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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

12-27-2013 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I know this movie even has its sequel out....but I watched (only the first 30 mins) Anchorman and that has got to be the dumbest comedy movie I have seen in awhile.

But I basically wanted to punch each of the characters.
I made 30 mins before turning it off.
0.5/5 stars

stand and be counted!
12-27-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by mikech
jonas, i'm not exactly the politically correct type myself, in fact i'm certainly at times guilty of what might be considered misogynistic behavior in my own personal life, but i think you're crazy to think ppl have no right to be offended by this movie.

you said, "of course it was misogynistic, that's the whole ****ing point"--but what IS the point, exactly? do you think the main point of this movie is a condemnation of the behavior and actions of the main characters? that wasn't the sense i took away from it. jordan belfort never really seems unlikeable at any point; the movie celebrates his actions as much as condemns them, if not more so. it seems quite plausible to me that someone would aspire to be like him. committing securities fraud isn't that easy to emulate. casual misogyny on the other hand? not as hard.
I didn't feel like THE CHARACTER was like able. just because Leo was extremely funny and like able doesn't mean I somehow confuse him with the character. I didn't think the movie condoned the characters actions anymore then casino condoned the actions of its characters.
I mean I figured as adults people could watch a movie like that and if they get offended by anything it's at the fact ppl were able to rig the system so easily.
getting offended at the movie for portraying misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s as misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s seems absurd.
I mean were people offended that Patrick Bateman liked to cut up whores? and that wasn't even based on a real person who by his own admission was a misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******.

did u think he was like able when he was cheating on wives or beating them?

you know who I thought was likeable? coach Taylor. then again I'm a sucker for Kyle Chandler.

also, i don't judge a movie on how it might influence or effect the absolute stupidest segments of society. if some brain dead 17yr old decides Jordan was the cats meow n he's going to become a drug addicted power broker on Wall Street well good luck to him I predict a long road filled with suffering and failure.
I'm not about to start calling for an end to movies like this or se7en or American psycho cuz some ****** might emulate them.

Last edited by riverboatking; 12-27-2013 at 08:47 PM.
12-27-2013 , 09:14 PM
Movies don't have that effect on me, but I just got GTA5 (after having never played any really similar game) and I keep running people over and not caring.
12-27-2013 , 09:18 PM
The affects do not have to be as extreme as is being exemplified.
12-27-2013 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
I didn't feel like THE CHARACTER was like able. just because Leo was extremely funny and like able doesn't mean I somehow confuse him with the character. I didn't think the movie condoned the characters actions anymore then casino condoned the actions of its characters.
I mean I figured as adults people could watch a movie like that and if they get offended by anything it's at the fact ppl were able to rig the system so easily.
getting offended at the movie for portraying misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s as misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s seems absurd.
I mean were people offended that Patrick Bateman liked to cut up whores? and that wasn't even based on a real person who by his own admission was a misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******.

did u think he was like able when he was cheating on wives or beating them?

you know who I thought was likeable? coach Taylor. then again I'm a sucker for Kyle Chandler.

also, i don't judge a movie on how it might influence or effect the absolute stupidest segments of society. if some brain dead 17yr old decides Jordan was the cats meow n he's going to become a drug addicted power broker on Wall Street well good luck to him I predict a long road filled with suffering and failure.
I'm not about to start calling for an end to movies like this or se7en or American psycho cuz some ****** might emulate them.
"getting offended at the movie for portraying misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s as misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s seems absurd": this wasn't a documentary, or some kind of cinema verite. it's a highly stylized movie from an "auteur" filmmaker, and as such, his directorial choices should absolutely be up for criticism.

i liked chandler too, but what's the last we see of him? riding the subway, looking around at all the long faces of the other working-class stiffs on the train with him. having integrity doesn't seem like much fun.

