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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

04-27-2018 , 11:54 AM
Avengers Infinity War Part 1 Review- I think it’s pretty hard to review part 1 of a film without seeing the second half bc obv a lot of what happens is yet to be paid off, with that said my thoughts so far are...

Clovis was right

-I think my biggest problem with the Avengers movies is they focus too much on fan service and not enough on actual plot. The first two were saved bc of their villains, Loki and Ultron, who were developed characters with methods to their madness. Let’s just say Thanos, so far at least, isn’t close to that. Aside from his backstory with Gamora they don’t even try to give him a purpose or anything, it’s just RAWRRR IM BAD I WANT POWER, which isn’t interesting to me at all. This is a common theme bc despite the movie being two and a half hours there’s basically 0 character stuff at all, like let’s do a rundown:
1. Steve/CA- they literally tell us nothing about what he, Natasha, BF, and Wanda have been doin at Avengers facility since CA CW, he just is kinda there.
2. Stark- Him and Steve are on the outs...that’s it. They don’t address that further.
3. Thor- he’s sad Loki dies, but uh that’s it? No real meaningful dialogue or development for him.
4. Hulk- same (he can’t hulk up, we have no idea why, that’s the extent of his character)
5. Spider-Man- nothing.
6. Strange/BP/Guardians- ditto.
7. Clint/Scott- “witness protection” lol ok.

So basically what you’re left with is a bunch of characters not being remotely developed, facing off against a bad guy whose motivations aren’t remotely clear, everyone just sorta exists to say a funny line, deliver fan service, or get us from one action scene to the next. The movie is literally 50% action scenes destroying cities (or ridiculous planets). The exceptions are- Vision+Wanda, which is very one note (vision: you have to kill me, Wanda: I can’tttttt), Gamora+Thanos which is definitely the most meaningful and developed relationship of the film. For starters, they give us a reason to care about this fight for Gamora and why it’s so personal, but it also humanizes Thanos rather than making him a 100% mustache twirling villain which he basically is thus far. The irony of Thanos is he tells a story in the movie about his plight to save his planet (by wiping out half the population) that is far more developed than his plight to collect the infinity stones and...what is he trying to do again? I legitimately don’t know. I mean for some reason he doesn’t kill Thor at the beginning. That was stupid. He wants to wipe out half the population, why? Does he want to rule the ashes? Wtf does he want? Again, we know why he wanted to wipe out half of his planets population, bc there were only so many resources and in his mind population control is the answer. But in 150 minutes they never once give us a clear reason why he’s collecting the infinity stones and why he’s goin around causing havoc.

So ya, they have a lot of work to do in part 2 for this to viewed as a good movie in my mind. I will say that I enjoyed the Stark/Strange/Peter plot, and that Pratt absolutely slayed it as Quill per usual.

Last edited by GeoffRas22; 04-27-2018 at 12:15 PM.
04-27-2018 , 12:00 PM
A Quiet Place was great. I thought it was going to be pretty ridiculous, but other than a few times where the aliens seem to have hearing problems, overall the movie is very soundly put together. Pacing was great, use of sound was great, and I enjoyed the story. A pleasant twist to a genre that I don't particularly like.

Agree with those upthread who said it was more tense and not scary.
04-27-2018 , 02:33 PM
Maybe it’s time to stop thinking about Marvel movies as movies. This was essentially a season finale of a tv show. This seasons episodes ran from Civil War through Infinity War. You can’t really say Black Panther had no character development in IW when his character development happened in his own movie.

You wouldn’t watch a season finale of Game of Thrones and say there was no character development in the finale. That happened during the season and now it’s time for dragons to burn ****.

I didn’t think IW was great but I found it pretty enjoyable. The humour was well done again. Some of the arcs were better than others. And some parts are interesting because of what they’ll mean for next season. I know that’s not traditionally how we evaluate movies but this is an evolving format
04-27-2018 , 03:14 PM
I, Tonya: gets bogged down about half way through and never recovers.
04-27-2018 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by mflip
Maybe it’s time to stop thinking about Marvel movies as movies. This was essentially a season finale of a tv show. This seasons episodes ran from Civil War through Infinity War. You can’t really say Black Panther had no character development in IW when his character development happened in his own movie.

