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Modern Feminism in America Modern Feminism in America

10-02-2009 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
Lol, why do you keep insinuating that I think sex is a holy thing? You really don't get me at all, Anonimiss.
You are the one who associated sex with your religion and background, so ... you don't have any basis to find it bizarre that people take you at your word.

Besides, she's not always and to every extent likely talking about you anyway.
Haha! sex is taboo. Okay, you sure have me pegged. I'm a religious right wing nut who thinks sex is taboo and who is a real conservative. I'm going to go watch FOX news now okay? keep on keeping on there girl. You just keep teasing those guys into giving you money. You have a good thing going. Make that money. All work is good work, right?
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
What the hell are you talking about?
what the hell are you talking about?
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
It is? To who?

I do pretty regularly.

Everyone? You mean like you?
huh? me?
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
what the hell are you talking about?
Certainly nothing involving schoolgirls raising their skirts at the busstop, or whatever craziness you tumbled ass over elbow into back there. Where on earth did that come from? You've gotta be high.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Certainly nothing involving schoolgirls raising their skirts at the busstop, or whatever craziness you tumbled ass over elbow into back there. Where on earth did that come from? You've gotta be high.
i didn't say "skirt" i said "shirt"

if someone is of the mindset that this is a valid, even admirable, career choice then I would assume they would think it's ok for girls to follow this path. Easy money.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
i didn't say "skirt" i said "shirt"
What's the difference? How did schoolgirls at busstops get into this? Talk about bizarre non-sequiturs.

if someone is of the mindset that this is a valid, even admirable, career choice then I would assume they would think it's ok for girls to follow this path. Easy money.
I'm not sure what this means, but if it has anything to do with schoolgirls at busstops, I have to disagree. I think???

Don't bogart that joint.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:46 PM
I actually think Katy's makin some damn good points....she's just saying she doesn't respect Anonimiss' job of choice - so what? that's her right. We all know she's not a right- wing, conservative, religious nut.

I don't really respect porn stars, either....and that's coming from the ex-porn director.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:50 PM
I don't respect them, but they would be very far down my list of folks I disrespect indeed.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:51 PM
well i don't really disrespect them, either....neither did Katy, unless i missed it
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Don't bogart that joint.
ARGHH. You are making me need a smoke . Are you doing this on purpose? YOU HATE ME?
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:58 PM
Let's just say she's not a fan.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-02-2009 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
ARGHH. You are making me need a smoke . Are you doing this on purpose? YOU HATE ME?
No I just think you gotta be smoking something. Either that, or you should be.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-03-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
...she's just saying she doesn't respect Anonimiss' job of choice - so what? that's her right. We all know she's not a right- wing, conservative, religious nut.
thank you. you are kind
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-03-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Blarg
No I just think you gotta be smoking something. Either that, or you should be.
good point. give me a few minutes.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-03-2009 , 04:40 AM
you're right, she has every right to not respect my job or people who do my job.
and i have every right to to give my opinion on that also.

A lot of my posts weren't directed to you katy but to number 7.
you actually make more sense and present your point a lot more understandably than number 7.

You have every right to not respect me based on your personal views, i'm just trying show you why i should be respected and should be taken seriously.
You're absolutely right. I'm taking the easy road. I am educated, and I do have options, but I chose my job because I am lazy, greedy, like lots of money, and like to live life. I didn't want to take an entry level position job making 40k a year, working 60+ hours/week. I thought i'd be happier making 100k+ a year working 20hrs/week. I don't want to work for the rest of my life and plan on retiring before I hit 30. This was the only possible route I could take that would let me have this lifestyle. It's very unconventional, I know... but why work the hard "respectable" way, to end up living the life I don't want. To me being a successful, respectable person doesn't mean in the end you worked the hardest. I look at success as someone attaining their goals the smartest, fastest way possible...without hurting others. I'm an educated woman taking my life by the reigns to make sure I get all that I can out of life. If you don't respect me for that, I respect that.

It's just surprising coming from a poker forum. To me gambling is a shortcut, easy route to wealth also. Poker players aren't using their degrees directly while playing cards. They have other options. They're depleting money from others. Strippers are hustlers, so are poker players. Gambling is looked down on too. Gamblers do it for the money. do you agree with people saying you don't deserve respect and shouldn't be taken seriously because you play poker?

It's unfortunate that you think I'm just labeling you guys conservatives to disqualify your opinions and not have to give an explanation. I feel like I've been addressing and explaining myself very thoroughly, all while not being disrespectful, rude, or insensitive to other people's personal views. but hey, what do i know..i'm just a dumb stripper right. I'll go stand on my corner now, flex my big fake tits and hope someone will let me suck em off for a crack rock.. yayyyuhhhhh!

Last edited by Anonimiss; 10-03-2009 at 04:47 AM.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-03-2009 , 12:27 PM
Well done.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-03-2009 , 12:42 PM
lol.....okay, i like her...although, playing poker is NOT a shortcut to wealth. Trust me.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 12:07 PM
A little OT but indulge me if you don't mind. For those of you who feel it is wrong to use your sexuality to make money, how would you feel in the following situations? Let's assume we are in Vegas and prostitution is legal.

