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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

12-25-2013 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by mikech
yeah, the ending was powerful and strange. it seemed as though the film had come to its conclusion, then it just veers off into a bizarre and dangerous coda.

is that a hint of a grin materializing on his face on that final shot?

marky mark is gonna crap so hard in the remake. ugh.
Yes, an enigmatic smile. I remember having goose bumps.
Just a terrific movie, well worth seeing for those of you who haven't.
12-25-2013 , 11:07 PM
Dude spoiler tag your posts. Give ppl the chance to be surprised by moments that aren't in the trailers. If I didn't see it already I'd be pissed.
12-26-2013 , 12:38 AM
Watched Saving Mr Banks and I actually liked it , yeah its 100% oscar bait and emotionally manipulative but it works mainly because of the performances . Emma Thompson / Colin Farrell / Tom Hanks were all excellent . My biggest complaint is that the ending drags a bit while they beat you over the head w/ the emotional stuff but by the end i didnt really care .

also watched Bling Ring which is completely overshadowed by Spring Breakers being alot better and more ambitious .which kind of makes this movie pretty bland and boring in comparison .

Last edited by Jzo19; 12-26-2013 at 12:54 AM.
12-26-2013 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by draftdodger

If you've seen Goodfellas, you don't need to see this movie. It's entertaining, but you're going to have deja vu all over again. Jonah Hill (excellent performance) is Joe Pesci; Rob Reiner (excellent performance) is Paul Sorvino; and Leonardo (not compelling) is both Robert De Niro and Ray Liotta. He even sounds like Liotta.

It's entertaining. It's long, but doesn't feel all that long. Substitute sex for violence and it's almost exactly the same movie as Goodfellas. Some good lines. Meh.
Love Scorsese but have no real interest in this movie. The DiCaprio character seems like such a massive d-bag in real life... I just can't imagine wanting to watch his hijinx for 3 hours.
12-26-2013 , 03:54 AM
The Wolf of Wall Street

Very good. Enjoy the ride.
12-26-2013 , 06:18 AM
meh don't buy the comparison to goodfellas at all....if anything it seemed thematically similar to casino.
Leo was phenomenal, had no idea he had such comic chops.
plus movie has abundant amounts of nudity n drug use.
good times all around.

12-26-2013 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by DOOM@ALL_CAPS
Does The Town get placed on lists with Reservoir Dogs and Heat for a lot of people?

I thought it was a good popcorn flick but not an elite movie.
I believe that as far as the genre goes, The Town was quite solid. Not as strong as Gone Baby Gone which Affleck directed as well, but a good/smart action flick.
12-26-2013 , 08:49 AM
Saw Wolf of Wall Street. Solid not spectacular. Great TNA.

Thought McConaughy was best part
12-26-2013 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Never saw The Hobbit and never will but they are making a 310 page book into a 540 minute film. That 1.7 minutes/page. It takes longer to watch the film than read the novel.

It literally can't be any good.
It brings in stuff from other Tolkien works (The appendices of LOTR I think) which is how they fill 3 movies. Also there are whole new characters that aren't even in the books which helps lengthen it too.

Overall the second one was ok, was partly damaged by the
ludicrous love triangle
. Legolas is in it, there is just absolutely no need.

Not amazing but overall quite enjoyable, on a par with the first one, but if you thought the first one was too slow you will probably prefer this.

Looper was great. One of my favourite films last year. It is very self aware of it's own logical inconsistencies which really made it for me.
12-26-2013 , 11:50 AM
Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Sentimental and predictable plot.

I still liked it. Some very nice execution. Some humor.

12-26-2013 , 02:04 PM
Saw Her yesterday


Absolutely loved it. I expected I would like it quite a bit, but I was even happier than expected with it.

Favorite of the 3 movie week including The Hobbit (meh and I love fantasy/LOTR: C-) and Inside Llewyn Davis (pretty decent: B).
12-26-2013 , 03:51 PM
I tried to watch Upstream Color, made it about a third of the way. Interesting ideas but a little too weird for my mainstream bourgeois sensibility. Reading about it after gave me more insight, and I'll probably tackle it again soon.
12-26-2013 , 04:06 PM
Recap of the movies I saw yesterday:

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

An ambitious film that bites off more than it can chew. Mitty drifts off into his own world and fantasizes about things he wishes he could do in the moment. Some of it is ok, some fantasies are just silly. The film takes a little too long to get going as he embarks on an adventure to find a missing negative photo for Time Magazine's final issue. The adventure stuff is fun, light hearted and sometimes funny. I appreciated the cinematography in this film. Hard to recommend it, I can see why most would dislike this film but I'm glad I caught it.

The Wolf of Wall Street

This plays out like Scorsese's greatest hits. You will notice style/voiceover work that we saw in Goodfellas and Casino. DiCaprio absolutely knocks it out of the park. He carries the film and his supporting cast elevated their game to go toe to toe with him. Hill solidifies himself as a terrific actor. I cannot believe he's gone from a random extra in The 40 Year Old Virgin to a very funny actor with solid range. There are some scenes with DiCaprio and Hill that had me gasping for air. I laughed so hard my face hurt.

That's the beauty of this film. You laugh and have a good time but there reaches a point in the film (maybe right away) where you realize these characters are cold, ugly people. They're straight up robbing people, making this a new kind of gangster flick for Scorsese.

