same as The Avengers -- they need to drop a nuclear bomb into a magic portal to collapse the bridge between our two worlds. The hero achieves his goal but we all wait breathlessly to see if he made it out alive. This seems careless...since The Avengers was another very high profile $200MM comic book action movie (I know PR is not based on a comic book) to which Pacific Rim will no doubt be compared.

- Why do the bad guys in these movies always demonstrate some unbeatable power at a random moment, then never use it again? That one monster uses the electro-magnetic pulse that knocks out the power for the Australians and the entire base. Why didn't the monsters coming out of the portal at the end use that on the approaching Jaegers? One quick pulse and it's game over for the humans. Maybe they forgot they had that ability?

- The scientists learning about the price scanner feature of the portal through mind-melding (or drifting, or whatever) was kind of anti-climactic. I thought they were going to control one of the Kaijus or something. Seems like they could have figured that out without drifting... Also, I felt like Charlie Day's comic relief didn't quite work -- which is odd because he's normally quite funny.

- The whole drifting aspect is too close to Inception. Same complaint as Avengers ending: It just makes me feel kind of dirty when I can see aspects of other blockbusters in the story. It just feels so scientific -- like a bunch of suits are sitting around a room picking pieces of other successful films and combining them to ensure financial success. I know that happens, but I don't want to see the formula.
07-16-2013 , 02:24 PM
Rewatched A Field in England. I feel the same about it, which surprised me, I thought a second watch would be polarizing.

I like it though. I also realised it shares a lot of the vices and virtues of Valhalla Rising.

A small group of men, in odd circumstances, visions, and explosive violence.
07-16-2013 , 02:43 PM
Watched Bet Raise Fold

Very good. I've studied some movie making and done some short movies myself and I gotta say the pacing, the visuals, the story telling are very well made. I was honestly a bit surprised on how well paced and well told it was. Also since I used to be one of those poker players it tugged on my emotions a lot as well. I felt a sincere attachment to the people grinding and trying to make it.

It as also awesome as hell to see my friend Martin ballin it up. His apartment reminds me of those huge studio apartments every character in 80s movies seemed to live in. Amazing! I could Clovis it up and write so much here but I am just gonna leave it at that.

As a ending note I can agree with Dom and Clovis that Martin can seem a bit weird if you don't know about his persona. He is the legendary "Magicninja" on the forums. He is a great excentric and he basically started tethering of poker a few years back and going from basically nothing into a music career. They could have found some more angle to show what a great excentric genius he is but I am afraid it would pull him out of the mainstream market of interest

Rating: A

Last edited by ohead; 07-16-2013 at 02:55 PM.
07-16-2013 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Herzog's lates doc, Happy People, about trappers in Siberia who live off the land, is absolutely fascinating. I wouldn't be surprised if, in fifty years, Herzog will be better know as a documentary filmmaker.
He isn't? I always think of him as mainly a documentary maker but maybe thats just because I have seen more of them than his features.
07-16-2013 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
Watched Bet Raise Fold
As a ending note I can agree with Dom and Clovis that Martin can seem a bit weird if you don't know about his persona. He is the legendary "Magicninja" on the forums. He is a great excentric and he basically started tethering of poker a few years back and going from basically nothing into a music career. They could have found some more angle to show what a great excentric genius he is but I am afraid it would pull him out of the mainstream market of interest

Rating: A
Thanks, ohead! Just to add to this: Martin's character actually did have more of an arc (like Danielle and Tony) in shooting. His story was about using online poker as a jumping off point to start a music career. He had just formed his band when we first started shooting with him and we actually captured the week building up to their first live show. Ultimately though, the storyline was just too tangential and disconnected from the online poker industry story. Also, it just felt like too much narrative -- too many subplots to follow -- so we had to cut it back. It's a shame because there's so much more to Martin than what you see in the final cut, but that's the way things work out sometimes. We hope to release a short film (like a mini-FROM BUSTO TO ROBUSTO) utilizing the the deleted scenes about Martin and his music as part of the bonus features. So if you ordered the special edition, you'll (hopefully) see that in August...
07-16-2013 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Firpo
Thanks, ohead! Just to add to this: Martin's character actually did have more of an arc (like Danielle and Tony) in shooting. His story was about using online poker as a jumping off point to start a music career. He had just formed his band when we first started shooting with him and we actually captured the week building up to their first live show. Ultimately though, the storyline was just too tangential and disconnected from the online poker industry story. Also, it just felt like too much narrative -- too many subplots to follow -- so we had to cut it back. It's a shame because there's so much more to Martin than what you see in the final cut, but that's the way things work out sometimes. We hope to release a short film (like a mini-FROM BUSTO TO ROBUSTO) utilizing the the deleted scenes about Martin and his music as part of the bonus features. So if you ordered the special edition, you'll (hopefully) see that in August...

That sounds great!
07-16-2013 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
He isn't? I always think of him as mainly a documentary maker but maybe thats just because I have seen more of them than his features.
I think Dom was being a smartass. Herzog is mostly a documentary filmmaker.

Last edited by Clovis8; 07-16-2013 at 05:32 PM.
07-16-2013 , 05:35 PM
Over the years of film watching I have grew fond of short films. Anyone have a good website for watching short films?
07-16-2013 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Over the years of film watching I have grew fond of short films. Anyone have a good website for watching short films?
I have only heard others talk about it, apparently there are lots of great shorts on youtube and vimeo. I've heard Oscar nominated shorts are there too.
07-16-2013 , 05:50 PM
Kissy, kissy
Titty, titty
Pussy, pussy
Before Midnight was excellent