1) You are a single mother, you have run out of money and nobody will help you. You child is hungry and you are about to lose your housing.

2) Your pet needs surgery not covered by insurance, he will die if you cannot come up with the funds to pay for it.

3) You have been trying to find a job paying enough to make your bills, and don't live an extravagant lifestyle as it is. The job market is tough and you have run out of unemployment money. You are about to start defaulting on your mortage (or about to miss your rent payment) your car loan, your health insurance, etc.

Do any of these reasons justify sleeping with someone, or stripping for them in order to make money that you are unable to make by other means?
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Amber
A little OT but indulge me if you don't mind. For those of you who feel it is wrong to use your sexuality to make money, how would you feel in the following situations? Let's assume we are in Vegas and prostitution is legal.

1) You are a single mother, you have run out of money and nobody will help you. You child is hungry and you are about to lose your housing.

2) Your pet needs surgery not covered by insurance, he will die if you cannot come up with the funds to pay for it.

3) You have been trying to find a job paying enough to make your bills, and don't live an extravagant lifestyle as it is. The job market is tough and you have run out of unemployment money. You are about to start defaulting on your mortage (or about to miss your rent payment) your car loan, your health insurance, etc.
Indecent Proposal

Do any of these reasons justify sleeping with someone, or stripping for them in order to make money that you are unable to make by other means?

I know what kinds of movies Amber's been watching recently...

Last edited by HobbyHorse; 10-04-2009 at 01:28 PM.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 01:14 PM
Hobby I like your new avatar. I slept with my boss once a long time ago, and he paid a vet bill for me for much needed surgery for my cat. He had made several attempts to sleep with me in the past, and one day I got a call from my vet (where I had dropped off my cat earlier for testing) and starting crying at my desk.

It was unprofessional, but I was young and I was basically getting news that my cat would die if I didn't have surgery.I didn't have any credit or money to pay for it. My vet referred me to a specialist to do the surgery, and I called them to see if I could get a payment plan. They refused. I then called my credit card company to see if I could get my credit line increased. They refused.

My boss came in on the tail end of me crying and trying to negotiate a plan witht he vet again, and had an idea to help both of us. Anyway, he paid for the surgery. I had the cat six more years. Not a regret in the world on that. I couldn't have lived with it if I let my cat die when I had the opportunity to save her, to avoid sleeping with a man for money. If the situation were the same I would do it again in a heartbeat. Luckily, I am much better off financially and don't have to resort to stuff like this, but if I did have to it really wouldn't bother me.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 01:44 PM
Wow, that is some serious **** there Amber. What was the effect on the work relationship? Did this increase or decrease his attempts at sleeping with you? Did anyone else find out at work (most guys have a hard time keeping their trap shut)?
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Shadowrun
Wow, that is some serious **** there Amber. What was the effect on the work relationship? Did this increase or decrease his attempts at sleeping with you? Did anyone else find out at work (most guys have a hard time keeping their trap shut)?
In retrospect, I do recall crying a little after the first time, and I was mad at myself for it (the crying, not the sex). So I guess it did bother me somewhat, desperate times, desperate measures. I actually was "with him" 3 times total which we agreed on up front. Kind of like an installment plan. He was very adamant about not saying a word to anyone, although of course I wouldn't have, because he didn't want to get hit with a lawsuit.

Here I was this innocent looking 22 year old, and he was the head of a company, well off, powerful. He may have told people outside of work but not at work, as far as I could tell. It would have appeared to most (I think) he took advantage of me, and used his position to intimidate or pressure me. He was smart enough to not want any part of that.

He actually left me alone after our agreement was over, and he was always polite and professional towards me, both before and after. I never would have thought I was capable of doing what I did, but I really did I love that cat. I never told anyone about it, and never will outside of the anonymity of a forum. Not because I am ashamed, but because I think many people are judgmental and I don't want to deal with it.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 03:58 PM
eh, we do what we need to at times. you both got what you wanted out of the deal...i see nothing really wrong with it...although he was obviously a complete creep to take advantage of the situation
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 04:04 PM
and he was the head of a company, well off, powerful.
He was not powerful.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
10-04-2009 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Amber
A little OT but indulge me if you don't mind. For those of you who feel it is wrong to use your sexuality to make money, how would you feel in the following situations? Let's assume we are in Vegas and prostitution is legal.

1) You are a single mother, you have run out of money and nobody will help you. You child is hungry and you are about to lose your housing.

2) Your pet needs surgery not covered by insurance, he will die if you cannot come up with the funds to pay for it.

3) You have been trying to find a job paying enough to make your bills, and don't live an extravagant lifestyle as it is. The job market is tough and you have run out of unemployment money. You are about to start defaulting on your mortage (or about to miss your rent payment) your car loan, your health insurance, etc.

Do any of these reasons justify sleeping with someone, or stripping for them in order to make money that you are unable to make by other means?
I'm 38 and I don't think I have been confronted with one real problem in my entire life.
Modern Feminism in America Quote