meanwhile, dicaprio and hill and their cronies dupe their clients out of hundreds of millions of dollars, buy mansions and yachts where they host opulent parties and dance to "hip hop hooray," bang hookers in office orgies and tag-team a secretary, do insane amounts of drugs, and what happens when the feds finally close in? what are the consequences? do a couple years in some sort of minimum security detention for your white-collar crimes, and then you're back out, selling again to schmucks desperate to learn how to get rich too. after all, if you're not trying to get rich, "go work at mcdonald's!" as he repeatedly yells at multiple points in the movie.

you know what, i must be a brain-dead 17-yr-old ******, cuz for the life of me, i can't imagine choosing to ride the subway with those mopes over snorting coke out of a hooker's ass.
12-27-2013 , 10:29 PM
Went to the new Rocky vs. Raging Bull movie. It was exactly what you would expect. Reasonably entertaining but ultimately forgettable. Will see Wolf of WS soon and much more looking forward to that.
12-27-2013 , 10:53 PM
Life According to Sam

A profoundly moving HBO documentary about children living with Progeria, a rare disease that causes its victims to age so rapidly that they tend to die by 13 years of age. Can't recommend this enough.
12-27-2013 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by mikech
"getting offended at the movie for portraying misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s as misogynistic selfish drug addicted *******s seems absurd": this wasn't a documentary, or some kind of cinema verite. it's a highly stylized movie from an "auteur" filmmaker, and as such, his directorial choices should absolutely be up for criticism.

i liked chandler too, but what's the last we see of him? riding the subway, looking around at all the long faces of the other working-class stiffs on the train with him. having integrity doesn't seem like much fun.

meanwhile, dicaprio and hill and their cronies dupe their clients out of hundreds of millions of dollars, buy mansions and yachts where they host opulent parties and dance to "hip hop hooray," bang hookers in office orgies and tag-team a secretary, do insane amounts of drugs, and what happens when the feds finally close in? what are the consequences? do a couple years in some sort of minimum security detention for your white-collar crimes, and then you're back out, selling again to schmucks desperate to learn how to get rich too. after all, if you're not trying to get rich, "go work at mcdonald's!" as he repeatedly yells at multiple points in the movie.

you know what, i must be a brain-dead 17-yr-old ******, cuz for the life of me, i can't imagine choosing to ride the subway with those mopes over snorting coke out of a hooker's ass.
first of all Marty didn't make the rules. if u don't like the minimal consequences these guys faced take it up with your govt. pretty sure that's the point.
and it's satire, if you watched that film n thought he was was showing the characters in a positive light I dunno what to tell you, we can agree to disagree. they were completely shallow materialistic degenerate *******s.
and if you want to have everyone your close to end up hating you never see your kids and have no true friends then I guess it's a life to want to emulate.

edit: also think he HAD to hit you over the head with the excesses to make the point. if there were just a few scenes of drug use and sex no one would be shocked or really take notice. and you would also have to wonder what his motivation was to keep going towards the end rather then just take the deal. the lifestyle and excesses were the whole point and in order to drive it home I think he had to shock people.

Last edited by riverboatking; 12-27-2013 at 11:09 PM.
12-27-2013 , 11:05 PM
I mean you could make all the same arguments wrt casino. everything was glamorous in the beginning but by the end ppl reaped what they sowed, are u offended Marty made being a cold blooded gangster look so damn appealing for 90% of that movie?
12-27-2013 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by mikech
you know what, i must be a brain-dead 17-yr-old ******, cuz for the life of me, i can't imagine choosing to ride the subway with those mopes over snorting coke out of a hooker's ass.
I know you're smarter then that. those clearly aren't the options being presented.
I mean maybe if you only watched the first 1/2 of the movie....

edit: I normally wouldn't engage in a debate like this about a movie like this on the internet. only doing so cuz I know you IRL n like/respect u.
12-27-2013 , 11:15 PM


Felt the overall premise was dumb. Script misses at points. Loved the place, acting and mood though
12-27-2013 , 11:33 PM
If I were critique to Scorcese, I would say that he does not stretch himself beyond painting portraits of New York life.
Sure it is an interesting might even be the most interesting city...but its not as if he challenges himself to portray a wide world.
Also, his female characters are usually two-dimensional.
Stylising and glamourising anatgonists/Anti-hero types is grist for the mill in the history of Hollywood....James Cagney 1930s, Wild West Movies all the way to modern serial killer movies.

