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10-29-2015 , 08:55 PM
I wouldn't sign the petition fwiw. Nothing will come of it but it will make the professors pissed and they will probably take note of who signed/who didn't.

Sorry to hear it though, that's ****ty. I had a terrible 1L schedule for both semesters too .
Law School Quote
10-29-2015 , 09:04 PM
Use time to study
Law School Quote
10-29-2015 , 09:58 PM
Sure. I mean, this schedule will actually help me for many reasons, though it will force my wife to pick up slack at home. I do better putting in large blocks of time at the library.

It's the inherent unfairness of the schedule that gets to me. It's pretty egregious. Ultimately, I have a very limited set of logistical constraints I must subject myself to not by choice whereas other sections get to determine where they study best.

I really don't care about pissing professors or deans off, imo if people are going to be pissed off for pointing out obvious inequity then that's their prerogative. I'm not really worried about what will befall me, there are always places to succeed when you don't live life scared of opening your mouth.

Of course, there are people who genuinely don't care and they can do whatever they want. But a number of people whispered thank you to me after the meeting or sent me messages on Facebook which is completely pathetic. Total free riders. The more names on that petition, the stronger it would have been and the less penalty for speaking out.

Last edited by Brad Childress; 10-29-2015 at 10:05 PM.
Law School Quote
10-30-2015 , 11:32 AM
Got my first acceptance letter today. Weight of the world off my shoulders. Not the school I wanted to go to, but is a school that is harder to get into than Hofstra or Touro - the two schools I am considering.
Law School Quote
10-31-2015 , 09:20 AM
I kind of prefer your schedule. Just work all day Tuesday and you have a ton of flexibility the rest of the time.
Law School Quote
10-31-2015 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
Hey guys,

After having my section get the worst schedule first term--though admittedly not that badly (only section with 8 a.m. class and only section with a CivPro class that met four days a week instead of three), the school has released the following schedules for next term.

Of note is the amount of time between one block of classes and the next class. Per week:

Section 1 has 2 hours, 40 minutes
Section 2 has 9 hours, 10 minutes
Section 3 has 21 hours, 10 minutes

Is there any way to file a grievance with the ABA or anything for something like this? My guess is no given that we're all spending the same amount of time in class, but this is ridiculous.

It doesn't help that the school is filled with mouth-breathers who don't even recognize anything is unfair. There was a massive row on Facebook with 42/60 people in my section answering in the affirmative that they would petition the school; when the petition was passed, only 8 had the courage to sign it. Class schedules posted below.

Thanks for any input.
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
Sure. I mean, this schedule will actually help me for many reasons, though it will force my wife to pick up slack at home. I do better putting in large blocks of time at the library.

It's the inherent unfairness of the schedule that gets to me. It's pretty egregious. Ultimately, I have a very limited set of logistical constraints I must subject myself to not by choice whereas other sections get to determine where they study best.

I really don't care about pissing professors or deans off, imo if people are going to be pissed off for pointing out obvious inequity then that's their prerogative. I'm not really worried about what will befall me, there are always places to succeed when you don't live life scared of opening your mouth.

Of course, there are people who genuinely don't care and they can do whatever they want. But a number of people whispered thank you to me after the meeting or sent me messages on Facebook which is completely pathetic. Total free riders. The more names on that petition, the stronger it would have been and the less penalty for speaking out.
I considered picking apart your nittery line by line in an effort to help you not be "that guy," but my guess is that you're too self-righteous and stubborn to listen. So, instead of making fun of you for getting all mad because there is some time between your classes, I will express my thoughts on your posts with pictures:

Law School Quote
10-31-2015 , 12:39 PM
Thanks for sparing me the super callout (kinda). Based on the reaction I've gotten everywhere the only reasonable conclusion is that I've been a jackass. Kinda sucks to have this much egg on my face already, but it's my own ejaculate to clean up.
Law School Quote
10-31-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
Thanks for sparing me the super callout (kinda). Based on the reaction I've gotten everywhere the only reasonable conclusion is that I've been a jackass. Kinda sucks to have this much egg on my face already, but it's my own ejaculate to clean up.
The fact that you're self-aware enough to realize you made a mistake, and more importantly, to admit it, bodes well for you in the future, IMHO.

