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05-29-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by SPrice
i think USC is at least a step below UCLA. im pretty sure the clerkship numbers back me up on this point.
I wasn't ranking those 4 schools in any particular order, but I don't think the gap is large enough that you should exclude USC from the list.
Law School Quote
05-29-2010 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
I wonder what would happen if GULC ever dropped out of the T14 or UT/UCLA moved up to tie them.

It's not like UT/UCLA would become national schools overnight. GULC is, and always will be, a national school with national placement. I think, for this reason, US News will never allow their metrics to get to the point where GULC (or Cornell or whoever) will ever drop out of the T14. Yes, I'm saying it's rigged, lol.

edit - i also think GULC would shrink their 1L enrollment size to bump right back up to the T14 if this happened though. if they cut their class size by 25%, they'd prob vault into the T10 must less solidify a position in the T14.
Karak, I worry about you man.
Law School Quote
05-29-2010 , 05:17 AM
Don't. I just read way too much TLS where they discuss this **** 24/7 and break it down from every ****ing angle possible. I can't help but swing into TLS mode when I see it here, lol.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 12:24 AM
Quick question about when I should get my letters of rec: I won't be applying to law school for at least another full year, or even two. Should I notify prospective recommenders? Or should I just wait until I am actually in the process of applying to law school (giving them plenty of notice to write the letter, of course).
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by bruin
Quick question about when I should get my letters of rec: I won't be applying to law school for at least another full year, or even two. Should I notify prospective recommenders? Or should I just wait until I am actually in the process of applying to law school (giving them plenty of notice to write the letter, of course).
You should give them enough time so that they can submit the LOR to LSAC sometime in August. This will allow you to apply as soon as applications are available which is usually in September. By applying early, you will give yourself a better shot at being accepted to your reach schools.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by bruin
Quick question about when I should get my letters of rec: I won't be applying to law school for at least another full year, or even two. Should I notify prospective recommenders? Or should I just wait until I am actually in the process of applying to law school (giving them plenty of notice to write the letter, of course).
Ask them to write the letter as soon as possible so they don't forget you.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 02:57 AM
how long are LORs valid for? I got 2 of em around december 2009, retook lsats (happy with my score now) and then decided to wait till next cycle. Will I need to get new ones? I sure hope not...
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 08:30 AM
I had one that was 5 years old
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 12:58 PM
I don't think that a letter for 2009 will be an issue, but 5 years old seems like a lot. one of my profs told me that when they see the date so far back it raises questions, although this may just be a minor issue.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by bruin
Quick question about when I should get my letters of rec: I won't be applying to law school for at least another full year, or even two. Should I notify prospective recommenders? Or should I just wait until I am actually in the process of applying to law school (giving them plenty of notice to write the letter, of course).
Get it NOW. LSAC stores them for up to 5 years.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:22 PM
My remaining grades came in... all As and A-s except for the one class I actually legit studied for and didn't blow off until 24 hours before the test. In this class I hit supps hard, took practice tests and did a lot of extra work. Studied 10x more for this one than any other class, even though I thought it was easier (simply was the first exam so I studied before I hit burnout and just gave up late in finals week). B- there.

Even with that, I'm still a single digit rank/top 5%.

Gunna shoot some apps at NYU, UVA, Michigan, Penn, Columbia, Berkeley, maybe Northwestern?

Thoughts anyone?
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:31 PM
Isn't there nothing to do but apply and see what happens?
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:32 PM
Wondering if I'm missing any schools I should be shooting for and/or if I'm wasting my money on any of the above (primarily thinking about Columbia and NYU... and then maybe I should also be applying to Chicago? I really don't know)
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Wondering if I'm missing any schools I should be shooting for and/or if I'm wasting my money on any of the above (primarily thinking about Columbia and NYU... and then maybe I should also be applying to Chicago? I really don't know)
You might as well blanket the T14. It's small money compared to possible future +earning potential.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:54 PM
I'm already in at GULC, so I have T14 secured at the moment. I dunno if I'd go to Cornell or Northwestern or Duke over GULC tbh. Are those schools I should be considering over GULC? Is the jump worth it?