You wouldn’t watch a season finale of Game of Thrones and say there was no character development in the finale. That happened during the season and now it’s time for dragons to burn ****.

I didn’t think IW was great but I found it pretty enjoyable. The humour was well done again. Some of the arcs were better than others. And some parts are interesting because of what they’ll mean for next season. I know that’s not traditionally how we evaluate movies but this is an evolving format
This is all well and good, but this is the first Avengers movie to be this bare of any character stuff. It's laughable to compare this movie to the original or AoU. Both villains were far superior (both were funny, well thought out villains whose motivations were developed and made sense), and both movies contained multiple interesting character arcs that evolved throughout the film. This movie was FAR more reliant on quips and huge action spots. Again, it's very hard to review a movie you've technically only seen half of, but there was very little of substance in this one compared to the first two.
04-27-2018 , 09:55 PM
To say the villain in AoU was better developed than the one in IW is quite a hot take (and I believe objectively incorrect?).
04-27-2018 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
To say the villain in AoU was better developed than the one in IW is quite a hot take (and I believe objectively incorrect?).
I guess I just disagree. I understand he's been mentioned in other MU films and post-credit scenes, but exactly how was he developed in IW? What are his motivations? What is he trying to achieve?* He's just a bland super-powerful mustache twirling villain as far as I'm concerned. Ultron very clearly states his goals and why he has them, and through his dialogue and actions he is very clearly developed. Aside from his relationship with Gamora there is essentially zero substance to any Thanos scene. It's either look at how evil & powerful I am, or random quip. Very little in between imo.

*Seriously if you know and I missed major dialogue I am happy to be wrong, I am typically a huge MU fan, this just completely fell flat with me.
04-27-2018 , 11:45 PM
Well, I considered Ultron to be criminally underdeveloped. The movie itself is half baked.

Re: Thanos

His motivations might feel like they're missing because they're surprisingly narrow.

His goal was illustrated in several scenes, least of all in a monologue explaining just this: population control. He wants balance. The universe has finite resources. He saw his own planet and everyone he cared about destroyed because they wouldn't make the necessary sacrifices. Everyone sees him as evil because of the cost, but he truly believes he's saving the universe.

His primary conflict on whether to proceed is that doing so requires him to kill the one remaining person he loves.

I think we could argue whether this could be better developed. Mostly giving you a hard time, particularly considering how badly panned AoU was for lacking character development. But maybe you really do think this one was even worse
04-28-2018 , 12:09 AM
Molly's Game was not very good. Poorly written and not very engaging. Sorkin got the poker laughably wrong at times, too.
04-28-2018 , 01:14 AM
Avengers: IW review:


For the last few months, my buddy and I have done the usual Marvel nerd thing and tried to take apart trailers to try and guess what would happen. The biggest debate between he and I was how the film would end.

His take was that Thanos would get all 6 stones, kill half the universe and then the n the 2nd movie would be the remaining Avengers finding a away to undo the damage.

I said that he should get 4 or 5 of the stones, kill a few main characters and then the 2nd film is about protecting those and finding a way to kill him. I thought that if he got all 6, and carried out his plan, the 2nd film would have to basically "but nah" the first and basically undercut any emotional impact.

I feel like I was spot on.

When Loki gets got, even though my friend and I agreed he would die to set the "tone" of the film, I still had a "Holy ****!" moment. Ok, ****'s real now. People are going to get got. Then...nothing much happens. Gamora's death was still during the "ok, this is dark" phase of the movie, so that's a positive, but even that was undercut by an out-of-nowhere Redskull cameo.

After Gamora's death, the movie just too a progressively less serious tone. Once Thanos had the Time Stone, two things were obvious:

1) Dr. Strange knew that "losing" was the only way to win and Avengers 4 is 100% going to be called Avengers: Endgame

2) Nothing mattered. Everything was getting undone so there's no reason to get emotionally invested in anyone.

That was brought to a low point with the final sequence. The screenwriters had a chance to save it by killing the old hands. Let Stark and Cap fade away, along with Banner and Widow. Whatever you do, don't "kill off" characters who's goddamn films have already been announced. It completely ruins the emotional connection to the plot and basically guarantees the next movie is just a magical rewind.