Last edited by DiggertheDog; 12-27-2013 at 11:38 PM.
12-27-2013 , 11:46 PM
It's great that Scorsese is back to being a provocative director, he really got the middle brow liberal crowd riled up this time. Going to be really funny when everyone embraces this one in 20 years as his greatest work. Punk cinema at its finest. This is a work filled with life, and it really comes off the screen and punches you in the face. No, seriously, gtfo and watch some TV.
12-27-2013 , 11:46 PM
i'm mostly playing devil's advocate btw. i enjoyed the movie and laughed quite a bit, but i also thought a lot of it was gratuitous. while i wasn't personally offended, i don't think that it would be an unjustified reaction. someone who's turned off by this movie isn't necessarily politically correct or stupid or a prude or anything of the sort, and there are very good reasons why one might find this movie objectionable.
12-28-2013 , 02:03 AM
WoWS needs its own thread from the look of it
12-28-2013 , 02:57 AM
I'm going to disagree with everyone.

WoWS was ok. Fine. I laughed a bit, but not ton. I wasn't bored. I wasn't on the edge of my seat.

I wasn't shocked or offended by anything and neither was my wife.

12-28-2013 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by mikech
i'm mostly playing devil's advocate btw. i enjoyed the movie and laughed quite a bit, but i also thought a lot of it was gratuitous. while i wasn't personally offended, i don't think that it would be an unjustified reaction. someone who's turned off by this movie isn't necessarily politically correct or stupid or a prude or anything of the sort, and there are very good reasons why one might find this movie objectionable.
someone who is offended is absolutely one of those people by definition. not that there's anything super wrong with it. I have less than no sympathy for that group. they're just as bad as any conservative group with regards to the arts, this is the group of people to keep voting for mediocrity in the Academy and routinely cenors movies. hearing them all riled up gets me excited.
12-28-2013 , 03:41 AM
routinely censors?
12-28-2013 , 04:09 AM
Video I got a kick out of, not only are movies getting lazier, the movie poster has followed the same trend:

12-28-2013 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
someone who is offended is absolutely one of those people by definition. not that there's anything super wrong with it. I have less than no sympathy for that group. they're just as bad as any conservative group with regards to the arts, this is the group of people to keep voting for mediocrity in the Academy and routinely cenors movies. hearing them all riled up gets me excited.
so anyone that doesn't share your views is automatically dumber than you huh? it must be nice to have everything figured out. congratulations.
12-28-2013 , 04:29 AM
anyone that gets so easily offended by a piece of art is 100% ******ed. stop taking life so seriously.
12-28-2013 , 05:05 AM
Mother of dog Upstream Color is atrocious and I surely don't mean due to lack of "narrative" - my ~favorite movie last year was Holy Motors, many of my favorite movies would be considered non narrative, just saying. There's no soul, no charisma - I would call this problematic for a movie which relies heavily on a relationship of sorts (seriously, the acting is completely god awful). Shane Carruth god help him should never put himself in front of the camera ever again. Remarkably tone deaf. There's no denying it is rather visually striking, I know a great deal many visually striking films that are not good and this can join that list. Is impossible that another viewing have another time but changed my mind? Sure. Is this going to happen? Absolutely not, lol. 4/10
12-28-2013 , 05:17 AM
Boy did you miss the boat on that one, Vix.
12-28-2013 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by mikech
so anyone that doesn't share your views is automatically dumber than you huh? it must be nice to have everything figured out. congratulations.
if you are confirmed rustked about this movie then yes, without a doubt you got issues. there are degrees of "not my cup of tea" and actively up-in-arms jeering. the thing is Martin Scorsese has always been this kind of provocateur, he's just been in hiding for a little while. and now he's made his triumphant return. this is his best work. it just is. going to take quite a while before it is understood as such but it should be obvious to anyone with a pulse for cinema.
12-28-2013 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Boy did you miss the boat on that one, Vix.
Dominic you gotta give me one thing man, Shane Carruth should never act again. Agree? :P
