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LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices?

08-13-2010 , 03:00 PM
Kathleen Turner went to the same college as I did. Her and John Goodman both. My brother knows them a little from alumni show business stuff.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-13-2010 , 03:13 PM
Oh, and I loved Paul Lynde's voice and delivery. And what a great laugh! Maybe best male laugh ever.

He and his dog Muttley

made my week as a kid.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:14 PM
Lauren Bacall--sexiest female voice.

She was dubbed by Andy Willimas for a song in, I think, To Have and to Have Not.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-13-2010 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
sarah vowell
not sexy, not irritating, just funny and i ****in love it. i bought her audiobook just to hear her read me stories while i fall asleep
I think Sarah Vowell is smart and funny, and I don't really hate her voice, but it is pretty weird.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-13-2010 , 10:14 PM

Jessica Biel
Michelle Rodriguez
Marissa Tomei

What about Sean Connory for a guy? I do not really know what would constitute sexy in a guy, but I have two ex girlfriends who both claim he is the only guy to quality as sexy.

Will have to think on strange/irritating.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-13-2010 , 10:28 PM
I'll make the strange and irritating easy for you: Richard Simmons.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 02:31 PM
Maria Bamford has a naturally high, funny voice. she has a bit about it but I of course that YouTube doesn't exist. She also does these amazing voices like the generic female stand-up comedian, her mother, annoying power sales guy, etc. A funny Youtube of her imitating her dad is here for your pleasure and entertainment. At 1:50 she does a hilarious send-up of one of her high school colleagues.

I think Aisha Tyler has an unconsciously sexy voice. I've never heard her trying to be sexy, she just sounds sexy. Here's a clip of her naming her top 5 funny Youtubes.

The irritating voice category is skewing too female for my taste, so...

Even if I didn't like his political views, I could never stomach Rush Limbaugh's voice. It blows my mind that thousands of people listen to him for hours - on AM radio, no less. the other thing about his voice is that it sounds exactly like he looks. In other words, I swear if you never met the man and just heard his voice, you could pick him out of a line-up (as long as the other men in the line-up were thin, young, had all their hair, and were of diverse complexions).

EDIT: I just thought of something - Rush Limbaugh is like a one step away from being the Penguin.

Speaking of which, talk shows on AM radio sets my teeth on edge in general. There's a funny (from the outside) dynamic where my Mom hit 60 and, as if on queue, started listening to AM talk radio all the time in her car (she was quite literally listening to Ozomatli at full volume the year before). So now, every time I get in the car with her I have to tell her to turn it off. Until then, I had no idea that there Lefitist hosts on AM talk radio at all.

Last edited by EmpressNina; 08-14-2010 at 02:35 PM. Reason: typos can bite my butt
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 03:01 PM
Coolest voice imo is actor Michael Wincott (very underrated) :
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by JackHighFlop
Coolest voice imo is actor Michael Wincott (very underrated) :
Don't forget his long luxurious locks.

There appears to be a little Youtube fan club just for him - most definitely a cool, ominous voice.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 05:05 PM
Zooey Deschanel falls under sexy and strange for me.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 05:15 PM
Last year I read that Jeremy Irons was judged by women as having the perfect male voice.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 06:11 PM
That's the English accent generally.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 06:27 PM
The accent appears to work like gangbusters, but it's also very much about two other things -- his crisp diction and his deep voice.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos4k
Zooey Deschanel falls under sexy and strange for me.
Have you heard her sing? There's a Youtube out there (that I'm too lazy to find right now) where she duets with her sister (Emily - she's on Bones) that's amazing.

She's in a band too - Her and Him, I think.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Last year I read that Jeremy Irons was judged by women as having the perfect male voice.
Whoo - not me, man. Jeremy Irons creeps me out actually. Perhaps it's the characters he chooses or something - yeesh.

For interesting/strange/sexy voice it's Terence Howard all the way for me. Here is on Youtube at :30. Oh boy is he the whole package sexy-wise....*sigh*

For the haters, here's an awesome Youtube I found of Jamie Foxx thoroughly taking Terence down a peg and also doing a pretty good impression of his voice.

I'm neutral on all that drama, I just want him for one particular activity.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-14-2010 , 09:21 PM
Christian Slater has almost made a career out of his voice....

and Vincent Price has always been able to scare the crap out of me with his.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 12:10 PM
Sean Connery for voice prize.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:59 PM
That woman on the version of Star Trek that had Picard -- the persian looking psychologist/psychic one ... her voice is very sexy IMO. Sometimes her delivery isn't very natural, which can be irritating, but the voice itself is really good.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
That woman on the version of Star Trek that had Picard -- the persian looking psychologist/psychic one ... her voice is very sexy IMO. Sometimes her delivery isn't very natural, which can be irritating, but the voice itself is really good.
You mean Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi? Sexy in general, imo.

And even sexier in person.

LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:10 PM
She looks about a thousand times better in her spacesuit. That 2nd picture is scary.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:14 PM
Whaaaaaat? I thought the empty bottle of wine and drunken eyes would for sure mark her as one of our own.

That picture was taken a while after the show ended. She's in her 50s now. I think she has aged well, but who knows how much of that is natural. For example, those boobs.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:18 PM
She talks like me in real life, lol.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:20 PM
I guess I just like her hair pulled back from her face and pouffed out, to minimize her large facial features.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:25 PM
I also prefer her hair pulled back, but to maximize her other large features.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:35 PM
I've never been a fan of large breasts. I don't want them flat, but I don't really like them as big as hers. I like a nice ass and shapely legs.

I may start a thread about women's parts.
LC Thread:  What celebrities have strange/irritating/sexy voices? Quote