Sam Jackson's "Motherf..." was great but the fact that they're tying in Capt. Marvel is pretty silly to me. This was supposed to be the blowoff of the last 10 years and instead we get "Just kidding, we've got a few more characters to solve this for you".

I enjoyed the film for what it was, a fun popcorn movie with a bunch of different colored lasers and explosions. The story was predictable and a victim of character bloat, but the actors in general did a fantastic job. Spiderman's death scene was incredible, I just wish it would've meant something.

04-28-2018 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Molly's Game was not very good. Poorly written and not very engaging. Sorkin got the poker laughably wrong at times, too.
I don't remember the exact details but how about when the guy raised AI for like 50k more into what, a 500k or more pot and the guy folds a boat for fear of Kings full spike on the river. LOL
04-28-2018 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
I don't remember the exact details but how about when the guy raised AI for like 50k more into what, a 500k or more pot and the guy folds a boat for fear of Kings full spike on the river. LOL
that was better than a guy folding the nuts because of a movie star's table talk.
04-28-2018 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
that was better than a guy folding the nuts because of a movie star's table talk.
At least it wasn't because he did chip tricks.
04-28-2018 , 01:36 AM
Lol. I’ll take action against Avengers: Endgame as the next title. That would get laughed out the building.
04-28-2018 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkKnight
Lol. I’ll take action against Avengers: Endgame as the next title. That would get laughed out the building.
I would've thought this script would've been too, but I'm going to hope you're right regardless.
04-28-2018 , 02:13 AM

K so half the MCU just died, I wonder if that gets undone somehow.

If he's truly a god now why not just double the universe's resources instead of killing half the universe? The comic books had a far better motivation for him.

I'd totally be willing to overlook these things if the movie had some redeeming qualities, but it does not.
04-28-2018 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer

K so half the MCU just died, I wonder if that gets undone somehow.

If he's truly a god now why not just double the universe's resources instead of killing half the universe? The comic books had a far better motivation for him.

I'd totally be willing to overlook these things if the movie had some redeeming qualities, but it does not.
I read a few comments online that were similar to:

"Oh my god, I just left and I'm so shook. Spidey's death had me crying"

How the hell do you leave the theater thinking that his (and Falcon's, and Strange's, and etc.etc.) death was nothing but a quick time out for those guys until they get brought back.

"OMG guys the stakes are gonna be so high in this one" and then...nah
04-28-2018 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
that was better than a guy folding the nuts because of a movie star's table talk.
this actually happened in real life. It is in the book.
04-28-2018 , 07:51 AM
spoilers tags for Avengers is funny as if everyone doesn't know the entire plot by looking at the poster. I've never seen one of the movies and bet I could guess 70% of the plot.
04-28-2018 , 08:22 AM
Boycott all Marvel movies... because they are bad.
04-28-2018 , 09:48 AM
I enjoyed IW. Disagree with the takes on Thanos, dude was insane but his motives were clear and made sense in a sick sort of way.

I seem to be in the minority on this one but I believe

Thanos is dead
04-28-2018 , 09:56 AM
The motives are clear, they just make no sense at all; especially for such an intelligent being.

once again, just double the universes resources, don't kill half the universe. Or do a million other possible things
04-28-2018 , 10:07 AM
I hear that. But then there would be no movie.
04-28-2018 , 12:14 PM
Seems like all of the villains in every Marvel movie are lame and underdeveloped. Except Warmonger, obv.
04-28-2018 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by RT
I read a few comments online that were similar to:

"Oh my god, I just left and I'm so shook. Spidey's death had me crying"

How the hell do you leave the theater thinking that his (and Falcon's, and Strange's, and etc.etc.) death was nothing but a quick time out for those guys until they get brought back.

"OMG guys the stakes are gonna be so high in this one" and then...nah
I guess I'm biased because I spent so many of my younger years reading comics. Death is rarely permanent in the comics. I just take the story and deaths by their own merits without worrying whether the death will be permanent (because it probably isn't). It's a feature, not a bug.