Also, I'm not gunna hit HYS with any apps. I don't think I have a shot at any of them. I als think my roommate, who is #1 with a 4.0... just a sick man, is going to go at Harvard, and I doubt they'd take 2 from the same T2.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
I'm already in at GULC, so I have T14 secured at the moment. I dunno if I'd go to Cornell or Northwestern or Duke over GULC tbh. Are those schools I should be considering over GULC? Is the jump worth it?

Also, I'm not gunna hit HYS with any apps. I don't think I have a shot at any of them. I als think my roommate, who is #1 with a 4.0... just a sick man, is going to go at Harvard, and I doubt they'd take 2 from the same T2.
Cornell/NU/Duke >>>> GULC placement wise. You don't want to end up at 60% at GULC then regret missing biglaw for the rest of your life.

That is, of course only if you're aiming for biglaw or a prestigious clerkship.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 04:58 PM
Don't really want a career in BigLaw to be honest. I might start out in it, but I don't see myself working for longer than 3 years tops, if that.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Don't really want a career in BigLaw to be honest. I might start out in it, but I don't see myself working for longer than 3 years tops, if that.
Well if you prefer GULC over those schools then there's no point in applying. Otherwise you might as well spend the $300 because it's really no big deal compared to total costs for law school.

You might even get some $$ from those schools which you can use to bargain with GULC.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
I'm already in at GULC, so I have T14 secured at the moment. I dunno if I'd go to Cornell or Northwestern or Duke over GULC tbh. Are those schools I should be considering over GULC? Is the jump worth it?

Also, I'm not gunna hit HYS with any apps. I don't think I have a shot at any of them. I als think my roommate, who is #1 with a 4.0... just a sick man, is going to go at Harvard, and I doubt they'd take 2 from the same T2.
Is this guy the one that is literally sick?

I think applying for any other T14s is basically for lols (maybe free money or something) given that you wanna do politics etc. Can't beat Georgetown for that.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dave D
Is this guy the one that is literally sick?

I think applying for any other T14s is basically for lols (maybe free money or something) given that you wanna do politics etc. Can't beat Georgetown for that.
Yes GULC has a very good LRAP program, possibly the best in the nation. If you want to go into politics then GULC is probably better than the other lower T14s.
Law School Quote
06-03-2010 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by iDonkYoU
Well if you prefer GULC over those schools then there's no point in applying. Otherwise you might as well spend the $300 because it's really no big deal after your last Sunday.

You might even get some $$ from those schools which you can use to bargain with GULC.
Law School Quote
06-06-2010 , 02:41 PM
One of my classmates has taken to posting her grades on Facebook. She says she gets straight As and I believe her. It pisses a lot of people off that she feels the need to post them on Facebook and during 1L, one of my friends explained to her that somebody dies inside when they read her status b/c the grading curve means that somebody else did equally as bad.

But a few weeks ago she either ignored or chose to forget what my friend said b/c she wrote "Wow...two A's so far this semester...if only I can do that well on my last two finals tomorrow!!! ♥ "

I sent an email to my friends and included her status update in the email and we all laughed and one guy wrote "it'll be tough for her to do as well on those last two finals if she's lying face down in a ditch".

Then a few days ago she wrote "Getting straight A's this semester in law school = very happy & the perfect reason to go out and celebrate tonight! ♥ "

I'm thinking of commenting on her status by writing "I got 3 Cs, a C- and a D. Thanks for making me feel bad."

Your thoughts? TIA.
Law School Quote
06-06-2010 , 04:07 PM
Maybe go with "Well I finished in 126th place in the 2004 WSOP"
Law School Quote
06-06-2010 , 04:21 PM
Yeah but I don't think she'll know what that means.
Law School Quote
06-06-2010 , 04:54 PM
I refuse to ruin a good mood by checking my grades so I am waiting for a losing session at the tables, [un]fortunately I keep winning. I'd love to put that on FB.

But actually when someone wrote "All our grades are up," I replied to her Are you sure about 'up'?
Law School Quote
