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Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread

12-21-2008 , 12:53 PM
lol. Only one person I know in the world who would call me a pain in the ass. I think we're good.

Talked to my friends last night who may end up having to cancel (the majority, not all), so I may have even more flexibility with my dates. Still tentatively counting on what's listed.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-03-2009 , 05:20 PM

I'll be in Vegas for CES on January 7 - 10.

If any of the other Loungers happen to be there during that time, PM me and perhaps we can get together.

Disclaimer: It's a biz trip, so I'll be pretty busy working most of the time!
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-04-2009 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Myrtle

I'll be in Vegas for CES on January 7 - 10.

If any of the other Loungers happen to be there during that time, PM me and perhaps we can get together.

Disclaimer: It's a biz trip, so I'll be pretty busy working most of the time!
Damn, I'll miss you buy 2 weeks!
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-04-2009 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
Damn, I'll miss you buy 2 weeks!
Aw chit!
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-20-2009 , 10:42 AM
I got invited to play in a freeroll at the Palms with some Playboy Plamates.... I had to RSVP yes on that invite, so I will be out in Vegas Feb 27 to March 1.

Won't have time to do any big activities, but if anyone is out there at the time and wants to meet for a few frosty ones, let me know.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-20-2009 , 12:55 PM
Hey Fish -

Are your dates for the May meet-up still set in stone? What about delaying for a week until Memorial Day weekend - May 22-25?

Pardon the pun, but there'll be more "fishies" at the tables then...theoretically anyway...
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-20-2009 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
Hey Fish -

Are your dates for the May meet-up still set in stone? What about delaying for a week until Memorial Day weekend - May 22-25?

Pardon the pun, but there'll be more "fishies" at the tables then...theoretically anyway...
My main reason for being out there then is for a computer conference I am attending for work that runs the week before Memorial day weekend starting on Sunday. So, I will likely be there starting the 16th, Saturday, to the 22. I am guessing I will need ot be back at home the holiday weekend but will talk to Fishette a bit more about it too. It is not "etched in stone" yet as I do not have tickets bought or hotel reservations made or anything yet. But, I am guessing the best times for people to be meeting up and doing things is the week previous to Memorial Day weekend with some overlap on the weekend before and after depending on how others schedules go.

How is that for a horrible Non-Answer???

Last edited by Fishwhenican; 01-20-2009 at 02:04 PM. Reason: From everythig I have ever seen there are always fishies at the table in Vegas. :-)
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-20-2009 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
I got invited to play in a freeroll at the Palms with some Playboy Plamates.... I had to RSVP yes on that invite, so I will be out in Vegas Feb 27 to March 1.

Won't have time to do any big activities, but if anyone is out there at the time and wants to meet for a few frosty ones, let me know.
I'll have a drink with you....especially if you bring some Playmates.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-20-2009 , 05:24 PM
I work in a casino, so I can't get a holiday weekend off.

The week before works for me.

And there must be karaoke.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
I work in a casino, so I can't get a holiday weekend off.

The week before works for me.

And there must be karaoke.
I am up for Karaoke!!!!!!
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I'll have a drink with you....especially if you bring some Playmates.
Cool, I will see if I can score another pass for the "meet and greet" with the playmates. Let you know.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
Cool, I will see if I can score another pass for the "meet and greet" with the playmates. Let you know.
sounds great....let me know!
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 08:44 PM
So I was checking out room rates for that hotel, the Westin Causerina, that you mentioned, Dom. The rates for the weekend before Memorial Day weekend are about a $100/night more than those for Memorial Day weekend....why would that be? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Last edited by HobbyHorse; 01-21-2009 at 08:50 PM.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
So I was checking out room rates for that hotel, the Westin Causerina, that you mentioned, Dom. The rates for the weekend before Memorial Day weekend are about a $100/night more than those for Memorial Day weekend....why would that be? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
how the heck should i know? I just know it's the best room in Vegas you don't have to pay $500 a night for.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 09:14 PM
Sorry I asked.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 10:10 PM
Room rates in Vegas are so bizare. There must be something going on in town that weekend because rates are higher right now for then.
Come on Hobby. Go slummin with us at the Imperial Palace!!! Oh Ya, Not a good pool. I think some place like the Flamingo or Mirage would be nice and they are supposed to have a nice pools. If you really want to go to a good pool look at the Mandaly Bay. Great pool but the rooms are a bit expensive.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 10:12 PM
Tropicana has a great pool
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Tropicana has a great pool
Ya, Actually they do have a good pool. The casino is a bit of a dive but he pool is nice and the rooms are generally very inexpensive. The first place I ever stayed in Las Vegas was the Trop so I have a soft spot for it.