Get ready for lots of sex and nudity. I was a little shocked by the amount of T&A in the film and it was a little uncomfortable watching with my parents. My mom was laughing her face off but my father is a little conservative so some of the sex stuff put him off.

It's hard to summarize the many reasons I loved this film. The runtime is 3 hours but it doesn't feel like it at all. This film is razor sharp and moves like a bullet train. I wanted more!! GIVE ME MORE!! Anyway, you guys need to see it.

47 Ronin

I enjoyed this film for what it was. Taken at face value it's a fun ride that takes way too long to get going. I think my brothers loved it more because they're familiar with the stories and culture. It's not really a Keanu Reeves film, it's more Hiroyuki Sanada's film. The film has a ton of familiar faces I couldn't place. Don't rush out to see this one obviously. The 3D was unecessary and often times I couldn't see much of the action because it was so ****ing dark.
12-26-2013 , 07:24 PM
A couple more thoughts on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty:

Some of the dialog was bad. Like a character says something that's a little off but was necessary to set up a response that is important to the story.

They did avoid going overboard
with cliche's/fish out of water/screwball stuff that they could have with Walter being too uptight/lame/scared on his adventures. Also not overly enthusiastic.
Definitely some kudos deserved imo on keeping something that's relatively unoriginal and kind of schmaltzy from turning into something totally cringeworthy.

Some extremely beautiful scenery. My weird 11yo is very into Iceland and was beside herself.
12-26-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by jhall23
Saw Her yesterday


Absolutely loved it. I expected I would like it quite a bit, but I was even happier than expected with it.
Bung holes should spread the movies aimed at adults out. I would see this one in the theater, but I'm not going to put it ahead of American Hustle or Wolf of Wall Street and I'm not going to get to all three.

(I probably would have put Her ahead of Secret Life of Walter Mitty myself, but I went with my kid.)
12-26-2013 , 09:05 PM
I really want to see The Wolf of Wall Street.
12-26-2013 , 11:31 PM
Saw The Wolf of Wall Street this afternoon and loved it. It was the funniest movie I've seen in a while with one particular ridiculous scene that just kept getting better and better.
super Quaalude scene ending with Popeye/spinach=Leo/cocaine

I guess my only complaint is that it focused a little too much on the over the top debauchery and as a result the few dramatic scenes had little impact.

Also wasn't expecting that much full frontal nudity but who's complaining about that.
12-26-2013 , 11:40 PM
Wolf of Wall Street was great fun and completely unhinged, but not really anything beyond the surface of excess. The only underlying meaning in it might be at the very end, when Jordan is doing his sales pitch seminar and you the see the hopeless, desperate faces of his customers who will believe even a crook like Jordan that they can get rich, too.
12-27-2013 , 12:22 AM
The Wolf of Wall Street is, give or take, approximately the greatest movie ever made. It is without question Scorsese and DiCaprio's best. Funniest movie of the year ainec too. What a ****ing ride, just GOAT. 11/10

I could've easily watched 3 more hours heh
12-27-2013 , 12:55 AM
mcconaughey was phenomenal.
12-27-2013 , 01:22 AM
How many times do you jerk off a week?

I expected TWOWS to be funny before I saw it but not THAT funny. I saw Anchorman 2 (8/10) the night before with a packed house and laughed a lot, and loved it; but The Wolf of Wall Street was much funnier. Think of the great set pieces, all I need to say is "the phone call," "Popeye," "the yacht," etc, and everyone who has seen it knows what I mean without spoilers. Those scenes are a riot. If you take the vibrancy/virtuoso of Goodfellas and make it exceptionally hilarious... you get this movie. That's what I call a goddamn movie.
12-27-2013 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
Has anybody seen Spike Lee's Old Boy Yet?
Saw it and was appalled at how bad it was. The original is a masterpiece. The artistry present in the Korean version is lacking and tonally it was just off. I like a lot of what Spike Lee does, but if I ever run into on the streets of NYC I'm gonna spit in his face for massacring that great film.

Just got back from TWOW. Up until this past month I thought this year was a bit weak in comedies. Anchorman became my favorite comedy of the year until a few days later when I saw American Hustle. TWOW was uproariously funny. It was like Wall Street met Thank You For Smoking met Fear and Loathing. Probably the funniest movie I've seen in years.

BTW, Margot Robbie for early Miss OOT 2014
12-27-2013 , 06:54 AM
The Wolf of Wall Street is such a bad movie. Everything about it pissed me off. I didn't think it was funny in the slightest and I imagine many people took it as a how to manual rather than as satire.

You couldn't pay me to watch it again. I'd rather watch the hobbit than sit through twows. I had a better time talking to the cabbie on the way home than I did sitting through that 3 hour **** show.

Yeah, there's some very beautiful women.. but if was horny i'd just call my gf or watch porn.
12-27-2013 , 06:56 AM
I loved The Wolf of Wall Street. Also seen American Hustle. Good 2 days for me at the theaters.
12-27-2013 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Siculamente
The Wolf of Wall Street is such a bad movie. Everything about it pissed me off. I didn't think it was funny in the slightest and I imagine many people took it as a how to manual rather than as satire.

You couldn't pay me to watch it again. I'd rather watch the hobbit than sit through twows. I had a better time talking to the cabbie on the way home than I did sitting through that 3 hour **** show.

Yeah, there's some very beautiful women.. but if was horny i'd just call my gf or watch porn.
u seem like a ton of fun.
