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The Lounge Winter LC Thread: This Year We Get What We Deserve The Lounge Winter LC Thread: This Year We Get What We Deserve

01-20-2021 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
John Cole has the same job as the First Lady.
He does. But she has more pressure on her.

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01-20-2021 , 05:32 PM
i wont reply to that as i will get into trouble someplace.
01-20-2021 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
i wont reply to that as i will get into trouble someplace.
Like that's never happened before?

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01-20-2021 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
john calamari is squid.
Jason Calamaro is also squid. He's a caddie at Bandon and that's his nickname

Originally Posted by Rebelp
The most significant thing that you need to do when an adoring Texan woman hurls herself at you is to maintain your centre of balance as low as possible, and slightly in front of your feet.
i was told the exact same thing when we were at the dog park with our pup. the Portland chapter of the Great Dane society showed up en masse and two dozen horse sized dogs started galloping around.
01-20-2021 , 09:30 PM
Dom, avatard bet on the game?
01-20-2021 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
get out your checkbook.
I'm resettling, to Russia maybe, or possibly Uruguay, or ? I'm leaving my options open ended. That's how us misanthropes live and survive and thrive.
01-21-2021 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
Jason Calamaro is also squid. He's a caddie at Bandon and that's his nickname

i was told the exact same thing when we were at the dog park with our pup. the Portland chapter of the Great Dane society showed up en masse and two dozen horse sized dogs started galloping around.
I stopped to get coffee on a ride to West Virginia a few years ago and sat outside the coffee shop. A woman approached me with two Great Danes and asked if I would hold on to them for a little while (she was selling the pups and meeting someone nearby).

I agreed.

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01-21-2021 , 12:49 PM
Just to let you know. I donated my stimulus check. I know it will be used for a worthier cause than me.

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01-21-2021 , 01:22 PM
Gave it to the orphans.
01-21-2021 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Gave it to the orphans.

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01-21-2021 , 01:47 PM
One life skill that you may wish to develop is the ability to process a large amount of noisy and sometimes contradictory information very quickly, make the correct decision and either take the appropriate corrective action yourself, or calmly explain to another person what they need to do.
01-21-2021 , 06:25 PM
John Cole gave his stimulus $ to teachers who are buying supplies for their children. I think that's noble.

Rebelp, the crew has lifeboats, but always chooses to sink with the captain.
01-22-2021 , 01:43 AM
One thing that you need to learn about Great Danes is that they will occasionally rush towards you. You have to accept that they will either stop/change direction of their own accord, or that you will die; nothing you can do about it.
01-22-2021 , 10:09 AM
Before I get put back in my hole
Funniest nerd joke ever
01-22-2021 , 02:39 PM
I posted the below in a nameless forum somewhere on the internet, but it is so dazzling brilliant and full of common sense (that in reality is far from common) that I decided to share it with all the sophisticated philosophers in the Lounge:

It is Friday, January, 22 and the world is not much more or much less idiotic than it was last Friday and by extension all the other Fridays in Earth history, back to the Friday when God was close to finishing up His Creation, wipe the dirt off His hands, and grab a Beer.

You should do the same - grab a Beer I mean. Leave Creation to the Big Boys.

Insert your own random Bible verse to give added luster to the above. Enjoy.
01-22-2021 , 02:58 PM
I'm going to grab a drink tonight and at least a couple tomorrow, Zeno.

Today is my granddaughter's 11th birthday, and I think I'm finally old enough to be a grandfather.

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01-22-2021 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Rebelp
One thing that you need to learn about Great Danes is that they will occasionally rush towards you. You have to accept that they will either stop/change direction of their own accord, or that you will die; nothing you can do about it.
I once had a 165 pound Bull Mastiff charge down a hill at me. I just froze, and it simply nudged me, which was almost enough to knock me off my feet.

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01-22-2021 , 03:13 PM
That you did not run was very wise; running reinforces that you are prey and need to be pursued and chewed on. That you froze, by instinct or for other reasons, saved you a great deal of possible pain.
01-22-2021 , 03:53 PM
lol whenever I get charged by a big dog, I am thrilled, and can't wait to wrestle such thing as a mean dog
01-22-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
That you did not run was very wise; running reinforces that you are prey and need to be pursued and chewed on. That you froze, by instinct or for other reasons, saved you a great deal of possible pain.
He was very friendly and would, I hesitate to call it run, lumber down to greet me every morning when I stayed in WV.

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01-22-2021 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
I posted the below in a nameless forum somewhere on the internet, but it is so dazzling brilliant and full of common sense (that in reality is far from common) that I decided to share it with all the sophisticated philosophers in the Lounge:

It is Friday, January, 22 and the world is not much more or much less idiotic than it was last Friday and by extension all the other Fridays in Earth history, back to the Friday when God was close to finishing up His Creation, wipe the dirt off His hands, and grab a Beer.

You should do the same - grab a Beer I mean. Leave Creation to the Big Boys.

Insert your own random Bible verse to give added luster to the above. Enjoy.
Jesus wept.
01-22-2021 , 05:45 PM
^^ I know exactly what you are doing here, but since I am not very well could you just add the exact chapter and verse number
01-22-2021 , 05:53 PM
went out this morning with my Dad to Excelsior Springs and saw 3 houses. it's a cool little town northeast of KC. wat u think, ray ray?

then came back and had lunch with a buddy at an IHOP. we walk in and 2 swamp donkeys are demanding their money back.

love thy neighbor
01-22-2021 , 05:55 PM
Aqualung 2:2
01-22-2021 , 06:09 PM

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