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Law School Law School

07-25-2015 , 12:59 AM
i graduated college with like a 3.1 and finished with something around 3.9 my first semester of law school

pretty much same as disko. never really tried in college, didnt study, etc. you can still do well in law school as long as you mature a bit and start putting work in.
Law School Quote
07-28-2015 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Checking in before the NY bar next week. Did pretty much everything on Barbri and averaging like 66% on MBE prep questions, essays--I've outlined a ton of them and usually spot most issues and can get most of the law.

I'm in decent shape, right?
last July exam in this format, UBE next July! Good luck today and tomorrow.
Law School Quote
07-28-2015 , 12:21 PM
California changed the bar from 3 days to 2. I run so good.
Law School Quote
07-30-2015 , 01:39 PM
Well, thanks for the well wishes guys. Essays were not easy, hopefully I bull****ted my way through them well enough. MBE wasn't too bad.
Law School Quote
07-30-2015 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Well, thanks for the well wishes guys. Essays were not easy, hopefully I bull****ted my way through them well enough. MBE wasn't too bad.
Surprised to hear this, since the law school Internet is flipping its **** about the MBE.
Law School Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:36 AM

cliffs: 6 pt LSAT swing not that important, but LSAT is best indicator of 1L grades.
Law School Quote
08-11-2015 , 11:59 PM
Little update...

Decided not to transfer. Ultimately didn't think it was worth it. I had 24 screeners through OCI and got 11 callbacks, plus a 12th privately outside OCI--all V50 or better and several V5 and V10

Assuming I don't suddenly get AIDS, I think I'll get something. I definitely think I have more opportunities than most of the top students at my school but I think the vast majority of law review will end up with a big law summer offer.
Law School Quote
08-12-2015 , 12:15 AM
V5 = shoot me in the face

Hard pass.
Law School Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
Little update...

Decided not to transfer. Ultimately didn't think it was worth it. I had 24 screeners through OCI and got 11 callbacks, plus a 12th privately outside OCI--all V50 or better and several V5 and V10

Assuming I don't suddenly get AIDS, I think I'll get something. I definitely think I have more opportunities than most of the top students at my school but I think the vast majority of law review will end up with a big law summer offer.
Congrats, sounds like you made the right choice.

I wouldn't put too much stock in specific V5-50 rankings. Hopefully you get tons of offers and can choose, and if you can, just pick wherever you are most comfortable and fits with you personally. Seriously, there isn't a huge difference between a V10 and a V50.
Law School Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:20 AM
Yea I know. Was just trying to show that even the "top firms" are willing to recruit at my school even though it's a TT.

I doubt I get tons of offers and will probably not have many to choose from anyway but as long as I get something I'll be fine.
Law School Quote
08-13-2015 , 06:45 AM
I'm 24 years old and thinking of going to law school.

I crushed the LSAT and I'm positive I can do really well in school.

I'm 4 courses short of finishing a Bachelor degree in Software engineering, despite having learned absolutely nothing regarding programming or software in general, just passed tests without really learning the subject.

Have no interest whatsoever in working with computers for the rest of my life, still plan on finishing the degree in the next upcoming year.

Am I making a mistake entering law school this late? Money is not an issue at the moment.

Kind of rambling here, but all comments would be appreciated.

Law School Quote
08-13-2015 , 07:16 AM
You're not entering law school late. Average age is usually 24-25.

Why Law? Whenever someone tells me they want to go to law school I always ask them why. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who have difficulty answering that question.
Law School Quote
08-13-2015 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by JonhCarroll
I'm 24 years old and thinking of going to law school.

I crushed the LSAT and I'm positive I can do really well in school.

I'm 4 courses short of finishing a Bachelor degree in Software engineering, despite having learned absolutely nothing regarding programming or software in general, just passed tests without really learning the subject.

Have no interest whatsoever in working with computers for the rest of my life, still plan on finishing the degree in the next upcoming year.

Am I making a mistake entering law school this late? Money is not an issue at the moment.

Kind of rambling here, but all comments would be appreciated.

Don't do it !
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 12:40 AM
Pursue software. Write something once and sell it a million times.

Pursue law. Write something once and then write it over again a million times and you have to think about it every time.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
Pursue software. Write something once and sell it a million times.

Pursue law. Write something once and then write it over again a million times and you have to think about it every time.
This. I often often compare corp/comm/securities law to being a goalie. None of the fun of scoring goals, taking rushes, throwing hits, making a big play. Everyone tries to sneak dekes past you or power slapshots past you, and your only job is to make sure nothing goes wrong. Every shot is in a slightly different place and if you don't stop it, nobody does.

If you do your job right everything stays quiet.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 05:22 PM
T-minus 5 days until 1L orientation. I oddly don't feel nervous, perhaps due to ignorance as to exactly how brutal the next 3.5 months will be. I doubt the articles and books I've read do it justice.

