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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

05-29-2013 , 11:06 AM
Saw Fast 6 (refuse to call it Fast and the Furious 6) and was not disappointed. Not as good as Fast 5 but still an extremely entertaining movie. Ever since Justin Lin took over the franchise has entered a new stratosphere of awesomeness. Probably one of the most epic final action sequences I have ever witnessed.
05-29-2013 , 01:24 PM
I finally watched The King's Speech. The main guy did a good job, and I'm glad he won the Oscar for it. Nice movie.
05-29-2013 , 04:14 PM
Geoffrey Rush is awesome as well. For such a boring subject (on paper at least) it was a really engaging movie.
05-29-2013 , 09:20 PM
Behind The Candelabra was much more than I expected in many ways. Just WOW at Damon and Douglas. They completely owned their respective roles. Def recommended.
05-29-2013 , 11:38 PM
Watched Promise Land with Matt Damon. Nice performances by Damon and John Krasinski. Somewhat predictable storyline but still worth the watch.
05-30-2013 , 12:13 PM
Just watched a good chunk of the gem last night.

05-30-2013 , 12:31 PM
Going through a lot of Harryhausen lately. Third Sinbad movie tonight. Good time.
05-30-2013 , 12:42 PM
I'm shocked to read negative reviews of After Earth. Oh wait it's an M. Night Shyamalan flick, **** that guy. Undecided if I'll bother for Now You See Me. A weekend without movies would be so weird!
05-30-2013 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
I'm shocked to read negative reviews of After Earth. Oh wait it's an M. Night Shyamalan flick, **** that guy. Undecided if I'll bother for Now You See Me. A weekend without movies would be so weird!
OMG... I had no idea M was associate with that movie. they seemingly forgot to mention that in the trailer.

with his recent track record and as a movie I had ZERO interest in seeing, I think I will be conveniently missing this movie.

anyone want to bet that wil dies?
05-30-2013 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
OMG... I had no idea M was associate with that movie. they seemingly forgot to mention that in the trailer.

with his recent track record and as a movie I had ZERO interest in seeing, I think I will be conveniently missing this movie.

anyone want to bet that wil dies?
How far he has fallen that they now avoid mentioning he had anything to do with the movie. I've seen the trailer every time I've gone to see another recent theatrical release. Says something that despite not having the Shyamalan brand attached that people have still commented it looks like a piece of ****. However, it does look like it might have some great set pieces. I'll watch it for home release. Maybe.
05-30-2013 , 03:54 PM
Only God Forgives. A spiritual sequel to Drive, but way worse.
05-30-2013 , 05:29 PM
Anyone see Warm Bodies? I'm thinking of watching it tonight with someone.

All I could find was this post from the previous thread which doesn't make it sound as appealing...

Warm Bodies was super terrible and cheesy imo.

How did it get such high reviews on Rotten Tomatoes?
05-30-2013 , 07:07 PM
Memories of Murder

Didn't real care for it.
05-30-2013 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Saw Before Midnight on Sunday.

Wow. The only time I have rated a trilogy 3>2>1.
i saw before sunrise / sunset recently ,looking forward to before midnight .

interesting tidbit , before sunrise was actually based on an experience richard linklater had , except he kept in touch w/ the woman for a lil while until they grew apart and he recently found out that she died .
05-30-2013 , 09:34 PM
I'm disappointed about After Earth... It looked like a better version of Oblivion...
Oh.. and The Hangover Part III is an abortion. It wasn't funny, or raunchy, it was stupid.
05-31-2013 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
How far he has fallen that they now avoid mentioning he had anything to do with the movie. I've seen the trailer every time I've gone to see another recent theatrical release. Says something that despite not having the Shyamalan brand attached that people have still commented it looks like a piece of ****. However, it does look like it might have some great set pieces. I'll watch it for home release. Maybe.
I am right there with you... a very slight Maybe.
05-31-2013 , 08:22 PM
It is 8:19 PM Friday night.

I am awaiting my opportunity to act like a dick.

Someone please show up soon and ejaculate over that new movie where those two people don't really do anything and are not very interesting at all.

Oh wait. That was the first one. No, the second one. Wait.

Who knows? Maybe this one will be better.

P.S. Apparently, I couldn't wait for my opportunity.

P.P.S. I "continue to lose credibility."
05-31-2013 , 08:25 PM
haha Rushmore, be patient
05-31-2013 , 09:00 PM
I showed this gal I'm dating the "Before" movies that Rushmore loves so much, in preparation for when the next one gets to Vegas. She loved them and said they are two of the best movies she's ever seen.

She may be a keeper.
05-31-2013 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I showed this gal I'm dating the "Before" movies that Rushmore loves so much, in preparation for when the next one gets to Vegas. She loved them and said they are two of the best movies she's ever seen.

She may be a keeper.
which movies?

edit: think i figured it out. sunrise, sunset, and midnight. i'll check 'em out.
05-31-2013 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
It is 8:19 PM Friday night.

I am awaiting my opportunity to act like a dick.

Someone please show up soon and ejaculate over that new movie where those two people don't really do anything and are not very interesting at all.

Oh wait. That was the first one. No, the second one. Wait.

Who knows? Maybe this one will be better.

P.S. Apparently, I couldn't wait for my opportunity.

P.P.S. I "continue to lose credibility."
We get it you dont like them. I'll be waiting with bated breath for your next post about how....

you dont them.
05-31-2013 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I showed this gal I'm dating the "Before" movies that Rushmore loves so much, in preparation for when the next one gets to Vegas. She loved them and said they are two of the best movies she's ever seen.

She may be a keeper.
I legitimately have used this as a test of both women and friends in the past.
05-31-2013 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
I legitimately have used this as a test of both women and friends in the past.
She also loved Once and Amelie and thinks Krystof Kieslowski was a genius. It's like I'm banging myself.
05-31-2013 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
She also loved Once and Amelie and thinks Krystof Kieslowski was a genius. It's like I'm banging myself.
Honestly, I am a little hard right now.
05-31-2013 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
It's like I'm banging myself.
lol, your ultimate dream achieved.
