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09-07-2011 , 08:44 PM
7? My school caps you at 3.
Law School Quote
09-07-2011 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by ShawnHoo
My school has a second round of OCI this week, which primarily involves smaller firms and government. I had an interview today with someone from a local firm who dropped this gem on me:

"Yeah, it's tough out there for you guys. I even know someone who's out practicing on his own and can only charge $100/hour. I mean, you've got to put in a lot of hours to make that even worth it!"

We all have problems, I guess.
Don't forget overhead has to come out of that $100/hr. Plus for every hour you bill you are probably doing 2 of unbilled work, especially as a n00b. Or so I've been told. $150/hr is more standard for a new attorney from what I've heard. Also he might not be getting 30 hrs/week at $100 hr. The guy made a decent comment, you just didn't really get what he was saying.
Law School Quote
09-07-2011 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by setherson2
I have an idea for a website that I want to make exclusive to students of a certain school. The obvious way to do this is to force them to register with their university email account.

Is it in anyway illegal for me to do this? Like, could the university ever come after me for forcing users to use the name?
This is how facebook was set up in like 2004. They only let you register with a .edu email of a school they had set up in their system. IT was so much better in those days.
Law School Quote
09-07-2011 , 09:44 PM

**** trying to live in a studio apt in a nice building/nice area in dc off of student loans

son of a bitch

that will be all.
Law School Quote
09-07-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Karak

**** trying to live in a studio apt in a nice building/nice area in dc off of student loans

son of a bitch

that will be all.
i was in admo for 1300. a lil pricey but nothing insane.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 12:05 AM
for those of you going to/went to law school, how much are your student loans all told? if i get away with less than 100k, including undergrad, that would be a huge victory, imo.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein

Someone on 2+2 emailed me digital copies of these when I was studying for the LSAT. I never used them, but have emailed them to a few people on the site. If you want the copies, just pm me and I'll send them to you. They are a few years old, but I'm not sure how often they update them.

Edit: Oops, I see you already bought them. Have to work at the ref desk tonight, so I might set up a google docs account for anyone that wants them in the future, because I'm going to have to do something to kill time. Good idea, bad idea?
ah too bad, they just shipped from amazon. I am gonna pm u anyway, b/c i might get bored at work and want to do some problems.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
for those of you going to/went to law school, how much are your student loans all told? if i get away with less than 100k, including undergrad, that would be a huge victory, imo.
tuition+living expenses at most privates = ~60k/yr

and dont forget that usury interest rate!
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:07 AM
72k for me at gtown this year. it sucks. (dont tell anyone in sporting events i posted this here, even if it's relevant)
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
for those of you going to/went to law school, how much are your student loans all told? if i get away with less than 100k, including undergrad, that would be a huge victory, imo.
Depends on the ratio. I'd call it a small victory.

I am TAing Law 101 for 18 year old gunners. Another TA was going off on how inept the admin was and how hard it was that the law school was not talking to her concurrent PhD program in anthropology. I probed about the cost and she eventually admitted both degrees are free for her, which means paid for by the suckers who borrow from uncle sam.

She's also a Trojan who tutored Sanchez. Hate at first sight.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
for those of you going to/went to law school, how much are your student loans all told? if i get away with less than 100k, including undergrad, that would be a huge victory, imo.
I think all told it's going to be a little under 100k. For you to get away with the same amount of loans, I'm pretty sure state schools are going to be your only option.

Last edited by diddy!; 09-08-2011 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Still crazy to me that karak's yearly total rivals my 3 year figures
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:33 AM
karak- dont worry, your secret is safe with me. but 72k a year?? i mean, gtown is a great school, but that seems a bit insane. hopefully you are in the top 10% of your class so you can get a good job...

i am mostly looking at the tier 2 schools in philly like Temple, Drexel, Villanova... I am also shooting for some scholarships, and living expenses would be very cheap (philly ftw), so under 100k would be very possible.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
karak- dont worry, your secret is safe with me. but 72k a year?? i mean, gtown is a great school, but that seems a bit insane. hopefully you are in the top 10% of your class so you can get a good job...

i am mostly looking at the tier 2 schools in philly like Temple, Drexel, Villanova... I am also shooting for some scholarships, and living expenses would be very cheap (philly ftw), so under 100k would be very possible.
72k is total cost of attendance, not just tuition. and you dont need to be top 10% here to get a job, like other schools (altho that's not really true there either). if you are going to the above schools, i'd definitely want to be getting money to make it worth it. i'd avoid drexel.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
karak- dont worry, your secret is safe with me. but 72k a year?? i mean, gtown is a great school, but that seems a bit insane. hopefully you are in the top 10% of your class so you can get a good job...

i am mostly looking at the tier 2 schools in philly like Temple, Drexel, Villanova... I am also shooting for some scholarships, and living expenses would be very cheap (philly ftw), so under 100k would be very possible.
isnt temple dirt cheap? just go there because they are all basically the same ****. under 100k will not be possible at villanova unless u have ur own $$$ or get a scholarship.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
72k is total cost of attendance, not just tuition. and you dont need to be top 10% here to get a job, like other schools (altho that's not really true there either). if you are going to the above schools, i'd definitely want to be getting money to make it worth it. i'd avoid drexel.
did u have leave full scholly at ur old school? or try to parlay ur grades into some $$ at least?
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by busch pounders
karak- dont worry, your secret is safe with me. but 72k a year?? i mean, gtown is a great school, but that seems a bit insane. hopefully you are in the top 10% of your class so you can get a good job...