PS. Holy crap books are expensive. My school waited until today to release our schedules and book lists, so there aren't any deals to be had on Amazon. The 5 required books for my first semester of classes are going to run me $1k from the bookstore, plus supplementals. Does anyone here recommend buying used or renting? Is it very important to have a clean slate to work off of?
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by maddog876
T-minus 5 days until 1L orientation. I oddly don't feel nervous, perhaps due to ignorance as to exactly how brutal the next 3.5 months will be. I doubt the articles and books I've read do it justice.
If anything, the articles and books you've read were overdramatic. It's a lot of work, and 1L certainly isn't to be neglected, but it's not THAT bad. Unless you find out you really hate the law, in which case it probably is that bad.

PS. Holy crap books are expensive. My school waited until today to release our schedules and book lists, so there aren't any deals to be had on Amazon. The 5 required books for my first semester of classes are going to run me $1k from the bookstore, plus supplementals. Does anyone here recommend buying used or renting? Is it very important to have a clean slate to work off of?
Clean slate is not important. As long as you get something readable, you're fine.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 06:27 PM
1L is not at all brutal.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 07:05 PM
My brother just finished 1L and I hope to be one next fall. He said only time that was brutal was finals.

He told me treat it like a 9-5 job monday through Saturday and it's not that bad.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 07:10 PM
For supplements I would really recommend the Emmanuel's Outlines or any you can find keyed to your textbook. Honestly you could probably have gotten an A in almost every first year courses at my school by paying very little attention in class but studying the supplement very hard as long as you have a pretty base understanding of how to apply the black letter law. YMMV depending on professor or school. Probably not as true at a higher ranked school.

Finals are all about taking practice exams ime. Search the web for tons of practice exams. I found a lot for some lower ranked schools like Texas Tech and stuff that were actually graded and had answer keys for lots of classes that worked out really well for me. Def think the "1L is hell" is completely over dramatic and maybe does more harm than good for a lot of kids as people get bogged down in thinking they have to study a ridiculous amount every day but most 1Ls don't actually have any clue what it is they need to study and they waste time highlighting with different colors and memorizing case minutiae that is really completely irrelevant to anything that will be on the final.

The most important class by far IMO is Legal Research and Writing. Oddly enough it was worth the least credits at my school but whatever. I really regret not trying a lot harder in that class. It will pay dividends down the road I assume. Ofc i'm pretending I have any clue what I'm talking about but I'm just a 2L who is an idiot. But if you do alright M-F you will have plenty of time to go to your school's football games on Saturday, watch NFL on Sunday, etc.

Last edited by jenningst77; 08-14-2015 at 07:16 PM.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 09:02 PM
Be mentally strong and 1L is fine. I think the work is definitely serious, especially compared to most UG programs, but the mental olympics people engage in can be exhausting. Like, starting to panic when they see a classmate in the library late, hoarding supplements or whatever. I never got into it, but from those who have and now regret it, they've all agreed that the head games is what wears people down, not the work. Just keep your head above water and when you get lost, just realize that everyone is lost.
Law School Quote
08-14-2015 , 11:31 PM
Sure, UG is an absolute joke and law school is some work. But law school is far less work than basically every real job ever. I worked 10-20 hours/week (depending on the week, except during finals) during 1L and was totally fine.
Law School Quote
08-16-2015 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by maddog876
T-minus 5 days until 1L orientation. I oddly don't feel nervous, perhaps due to ignorance as to exactly how brutal the next 3.5 months will be. I doubt the articles and books I've read do it justice.

PS. Holy crap books are expensive. My school waited until today to release our schedules and book lists, so there aren't any deals to be had on Amazon. The 5 required books for my first semester of classes are going to run me $1k from the bookstore, plus supplementals. Does anyone here recommend buying used or renting? Is it very important to have a clean slate to work off of?
dont bother buying the books at all or paying attention in class. Barbri 1L video lectures and Quimbee is all you need
Law School Quote
08-17-2015 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam
Sure, [my] UG is an absolute joke and law school is some work [for me because I didn't want to do work]. But law school is far less work than basically every real job ever [for me]. I worked 10-20 hours/week (depending on the week, except during finals) during 1L and was totally fine.

Funny I'd say the opposite but I've been in public interest and am now in federal acquisitions the whole time so I've had a 40 hour work week.

Let's not get too hyperbole here. The average law school student needs to calm the hell down, but it's all about what you're trying to get. We have a law student intern who just finished 1L in my office, who now just needs to finish law school. Even if she doesn't, she's pretty much a lock for a federal government job. Other people want BigLaw and want to work for it. It's all about what you want.
Law School Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:15 AM
I'm doing BigLaw and my UG was a (lesser) Ivy, not sure your parentheses are a good fix.
Law School Quote