The Comedy Stop there is a fun place to go to a cheap show as well.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
I definitely wanna go to a place and fire some guns. I've never fired at a range or whatever, and I think it would be a lot of fun. ESPECIALLY if Fish is there to tell me how wrong I'm doing it.
I was thinking about this and I wonder if I could bring my own guns to shoot?? I would think so but I will try and find out for sure. If so I can bring some of mine down and it may be a bit cheaper than renting their guns. I have a couple of nice Semi-Auto pistols and a Ruger Mini-14 Semi Auto rifle that might be fun

Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-21-2009 , 10:50 PM
wouldn't that be tough to get on the plane?
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
wouldn't that be tough to get on the plane?
Not really. It is possible to fly with guns, people do it all the time. You just have to check them, have a lockable case and declare that they are guns. I flew with a rifle down the TX shortly after 911 and was worried about it, but it wasn't really a big deal at all. I did magically get picked to be screened a bit more intensly that trip and never have since, or before either, which I thought was funny. Got wanded and patted down and all of that. I even asked if it was because of carrying the gun and they claimed it was just a "random" thing that was done.

I am not sure if carrying more than one in a case is allowed and I hadn't thought abou thtis before but would likely have to pay for an extra checked bag since the airlines are getting tight with that as well. The only other restriction I remember was that you had to have the weapon in a lockable case, open it for the NTSB inspector and then lock it afterwards while it was on the plane. You also had to carry ammo in a separate bag, obviously a separate checked bag.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 09:09 PM
Somoene pm me with times and dates and I'll hop on the motorcycle and join ya all for da excitement
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-23-2009 , 01:55 PM
FYI for anyone who is still looking at coming out the Las Vegas for the Lounge get together in May, or really any time.

I just saw a promo rate for Excalibur which is being offered until the 29th of Jan (Thursday). The rates are pretty darn good and they run through September. I just booked a room from May 16th (Saturday) through the 22nd (Friday) and it was $357.00 total for the room.

Ya, Excalibur is not the swankiest of all the places there but if the goal is to get a reasonable inexpensive room and the south end of the strip works for you this might be worth looking at. I also looked at rate for the Imperial Palace and they are actually lower right now as well and it has a very good Mid Strip location. I am picking Excalibur because I feel pretty confident that I can get a room upgrade to the nicer "widescreen room" via the $20 trick and the conference I am going to be attending during the day is just at Mandalay Bay and it is very easy to get there from the Excalibur,

Here is the link

Also, I leave for a different trip to Vegas tomorrow morning heading back home next week Thursday! Staying at the IP and really looking forward to it. If anyone is out there and wants to say HI there is a very good chance of finding me in one of the poker rooms out there in the evenings. I'll be the big guy from Montana wearing a camouflage baseball cap consistently folding crappy hand after crappy hand at a LLHE game.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-25-2009 , 10:21 PM
Fish, please let me know if your $20 trick works at the Excal.

My friend and I (the core of who is going in May) are looking at Excal possibly. Six nights for 160/person is a ridiculous deal.
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
01-25-2009 , 10:45 PM
If I understand this right:
Fish and Fishette are out 16-22.
pokerbobo and the mrs. are 21/22-25.
thirddan, daveT, and govman might go around then.
YTF will be out sometime between May 15-20?
Hobby is undecided but leaning around 22-25?

My friends who wanted to go Memorial Day Weekend are flakier than ever, so I can basically go whenever for like five or six days. I'm trying to figure out when I can meet the most people and everything.

Looks like 19th-24th or 25th might be the most effective means of that, which puts me there in the week leading up to Memorial Day weekend but not the weekend before. Hmmm.

Is this about right for most people's thoughts as far as they know?
Lounger Meet-Up Logistical Planning Thread Quote