i am mostly looking at the tier 2 schools in philly like Temple, Drexel, Villanova... I am also shooting for some scholarships, and living expenses would be very cheap (philly ftw), so under 100k would be very possible.
I'm a 1L at Temple right now, and I think that it's the best investment as far as the 3 schools you listed though. With the partial state funding for Temple, it was a great value relative to comparable schools. I turned down nearly going to Drexel for free - which was tough because I'm sure the school's reputation will build up in time, but it just seemed too soon for me.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:11 PM
Is anybody else involved in the Innocence Project at their schools? I haven't started much yet, but it seems like really cool work. The gist of it is that student volunteers review applications that come from convicted prisoners who insist that they were wrongly convicted and can prove their innocence (either by exploiting a lying incentivized witness, new info or DNA evidence, etc.), and decide which ones have merit.

I just got my first file to review, and without breaking confidentiality, I can tell that these people (or at least the truly innocent ones) are in need of serious help, and are counting on the Innocence Project as their last lifeline.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
I'm a 1L at Temple right now, and I think that it's the best investment as far as the 3 schools you listed though. With the partial state funding for Temple, it was a great value relative to comparable schools. I turned down nearly going to Drexel for free - which was tough because I'm sure the school's reputation will build up in time, but it just seemed too soon for me.
Yea, Temple is definately where I want to land in philly... was just keeping my options open with places like Nova and Drexel. Drexel seems interesting b/c of their focus on job placement after school... but I dont think they have nearly the reputation that Temple has, especially in philly. Also, you can't beat Temple's price.

I might be pm'ing you in the next day or so to ask you a few questions about temple, if you dont mind?
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
did u have leave full scholly at ur old school? or try to parlay ur grades into some $$ at least?
i had a generous scholarship, but not full. and that school doesn't do negotiating for more money in lieu of not transferring... in fact they treat people who want to transfer with a bit of hostility.

Originally Posted by drugsarebad
I'm a 1L at Temple right now, and I think that it's the best investment as far as the 3 schools you listed though. With the partial state funding for Temple, it was a great value relative to comparable schools. I turned down nearly going to Drexel for free - which was tough because I'm sure the school's reputation will build up in time, but it just seemed too soon for me.
i very nearly went to temple 1L year. very nearly. it was a coinflip decision with where i eventually went. a girl i thouactually was the tie breaker (and she dumped me 2 weeks later for someone else), but it was the right decision in hindsight so it's ok. and she really was just a tie breaker... not a major element in the decision. i had in-state tuition + a need based grant, so it was very affordable, but was the same price-ish as the private skewl + scholly i was getting elsewhere.

great skewl if you want to practice in philly!
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:24 PM
Absolutely...I'm still getting adjusted myself, but I'd be happy to take a crack at any questions you have
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
i had a generous scholarship, but not full. and that school doesn't do negotiating for more money in lieu of not transferring... in fact they treat people who want to transfer with a bit of hostility.

i very nearly went to temple 1L year. very nearly. it was a coinflip decision with where i eventually went. a girl i thouactually was the tie breaker (and she dumped me 2 weeks later for someone else), but it was the right decision in hindsight so it's ok. and she really was just a tie breaker... not a major element in the decision. i had in-state tuition + a need based grant, so it was very affordable, but was the same price-ish as the private skewl + scholly i was getting elsewhere.

great skewl if you want to practice in philly!
philly resident? how did you end up being a yankees fan?

Buschpounders: also wanted to add that a good friend of mine graduated from villanova and has mostly bad things to say about it. (and he's in ny biglaw so it's not bc he's jobless and bitter). temple should be the clear cut winner here imo
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Buschpounders: also wanted to add that a good friend of mine graduated from villanova and has mostly bad things to say about it. (and he's in ny biglaw so it's not bc he's jobless and bitter). temple should be the clear cut winner here imo
that is what I have been thinking all along, and my sights are pretty much set on Temple. Especially b/c I want to stay in the philly area post graduation.

I dont have real numbers but I have heard Villanova is one of the worst offenders when it comes to fudging post graduation employment stats (avg earnings, % employed, etc). Though if you are foolish enough to take these numbers seriously from any school, you might have problems...
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:58 PM
I'm doing the Juvenile Defense Clinic at the school, and got a new case today that has an arraignment on Monday morning. This will be my first ever appearance in court as a lawyer (well under Rule XV certification but I'll be running the show). Kind of freaking out, but I guess every trial lawyer in the country had their first day in court as well. Plus it's only an arraignment, and is basically for youthful shenanigans, so not really a big deal. Still, I get to be a lawyer on Monday, and that excites the **** out of me.

Edit: I also agree with Karak. This is 1st semester of 3L, and I am certain I have not done as much work in any semester so far as I'm doing in this one. That sentence should probably end with '1st semester of 1L year' like his statement did, but I was a slacker early on before hitting my stride.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:39 PM
Obviously 99% of law schools are involved in massaging data, but my understanding is that Villanova is like the Chinese Parlor of it.

Also something I found relatively interesting, tons of schools have been cutting their class sizes in order to try and maintain medians ('10-'11 cycle had way fewer applicants than normal, and if June's LSAT numbers are any indication this one should have even less).

Last edited by zzthe3rd; 09-08-2011 at 04:47 PM.
Law School Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:08 PM
lol Villanova just got censured for misreporting LSAT scores.

In other news, I seem to have lost motivation to study for the October LSAT.
Law School Quote