Do not stress or worry about what you've already done - to be honest, it's no big deal in the bigger scheme of things. Try to visualize graduating and joking with the friends you made in law school about "hey remember how serious I took this stuff in 1L, I can't believe I actually tried to get a petition started..." etc.

Just be self-deprecating about it and poke fun at yourself a bit and it'll be all good in the long run.

The most important thing is to focus on crushing your exams. Don't sweat the small stuff like worrying about how your past actions were perceived - all you can do is modify your behavior going forward, and it sounds like you're smart enough to understand that you need to do that. Looking back does you no good. I formed an opinion of you based solely on those two posts, and now it looks like my initial opinion was incorrect. A bunch of your classmates probably did the same thing. You can change that - first impressions are important, but not set in stone. And remember - all anyone is going to be worried about is exams for the next couple months anyways.
Law School Quote
10-31-2015 , 02:36 PM
1L Update: **** has gotten very real over the past 10 days. Long memo assigned, motion exercise assigned, outlining, class readings (skimming/supps ftw), some 1L summer job application deadlines approaching, 5.5 weeks til exams, etc. The law school vibe has taken quite the turn. Seems like it will be a scramble from here to the finish line.

Brad: everyone experiences their own real or perceived slights and inequities at law school. I had my own earlier this semester. Still not sure if its even a viable complaint.

My writing class has 17 students and is curved. We had 7 days to write out short memo, which was a huge headache and rush. After assigning it, our Jewish professor asked the class if anyone "observed" the Jewish holiday that was occurring the day before it was due (holiday at sundown Tuesday to sundown Wed; it was due Wed at 3pm). 2 people raised their hands, and she auto gave them a 48 HOUR extension.

How the **** does that work. If they do actually observe (very doubtful- I know them), they are only missing out on 20 hours of work time (7 pm Tues to 3 pm due date on Wednesday), yet they get a 48 hour extension. I wasn't about to complain to the professor about her policy though, since our papers aren't blind graded.

Two weeks after this, my grandmother passes away suddenly in a freak accident. I ask the same teacher for an extension on a writing assignment, and get told that "that would be unfair to the other students." So I have to go through a formal process through the Dean's office to get an extension. Too bad I couldn't just raise my hand...

Rant over. Back to PJD.

Last edited by maddog876; 10-31-2015 at 02:46 PM.
Law School Quote
10-31-2015 , 03:31 PM
Ugh that seems awful.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:01 AM

That's garbage and it's a terrible spot for you. Your teacher's compassion for those honoring (maybe) religious duties is fine, but it doesn't make any sense that it wouldn't extend to your bereavement. Also, it should be asked, if it's only seven days, couldn't your prof have scheduled a writing assignment over a time uninterrupted by a major religious holiday?

Anyways, really crappy spot given the lack of anonymity in grading. I'd probably push it hard but I'm a dumbass, as you can see. You did well to get the extension from the Dean's office.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:09 AM
State school? Could be an equal protection claim in dem facts.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress

Also, it should be asked, if it's only seven days, couldn't your prof have scheduled a writing assignment over a time uninterrupted by a major religious holiday?
I made an anonymous call to the department head to see if this was an administration-approved ruling, or if the teacher decided it on her own.

It seems like the administration gave them 3 options:
1) Give no extensions at all.
2) Give everyone an extension (which it seems like every single other professor did)
3) Give only those "observing" a "reasonable" extension. I argued that "observing" is super ambiguous, and that they should determine what it means to each student before giving an extension. And that the extension was in fact unreasonable (despite my best efforts, he couldn't understand my hours logic). But he wouldn't have any of it.

I ended up being 6/17 in the class on that paper, so I'm not too distraught, but it would've been nice to have extra time since it was 20% of our 3 credit grade. Idk if this literally qualifies as discrimination, but it definitely makes me realize why people are so passionate about it. Pretty ****ty feeling. I guess its a good life lesson.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
State school? Could be an equal protection claim in dem facts.
Nah, Jesuit. The irony is the mandatory hour-long Title VI/IX presentation they made us attend during orientation.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
Thanks for sparing me the super callout (kinda). Based on the reaction I've gotten everywhere the only reasonable conclusion is that I've been a jackass. Kinda sucks to have this much egg on my face already, but it's my own ejaculate to clean up.
You seem very bright and being able to make this post shows an extreme level of maturity, kudos to you sir.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rambler1
The fact that you're self-aware enough to realize you made a mistake, and more importantly, to admit it, bodes well for you in the future, IMHO.

Do not stress or worry about what you've already done - to be honest, it's no big deal in the bigger scheme of things. Try to visualize graduating and joking with the friends you made in law school about "hey remember how serious I took this stuff in 1L, I can't believe I actually tried to get a petition started..." etc.

Just be self-deprecating about it and poke fun at yourself a bit and it'll be all good in the long run.

The most important thing is to focus on crushing your exams. Don't sweat the small stuff like worrying about how your past actions were perceived - all you can do is modify your behavior going forward, and it sounds like you're smart enough to understand that you need to do that. Looking back does you no good. I formed an opinion of you based solely on those two posts, and now it looks like my initial opinion was incorrect. A bunch of your classmates probably did the same thing. You can change that - first impressions are important, but not set in stone. And remember - all anyone is going to be worried about is exams for the next couple months anyways.
Yeah the whole thing was very standard first year lolnittery. Being able to realize your mistake however is not standard for many law students.
Law School Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by maddog876
1L Update: **** has gotten very real over the past 10 days. Long memo assigned, motion exercise assigned, outlining, class readings (skimming/supps ftw), some 1L summer job application deadlines approaching, 5.5 weeks til exams, etc. The law school vibe has taken quite the turn. Seems like it will be a scramble from here to the finish line.

Brad: everyone experiences their own real or perceived slights and inequities at law school. I had my own earlier this semester. Still not sure if its even a viable complaint.

My writing class has 17 students and is curved. We had 7 days to write out short memo, which was a huge headache and rush. After assigning it, our Jewish professor asked the class if anyone "observed" the Jewish holiday that was occurring the day before it was due (holiday at sundown Tuesday to sundown Wed; it was due Wed at 3pm). 2 people raised their hands, and she auto gave them a 48 HOUR extension.

How the **** does that work. If they do actually observe (very doubtful- I know them), they are only missing out on 20 hours of work time (7 pm Tues to 3 pm due date on Wednesday), yet they get a 48 hour extension. I wasn't about to complain to the professor about her policy though, since our papers aren't blind graded.

Two weeks after this, my grandmother passes away suddenly in a freak accident. I ask the same teacher for an extension on a writing assignment, and get told that "that would be unfair to the other students." So I have to go through a formal process through the Dean's office to get an extension. Too bad I couldn't just raise my hand...

Rant over. Back to PJD.
I would see the 48 hours as "rounding up" so that there would be no complaints. It's one of those things where giving a day doesn't really help because everyone has some other big assignment due a day later. Why not schedule the thing when there are no holidays or give everyone two days is beyond me.
Law School Quote
11-03-2015 , 12:53 PM
I left apology letters with two deans and the registrar (the registrar really deserved it, I really crossed the line in my e-mail to her).

Today, the school sent out a totally re-worked schedule for our section next term.
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 04:41 PM
We had a similar section schedule that everyone was upset about. The students outraged more about the professor selection though due to grade distribution. Section 1 contracts gave 8 A's, section 2 contracts gave 1 A, section 3 contracts gave 9 A's. It worked similarly with Torts and civil procedure to the tune of 1 student from section 2 making it into the top 20 for rankings.

If you think the scheduling would cause an outrage imagine what that did.
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 05:37 PM
How is that even possible? Does your school not have a mandatory curve?
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 06:01 PM
Yeah I didn't even know there were law schools that didn't have a mandatory curve for 1Ls
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 06:03 PM
Any generic MPRE advice?
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 06:44 PM
I went in cold to the MPRE and failed. Then I didn't study the second time either, and my score skyrocketed to where I passed overwhelmingly.

So my takeaway is that the test is common sense combined with a large amount of variance.
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 07:26 PM
I'm gonna watch BarBri's free Chemirinsky lecture that's ~3 hours and then maybe take a practice one.

Last edited by minnesotasam; 11-05-2015 at 07:28 PM. Reason: that's my plan thus far, would love further advice
Law School Quote
11-05-2015 , 07:28 PM
Yeah that's what I've heard LKJ. Any good guessing advice? Use intuition?
Law School Quote
